It looks like the minimum requested cargo space (10 Special Compartments) amounts to two "Cargo Spaces" (each giving +5), for a total of 2 Cost and 2 Compartment.
Aurek Design
Ship Class: Light Freighter / Armored Courier
Compartment: 40 / 50
Speed: 50 / 75 (R5)
Maneuverability: 50 / 25 (R3)
Weapons: 0 / 10
Special Compartment: 10 / 10 (R2 for Armor)
Cost: 30 / 35
Starting from here - where the only thing missing is the Cargo Space - we have the budget for 5 Cargo Spaces, but we could easily provide only 50% more space than requested (only 3 Cargo Spaces) and still be 2 cost under budget with 7 spare compartments.

But those requirements are meant for a mere Courier.
And Couriers are not meant for bulk shipping.

The expectations for a proper freighter are likely to be different, with a whole lot more dedicated cargo space needed.


Name: Katrich Special Mk. I
Manufacturer: Temaris Durasteel Works
Typ: Light Freighter plating
Out of Date: 0 BBY
  • Compartment +5
  • Special Compartment: Armor +5 (R1)
  • Cost +10


Name: JZ-1 Fusial Thrust Engine
Manufacturer: Slayn & Korpil
Typ: Sublight Engine
Out of Date: 20 BBY
  • Compartment +15
  • Speed +20 (R2)
  • Maneuverability +20 (R1)
  • Cost +5
Name: HYd-889
Manufacturer: Slayn & Korpil
Typ: Hyperdrive
Out of Date: 20 BBY
  • Compartment +10
  • Speed +10 (R1)
  • Maneuverability +10 (R1)
  • Cost +10

Cargo Space

Name: Standard Pressured Freight Space
Manufacturer: n/a
Typ: Cargo Space
Out of Date: n/a
  • Compartment +1
  • Special Compartment +5
  • Cost +1
If we grabbed only one engine, one hyperdrive, and one armored plating, the stats on the Aurek would be:

Compartment: 20 / 50
Speed: 30 / 75 (R3)
Maneuverability: 30 / 25 (R2)
Weapons: 0 / 10
Special Compartment: 5 / 10 (R1 for Armor)
Cost: 15 / 35

From there we'd have the budget to add 20 Cargo Spaces to it for a total of +100 Special Compartment, and still with 10 Compartment left over.

That seems much more like what a dedicated freighter would run.

It seems to me that we are best served by making a ship dedicated to only one of these two roles, and not trying to make it serve both.

Also, I'm warming up to the idea of our trademark being putting more armor on things than you'd initially expect.
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It looks like the minimum requested cargo space (10 Special Compartments) amounts to two "Cargo Spaces" (each giving +5), for a total of 2 Cost and 2 Compartment.

Starting from here - where the only thing missing is the Cargo Space - we have the budget for 5 Cargo Spaces, but we could easily provide only 50% more space than requested (only 3 Cargo Spaces) and still be 2 cost under budget with 7 spare compartments.

But those requirements are meant for a mere Courier.
And Couriers are not meant for bulk shipping.

The expectations for a proper freighter are likely to be different, with a whole lot more dedicated cargo space needed.

If we grabbed only one engine, one hyperdrive, and one armored plating, the stats on the Aurek would be:

Compartment: 20 / 50
Speed: 30 / 75 (R3)
Maneuverability: 30 / 25 (R2)
Weapons: 0 / 10
Special Compartment: 5 / 10 (R1 for Armor)
Cost: 15 / 35

From there we'd have the budget to add 20 Cargo Spaces to it for a total of +100 Special Compartment, and still with 10 Compartment left over.

That seems much more like what a dedicated freighter would run.

It seems to me that we are best served by making a ship dedicated to only one of these two roles, and not trying to make it serve both.
Where are you getting 5 cargo Spaces? They cost 5 SC each. Also are you factoring in option A's discounts?

@Jax are Special compartments a hard limit or a soft limit?
1 armor 1 cargo with double engine is 41 compartments 21 cost if we use desgin A.

Yeah, the baseline armor seems to be such that doubling up or adding it on top of special wouldn't really do anything. It doesn't give bonuses or rerolls, presumably all it allows us to do is roll for armor to begin with. Not great.

That seems much more like what a dedicated freighter would run.

It seems to me that we are best served by making a ship dedicated to only one of these two roles, and not trying to make it serve both.

Honestly, mine was very hard-focused on actually fulfilling the 'job' of beating out the competition for the parcel delivery service opening. It's first and foremost a courier ship, usually delivering smaller loads of goods but of a much higher value.

