[x] Plan Alex Mercer 2: Electric Boogaloo
Voting is Closed
Voting is closed!

Adhoc vote count started by Jax on May 7, 2022 at 3:17 PM, finished with 39 posts and 19 votes.
Crap so our ship is gonna show up with no sheilds or we are gonna have to deal with larger mark ups instead of having a contract for them.
This is only the prototype stage, calm down. We're (hopefully) smart enough to set aside room for the shield generator.

Yeah, there is so much extra space as it stands right now that we'd be able to pull off several variations of the same design for the actual product line. As the Necromancer mentioned though, right now we're just making a prototype to take part in whatever sort of test the intergalactic postal service has set up.

Welp close vote.

GG @Ehbon, let's go make an armored courier.

Yeah, very close, let's just hope there was actually a point to my caution. Wouldn't be the end of the world because, again, prototype… but it would bite if we had more than enough time to do everything.

Oh, and let's hope that the dice don't absolutely betray us too.
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Yeah, there is so much extra space as it stands right now that we'd be able to pull off several variations of the same design for the actual product line.
We just have to remember that until the galaxy starts heating up shields are going to be in the special slot rather than the weapon slot, so we won't be able to fit any on a ship with the cargo bay unless we want to go over our soft limit there.

This does mean that a militarized variant without the bay could likely carry both the armor and shields though.
We just have to remember that until the galaxy starts heating up shields are going to be in the special slot rather than the weapon slot, so we won't be able to fit any on a ship with the cargo bay unless we want to go over our soft limit there.

This does mean that a militarized variant without the bay could likely carry both the armor and shields though.
Which would work with both torpedo bomber and gunship variants since blaster/lasers and torpedo should be weapon slot.

Scheduled vote count started by Jax on May 5, 2022 at 4:30 AM, finished with 47 posts and 19 votes.
Hey @Ehbon, did you run that option by me? My sleep-deprived brain can't remember it having been run by me.
Lastly, what would asking around for miscellaneous ship parts like… say, an Astromech or maybe refrigerated storage cost?
1 Budget most likely, the broader you look the cheaper it is. If you go for a special request such as Astromech from manufacturer XYZ it will cost more but get better stats.

Sure did, here ya go. Can't believe it's been so many pages since I asked lol.
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Hoping for some specialized sensing or secure communication equipment or maybe a cleaning and repair droid like a mouse droid.
Hoping for some specialized sensing or secure communication equipment or maybe a cleaning and repair droid like a mouse droid.

We'll have to see what we get and probably have to pass on anything that requires special compartment space. Droids probably won't require that because they're so comparatively small, sensors might but also might just require regular compartment space. The best outcome would have to be an Astromech droid, because they specialize in repairing starships but also come with charting/piloting systems.

That said, we don't have the time nor the the budget for searching specifically for that... so we can only hope the dice and fate are kind to us and we pull something interesting.
Okay, let's get them dice rolling!

EDIT: Well, look at that, you lucky dogs!
Jax threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Basic Blaster 1d100 Total: 117
27 27 90 90
Jax threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Ship Accessories 1d100 Total: 97
97 97
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Okay, let's get them dice rolling!

EDIT: Well, look at that, you lucky dogs!

Oh wow, looks like the ever-so-slightly riskier route paid off! Rolled way better than I was expecting on both and I can't wait to see what accessories we found on the market.

Fingers crossed for an astromech, but honestly anything that doesn't take special compartment space will be a win in my books.
Had a bit of time and a few ideas knocking around my head, so I thought I's throw my hat in the ring for the hull artwork. I'm nowhere near as good as Ehbon is at 3D modeling, so I'm stuck with paint for mine, but I'm reasonably proud of it. It actually looks pretty Imperial, since I decided to not spend time on the painting and just leave it factory grey since which ever company orders it will put their own livery on, and individual buyers are going to customize too.

