What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Nov 10, 2024 at 11:38 AM, finished with 82 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Broad Tech Trade
    -[X] Medical/Agriculture
    --[X] Mind-Machine Interface Re-Examined
    --[X] Abhuman Medical Advances
    --[X] Ogryn Neural Cognition Enhancement Studies
    --[X] Universally Effective Common Cold Vaccine
    --[X] Improved Medical Diagnostics
    --[X] Automechanical Augmentations
    --[X] Nutri-Paste Dispensers
    --[X] Hive Agriculture Expanded
    --[X] Chik-an Domestication
    --[X] Rejuvenat Experimentation
    -[X] Industrial
    --[X] Production Line Rationalization Programs
    --[X] Sophont Workforce Requirement Reduction Considerations
    --[X] Servitor Cognition Auxiliary Enhancement Procedures
    -[X] Ground
    --[X] Advanced Servo-Skull Militarization Initiative
    --[X] Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
    --[X] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
    --[X] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development
    --[X] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development II
    -[X] Psytech
    --[X] Psy-Finders
    --[X] The Starlance
    -[X] Space
    --[X] Lance Scattershot Module
    --[X] Burner Seeker Mines
    --[X] Unstable Ore Deposits Exploitation, Chemical After-Burner Bottling, and Ancient Imperial Missile Studies
    --[X] Third Generation Strike Craft
    --[X] Micro-Warp Jumps
    -[X] Special
    --[X] Armiger Knight Titan STC
    --[X] Karnivore Weapon And Equipment Loadouts
    --[X] Directional Ion Shields
    [X] Plan:Tech trade without points of apocalyspe
    -[X] Medical/Agriculture
    --[X] Rejuvenet Experimentation I
    --[X] Mind-Machine Interface Re-Examined
    --[X] Abhuman Medical Advances
    --[X] Universally Effective Common Cold Vaccine
    --[X] Improved Medical Diagnostics
    --[X] Automechanical Augmentations
    --[X] Nutri-Paste Dispensers
    --[X] Hive Agriculture Expanded
    -[X] Ground
    --[X] Advanced Servo-Skull Militarization Initiative
    --[X] Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
    --[X] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development
    --[X] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development II
    -[X] Psytech
    --[X] Psy-Finders
    -[X] Space
    --[X] Lance Scattershot Module
    --[X] Burner Seeker Mines
    --[X] Third Generation Strike Craft
    -[X] Special
    --[X] Armiger Knight Titan STC
    --[X] Directional Ion Shields
343.M43 - Various Technological Advancements
With a critical eye and a far more critical set of negotiations, primers on the various technological advancements of the Glimmering Federation are prepared and then exchanged, with the Shipwright's Grove and Van Zandt Free Duchy, both of whom have their respective experts go over each promised technology, debates between military leaders, civilian tycoons, industry drivers, and so many more people of import to the running of a nation with a hand in the smooth handover of technical documents to replicate what the Federation offers once a deal is struck peering over and debating about the primers.

Through the debates, several technologies are pushed to the forefront, while others fall to the wayside, with both sides willing to trade for all militarily relevant technologies, though diverging in other matters. The Duchy is especially interested in any healthcare-related technologies, while the Grove has honed in on anything related to automated systems and machinery. With their selections made, both offer their own offerings of the technologies they managed to uncover, recreate, or build from the ground up, in trade with what they desire.

And thus, the Glimmerlings are now the ones debating.

What we will exchange:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[][Van Zandt Free Duchy] (Write-In Trade)
[][Shipwright's Grove] (Write-In Trade)

Your TechnologiesWorth to the Van Zandt Free DuchyWorth to the Shipwright's Grove
Armiger Knight Titan STC + Karnivore Weapon And Equipment Loadouts5.57
Directional Ion Shields12
Unstable Ore Deposits Exploitation, Chemical After-Burner Bottling, and Ancient Imperial Missile Studies1.52
Burner Seeker Mines0.5N/A
Lance Scattershot Module0.50.5
Third Generation Strike Craft1.50.5
The Starlance2N/A
Advanced Servo-Skull Militarization Initiative1.50.5
Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor DevelopmentN/A0.5
Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development10.5
Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development IN/A1
Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development IIN/A1.5
Production Line Rationalization Programs0.52.5
Sophont Workforce Requirement Reduction ConsiderationsN/A3
Servitor Cognition Auxiliary Enhancement Procedures12
Abhuman Medical Advances2N/A
Universally Effective Common Cold Vaccine30.5
Improved Medical Diagnostics41
Automechanical Augmentations1.5N/A
Nutri-Paste Dispensers0.5N/A
Hive Agriculture Expanded0.5N/A
Rejuvenat Experimentation53
Micro-Warp JumpsN/A0.5
Any technologies not shown here were of no interest to either side.

