I too think it's hilarious that ol' Saint Nick is a born-and-bred super assassin, but I think Yamanaka Santa is the actual name of a canon Yamanaka. Also, you guys are missing the fact that our Santa somehow knows if you've been good or bad. Sounds like a global mind-reader who can tap into the zeitgeist.
Lol his sensei is Santa
Que the jokes...
It's huh, well if you're american, welcome to the night crew.
I am now a line cook, and work till midnight. Expect this to happen often.
Now i don't know what the timeline is anymore.
Santa is 22, and fairly fresh for a jonin, but his generation has gotten rushed through a bit, partly as a way of coping with the kyuubi's attack.

On his team, I'm going into detail on that in the next chapter. Stay tuned!
So we have a sensor/ telepathic body switcher as a teacher. The sensing technique might be useful though. And his lack of major characterization gives free reign in developing his abilities and personality.
Might actually be a search and rescue team...
If the sensei pushes one of them (or maybe the androgynous girl already knows) towards learning medical jutsu, it's all but confirmed.
Santa is a sensor so he knows where the bad kids are
The rest are good for restriction and distraction, basically just buying time for a rescue and escape...
Expect next chapter probably tomorrow night, or sooner if I can't sleep tonight.
Team Distraction?

What if the twist was these other weird characters were also the author's self inserts, but they just happened to self-insert into a different person?
Well you're certainly full of Christmas cheer.
Picture this:
Your entire family is trapped in a frozen wasteland where almost nothing can survive.
You work all but 1 day out of the year
Only your employer has a way off your prison rock
None of you get paid
Your boss is the one who gets most of the credit and recognition even though you do most of the work
You never hear of elves getting gifts
How many shipments of food do you hear of going to the North Pole?

Ho ho fucking ho.
Picture this:
Your entire family is trapped in a frozen wasteland where almost nothing can survive.
You work all but 1 day out of the year
Only your employer has a way off your prison rock
None of you get paid
Your boss is the one who gets most of the credit and recognition even though you do most of the work
You never hear of elves getting gifts
How many shipments of food do you hear of going to the North Pole?

Ho ho fucking ho.
I didn't say you were wrong.

I just said you're no fun.
Given that elves are fey, Santa's lucky he hasn't ever forgotten to feed them. If he ever does his workshop will be in pieces.
High Priestess- 2
Took longer than I planned for this. And no, I wasn't planning to write most of this, especially Kazuki. The Guy just showed up and I had to shift to cover for it.

As the last team (the remaining three civilians) got assigned to team 18, I was lost in thought. Mostly I was considering my team. I noticed that Yumi has a similar look, while Kohaku was inscrutable as ever, though looking towards me and Yumi.


First? Take a step back, look at this from an outside perspective.

Kohaku has to be some form of nobility, just going by bearing, style, and mannerisms. How does that factor into this? Well, there's potential for Information, maybe even Infiltration? Being a noble and knowing the in's and outs of upper-class society means that she's rather uniquely suited for a variety of diplomatic and infiltration missions. Add in the fact that she's a fairly skilled user of Fire jutsu, and moderately skilled at stealth, and that makes sense for an infiltration team. Or a Diplomatic role, of some variety.

As for the other team member, Yumi is a skilled containment expert. It's expected, of course, her whole clan is renown for their shadow techniques, particularly the ability to take control of another's body. She ahs potentially one of the highest intellects in class, an affinity for stealth and concealment that put her ranking at second in class. In fact, her skill was just above mine in concealment and only barely under Aburame Inago's in the rankings, (though I was best at urban infiltration... not important. Moving on). Add on top of that her clan's renown genius intellect, her own drive to succeed, A startling ability to direct and manipulate gossip without seeming too, and the fact she is really good at hiding her thoughts, and she's a fairly solid base for a future and leader or high-level infiltrator and Intelligence operative.

Her and Kohaku together definitely makes sense in that light.

And there's me. A bit of a wild card, good at misdirection, tools, stealth, and sleight of hand. I'm fairly sociable, and polite, I have a fairly high level of combat capability for my age (especially as a civilian), and plenty of skill with thrown weapons and ninja tools. On top of that, I'm fairly well versed in merchant style politics and diplomacy. Part of that come from covering for dad on the stall some afternoons, and part of it comes from living in the middle of the southern market. The sheer number of people and sales and trade that happen literally on my doorstep has given me a very good foundation for dealing with money and people. its when it comes to social situations where I get hesitant. When I'm talking and theres no real end goal, I start to wander and falter.

That means this is shaping up to be a fairly high profile team.

And our Sensei is a Yamanaka… That means body mind jutsu, mindscape information jutsu, and maybe a sensor? I don't remember how much of the clan has the ability of a sensor, but I remember that they had at least some, Ino is an example of that. There's also the fact that he's likely affiliated with the T&I department, at least by association.