The idea behind the layout I was going for was that the main entrance would be a ramp that swung down from the bottom of the front that opens pretty much directly into the sealed cargo container. The cargo container would run the majority of the length of the ship on the lower deck, with the remainder at the rear being an engineering space, with access to the crew quarters and cockpit on the upper deck. There would probably be an auxiliary hatch on the upper level for emergencies if needed, and the cargo container's position front and center means it should be fairly easy to load and unload while the location also makes sense if we swap it for more weapons or something else in a possible militarized refit. The cargo container taking up the majority of the space in the center means that I had to put the engines on the side, but that worked out perfectly since it looks like we are planning to mount 2 of them, so I just put one in each stubby "wing." Just assume the landing gear pops out of the bottom somewhere.

It might be a bit hard to get a sense of scale with the flat white background, but it is a pretty decent size for a light ship. Without getting too deep into measurements, if you take the fact that the crew is meant to live in flight on just the upper half to mean that the ships is around two stories tall, that puts it at roughly four stories of "wingspan," and a bit more than five stories long tip to tip.
Eyyyo, nice! Kinda looks to me like something that would slot into another larger ship like some kind of escape pod/shuttle/drone but I certainly get space truck vibes from it as well.

Really impressive that you managed that with paint of all things too.
Thanks! It was Paint.net rather than plain MS Paint, so I was easier, but most everything in there was just me putting together different shapes of rectangles and right triangles, then just erasing the sides that I didn't want.

I definitely see the whole subship/shuttle thing too when looking at it. When I was putting the finishing touches on it, the shape kept reminding me of that one detachable small ship from one of the later animated series, and the Diamondback Explorer from Elite, neither of which really look big enough to have a decent cargo capacity.

I was originally going to make the upper level much shorter in comparison to the bottom section so it would stick up less and give the whole ship more of a flattened diamond shape, but I realized that if I wanted to keep the whole crew quarters in the upper level making it smaller wouldn't actually decrease the height overall since it would still need to be one story tall, and and that I was just increasing the scale of the rest of the craft. A three to four story tall ship that's even bigger in the length and width would probably be pushing it a bit far for a "light" vessel with only a single cargo container's worth of internal storage space in our design.
A three to four story tall ship that's even bigger in the length and width would probably be pushing it a bit far for a "light" vessel with only a single cargo container's worth of internal storage space in our design.

I was actually pretty surprised to find the sheer variety between light class vessels in SW. It seems somewhat derivative of freighters in the case of a lot of ships, and all of them are much bigger than expected. Most light freighters are roughly equivalent to a highrise building, not quite a skyscraper but a good 6-10 stories in length and maybe half or a quarter of that in height and width.

I guess that'll be good for when we want to make variants of our ships? Expanding or shrinking things a little, making things more aerodynamic for an atmospheric-capable craft of some sort, rearranging internals… well, suffice to say we have options.

I wonder if we're going to have the opportunity to build off of and improve our designs instead of just building a new one from the ground up?
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Turn 3
[ ][Research][1B] Basic Blaster
Progress: 42 of 100 + 2d100 = 159!
Description: Blasters are the ideal weapon for close combat situations, making them perfect for civilian ships. We should take a look into building our own.

Dhin had a savage smile on her face as she led you to the observation lounge of the firing range. Both had been built in what had once been a cargo bay. Since the work on the blaster had started, Dhin had essentially taken over the cargo bay and rebuilt it. Her reason had been that a future weapon needed to be tested in a controlled space. Something you had agreed with. It was still a bit unsettling to see such a savage and hungry glint in Dhin's eyes as she looked down on the firing range. Normally, Dhin was a reserved woman who didn't display much emotion, almost as if she despised them. But this blaster brought something deep within her to the surface that would have been more likely to be found with Thor.

Especially since the last few tests had ended.

"You see the plate at the end of the range?"

You stepped up until you stood next to the Bothan and peered through the observation window. On one end you could see the frame holding the experimental blaster. Downrange, approximately 500 meters away, you saw another frame holding what looked like a standard plate.

"Yes," you answered with a confirmation.