Shipwright's Grove TechnologyVan Zandt Free Duchy Technology
Improved Biological Augmentations - 1Advanced Targeting Subroutines - 0.5
Improved Biological Augmentations II - 2Improved Cogitators - 1
Basic Genetic Manipulation - 4Rapid Cogitators - 1
Rudimentary Genetic Manipulation - 9Machine Spirit Sanctification Rites - 2.5
Bio-Void Suits - 2.5Automata Awareness Enhancements - 1.5
Biological Warfare - 0.5Basic Anti-Warp Corruption Sigils - 3.5
Biological Warfare II - 1Aethyrmetric - Primers - 2
Biological Warfare III - 2.5Aethyrmetric - Basic Lessons - 4
Biological Warfare IV - 6Aethyrmetric - Comprehensive Guide - 8
Advanced Medical Procedures - 2.5Aethyrmetric - Sanctified Cogitation - 14
Primitive Medical Symbiotic Creatures - 4.5Aethyrmetric - Null Thoughts - 30
Genephagic Ortillery - 8Basic Automated Ship Systems - 1
Life-Eater Virus - 25Normalized Automated Ship Systems - 1.5
Bellini Protocol - 5
Dark Forest Protocol - 7.5

Shipwright's Grove Technology Explanation:
-Bio-Void Suits - Biological suits of armor capable of self-repair, medical treatments, and rated against low-power lasgun shots.
-Genephagic Ortillery - Limited reach anti-organic matter ortillery bombardments.

Van Zandt Free Duchy Technologies:
-Aethyrmetric - Reality-Altering Math. ...whut?
-Bellini Protocol - An Aethyrmetric weapon of linear thought. It will obliterate unwound shifting changes, yet it requires much to be used, as no soul remains after use.
-Dark Forest Protocol - An Aethyrmetric shield of linear thought that cannot be overcome. If active, pray that you will not be seen. If seen, pray that you will not be caught. If caught...pray.

AN: You can go into debt to pay for whatever you want. But that will require something in exchange, be it favors, Actions, or something else...
I'm guessing these two chose to specialize rather than get a variety of abilities like we did. Which is why they have several high grade options.
[][Shipwright's Grove] (Write-In Trade)

--We Give: Armiger Knight (7)+Production Line Rationalization (2.5)+Rejuvenat Experimentation (3), Improved Medical Diagnostics (1), Advanced Servo-Skull Militarization Initiative (.5)=14
--Improved Biological Augmentations (1), Improved Biological Augmentations II (2), Basic Genetic manipulation (4), Advanced Medical Procedures (2.5), Primitive Medical Symbiotic Creatures (4.5)=14

A bare minimum trade designed to get us some key things we can build on later, without trading much more than might be respectable.
Oh, exciting! Uh. A lot to think about. I'll probably have something in a few hours. We definitely want some of the duchy math, at the very least so we can know how scared to be.

At least we can send them our medical tech without too many worries.
Great to see this quest finally come back!

We get the genetic manipulation tech.......damn, how much better could we make our Thules given they already put Space Marines to shame?

And that Aethyr stuff is dope, our tech priests will have a field day fucking with those.
I do wonder what the relationship is between aerythmetric, Enuncia, and Necron algorithmic cant/hekatic decrees
A relationship akin to different programming languages. C++ vs Java vs [Insert Third Language].
Are these sequential, as in we need to purchase one before getting the next? Or does Biological Warfare II come with the effects of purchasing the previous level? Or does it work some other way?
You can purchase the highest option and get the lower levels with it.
Oof they are ripping us off. With balance like this I'm half of a mind to deny them everything.
They are giving you [The Good Shit] in exchange for [Moderately Good Stuff]. That numbers imbalance is a result from you not putting out your [Good Shit].
A relationship akin to different programming languages. C++ vs Java vs [Insert Third Language].
You can purchase the highest option and get the lower levels with it.
They are giving you [The Good Shit] in exchange for [Moderately Good Stuff]. That numbers imbalance is a result from you not putting out your [Good Shit].
What else could we have offered them?
Ok, initial analysis of stuff I'm comfortable giving out. Basically everything, except not giving the Duchy third-generation fighters, since they're unlikely to use them much and it would mostly give them better counters to us. Sums at the bottom of the table.
Your TechnologiesWorth to the Van Zandt Free DuchyWorth to the Shipwright's Grove
Armiger Knight Titan STC + Karnivore Weapon And Equipment Loadouts
Directional Ion Shields
Unstable Ore Deposits Exploitation, Chemical After-Burner Bottling, and Ancient Imperial Missile Studies
Burner Seeker Mines
Lance Scattershot Module
Third Generation Strike CraftNOT TRADING
The Starlance
Advanced Servo-Skull Militarization Initiative
Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development I
Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development II
Production Line Rationalization Programs
Sophont Workforce Requirement Reduction Considerations
Servitor Cognition Auxiliary Enhancement Procedures
Abhuman Medical Advances
Universally Effective Common Cold Vaccine
Improved Medical Diagnostics
Automechanical Augmentations
Nutri-Paste Dispensers
Hive Agriculture Expanded
Rejuvenat Experimentation
Micro-Warp Jumps