The rest of the morning was a basic review of general shinobi protocol. who to go to for certain information, places to check in or visit during an emergency, basic regulations that apply to us, and so on and so forth. most of it was stuff we all should have picked up as we got affairs in order, but some of it was new to me. like the fact that Shinobi were expected to schedule at least one month worth of off time over the course of a year for health and mental stability. There were exceptions made for long-term operations and times of emergency. For Genin, this usually was covered by having the Jonin-sensei give one day of the week as a 'Free Day'.

As Mono-Sensei finished up and dismissed us for two hours to get acquainted with our teams, I looked at my two new teammates with a question of my face.

Both girls looked at each other, and in a flurry of body language hashed it out. I barely caught it, but it went something like.

'Should we follow his lead'

'Why not?'


'He can pay for lunch'


Or at least, that's what I caught of the conversation.

Girls are scary. My past life knew this well, and I respect his knowledge on this. I'm not the one who grew up in a neighborhood where I was outnumbered 7 to 1 by the girls my age. Damn… poor past me. He only had one bro. Anyway. The girls both looked back and nodded, and we all got up, the rest of the class chattering loudly as teams got together and started chatting. I could also hear the loud chatter of the other classes in the hallway. And made a decision, motioning with my head to follow, I chose a different route.

I made my way across the room to the window and turned around to the others before waving for the two girls, who were still trailing after me to follow. I leaned back, before falling out of the open second story window, twisting back and around to land on my feet, and rolling to break my fall, the two girls both leaped out a moment later, Yumi vaulting the window sill and landing with a crouch and Kohaku leaping almost gracefully to land with only a slight twist to lessen the impact.

"So, can we talk now?" Yumi deadpanned, making me shuffle a bit and rub the back of my neck.

"Sorry, but it was going to get loud, and that makes me… not quite nervous but let's say uneasily." I grumbled hands flashing as a deck of cards slid into place, and started flipping slowly. I glanced from Yumi to Kohaku. "You have a preference for lunch? cause I have a place in mind..."

"Can we get Tempura?" Kohaku spoke up, head tilted as she looked at me and Yumi.

"Tempura sounds fine," she said, shrugging and sliding her hands in her pocket, the classic Nara laziness presenting itself. I did see her eyes were still sharp and focused, however, making me think that for the most part, the lazy look was just an acquired trait. Interesting.

"Alright, that works. our closest option is Fubuki's, but could we hit Kazuki's Street stall instead? it's only a bit further away."

"Kazuki's?" came the double reply from both of them.

"Wait, you've never been to Kazuki's? Well, I think I know where we should head. Kazuki isn't quite as great as Fubuki's grill, but he makes up for it with the atmosphere in my opinion." I started, as we start walking, cards bridging my hands before I started cycling them, forming a sort of figure eight pattern of cards flicking back and forth.

I focused on relaxing, my nerves were still trying to murder my stomach, and that was bad. I let myself bleed into my hands, meditative focus kicking in as I began to divide myself, only a small part of me focused on the conversation at hand, while the rest devoted myself to the motion of the cards.

For a moment, I slipped into a moment of meditation and there was nothing but a faint awareness of the world next to me, focused on the cards in my hand.

Yumi and Kohaku were making small talk, something about Kegawa looking at Tsuru like he was a piece of meat. I know I heard the word Tsundere in there somewhere.

I shuffled faster, and with a blur of motion, two cards from the deck got flicked out, moving in high slow arcs over and back from around my head. They came right back with gravity and landed on the rest of the cards, two queens. Clubs and Spades. Huh.

And like that, the world came rushing back, and I realized we were almost at Kazuki's.

It was the work of but a moment to lead the girls down the fairly clean side street to the stall, where it was in a half sized back lot. "Yo, Kazuki-San! You here?" I called out, the stall was empty at the moment, as we had beat the usual lunch rush by... three hours?

"Cards? That you?" came the reply, before an older man with salt and pepper hair and circular glasses leaned up over the counter. He was thin and smiled upon seeing you and your companions. "Cards! You come bringing guests that aren't that Asako brat! What's the occasion!"

"Oh you know, you go to school, you graduate, you get a Team, You decide to introduce them to the most deceptively knowledgeable old coot. You know, the usual." Both my teammates glanced at me and then Kazuki. Yumi narrowed her eyes, mouth quirked as she put it together. Kohaku was only a second behind, eyes widening slightly in surprise as she realized something.

Kazuki responded by leaning forwards and grinning. "What do you need, Cardsmith?"

Ah, the wonders of being a merchant's son.

Interesting Connections.

"Tell me while you cook Kazuki," I said, pulling out a deck with a crudely drawn bag on the back, with the ryo symbol prominent. "What is the draw for info on the jonin Yamanaka Santa."