"Good, now take a look," Dhin said as she polarized the observation window, giving your view of the firing range a slight dark tint. She then typed in some additional commands, and you could hear an alarm blaring down on the range. With the ears of a spacer, you didn't even need to think about what kind of alarm it was: controlled decompression. When the alarm became quieter until there were only flashing lights in the former cargo hold, you saw the doors open to space. Looking towards Dhin, you lifted an eyebrow.

"I want the test to be as realistic as possible. Vacuum will serve to make my point clear, don't worry, you'll understand in a moment. Please continue to observe the range."

With a shrug, you returned your attention to the firing range. With one ear, you listened to Dhin and her team going through the process of preparing the prototype gun to fire. Thankfully, it didn't take them that long to finish their preparations. Most of it had been done before you had arrived, so it was just the last checks before they were ready for someone to push the big, red button.

If there was one.

You grinned slightly at the idea, but somehow, you couldn't shake the feeling that Thor did have it. It would be fitting for the small alien to have a big button he could press as he giggled gleefully and watched his enemies be obliterated. You better make sure that he never came down here, or you would never get him away again from extensive testing of the newest weapon system he had brought. Just as you finished that delightful line of thoughts, the Bothan woman stepped next to you.

"Everything ready?"

"Yes," she said and nodded. Turning around to one of her assistants, she gave him a signal, and he started to count down from twenty. "We will see the firing of the final version of the blaster and its effect on a standard plate."

Just as Dhin ended her explanation for what you were to see, the countdown reached zero. There was a short pause after the assistant reached the final number of the countdown, then the blaster fired. A bright, green light flashed between the frame holding the weapon and the one with the ship plate. Then it was all over. Dhin's team started to call out to each other, comparing readings and checking each other's work. You ignored the noise and watched as Dhin manipulated the window controls. A part of the window became a monitor and zoomed in on the plate. You could see a two-fist-wide and deep hole in the plate that was rapidly cooling.

Turning to her, you lifted a questioning eyebrow and waited for an explanation. As far as you could tell, it wasn't that impressive. Sure, it was good to see that the weapon was working, but not the reason why she had called you down here. That wouldn't be typical for her, so there was something important you had overlooked or not seen yet.

"Prepare the second test, set up another standard plate. But change the setting of the prototype to the experimental level," Dhin ordered her team. Only after she saw that they were quickly following her orders, did the Bothan woman return your look. You could see a glint of mischief in her eyes. Clearly, she was enjoying knowing something you didn't, how typical for her species. "Just a moment, Mr. Carrick. After the second firing, you will understand why I called you here. The first one was more to give you a reference. As I'm sure you noticed, it worked

"All right, Dhin, color me intrigued. I hope this is good."

She gave you an almost feral grin, and you had to suppress a shiver when you saw it. Whatever the researcher wanted to show you, it fell well within the category of things Thor loved.

"Trust me, you will like it," Dhin said, and turned to her team. "Are we ready?"

"Yes, ma'am," one of the faceless assistants answered. He looked young, but that was common for most people in your three departments. Only a handful were of the older sort like Gaarth. "All set and ready."

"Good, commence firing!"

Right after Dhin's command, the firing happened. This time, instead of a bright, green flash, it was a hailstorm of small darts of green. They flashed between the blaster's position and the new hull plate that had been set up as the target. As quickly as it began, it ended, leaving you staring at the plate. Without having to say anything, Dhin zoomed in, enlarging the camera picture with a simple command. The plate was peppered with small craters as a result of the shooting it had gone through. Most of the damage was only on the surface, barely going deep into the plate, but the number of hits in such short order was astonishing.

"Well, that is something," you said to the still grinning Dhin.

"It is, isn't it," Dhin said with pride. "Not much yet, we still need to tweak it, but basically, we stumbled over the basic principles we could use in an autoblaster. And all of that due to a programming flaw in the sequencer for the firing chamber. Currently, it burns out the control unit or breaks the focus lenses used to ignite the blaster gas. But if we can get all of these things under control, we might have a good chance to develop our own autoblaster soon."

