What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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The local gravity orbital resonance will certainly miss a planet the size/weight of a gas giant lol.
That's just a chance to straighten out your solar system a bit, get some order in there, smh.
How many Lagrange points do you really need anyway?

Edit: for real though: what would we even do with just one planet's worth of metals? I very much doubt we could process all of that into useable stuff in the time remaining in this quest, and that doesn't even get into the logistical issue of transporting a planet's worth of metal to where whatever products are made from it are actually needed. Maybe if we wanted to build like Cadia level worth of defences at the border to the duchy? Idk, doesn't seem like the scale we operate at. Classic DAOT extravagance.
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That's just a chance to straighten out your solar system a bit, get some order in there, smh.
How many Lagrange points do you really need anyway?

Edit: for real though: what would we even do with just one planet's worth of metals? I very much doubt we could process all of that into useable stuff in the time remaining in this quest, and that doesn't even get into the logistical issue of transporting a planet's worth of metal to where whatever products are made from it are actually needed. Maybe if we wanted to build like Cadia level worth of defences at the border to the duchy? Idk, doesn't seem like the scale we operate at. Classic DAOT extravagance.
Which is why I'm betting that we can't actually make the damn thing. Unless it uses the DAOT digitizer then it will have to be bigger than a battleship - we're not going to be able to make those. We are probably getting Heavy Industry levels and ship components. If we're really lucky then our already existing research tasks might get significant upgrades as well.
Which is why I'm betting that we can't actually make the damn thing. Unless it uses the DAOT digitizer then it will have to be bigger than a battleship - we're not going to be able to make those. We are probably getting Heavy Industry levels and ship components. If we're really lucky then our already existing research tasks might get significant upgrades as well.
Yeah, it screams white elephant project to me if it was actually built, a solution in search of a problem big enough for it to be useful for.

Actually, if the Kildrabi were still nomadic it could be the centrepiece of a nomad fleet I guess? Nobody said you had to finish processing the planet.
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Yeah, it screams white elephant project to me if it was actually built, a solution in search of a problem big enough for it to be useful for.

Actually, if the Kildrabi were still nomadic it could be the centrepiece of a nomad fleet I guess? Nobody said you had to finish processing the planet.
These ships HAD to have been built with the aid of stellar lifters (at least the first one). There simply isn't enough mass easily available to make something that can eat planets without using a star's energy and mass in the numbers that the Federation likely used. Strip mining planets is just too slow without having this exact sort of ship already existing.
@HeroCooky What about mutants from vox primus I mean would they really join the federation if they have to give up ever Having children? And second could we maybe do an action to give them Better rights and allow them to have children
@HeroCooky What about mutants from vox primus I mean would they really join the federation if they have to give up ever Having children? And second could we maybe do an action to give them Better rights and allow them to have children
No, we would need to fix the whole 'they are mutants' problem first before that. The reason for them not being allowed to have kids is to keep genetic and spiritual damage out of the human population at large. Whether that damage is from the Warp or other mundane sources like failing DAOT genetic modifications or plain old cumulative generational radiological damage. We would probably need much higher levels of Medical and Psykana for that.
No, we would need to fix the whole 'they are mutants' problem first before that. The reason for them not being allowed to have kids is to keep genetic and spiritual damage out of the human population at large. Whether that damage is from the Warp or other mundane sources like failing DAOT genetic modifications or plain old cumulative generational radiological damage. We would probably need much higher levels of Medical and Psykana for that.
I mean why Is that big of a deal for mutants to have children just because they are different than 'normal' people.
Everyone deservese to be treated equally no matter their Race, religieon or culture
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I'm probably wrong, but I think the issue with mutation is that it's mostly caused by Chaos/Warp influence? And as much as the Glimmering Federation tries to do good by everyone with equal rights, it is still a theocracy and absolutely hates anything Chaos by virtue of the people in this thread and common sense.
I mean why Is that big of a deal for mutants to have children just because they are different than 'normal' people.
Everyone deservese to be treated equally no matter their Race, religieon or culture
... Ignoring the IRL considerations entirely for this. ..... This is Warhammer 40,000. The fact that our faction has living standards comparable to IRL present day Earth? Is nothing short of a miracle. Let alone how factually wrong that statement is for this setting. Chaos is a religion with real (in setting) evil gods. Any informed, sane person would want it obliterated. Orks, they exist - enough said. The Imperium of Man - is literally called out as the worst state imaginable to live in that without the various Evil factions they would be considered the villain in every story.

So, IRL you have a point (but lets not bring that up lest we incur the wrath of the mods), but please don't try to apply that to 40k without taking into consideration how horrible the setting is.
I'm probably wrong, but I think the issue with mutation is that it's mostly caused by Chaos/Warp influence? And as much as the Glimmering Federation tries to do good by everyone with equal rights, it is still a theocracy and absolutely hates anything Chaos by virtue of the people in this thread and common sense.
No the mutants re unclean and must purged Is same as kill all the xenos. Its not made out of logic but HATE!!If you look trought the history you Will see many genocides that were done to purify the worlds of unclean(jews,gyps...)
... Ignoring the IRL considerations entirely for this. ..... This is Warhammer 40,000. The fact that our faction has living standards comparable to IRL present day Earth? Is nothing short of a miracle. Let alone how factually wrong that statement is for this setting. Chaos is a religion with real (in setting) evil gods. Any informed, sane person would want it obliterated. Orks, they exist - enough said. The Imperium of Man - is literally called out as the worst state imaginable to live in that without the various Evil factions they would be considered the villain in every story.

So, IRL you have a point (but lets not bring that up lest we incur the wrath of the mods), but please don't try to apply that to 40k without taking into consideration how horrible the setting is.
I Admit you have an point but we must strive to make an Better worlds no matter what.
Fascinating. @HeroCooky if you don't mind, I'd love to know where the loot tables are you were rolling against.

Wait. What the hell are y'all talking about. Can we just be excited about the STC and it's ramifications?

Also chickens.
Issue with mutants if I understand correctly is that they suffer side effects of DAOT ancestors having unique biomods which broke down and are for lack of better word, full of bugs.

Starchild literaly fixed some of the worst ones but many remain, the reason why they are maybe more vonurable to chaos is that Chaos can lie to them about fixing that.
In any case...oh god it's a heresy turn...to be honest I am not the biggest fan of these mini-turns but like this one...is gonna be interesting...mostly because we might be about to make a pantheon
How many Heavy Industry Dev levels do you think we'll get from it? It is a refining tech overall.
I don't know. Genuinely could be one point to the next level or could get us up several levels. The Chik-an is easier to predict and even that's hard to say.
Question is how are we gonna do it. Like, are we gonna go "non-Warp deities are fine as long as they swear allegiance to the Star-Child"?
Allegiance is the end goal I suppose. Other goals could include "Swear enmity against Chaos and a Compact with the Star Child". We just don't know what the hell is going on. This is one of those "StarChild please help us" moments
We, very maybe, could start a Pantheon and incorporate them into our religion, though the Star Child would definitely have to write off on that. If the Federation knows anything, it's strength in numbers and working together for the greater good.

The greater good being, of course, to Fuck Chaos™, and not in the Thule way.