"Hmm… Red seven should cover it." he murmured, and I almost winced. That boiled down to two weeks labor for Kazuki to get the card back or the ryo of a week of shop work and a few days of selling my creations at the stalls from the card. Not particularly… cheap.

I nodded regardless and pulled out a seven of hearts, across the face of the card was a simple sealing array. Single use, and only just big enough that it covered practically the entire card. Funnily enough, almost two years of reading about simple sealing scroll have given me a level of efficiency when it came to storage seals. I also drew out a two of clubs, and tapped it saying "for lunch" Kazuki nodded.

Kazuki grinned, his hand swept over the cards, and they seemed to disappear. He looked at my teammates, both of whom were both looking curious at our transaction. Kazuki took our orders (plain tempura pork and vegetables for Kohaku, teriyaki glazed beef for Yumi, and a sweet teriyaki bowl with pork gyoza and tempura vegetable for me.) before he started talking.

"I'm guessing Cards didn't tell you anything, based on how you're acting, so let me introduce myself," Kazuki said, even as his hands got to work. "The names Kurama Kazuki, retired Shinobi. I run a tempura stall, listen to gossip, and keep my customers satisfied." he looked at the girls, both of whom were mighty interested.

"Cards here is also one of my favored customers, and you might be as well. I offer an information service for young Shinobi. Nothing classified, nothing crazy, but if you have a mission with a new teammate, or are looking for advice on who to choose for a mission from the independent genin and chunin, I can help you out. Cards here has been here for a year almost, starting when he came with a girl he knows, Asako. She's a bit too inquisitive for my tastes, and she doesn't like my air of disrepute," He said, gesturing at the shadowy back alley the stall was in, "But Cards is smart. It helps I know his family, including his grandfather. And I've known Cards on and off since he was a tiny little kid."

"You know my gramps and you still won't tell me about is reputation," I muttered, as Kazuki grinned at me.

"Ah, but your grandfather called in a token to seal that story from you. Sorry," he said.

He started dishing up the orders, placing them in travel boxes.

"Now, Onto the deal. Yamanaka Santa is obviously a member of the Yamanaka Clan and is very skilled with the clan techniques. He's okay at Kenjutsu, enough to be considered Anbu proficient, but not much more, and prefers Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu in combat. He is also a skilled sensor. He's 22, turned jonin three years ago, and while not a rising star, is considerably accomplished. He specializes in poison, infiltration, information gathering, and undercover protection detail." he slid our orders out and kept talking, and I immediately starting eating, minding my manners as he spoke. Following my lead, the girls did as well.

"He is your jonin sensei, and as such will likely be focusing on the basics first, as this is his first time with a team. If you ask politely, I expect he'll help you develop some basic sensory skills and stealth. That's All I got for now."

I paused in my consumption of pork Gyoza (tasty tasty pork gyoza…. hmmm) and nodded. "Thanks, Kazuki." Oh, yeah. I pulled out a notebook, scribbled down the team compilation, and handed it off. "Genin teams, Class 1." he took it, read it, nodded, and then slid the 2 of clubs back across the counter.

"Thanks, Kid, now finish up and get out. Don't want you around for the next deal." I nodded and stood, a box of food coming with me as I waited for the girls to get ready to go.

"Thank you very much, Kazuki-Senpai" Kohaku murmured, bowing her head formally.

Yumi followed suit, but much more relaxed. "Yeah, thank you Kaz-san, It's been... Enlightening." The glance and raised eyebrows at me were enough to make me nervously rub my neck. the fact that Kohaku had this slight smile that seemed to positively radiate annoyance only made this worse.

The old man chuckled and waved us off.

Now, why did I get the feeling from the looks I was getting from my team that I was going to be interrogated.

Or maybe tortured.
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Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. Nice. Clearly he's been busy building a reputation if people are willing to take his cards as payment. True, Kazuki knows him and his family, but I figure it'd take a wider reputation than just that to be willing to be willing to take that instead of countable cash.
Nice chapter there. I like the OC, he's a continuing bit actor?

Although, I'm going to guess that the next customer is either his granddad, or his new Sensei.
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Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. Nice. Clearly he's been busy building a reputation if people are willing to take his cards as payment. True, Kazuki knows him and his family, but I figure it'd take a wider reputation than just that to be willing to be willing to take that instead of countable cash.
Not quite. I did mention there was a storage seal on that card, Right? He may know Suzuki, but kazuki knows him as well. You Don't cheat your informants.
Nice chapter there. I like the OC, he's a continuing bit actor?

Although, I'm going to guess that the next customer is either his granddad, or his new Sensei.
I can't tell which is your talking about, there's kazuki and there's Tori. And no, they have other, more official, sources.