What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[] [Heavy Cruiser] Cancer-class Assault Cruiser
-[] Length
- 5.000 Meters
-[] Width - 800 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 4 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Bulwark Hull (-2 DP)
-[] Shields - Three Lattices (-1 DP)
-[] Weapons - Heavy Boarding Hangar/Heavy Prow Ram, (-5 DP)
-[] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Harsh Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene-Lines/Hardened Prow/Prow Spur/Fangs of Dew/Augmetic Security Department/Micro-Warp Jump Engine (-19 DP)

A design intended for a single purpose alone--to find high value targets in space and claim them in the name of the Star Child and the Glimmering Federation. Inspired by the wild success of the Lamenters Bloody Midnight-class Light Cruiser, the Cancer-class is a testbed in regards to the idea of integrating Extreme Close Quarters Combat tactics into the Federation's arsenal. While current limitations in miniaturization and and doctrine have forced the Cancer-class to not have quite as many boarding craft as planners might have preferred, it still holds a staggering 5 squadrons of assault craft in its holds, along with top-class armor and shielding. Its most fearsome capability however--and the one that will forever render it a rare secondary vessel in the Federation's arsenal--is its capacity to conduct micro-warp jumps, allowing a Cancer-class to bypass the scrum of the battle line and deliver its assault forces directly to critical enemy backline forces.

More importantly, as a multi megaton starship with heavy armor plating and a proper design for the matter. It is capable of ramming with sufficient force to even shatter a Battleship's spine, allowing the Cancer-class to threaten even the most terrible monsters of the Void, with an elite augmetic Templar division assigned to each craft to ensure that any such assaults or counter-assaults meet their match.

It's an experimental ram + boarding ship inspired by the Lamenters! It's got the best Prow weapon we have in the Melee category, a Heavy Boarding Hangar, and every ram-boosting equipment piece we have. It tops all this up with a Micro-Warp Jump so it can teleport right into the enemy's defense envelope while already at ramming speed for fun.
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[X] Plan: Expeditionary Forces Online!

I want to go on an expedition but I can't justify it when we have higher priorities so yeah sure here
And yeah, just for a reminder? 4 Gs of acceleration is enough to catch anything big enough to warrant a melee attack, especially combined with Micro-Warp Jumping and Fangs of Dew to just core right through things. A Cancer might very well be able to cripple a Battleship with a single, well-placed Charge. And even after the initial engagement where they'll likely wreak havoc with the enemy's backline, the threat of a Cancer just teleporting in and one-shotting your flagship is going to force our foes to make suboptimal decisions.
Would the Cancer need a troop compartment for additional boarding assault infantry when the ship actually rams?

Edit: Also, it might be that the Cancer would be a pretty good use for boarding enemy stations.
-[] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Harsh Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene-Lines/Hardened Prow/Prow Spur/Fangs of Dew/Augmetic Security Department/Micro-Warp Jump Engine (-19 DP)
uhhh, I think you might be missing Lattice Hulls on here? Since I think that would be really useful for this. And I personally am not all that sold on Micro-Warp Jump, I think we should get Shrine of the Charging Revenant on this since it sounds pretty thematic for this.

Also, @HeroCooky I've looked on our Void Ships tab and I can't seem to find the Shatterprow. Did it get rendered irrelevant by Fangs of Dew or something?
uhhh, I think you might be missing Lattice Hulls on here? Since I think that would be really useful for this. And I personally am not all that sold on Micro-Warp Jump, I think we should get Shrine of the Charging Revenant on this since it sounds pretty thematic for this.

Also, @HeroCooky I've looked on our Void Ships tab and I can't seem to find the Shatterprow. Did it get rendered irrelevant by Fangs of Dew or something?

It's a tight squeeze, and I can't really think of anything we can put in there to make it fit. Micro-Warp Jump is pretty important in letting it bypass the scrum and get back alive though, so I can't really take that out either.
It's a tight squeeze, and I can't really think of anything we can put in there to make it fit. Micro-Warp Jump is pretty important in letting it bypass the scrum and get back alive though, so I can't really take that out either.
We can, always, just go over.

I kinda want to see what the side effects do, tbh.
We can, always, just go over.

It uses psytech, I really am not comfortable with "Going Over" in that context.

The armor issue is at least mitigated by Hardened Prow, and there should only very rarely be a circumstance where the Cancer isn't taking prow damage thanks to its fucking teleportation ability.
[X] Plan: Expeditionary Forces Online!

You know what, screw it. This should enable us to go on some missions and build out a Propa' TITAN. I definitely want to build out one grand cruiser so the follow-ups don't suffer the first-build DP tax. And the Cancer is... cancer. It's basically our version of a Flyssa.

@Alectai We've got one destroyers worth of build-points left. I might design a cheap-ish destroyer troop carrier that we can auto-build to supplement our Taurus numbers.
[X] Plan: Expeditionary Forces Online!

You know what, screw it. This should enable us to go on some missions and build out a Propa' TITAN. I definitely want to build out one grand cruiser so the follow-ups don't suffer the first-build DP tax.

@Alectai We've got one destroyers worth of build-points left. I might design a cheap-ish destroyer troop carrier that we can auto-build to supplement our Taurus numbers.

I'm working on it! Gimmie some time! The Cancer actually took a lot of work to get it to a point where I was mostly happy with it!
I'm on tenterhooks. Hmm. Let me guess, it's going to be called... the Aquila, and is a fast, long-range harassment vessel with a big-ass lance on it?
[] [Destroyer] Serpens-class Stealth Destroyer
-[] Length
- 1.600 Meters
-[] Width - 400 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 9 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thin Double Hull
-[] Shields - One Array
-[] Weapons - 1x Light Contagion Bomb/2x Light Macrocannon Turrets (4 DP)
-[] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Refractive Hull Coating/Veteran Crews/Stealth Engine Dampeners (14 DP)

The Serpent, a stealth destroyer designed as an experiment in the applications of Contagion Bombs in naval warfare. The Serpens is a quiet hunter, difficult to see, difficult to catch, able to blend in easily in the chaos of battle--all while creeping up on their target and unleashing their deadly payload upon them. The Contagion Bombs serve as a source of constant attrition when deployed, while the Serpens can then use its stealth armor and dampened emissions to fade back to safety. The tactics require much out of the crew, but applied correctly, their impact can be decisive even against much more dangerous vessels.

Question @HeroCooky , are contagion bombs considered Missiles or Projectiles? Just so I can decide what the other guns are other than the boosted one.

But yeah, this is basically a stealth debuffer that drops its payload on dangerous ships and thus forces constant attrition on them while they scoot back away to safety.
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1, but with Crusader Doctrines that's still 2 1 DP weapons or a single 2 DP option, I just need to figure what Contagion Bombs qualify as first.

Point is, that it's a way for us to see how the weapons perform at relatively low expense, and if we want to integrate Contagion Bombs into our overall doctrine later.
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would a hanger of 1 rad-bomber squad to kill shields and 2 fighter squads to protect them be okay for 2 dp?
is it safe to assume that contagion bombs use biological acid to deal with armor but have trouble with shields?
Design ships reminds me of something:

>to this days autoloader are not standard


It been several centuries and we still push payloads by hand