What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Wouldn't the Primers also be very important. Or would Sanctified include the how to guide for Aethymetric more broadly?
I think this means we get the lower levels:
You can purchase the highest option and get the lower levels with it.

Is this really a good idea? We might fight the Duchy in the future so them having no knights at all would be better, right?
We might, yeah. Hopefully not, but maybe. I still think it's worthwhile because they're fighting chaos and nids right now and need the boost.

But, we aren't giving them the questorius-class knights, so we'd still hold the advantage. And then there's the titans. Proper titans.
I think this means we get the lower levels:
Sure, but what I was asking is if Sanctified Cognition is the next level from Advanced Guides or if it's a use case of the technique, like Dark Forrest. Though looking again I guess it must be. Which makes Null Thoughts look a lot tastier even though it's definitely way too pricey.
Fixed the issue with the Shipwright's Grove Trades. It's all according to the table in my previous post.

[X] Plan: Considerable Commerce To Counter Chaos
-[X] Trade with Shipwright's Grove
--[X] Offer: Armiger Knight Titan STC + Karnivore Weapon And Equipment Loadouts, Directional Ion Shields, Unstable Ore Deposits Exploitation, Chemical After-Burner Bottling, and Ancient Imperial Missile Studies, Lance Scattershot Module, Third Generation Strike Craft, Advanced Servo-Skull Militarization Initiative, Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development, Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development, Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development I, Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development II, Production Line Rationalization Programs, Sophont Workforce Requirement Reduction Considerations, Servitor Cognition Auxiliary Enhancement Procedures, Universally Effective Common Cold Vaccine, Improved Medical Diagnostics, Rejuvenat Experimentation, Micro-Warp Jumps (total value 28.5)
--[X] Request: Improved Biological Augmentations II, Rudimentary Genetic Manipulation, Bio-Void Suits, Advanced Medical Procedures, Primitive Medical Symbiotic Creatures, Biological Warfare IV (total value 26.5)
--[X] Use leftover value to request closer diplomatic & military ties in preparation for merger, maybe even planning committees from both governments start making plans for unification in the future.
-[X] Trade with the Van Zandt Free Duchy
--[X] Offer:
Armiger Knight Titan STC + Karnivore Weapon And Equipment Loadouts, Directional Ion Shields, Unstable Ore Deposits Exploitation, Chemical After-Burner Bottling, and Ancient Imperial Missile Studies, Burner Seeker Mines, Lance Scattershot Module, The Starlance, Advanced Servo-Skull Militarization Initiative, Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development, Production Line Rationalization Programs, Servitor Cognition Auxiliary Enhancement Procedures, Abhuman Medical Advances, Universally Effective Common Cold Vaccine, Improved Medical Diagnostics, Automechanical Augmentations, Nutri-Paste Dispensers, Hive Agriculture Expanded, Rejuvenat Experimentation (total value 31.5)
--[X] Request: Advanced Targeting Subroutines, Improved Cogitators, Rapid Cogitators, Machine Spirit Sanctification Rites, Basic Anti-Warp Corruption Sigils, Aethyrmetric - Sanctified Cogitation, Normalized Automated Ship Systems, Dark Forest Protocol (total value 31.5)

Oh boy here I go planning again.
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Nice to see you updating again Cooky!

I have no strong opinions on what we're giving up -- it looks like we were already somewhat pre-emptive in our planning, since we were only offering what we were mostly comfortable with giving up anyways.

[X] Plan: Considerable Commerce To Counter Chaos

They are giving you [The Good Shit] in exchange for [Moderately Good Stuff]. That numbers imbalance is a result from you not putting out your [Good Shit].
To be frank, I'd be surprised on Van Zandt being willing to bring out their Good Shit (albeit I do believe they're holding back their best cards, which is a matter of course), but uh, I went and refreshed my memory and our relations with them are actually Positive, and Rapidly Increasing thanks to the Ship Sales.

We've got a lot of goodwill with them from that, the Warp Storm warning, and the Placebo + PROMETHEAN GAZE support. Something to keep in mind with the future.

(Shipwright's Grove is like, locked at Oathsworn or something? I forgot.)