Which, honestly, I think that is where it's best suited anyways. Heavy Freighters will always be better at the mass transit of consumer goods than light freighters, and to even approach the ability to transit a considerable amount of goods you have to sacrifice a lot ship-wise.

It might limit who we sell to a bit, but considering all the different roles an armored courier could fulfill—and how it could apparently be pretty easily retooled for military use—I think we'll have a firm niche of buyers.
Also if we roll high on everything we want high rolls on we could use this for a torpedo bomber post Naboo invasion by swapping the cargo bay for a bomb/torpedo bay.
Where are you getting 5 cargo Spaces? They cost 5 SC each. Also are you factoring in option A's discounts?

@Jax are Special compartments a hard limit or a soft limit?
I thought Special Compartments was a resource we had to ration too at first, but unless I'm really off in the weeds, it's actually a stat we'll be rolling instead, where higher is better.

And for this design the target number to beat is 10.

The two big clues for me was that the armored plating gives us a reroll in the Special Compartment: Armor category (and I don't think we roll for resource categories like Cost or Compartments) and that when evaluating a design that already had +10 Special Compartment, Jax said:
This looks fine to me. Just that you haven't added the Cargo Space, but that is my fault because I forgot to add it to the parts list.
If the design as written wasn't able to add Cargo Space because all the Special Compartment slots were all taken up by Armor, I think that would have been phrased differently.

So, I think the only real cost to a Cargo Space is 1 Cost and 1 Compartment, while the +5 to Special Compartment is the benefit we get from each added Cargo Space.

If I'm way off track and Special Compartments are a resource we're spending, then I also would like to know, @Jax
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Voting is open

Remember only vote for the design. All Planning for the actual ship will only take place after you have chosen to do so in the next turn. As you still can ask Thor to go to different manufacturers to get better parts.

1) If we put two of the JZ-1 engine in our design do the speed R2's stack to give us an R4, slightly stack (~complexity?) for an R3, or not stack at all and we just get the bonus to the single copy's stats (speed is R2 but speed and maneuverability would both have an extra +20)?

2) Is this correct?
R2 = best roll of 2d100
R3 = best roll of 3d100
+20 R2 = add 20 to the best roll from 2d100
1.) They stack in cost but also in any bonus you get. The same is true for the R# Value.
2.) Yes, more or less. I will also take into account what other rolls happened and then describe what happened.
are Special compartments a hard limit or a soft limit?
I'm not sure what you wish to know here? If you are referring to the customer's wishes then he doesn't wish more than 10 points being sunk into Special Compartments. What these are is up to you. If you only buy one Cargo Modul that that is fine, our you can use it. You can even exceed the value of 10 but you better have a good reason why.

If I'm way off track and Special Compartments are a resource we're spending, then I also would like to know, @Jax
You aren't, Compartment and Cost is what it cost to install something. The benefit so to speak is any other stat. In this chase, it cost minimal money to install a Cargo Module, but it takes away space. As a Cargo Modul isn't just empty space. It also includes a crane, maybe a lift, or such things to secure the cargo.

To make it simple:

Compartment = the total space in the hull of a ship to install all parts.
Cost = the cost it takes to produce one ship.
I'm not sure what you wish to know here? If you are referring to the customer's wishes then he doesn't wish more than 10 points being sunk into Special Compartments. What these are is up to you. If you only buy one Cargo Modul that that is fine, our you can use it. You can even exceed the value of 10 but you better have a good reason why
Then it's a soft limit, a hard limit is that we physically can't put more then 10 sc on the ship.

[X] Aurek Design
Those discounts give us so much space/budget to work with.
[x] Aurek Design
[X] Aurek Design

This one, because it's just flat out better considering the options it gives us in comparison to the other design. Now its time for me to rework my bold plan from before to be more realistic given new info, lol.

Okay so, first off, its pretty clear that we probably cant afford to slap two layers of special armor onto our ship like I had originally hoped; we need 5 special compartment space for the Cargo Module. That being said, taking off one layer of special armor doesn't seem to actually impact the endgame of the design too much. It brings our armor down to R1 instead of R2, but that isn't exactly a huge sacrifice (I'd also like to know if the +5 Armor it mentions counts as a bonus as well, but I'm unsure there).

Now, all there's left to do is re-tabulate everything with that new information in mind and see how much space/cost we have left for our blaster!

Aurek Design
Ship Class: Light Freighter / Armored Courier
Compartment: 36 / 50
Speed: 50 / 75 (R5)
Maneuverability: 50 / 25 (R3)
Weapons: 0 / 10
Special Compartment: 10 / 10 (R1 for Armor/Cargo Mod)
Cost: 21 / 35

Okay, wow, that actually leaves a ton of room and cost leftover. Easily enough for our homemade blasters, and likely more leftover still. Enough to consider more parts and still have this ship be considerably cheaper and roomier than imagined by the buyers. We can also easily make a variant that just tears out the cargo space and slaps on another layer of special plating for military use, if necessary.

