Turn 1
You're more than satisfied with how things have turned out. With the courier's progress above the projections and the deal Thor had made, you were as happy as a Hutt in a mud bath. The new path that Rogue Moon Shipwrights was taking seemed to be one of success. Hopefully, that lucky streak would hold true as time progressed more. And at the moment, it looked like that, at least on the company's side. But sadly, it seemed as if the galaxy just needed to take a piss in your jar full of luck.

"I still don't get it," you admitted as you stared at the holoprojector in your father's quarters. On the projector, a charismatic senator named Sheev Palpatine gave a passion-filled speech to the Senate. It was about a small world in the Chommel Sector, which had suddenly found itself under blockade by the Trade Federation. Using your whisky glass, you pointed towards the projection. "What does the Federation think it will get out of this blockade of some world in the Mid Rim? Besides sending their share value down the gutter? I've never even heard of this Nabiil or whatever it is called."

"Naboo," your father corrected patiently. "And to be honest, Naboo is the perfect place to protest against the new tax regulations. It's a world reliant on the Trade Federation for most of its income and food delivery. Yet, at the same time, the Federation could lose them as trading partners without much difficulty. Sure, it will hurt them in the short run, but they can take that loss. As you just proved, Naboo is unimportant enough that the Core Faction won't do much about it. Oh sure, they'll protest and give all these nice speeches. But in the end, Naboo will find no help from them."

"But what about us Mid Rimmers?"

"What about us? The Mid Rim isn't a united power block like the Core. It never has been, partly by design and partly because we like our independence. Sure, some of our worlds have power, but most of us are seen more like the Core's backyard than anything else. Normally no one bothers with us, and that is just fine. Better than the Outer Rim, at least, where anyone can do as they please for most parts. Especially since Tarkin got slapped during the Stark-Hyperspace-War."

"Okay, I got it. But will it work? I mean, the Senate won't change the new regulations just because one world is blockaded."

Your father shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe, maybe not. Sooner or later, we will see how serious the Trade Federation is. Before you came, there were some calculations made. The food stocks on Naboo will last for a month or so. Then they will need new imports. When it comes to that, the Trade Federation will have to choose. Either they go through with this, and people will starve to death – much to the galaxy's horror, I imagine. Especially as Naboo still has full access to the Holonet. – or they give in and let food transports reach the planet. Making the whole blockade somewhat useless."

"And the Chancellor will let it happen? Let Naboo starve?"

"Oh well, we will see. Valorum has a straight moral compass, but he is also hard-pressed recently. His attempts at reforms have gained him many enemies in the Redoubt. So I think his political self-preservation will kick in. He will try to stay neutral as long as he can but in the end, lean towards the side that wins."

"The Trade Federation?"

"Yes, the Trade Federation. At least, unless some kind of miracle happens. The Core won't lift a finger, no matter what they say. The Mid Rim is too isolationist or scared to do anything. And the Outer Rim is, well, the Outer Rim. If no Hutt dies on Naboo, they won't care, and they are the only force in the Rim who truly counts. Not since the Outland Regions Security Force was obliterated mostly doing the Stark-Hyperspace War."

You leant back and nodded as you listened to your father explain the situation in more detail. But you couldn't follow him entirely as your mind was somewhere else. Even if the situation ended like your father predicted, it would still change how the Mid Rim looked at the galaxy at large. Usually, it was assumed that any danger the Mid Rim faced would be countered by the Core and the stronger PDFs that existed there. But if the Mid Rim couldn't trust in the Core's promise of protection, where would the Mid Rim turn to?

There simply was no one.

For too long the Mid Rim had relied on the Core to defend it against the dangers of the galaxy. If the Mid Rim changed its traditional reliance on the Core as its defender, that could mean only one thing: re-armament. The Defense Forces would buy whatever they could find on the market, leading to a run on anything that looked vaguely like military equipment. Maybe there was a chance that this whole ordeal could turn into a fortune for your family. You just needed to act before others read the situation similarly.

Total Budget: 9

Design Department

[ ][Design][1B] Upkeep
Progress: n.a.
Description: You pay the bills and assign working orders, generally ensuring that the department isn't losing brainpower. If this option is not taken, the cost will grow in the next turn.

[ ][Design][1B] Plans for a Light Freighter
Progress: 0 of 100
Description: Light Freighters come in all shapes and forms. Some fast, others with a great range, and so on. It is time to design your own.

[ ][Design][1B] Plans for a Heavy Freighter
Progress: 0 of 100
Description: Heavy Freighters are the backbone of interstellar trading. They are, in theory, easy to build. You've never built one, just repaired them, so you don't know for sure.

[ ][Design][1B] Plans for a Utility Craft
Progress: 0 of 50
Description: In the orbital industry, not only in shipbuilding, small crafts are used every day. They are called Utility Craft, and there never seems to be enough despite how many models are on the market.