Finished: Basic Blaster

Name: Blaster Cannon Mk. 1
Manufacturer: n/a
Typ: Blaster Cannon (Light Freighter)
Out of Date: 30 BBY
  • Compartment +15
  • Weapons +5
  • Cost +20

Gained: [Research]Basic Autoblaster 50 of 200

[ ][Production][1B] Ask for Ship Accessories
Progress: 0 of 50 1d00 = 97!
Description: From Astromech to extremely luxurious crew quarters, a ship is more than just a frame with engines. There are many things that can make life easier for the crew and the ship.

"Astromechs," Gaarth said in one of your meetings suddenly, looking up from his steaming cup of caf. "Astromechs could help with the space problem. I hear they don't just plot courses through hyperspace or assist with it, but that they can also make basic repairs and assist in such matters. They're rather small, so you can easily store them deactivated if you don't need them."

"I agree, they're useful, but why should we offer them directly with the ship? Why not as an add-on?"

Gaarth blinked slowly, in typical Mon Calamari fashion when you asked your question. For a moment, he was quiet and leaned back in his chair. Then he made a long sigh and shook his head slowly. "These tadpoles are getting in my head, all these useless, dumb ideas. I need to fire some of them."

You couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Or maybe you take a day or two off, lay back, and try to relax."

"And leave these idiots without supervision? Knowing them, when I return, they'll have plans drawn out for a battle station the size of a moon, capable of destroying planets."

"But they overlooked that a simple missile could hit the main reactor through a ventilation shaft?"

"Something like that, yes." Gaarth agreed with a small smile. Then he nodded. "Maybe a day off isn't such a bad idea. But they need someone to keep them in line. Otherwise, they might come up with something stupid."

"I could ask my dad to oversee them," you suggested innocently.

"Cruel, but efficient. Might do them some good," the older Mon Cal agreed, and then he pushed the datapad he had brought with him in your direction. Before taking a sip of his caf, he stated: "These are the suggested extras I'd actually think would be a good idea. Just ignore the astromech idea."

"I'll take a look and ask around," you said as you scrolled through it. "Huh, a holographic gaming table?"

"Yes, some of the more basic visuals are quite durable and can serve in a two-fold way. As normal tables and entertainment for the crew."

"And the autochef?"

Gaarth shrugged. "Better than cooking yourself, I think. And much better than simply heating ration packs."

"I see, good work, Gaath. Now take that day off and try to relax a bit."

[ ][Production][2B] Begin the Prototype construction

The time had come to start the construction of the prototype. You gave the order, and Thor got his team working with an almost manic laughter. Under the guidance of the small alien, the construction teams got to work and began to assemble the skeleton frame of the Aurek design. It was awe-inspiring to watch them build the base of the first ship that had ever been completely designed on your family's yard. Somehow, you couldn't shake the feeling that this was the first step into the future.

Next came the installation of the reactor, and at the back, the first batch of JZ-1 Fusion Thrusters was installed. It was quite comical to see the bare skeleton of a ship with nothing but its reactor and sublight engines. But that would change when the plating was installed. For now, you were simply glad that Thor had made such a good deal with Slayn & Korpil. The combination of the JZ-1 with the HYd-889 hyperdrive meant that the ship would need only one supplier for parts. It would also make both drive units work much better together as they had been designed by the same company.

But now came the question of which plating to install. Two options were at hand. First, there was the Katrich Standard Mk. I plating, a civilian hull that would protect the ship from most dangers in space and atmosphere alike. Nothing to get excited about, but also nothing out of the ordinary.

The second option was the Katrich Special Mk. I plating. Originally developed by Katrich Metal Works for your family's company in the past. Back then, a mad but rich scientist had the idea that you could travel back in time if you flew close enough to a sun. To prove his point, he had your shipyard build a ship according to his plans. These plans called for a special hull plating more resistant to heat and other dangers than the normal civilian hull. The contract and patent were still around, even though the scientist had vanished after paying for his ship. Even if not used in a mad science project, the Katrich Special Mk. I would give the ship better protection thanks to the additional armor it contained. But it would also cost more.