A relationship akin to different programming languages. C++ vs Java vs [Insert Third Language].
Pretty interesting, all things considered. Shipwright's Grove is all comprehensible, but Van Zandt's technology tree is frankly fascinating. Still frankly worrisome considering previous Hetalia mentions among others (AI bay bee), but as long as we keep on buffing the Iconoclasts...

But yeah, they're at minimum showing part of their hand -- they had other goodies to share with us (as seen with the DEldar bribes) but this is them presumably showing some of their core techs.

I assume it's also "this is an Anti-Chaos conference too" that's carrying some weight, but goddamn.

The Duchy is a bit trickier. I really want good Aethyrmetric stuff, it seems like a cool tree. But we just can't afford the highest level unless we get nothing else, and they have a lot of good shit. I'm not sure I want the Bellini protocol, it sounds like a sacrifical weapon like they used to use that would be... bad. But we can afford basically everything, the second-highest level of Aethyrmetric & the Dark Forest protocol - so:
I basically agree. I'm honestly pretty ambiguous on the Weapons in general, although maybe things might be insane and they're not restricted to Naval weapons, which...

Uh, damn, okay. Bellini Protocol might be interesting in dealing with Daemonhosts or just on a throughline to dealing with Daemons too, albeit I'm not sure Daemons have a soul to in fact kill, and just more their narratives. I'd like more clarification on Bellini and Dark Forest -- I actually have no idea what Bellini is referencing.

Dark Forest is uh, more ominous considering the name.

But Linear Thought is just frankly fascinating as a phrase. Is it a Psyker discipline or something? Or is it just allowing normal folks to just do math so hard they can alter the universe anyways.

Frankly, I'm interested in how Aethyrmetrics synergize with Sacred Sands and such -- that's also explicitly connecting with geometry and mathematics too.

Van Zandt lootbox is super nice in general though, I'm glad that I managed to pull for Van Zandt diplomacy awhile ago. It's just very good synergy with our Automata, frankly our cogitators being what they are compared to our matsci and other research is pretty embarassing. I'm pretty excited to see what our next Turn might look like.

How in the Star Child's name did the Shipwright's Grove get their hands on that?
It's the canon Virus Bomb iirc, so they probably just needed to find an old exterminatus-grade fleet. And it's been a long, long time, so I figure it's pretty viable with enough dice thrown and how expansionist they are.
Is this really a good idea? We might fight the Duchy in the future so them having no knights at all would be better, right?
I'm honestly not too worried about it. While things have... definitely changed and they've gotten considerably juiced, Knights while very good lean more into our specialty than theirs. They don't have the as-reliable industrial capacity as us, nor as reliable doctrine nor units, since that's the advantage of iconoclast V.

Knight stuff is basically a battle of elites, versus their previous doctrine in Voxx Primus of imperium style chaff with some gigachad units stiffening their spine, and we basically have the advantage in an elite v. elite battle. We've had our knights training for a long long while, built them up, etc. And we also as Neablis noted, still have Questoris knights, much less Titans.

If we have to fight the Duchy, it'll suck ass, but frankly it won't be the centerpiece of pure ass, considering all the insane shit the Duchy has shown its hand on. Them having Knight-grade weapons will help them fight the Nurglites, which is what's important here since those are the ones that tend to have the biggest Daemon units (barring Slaaneshi Titan-grade threats).

Basically everything, except not giving the Duchy third-generation fighters, since they're unlikely to use them much and it would mostly give them better counters to us.
Also as a note, that's pretty interesting logic. I guess that's fair enough -- not enough anti-Chaos benefit, and just better doctrinal answers against us. Fair enough -- I think that the 4th gen are so much more of a paradigm shift and how much we've invested in better fighters that it's basically irrelevant, and it might be worth grabbing it to put them into debt anyways, but I'm too lazy to make a new plan so go wild.

If you do decide to put it in, frankly it might be worth it to risk it for the biscuit and try to either make this tech trade a regular thing, or even have collaborative research teams. I think we're already pretty decently close to the Grove, so exchanging point debt for that would be worth it IMO.