I wonder if we can find a component by Temaris Durasteel or one of their competitors that serves as a middle ground between the special plating and the normal plating, something that only takes up compartment space so we can slap it onto the courier to make it even tougher. We likely have the room for it.

Cargo Space

Name: Standard Pressured Freight Space
Manufacturer: n/a
Typ: Cargo Space
Out of Date: n/a
  • Compartment +1
  • Special Compartment +5
  • Cost +1
Name: JZ-1 Fusial Thrust Engine
Manufacturer: Slayn & Korpil
Typ: Sublight Engine
Out of Date: 20 BBY
  • Compartment +15
  • Speed +20 (R2)
  • Maneuverability +20 (R1)
  • Cost +5
Name: HYd-889
Manufacturer: Slayn & Korpil
Typ: Hyperdrive
Out of Date: 20 BBY
  • Compartment +10
  • Speed +10 (R1)
  • Maneuverability +10 (R1)
  • Cost +10
Name: Katrich Special Mk. I
Manufacturer: Temaris Durasteel Works
Typ: Light Freighter plating
Out of Date: 0 BBY
  • Compartment +5
  • Special Compartment: Armor +5 (R1)
  • Cost +10
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been trying to get a dice probability calculator to calculate the average of rolling 5d100 and keeping the highest but the internet REALLY doesn't like that
[X] Aurek Design
been trying to get a dice probability calculator to calculate the average of rolling 5d100 and keeping the highest but the internet REALLY doesn't like that
AnyDice gets you 5d50. Odds of (60th%ile)+ over 90%, odds of (88th%ile)+ roughly 50%, with a sharp drop in probability above that marker.

It won't do 5d100 because it takes the server longer than 5 seconds to run, but you can draw rough conclusions between the "at least", "at most" and normal distributions of 5d50 take-only-highest (quadruple advantage?) and 5d25 and extrapolate from there, which should be good enough for things that aren't getting you paid.

Unless it is getting you paid.
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[X] Aurek Design

Aurek Design
Ship Class: Light Freighter / Armored Courier
Compartment: 36 / 50
Speed: 50 / 75 (R5)
Maneuverability: 50 / 25 (R3)
Weapons: 0 / 10
Special Compartment: 10 / 10 (R1 for Armor/Cargo Mod)
Cost: 21 / 35
We should also take into account that we may want to, if we have the time, buy simple weapons or shields to put on the courier as well. Currently it's pretty much just an armored car that's incapable of fighting back and slower than what the customer desires.

Weapons should probably be fine seeing as they have their own slot size, but shields don't so they may cut into our special compartments too. The "Ask for Shielding" option is specifically about non-navigational shields so if those are included by default we may be able to get away with just the special armor. Though that will probably drive up our courier's price over the long term, when you compare the upfront costs of installing a protective shield generator to the long term costs of having to spend to repair the armor every time it absorbs a shot.
We should also take into account that we may want to, if we have the time, buy simple weapons or shields to put on the courier as well. Currently it's pretty much just an armored car that's incapable of fighting back and slower than what the customer desires
That 50 is a bonus to the speed and Maneuverability rolls so for speed its a bo5 1d100+50
We should also take into account that we may want to, if we have the time, buy simple weapons or shields to put on the courier as well. Currently it's pretty much just an armored car that's incapable of fighting back and slower than what the customer desires.

Weapons should probably be fine seeing as they have their own slot size, but shields don't so they may cut into our special compartments too. The "Ask for Shielding" option is specifically about non-navigational shields so if those are included by default we may be able to get away with just the special armor. Though that will probably drive up our courier's price over the long term, when you compare the upfront costs of installing a protective shield generator to the long term costs of having to spend to repair the armor every time it absorbs a shot.

Well, keep in mind, the entire concept behind this ship layout is to not bother with shields because it was mentioned in the last update that we likely wont have the time nor money to figure out both blasters and shields in-house. It was also mentioned that by outsourcing too much, and just buying stuff to slap onto our design, that company secrets have a greater chance of leaking (if I read that right)—in addition to that being really expensive.

Therefore, the plan with this design is to forgo shields altogether and focus all our efforts on making our Blaster module in-house so we can cheaply and easily slap it onto the courier using some of that extra space. For the defensive side of things, we would provide incredibly high speed and maneuverability along with our armor to make our ships harder to hit and harder to put down if hit.

Or at least, in concept.
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