[ ][Design][1B] Plans for a Corvette
Progress: 0 of 150
Description: Corvettes are used by every military in the galaxy to some extent. The market is hard fought over by such names as Kuat Drive Yards and CEC. Entering this arena will be risky, but the profits…

[ ][Design][1B] Plans for a Fighter
Progress: 0 of 100
Description: The new lovechild from the Deep Core to the Mid Rim if it comes to "new" and "hip" military "geniuses." The market hasn't been cornered yet. Maybe you can corner it a bit.

[ ][Design][1B] A Courier
Progress: 129 of 150
Requires: The Parcelmasters' Dream
Description: To build a fast ship will be some hard work, but it can be done. And then the whole sector will see your ships covered in the logo of the FDP. Free advertisement at its finest, especially if your ship can beat the competition.

Research Department

[ ][Research][1B] Upkeep
Progress: n.a.
Description: You pay the bills and assign working orders, generally ensuring that the department isn't losing brainpower. If this option is not taken, the cost will grow in the next turn.

[ ][Research][1B] Class 5 Hyperdrive
Progress: 0 of 500
Description: A Class 5 Hyperdrive is the slowest drive seen on the market, often built-in as an emergency drive should the main one fail. If we want to start building our own hyperdrives, Class 5 is the point.

[ ][Research][1B] Basic Sublight Engines
Progress: 0 of 250
Description: Every starship needs sublight engines for travel outside hyperspace. We should start learning how to build basic ones ourselves before we go for larger and better sublight engines.

[ ][Research][1B] Basic Hull Plating
Progress: 0 of 100
Description: Most people in the galaxy won't give two thoughts about the hull plates that protect them from the void through which they travel. But the truth is, it is hard to come up with the right mixture of metals and other things to make these plates. We should start with something basic.

[ ][Research][1B] Basic Shielding
Progress: 0 of 200
Description: Most weapons used in the galaxy are either blaster or laser-based. Accordingly, any ship manufacturer worth his name will provide basic protection against these. In theory, it shouldn't be too hard to come up with one ourselves.

[ ][Research][1B] Basic Blaster
Progress: 0 of 100
Description: Blasters are the ideal weapon for close combat situations, making them perfect for civilian ships. We should take a look into building our own.

[ ][Research][1B] Basic Laser
Progress: 0 of 200
Description: Most military ships use lasers, thanks to their ability to fight at longer distances. If we wish to push into the military market, we should first develop basic laser weapons.

Production Department

[ ][Production][1B] Upkeep
Progress: n.a.
Description: You pay the bills and assign working orders, generally ensuring that the department isn't losing brainpower. If this option is not taken, the cost will grow in the next turn.

[ ][Production][1B] Ask for Hyperdrives
Progress: 0 of 50
Description: Currently the company hasn't the knowledge or the facilities to produce something like a hyperdrive themselves. That means you need offers from other companies that do build hyperdrives.

[ ][Production][1B] Ask for Sublight Engines
Progress: 0 of 50
Description: Any ship requires some form of sublight engine. It shouldn't be too hard to come up with something of your own, but until that is the case, you will need to buy somewhere else.

[ ][Production][1B] Ask for Plating
Progress: 0 of 25
Description: It shouldn't be too hard to find someone willing to produce hull plates that your ships require.

[ ][Production][1B] Ask for Shielding
Progress: 0 of 150
Description: Some of your designs require shields, not the navigational but actually protective ones. Even civilian variations cost a lot. Hopefully, there are some cheap offers.

[ ][Production][1B] Ask for Weapons
Progress: 0 of 200
Description: Weapons are restricted on most Republican worlds and not easily bought in bulk. Still, there are plenty of companies that offer ship-graded weapons. The absolute nightmare is the bureaucracy behind it.

The [?B] gives you the cost of the option, you can increase the number if you wish that more dice are rolled.

Run any Write-In by me first.

Please Use
[ ] Plan to vote!

There will be a Moratorium! Voting will be opened by me!
[ ][Production][1B] Ask for Hyperdrives
Progress: 0 of 50
Description: Currently the company hasn't the knowledge or the facilities to produce something like a hyperdrive themselves. That means you need offers from other companies that do build hyperdrives.

[ ][Production][1B] Ask for Sublight Engines
Progress: 0 of 50
Description: Any ship requires some form of sublight engine. It shouldn't be too hard to come up with something of your own, but until that is the case, you will need to buy somewhere else.

[ ][Production][1B] Ask for Plating
Progress: 0 of 25
Description: It shouldn't be too hard to find someone willing to produce hull plates that your ships require.
Didn't we finish all these? Is this option to do it again?
We lost 1 budget from last time... so best to get something to sell this turn while progressing elsewhere.