So, what do I want? Shipwright's grove is easy - most of the stuff they're offering us. Not interested in the genephagic artillery or the life-eater virus, too nurgle-centric. However, I do think that biological warfare research will help us defend against biological warfare too, so that's good.
Shipwright's Grove TechnologyCost
Improved Biological Augmentations II - 2
Rudimentary Genetic Manipulation - 9
Bio-Void Suits - 2.5
Advanced Medical Procedures - 2.5
Primitive Medical Symbiotic Creatures - 4.5
Biological Warfare IV - 6
So we overpay them by 2 - I'm fine with that. That can always be favors or improved relations that'll help in the coming merger or something. Or we could pull out the Servitor Cognition Auxiliary Enhancement Procedures or something, I don't mind too much.

The Duchy is a bit trickier. I really want good Aethyrmetric stuff, it seems like a cool tree. But we just can't afford the highest level unless we get nothing else, and they have a lot of good shit. I'm not sure I want the Bellini protocol, it sounds like a sacrifical weapon like they used to use that would be... bad. But we can afford basically everything, the second-highest level of Aethyrmetric & the Dark Forest protocol - so:

Van Zandt Free Duchy TechnologyCost
Advanced Targeting Subroutines - 0.5
Improved Cogitators - 1
Rapid Cogitators - 1
Machine Spirit Sanctification Rites - 2.5
Basic Anti-Warp Corruption Sigils - 3.5
Aethyrmetric - Sanctified Cogitation - 14
Normalized Automated Ship Systems - 1.5
Dark Forest Protocol - 7.5

So putting that all into a plan:
[] Plan: Considerable Commerce To Counter Chaos
-[] Trade with Shipwright's Grove
--[] Offer: Armiger Knight Titan STC + Karnivore Weapon And Equipment Loadouts, Directional Ion Shields, Unstable Ore Deposits Exploitation, Chemical After-Burner Bottling, and Ancient Imperial Missile Studies, Burner Seeker Mines, Lance Scattershot Module, Third Generation Strike Craft, The Starlance, Advanced Servo-Skull Militarization Initiative, Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development, Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development, Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development I, Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development II, Production Line Rationalization Programs, Sophont Workforce Requirement Reduction Considerations, Servitor Cognition Auxiliary Enhancement Procedures, Abhuman Medical Advances, Universally Effective Common Cold Vaccine, Improved Medical Diagnostics, Automechanical Augmentations, Nutri-Paste Dispensers, Hive Agriculture Expanded, Rejuvenat Experimentation, Micro-Warp Jumps (total value 28.5)
--[] Request: Improved Biological Augmentations II, Rudimentary Genetic Manipulation, Bio-Void Suits, Advanced Medical Procedures, Primitive Medical Symbiotic Creatures, Biological Warfare IV (total value 26.5)
--[] Use leftover value to request closer diplomatic & military ties in preparation for merger, maybe even planning committees from both governments start making plans for unification in the future.
-[] Trade with the Van Zandt Free Duchy
--[] Offer: Armiger Knight Titan STC + Karnivore Weapon And Equipment Loadouts, Directional Ion Shields, Unstable Ore Deposits Exploitation, Chemical After-Burner Bottling, and Ancient Imperial Missile Studies, Burner Seeker Mines, Lance Scattershot Module, Third Generation Strike Craft, The Starlance, Advanced Servo-Skull Militarization Initiative, Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development, Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development, Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development I, Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development II, Production Line Rationalization Programs, Sophont Workforce Requirement Reduction Considerations, Servitor Cognition Auxiliary Enhancement Procedures, Abhuman Medical Advances, Universally Effective Common Cold Vaccine, Improved Medical Diagnostics, Automechanical Augmentations, Nutri-Paste Dispensers, Hive Agriculture Expanded, Rejuvenat Experimentation (total value 31.5)
--[] Request: Advanced Targeting Subroutines, Improved Cogitators, Rapid Cogitators, Machine Spirit Sanctification Rites, Basic Anti-Warp Corruption Sigils, Aethyrmetric - Sanctified Cogitation, Normalized Automated Ship Systems, Dark Forest Protocol (total value 31.5)

Uh yeah. Bookkeeping!
Van Zandt Free Duchy TechnologyCost
Advanced Targeting Subroutines - 0.5
Improved Cogitators - 1
Rapid Cogitators - 1
Machine Spirit Sanctification Rites - 2.5
Basic Anti-Warp Corruption Sigils - 3.5
Aethyrmetric - Sanctified Cogitation - 14
Normalized Automated Ship Systems - 1.5
Dark Forest Protocol - 7.5
Wouldn't the Primers also be very important. Or would Sanctified include the how to guide for Aethymetric more broadly?
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