What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Well let's just hope that having a troop ship that is not worth shit in combat is worth not having a actual combat frigate when the Orks come en masse in the upcoming turn.
Well let's just hope that having a troop ship that is not worth shit in combat is worth not having a actual combat frigate when the Orks come en masse in the upcoming turn.

I'm going to remember this post and quote it again when the time comes, if my reads turn out to be on the ball.

See you in a few hours Minutes, Sir
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168.M42 - Potential For Treachery
The year 168 of the 42nd Millennium was a year of five surprises and significant events. Although five is an auspicious number, the individual portions of the surprises and events are anything but.

The first event was the launch of the completed Kil'drabi Battlecolony Pact of Our New Path, one much celebrated by both them and their human allies, the large form of the ship scything through the void with its alien grace and bristling weaponry upon its titanic body to the cheers of those able to witness it docking onto Cradle Station. Far more cheers were had when the news broke that the Kil'drabi had decided upon deliberation and the treatment of them within the last century to hold to the agreement made human generations ago; the Kil'drabi Protectorate made permanent and ever-lasting with a signature upon a massive scroll written in triplicate. One copy for the Kil'drabi, one for the Candle Keepers, and one which would be set within a new Monument Station created to hold this document, and all future ones, in perpetuity to stand witness for all generations to come of the history made and pacts forged for the good of all.

The second event occurred when those preparing to force the Kil'drabi into servitude to the Star Child by force if they had refused the honor stowed their weapons and instead began to look at their ship, noting its make and capabilities. Outrage followed. Though nearly eight kilometers long, armed with forty turreted weapons, and able to supply itself in perpetuity if within a system with essential minerals present, the Battlecolony was, in truth, outclassed by the native Light Cruiser Monitor, and would be shattered in a fight against the human-crewed ships with relative ease. Not to mention that its offensive capabilities were formed of railguns. Railguns! Utterly disgusted that such an abomination of wasted time and labor was allowed to happen, outrage soon turned into demands to retrofit the Battlecolony into something worthy of being an auxiliary void ship of the Candle Keepers. Demands that incensed more than one person when they heard of them, as allowing Xenos to travel the void and construct vessels capable of Warp Travel was one thing, but elevating them by giving them hard-won and hard-retained technology when they had not been proven beyond any reasonable doubt to be utterly devoted to the Star Child and their vision? Madness! The debates about such an action soon took a religious bend; each viewpoint was viciously defended or attacked.

Madness did not stop at theological debates but indeed came in the form of the highly contentious Taurus-Class Troopship setting out alongside the SDF and her Aries-Class sisters against an incursion by the Orks. Named after an Ogryn woman who had sheltered and raised untold generations of decanted or birthed children whose Labor Units had failed to meet quota from the reprisals of the Dark Priests, her name-sake ship would soon have to prove its worth in combat, back-line as it was. The Orks had arrived, and they had arrived with nine Destroyer-equivalents, alongside the titanic shapes of two Kroozers bristling with more weaponry than they could have internal magazine space for to feed any continued firing after a minute. With a short speech and the fighters and bombers of the Taurus hitching a ride on friendlies after lining themselves up with the newly constructed Aries detached to flank these beasts, the forces of the Candle Keepers began a fight that was sure to leave horrific wounds upon the defenders if luck and skill would not leave them burning in the void after a defeat that would leave millions to die.

The fourth event happened when the lines of ships were about to clash, the Candle Keepers burning with all their might to ensure that the initial clash of the bait forces would give them open shots at the rears of the Ork ships while the ambushing detachment would rip into their sides. A sequence of events that would never come to pass, as a shimmer whispered behind the Ork fleet, and four titanic beams of iridescent blue lights smashed into the larger Kroozer, gutting the ship utterly as the engines and last third of the ship ceased to exist entirely. A massacre that repeated itself in the time the other Orks took to notice and began turning around, ten more shots smashing into the rear of the other Kroozer and burning through the massive vessel with utter contempt. Not one to waste such a good distraction and the resulting confusion of the Orks after their leading Boss was killed, the Candle Keepers pounced, lances and macro-cannons thundering across the void and pummeling the thoroughly disorganized fleet, return fire ineffective and scattered. Not one shield popped in the battle, though calling it such after a shimmering field dropped to reveal a winged ship would be an insult to the ease by which it killed those ships that weren't already engaged by the Candle Keepers or sought to fire upon its glimmering form reminiscent of a winged beast.

The fifth event, and last surprise, was when the unknown Xenos ship hailed the Candle Keeper fleet after assuming a non-hostile stance, allowing itself to be surrounded by the SDF. Quickly revealed to be a vessel crewed by Eldar, an all-psyker species known to be highly isolationist, hostile to human life, and arrogant beyond belief, the message was one of offered friendship, short-lived though, by a "Farseer Farruin," who wished to provide the services of his Void-Stalker Class Battleship for the next decade for no cost at all, as long as an incursion, and landfall, into Ubraka was attempted.

A highly surprising offer, one swiftly regarded with intense skepticism by Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child, Speaker of the Choirs Bnuy, and outright hateful distrust by Chapter-Master Chyron. Even moreso when the Council was informed by the assigned Kil'drabi liason Dreamer of Bright Paths that Farseer Farruin had contacted them too and offered words of warning against allying with humans and sticking around for longer than they absolutely must.

And yet, neither of the three could deny that the Eldar could be used for the good of humanity and in service to the Star Child instead of fighting them, as these Eldar had the firepower to kill the Candle Keepers here and now, regardless of their wishes, if they intended to do so. Better to weaken a foe than to try and fight them; surely the potential for treachery did not outweigh the possibility that their desire to serve the goals of the Star Child was genuine?