Now I'm really interested in what the Grove and Zandt are going to be buying from each other.
Hmm, @HeroCooky Since we are definitely going to get at least the Basic Anti-Warp Corruption Sigils, Aethyrmetric - Sanctified Cogitation. Could you tell us if that is going to have any impacts/combos with our Sacred Sands? Some kind of way to make the anti-chaos effects also work on machines/AI perhaps?
-Aethyrmetric - Reality-Altering Math. ...whut?
-Bellini Protocol - An Aethyrmetric weapon of linear thought. It will obliterate unwound shifting changes, yet it requires much to be used, as no soul remains after use.
they really did weaponize math, I guess that was one way of doing things considering when we first unlocked Sigils this WAS an option.

"FUCK YOU!" (Slams the phone down and storms off)
Memes, the DNA of the soul. We continue to pass on Purple Eyes and his works even now.

but yah plan seems good and I'm fine with it considering it has what I want with what is available, Dark Forest Protocol is concerning for the type of situation you would be in to use it.
@HeroCooky will we be able to continue the research lines of the tech we don't get the highest level of? For example, will we be able to research Aethyrmetric - Null Thoughts eventually if we buy the level below it?
Hmm, @HeroCooky Since we are definitely going to get at least the Basic Anti-Warp Corruption Sigils, Aethyrmetric - Sanctified Cogitation. Could you tell us if that is going to have any impacts/combos with our Sacred Sands? Some kind of way to make the anti-chaos effects also work on machines/AI perhaps?
It'll take a few centuries for the Sigils to be incorporated, but they will improve the Sacred Sands in a minor degree.

Aethyrmetrics, on the other hand, won't touch the Sands at all. They are an active art of higher esoteric mathematics that require diligent application to the current situation lest they become ineffective. They can't be created and placed.
Just to be sure:
Is the "Aethyrmetric:[...]" stuff a linear tech tree like biowarfare (buy a zech, get all previous in the tree for free)?
It is a linear tree, you are correct.
@HeroCooky will we be able to continue the research lines of the tech we don't get the highest level of? For example, will we be able to research Aethyrmetric - Null Thoughts eventually if we buy the level below it?
Yes, but Aethyrmetric will take a substantial amount of effort to do. Far beyond what time remains In-Quest.
How the hell did the Dutchy manage that then? Like, I understand that it's possible to get that level of stuff. But how did they manage to get the research line unlocked AND manage to research it to that point. They would have had to be doing nothing else due to them not having the All Dev action boost to spend on research like we did.
How the hell did the Dutchy manage that then? Like, I understand that it's possible to get that level of stuff. But how did they manage to get the research line unlocked AND manage to research it to that point. They would have had to be doing nothing else due to them not having the All Dev action boost to spend on research like we did.
You are assuming they don't have their own ways of doing things, boosting their efforts, or accelerating research and development. In addition...you know Symphonies? The Cornerstone of your civilization? [REDACTED] is their Cornerstone.

You side-lined yours for a long time.

The Duchy did not.
.... Right. Gonna go out on a limb here and guess a combination of the Stone Class AI from way back is helping them. That plus a cache of Inquisition psy weapons/research facility. That is the only stuff that I could see as being in the same wheelhouse as our stuff. But who knows.... sigh. More crazy stuff that we have no knowledge on until we abruptly find out despite having a spy agency. HeroCooky, you really do like your surprises don't you. How long ago was the Dutchy's specialty brainstormed, the start of the quest?

Also, can you tell us what actions are needed to add to our spy agency, the ability to passively figure out these sorts of secrets? Not even to steal, just to find out what our neighbors (and other civs) have?
HeroCooky, you really do like your surprises don't you. How long ago was the Dutchy's specialty brainstormed, the start of the quest?

Also, can you tell us what actions are needed to add to our spy agency, the ability to passively figure out these sorts of secrets? Not even to steal, just to find out what our neighbors (and other civs) have?
Guilty as charged. And about the same time as I gave them their [REDACTED]. :grin:

A general mandate to go look at the secret shit of your neighbors. I mean, how else are you going to find out that the Irrita of the Grove are currently growing bio-titans to throw against the Symphosium?
Guilty as charged. And about the same time as I gave them their [REDACTED]. :grin:

A general mandate to go look at the secret shit of your neighbors. I mean, how else are you going to find out that the Irrita of the Grove are currently growing bio-titans to throw against the Symphosium?
Sounds a lot like Pacific Rim, except the Kaijus are Megaflora and the good guys while the Jaegars are Rock'n'Rollers as seen by British Conservatives from the 80's.