[ ] Plan Courier and Research
-[ ][Design][2B] A Courier (129/150)
-[ ][Design][1B] Upkeep
-[ ][Research][1B] Upkeep
-[ ][Research][2B] Basic Shielding (0/200)
-[ ][Research][2B] Basic Blaster (0/100)
-[ ][Production][1B] Upkeep

2 budget on courier to avoid a low roll not finishing it, and than start research on our items- shielding and blasters (civilian weapons) to prep for the next ship and the other three components we have external sources for right now.
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going for the fighter right after the courier could help us develop a reputation for building small, fast ships. this doesn't really fit what I'd normally go for but it would be a viable path, assuming that reputation and specializations are going to matter at least.
[ ] Plan Courier and Utility
-[ ][Design][2B] A Courier (129/150)
-[ ][Design][1B] Plans for a Utility Craft (0/50)
-[ ][Design][1B] Upkeep
-[ ][Research][1B] Upkeep
-[ ][Research][1B] Basic Shielding (0/200)
-[ ][Research][2B] Basic Blaster (0/100)
-[ ][Production][1B] Upkeep

Having our own Utility Craft will cut down on our own operating expenses, and also provide a trickle of income.

Since Shielding Research would not have completed this turn in any case, we can spare some of it's budget this turn to get that trickle a bit sooner.
On the other hand. even vaguely military ships will become hot items as the mid and outer rim PDFs will be loading to up-arm and grow after the naboo fiasco. Either because Naboo somehow manages to end the blockade without Core help, or Trade federation gets away with it without any Republic response.(2 Jedi would only count so much in perception)
[]Planning for the future
-[X][Design][1B] Upkeep
-[X][Research][1B] Upkeep
-[X][Production][1B] Upkeep
-[X][Design][1B] A Courier
-[X][Design][1B] Plans for a Fighter
-[X][Research][1B] Basic Hull Plating
-[X][Research][1B] Basic Blaster
-[X][Research][1B] Basic Shielding
-[X][Production][1B] Ask for Hyperdrives

Edit: Switched buying shields with researching shields
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Well, if we end up doing a fighter, I've still got my Budget Fighter idea prepped.

Besides, the Naboo Crisis just popped, and will change how people view smallcraft... With my fighter concept having a large after market bay in the nose it could serve as a light bomber as well as other roles.
Maybe making it worth us making our own concussion missile launcher and production line..?
I like finishing Courier so we can see how the production comes together and utility to give us more capability to build or repair.

From there a pivot to fighters would make a lot of sense. I'd think an armed courier and a light interceptor would have a lot in common.
My only issue with doing fighters after this is that military grade shields is farther up the tech tree than just "basic shields".

So we'd have to buy shields instead, which is apparently really expensive.

I'd like to work our way up to fighters by putting out a blockade-running light freighter first with the civilian shields and weapons we're actually capable of researching in the next few turns.

I don't think anybody would be impressed by a fighter with civilian-grade shields, and if we want it to be cheap, we really should make the most expensive parts of it ourselves. So since the requisite research will take a while, we should produce something else in the meantime. Hence the light Freighter.

But that's all considerations for next turn, really.
My only issue with doing fighters after this is that military grade shields is farther up the tech tree than just "basic shields".

So we'd have to buy shields instead, which is apparently really expensive.

I'd like to work our way up to fighters by putting out a blockade-running light freighter first with the civilian shields and weapons we're actually capable of researching in the next few turns.

I don't think anybody would be impressed by a fighter with civilian-grade shields, and if we want it to be cheap, we really should make the most expensive parts of it ourselves. So since the requisite research will take a while, we should produce something else in the meantime. Hence the light Freighter.

But that's all considerations for next turn, really.
The main threat people will be arming against is the trade Federation who dont use sheilds at all on their fighters so even a basic sheild will be an advantage as it gives pilots more room for error.
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The main threat people will be arming against is the trade Federation who dont use sheilds at all on their fighters so even a basic sheild will be an advantage as it gives pilots more room for error.
The trade federation also uses unmanned drones though. Their main thing is unending waves of chaff.

It's better than nothing I guess, but I'm hesitant to deliberately put civilian-grade shields on something meant primarily for combat.

We don't want a reputation for putting out suicide-sleds for cheap. The pilots themselves would boycott us eventually. Nobody likes the Tie-Fighter for this very reason; it took a galactic empire's accumulated bureaucratic evil to make that thing standard issue.

Cheap is good, but people have to entrust their lives to these things. Military grade shields and laser tech is the minimum-standard for any dedicated combat ship imo.

If we really want a nimble 1-man ship with civilian-grade shields and blaster weapons, imo it should have some other role it fills as well as having the ability to moonlight as a fighter.