In the end:
[] The Offer Was Accepted

(You will be forced to attack Ubraka next turn, but gain the help of a Void-Stalker Class Battleship.)

[] The Offer Was Denied
(The Eldar leave.)
[X] The Offer Was Accepted

Well let's just hope that having a troop ship that is not worth shit in combat is worth not having a actual combat frigate when the Orks come en masse in the upcoming turn.

What did I fucking tell you guys?

Have some bloody faith in me, I've been head-wargaming in 40K for longer than some forumgoers have alive. I let you guys take the lead when it comes to talk of Religion and whatnot, but this is my passion. Please don't underestimate me in this one field.
The second event occurred when those preparing to force the Kil'drabi into servitude to the Star Child by force if they had refused the honor stowed their weapons and instead began to look at their ship, noting its make and capabilities. Outrage followed. Though nearly eight kilometers long, armed with forty turreted weapons, and able to supply itself in perpetuity if within a system with essential minerals present, the Battlecolony was, in truth, outclassed by the native Light Cruiser Monitor, and would be shattered in a fight against the human-crewed ships with relative ease. Not to mention that its offensive capabilities were formed of railguns. Railguns! Utterly disgusted that such an abomination of wasted time and labor was allowed to happen, outrage soon turned into demands to retrofit the Battlecolony into something worthy of being an auxiliary void ship of the Candle Keepers. Demands that incensed more than one person when they heard of them, as allowing Xenos to travel the void and construct vessels capable of Warp Travel was one thing, but elevating them by giving them hard-won and hard-retained technology when they had not been proven beyond any reasonable doubt to be utterly devoted to the Star Child and their vision? Madness! The debates about such an action soon took a religious bend; each viewpoint was viciously defended or attacked.
god this is so hilarious to me even with how "progressive" the starchild faith is compared to well uh check notes basically everyone else of note(except maybe eldar). We still had people who were about to go attack our longstanding alien friends to force them into submission lol lmao. It then gets even better! We almost have another religious conflict start over how the Battlecolony is quite shit at it defending itself so people want to upgrade it so it can help the starchild forces better and other say we can't give them any HUMAN tech! god gotta love warhammer sometime

Anyway we were already planning to go attack the orks in the next system over so shrug so sure why not have a eldar ship like that would be a big help in that regrad. As for the eldar telling our alien friends to not trust the humans well...valid in every other case they prob be right

[X] The Offer Was Accepted
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Whelp, we were preparing for this, but yeah eldar are gong to shoot themselves in the foot soon enough, it's a damn given with farseers.
Here's the thing, they're offering to make something we had to do anyway viable, at a sharply reduced cost and expense.

I'm okay with both sides walking away having benefitted from such a bargain. It's okay for the Space Elfs to walk away happy as long as we get our clay as part of the deal.

And between their defenses being mauled and having a Void Stalker ready to knock down anything left over, it makes the Void Campaign for Ubraka mostly a formality, and thanks to the Frigate, we can actually press an immediate attack in the desired timeframe. Which might be why they bothered at all--they're on a schedule and we're the best pawn they can use to meet it.

And it's fine to be a Pawn from time to time, especially when you are one, as long as you can make it to the end of the board, all things are possible.
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[X] The Offer Was Accepted

We should raise up some more regiments so we're not sending everything we have on the attack. Got to leave some for defense. A saboteur and Ogryn unit each maybe.
...this is an objectively positive thing that happened for us but it feels...not good to me.

Cause like...everything we previously discussed kinda didn't matter? Cause we got battleship-ex-machina-ed? It didn't really matter what kind of ship we built. I mean, maybe the Eldar wouldn't have shown up if we didn't make a troop carrier but how the fuck is that supposed to be factored into any decision we could have made?

Idk, it just like...feels like I wasted a whole bunch of my time arguing for something I thought was important that turned out not to matter at all. Feels shitty.

Respectfully dude, nothing you were arguing about had any bearing on what happened here. We got fucking Eldar-ex-machina-ed and you're acting like you made some big-brain play and posted a smug anime girl picture in response. You had no idea this was even a possibility (at least I hope you didn't) and if we hadn't been Creed-ed by a battleship our forces would probably have been pretty badly mauled by those Croozers.

Like, I know you aren't responding to me specifically and the guy you quoted was unquestionably being a sore loser and an asshole about it, but the QM is already implying that you were right (or at least it feels like that), do you have to be so graceless about it?
I still called the full attack and the subsequent opening we got out of repulsing it, the Battleship just made it bloodless and cheap, but the broad outline fits my projections, which is why I take credit for calling the timeline and preparing to exploit the opening.

One more brawler frigate would not have significantly altered the outcome of that battle one way or the other, not against two Kroozers.
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Cause like...everything we previously discussed kinda didn't matter? Cause we got battleship-ex-machina-ed?
I can understand the frustrations, but I would like to chime in and say that the Eldar would have shown up regardless of what ship you decided upon. You have been doing the wrong things for too long for them to not take notice, and for a Farseer to not take advantage of.

They want something in Ubraka, and they want to use you to obtain it. The difference lies in what you would have gained from the bargain struck now. Both equal in value to you.
RaptorusMaximus said:
at least I hope you didn't
Alectai didn't. Can confirm.
One more brawler frigate would not have significantly altered the outcome of that battle
But it would have altered the broader strategic considerations and flow of the war against the Orks to come.
[X] The Offer Was Accepted

We were going to do this anyway, might as well.

Also, Star Child is already doing better than the rest of the imperium as the intense religious conflict did not lead to purges and murders.
[X] The Offer Was Denied

This probably won't win but I don't like the eldar never did so I'm not wanting to work with them.