What plating shall be installed?

[ ][Plating] Katrich Standard Mk. I (Cost +5)
[ ][Plating] Katrich Special Mk. I (Compartment +5; Special Compartment: Armor +5 (R1); Cost +10)

Next came the decision of how much space to allocate for the cargo compartment. There were two main options: either go all-in and convert most of the interior into a sprawling cargo bay, or strike a balance and leave room for more living space, amenities, and other features that would enhance the crew's comfort and enjoyment aboard the ship.

[ ][Cargo] 1 time Standard Pressured Freight Space (Compartment +1: Special Compartment +5; Cost +1)
[ ][Cargo] 2 times Standard Pressured Freight Space (Compartment +2: Special Compartment +10; Cost +2)

Now came the question of the Aurek Design's armament. Dhin had just finished and successfully tested the Blaster Cannon Mk. 1. Even though we didn't have a production facility for it yet, that could change quickly in the future. We could incorporate the cannon into the Aurek Design from the start. If we did that, the next question would be whether to mount the cannon on a turret or keep it fixed. Of course, we could also leave the cannon out of the design altogether.

[ ][Blaster] Put it into a turret. (Compartment +15; Weapons +10; Cost +30)
[ ][Blaster] Fixed placement. (Compartment +15; Weapons +5; Cost +20)
[ ][Blaster] No weapon.

With all the major decisions made, the question of what to provide for the crew to enhance their experience on the ship arose. The biggest question was whether to include an astromech droid in the Aurek Design. These useful little droids could serve as co-pilots and emergency mechanics. While a true repair droid would be more versatile, it would also be significantly more expensive. The decision was whether to include the astromech droid as a standard feature or offer it as an upgrade. Including it would slightly increase the price of the ship, while offering it as an upgrade would mean purchasing only as many as marketing predicted would be purchased as extras. This would keep the base price of the Aurek Design lower while still allowing the company to cater to the upgrade market. Marketing had left the decision to you, and you needed to give it some thought.

To make longer voyages more bearable, you could offer some luxury amenities for the crew. For instance, an autochef could be included, a droid installed in the galley to prepare meals for the crew. From what you've heard, these droids can even work wonders with long-transit ration powders — even if it's only marginally better than the soup most people make out of it.

A holotable could also be installed in the small communal area of the ship. This dual-use device can serve as a regular table as well as entertainment, providing the possibility to engage in holographic games and watch holographic films.

What Ship Accessories should be included?

[ ][Ship Acc] Astromech will be included from the start. (Cost +10; R1 all categories)
[ ][Ship Acc] Astromech will be offered as an extra. (Cost: +5; R1 all categories)
[ ][Shio Acc] Astromech not included in any way..
[ ][Ship Acc] Autochef will be included in the gally. (Cost: +5; Special Compartment: +5)
[ ][Ship Acc] Holotable will be installed, allowing the crew to relax. (Cost: +5; Special Compartment: +5)

Aurek Design
Ship Class: Light Freighter / Courier
Compartment: 15 / 50
  • JZ-1 Fusial Thrust Engine +15
  • HYd-889 +10
Speed: 30 / 75 (R3)
  • JZ-1 Fusial Thrust Engine +20 (R2)
  • HYd-889 Speed +10 (R1)
Maneuverability: 30 / 25 (R2)
  • JZ-1 Fusial Thrust Engine +20 (R1)
  • HYd-889 +10 (R1)
Weapons: 0 / 10
Special Compartment: 0 / 10
Cost: 05 / 35
  • JZ-1 Fusial Thrust Engine +5
  • HYd-889 +10

Please use the Plan Format. Also, don't hesitate to put them down for discussion.

48-hour moratorium because of the long hiatus. I might shorten it if I get the feeling it needs to.

If you have questions, then ask them.

... and yes, it's back.
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