Like making it also a utility craft. We could market it as suitable for construction projects in "hostile environments".
The trade federation also uses unmanned drones though. Their main thing is unending waves of chaff.

It's better than nothing I guess, but I'm hesitant to deliberately put civilian-grade shields on something meant primarily for combat.

We don't want a reputation for putting out suicide-sleds for cheap. The pilots themselves would boycott us eventually. Nobody likes the Tie-Fighter for this very reason; it took a galactic empire's accumulated bureaucratic evil to make that thing standard issue.

Cheap is good, but people have to entrust their lives to these things. Military grade shields and laser tech is the minimum-standard for any dedicated combat ship imo.

If we really want a nimble 1-man ship with civilian-grade shields and blaster weapons, imo it should have some other role it fills as well as having the ability to moonlight as a fighter.

Like making it also a utility craft. We could market it as suitable for construction projects in "hostile environments".
So we build actual balls?

RB-79K Ball Type K

The RB-79K Ball Type K is a mobile pod featured in the OVA Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team. It is piloted by Shiro Amada. The Ball Type K is one of the earliest types produced, and is superior to later mass production types in all aspects, including armor and propellant capacity. It is a...
So we build actual balls?

RB-79K Ball Type K

The RB-79K Ball Type K is a mobile pod featured in the OVA Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team. It is piloted by Shiro Amada. The Ball Type K is one of the earliest types produced, and is superior to later mass production types in all aspects, including armor and propellant capacity. It is a...
Looks about right to me!

It just seems to work better if the civilian grade tech is paired with a civilian role for the ship to fill.

Just like a freighter armed and armored for blasting it's way through blockades still has cargo space for carrying goods. In peacetime it can still just trade normally.

Half the point of a civilian-grade armament is that it lets you carry on with non-military tasks without the added scrutiny and restrictions that carrying around military-grade gear would bring.

But for that to work for a fighter, it needs to have some ability to carry out normal civilian tasks in the first place. If it has no civilian role, restraining yourself to civilian-grade tech means the only benefit you're getting for a weaker ship is saving money. Making it also a utility craft makes abiding by the restrictions more worth it.

It also means that it still lets us fill the "dedicated fighter" role later once we actually have the researched tech to do it proper justice.
Not sure if corsec or another police group would want a headhunter equivalent but with civilian grade weapons/shields for general patrol and light actions or if they'd be hesitant to go smaller than a blockade runner.
While I think small fighters or another craft might be good for a few designs to expand a bit into other niches and make sure that we don't pigeonhole ourselves, I still think that we should focus on putting ourselves into a position to grab that military logistics ship idea. The clone wars seem to be happening on schedule and the logistical requirements for a galactic war are going to be insane, to the point where chances are they are going to want to buy so many of our ships that we end up having to license them to other yards too and can make money from that as well.
Voting is open
As there haven't been any new plans added, let's start.

These plans have been suggested:

[ ] Plan Courier and Research
-[ ][Design][2B] A Courier (129/150)
-[ ][Design][1B] Upkeep
-[ ][Research][1B] Upkeep
-[ ][Research][2B] Basic Shielding (0/200)
-[ ][Research][2B] Basic Blaster (0/100)
-[ ][Production][1B] Upkeep

[ ] Plan Courier and Utility
-[ ][Design][2B] A Courier (129/150)
-[ ][Design][1B] Plans for a Utility Craft (0/50)
-[ ][Design][1B] Upkeep
-[ ][Research][1B] Upkeep
-[ ][Research][1B] Basic Shielding (0/200)
-[ ][Research][2B] Basic Blaster (0/100)
-[ ][Production][1B] Upkeep

[]Planning for the future
-[X][Design][1B] Upkeep
-[X][Research][1B] Upkeep
-[X][Production][1B] Upkeep
-[X][Design][1B] A Courier
-[X][Design][1B] Plans for a Fighter
-[X][Research][1B] Basic Hull Plating
-[X][Research][1B] Basic Blaster
-[X][Research][1B] Basic Shielding
-[X][Production][1B] Ask for Hyperdrives
[X] Plan Courier and Research
-[X][Design][2B] A Courier (129/150)
-[X][Design][1B] UpkeepD
-[X][Research][1B] UpkeepR
-[X][Research][2B] Basic Shielding (0/200)
-[X][Research][2B] Basic Blaster (0/100)
-[X][Production][1B] UpkeepP

2 dice on courier to avoid a low roll not finishing this turn
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[X] Plan Courier and Research
-[X][Design][2B] A Courier (129/150)
-[X][Design][1B] Upkeep
-[X][Research][1B] Upkeep
-[X][Research][2B] Basic Shielding (0/200)
-[X][Research][2B] Basic Blaster (0/100)
-[X][Production][1B] Upkeep