I like how your not hitting the OP buttons, rasengan etc. And keeping the MC as just very talented shinobi with a mostly civilian heritage. Makes it more believable and rewarding as he progresses.

What I would like to see is the MC taking inspiration from those techniques and adapting it to fit his already established style.

Much like naruto and sasuke did when they saw Lee's primary lotus (the naruto risdan and lion combo respectfully).

Along with references to modern illusionist, scattered references and inspiration from real life and other cartoons.

Edit:also why aren't we seeing techniques augmented with a good working knowledge of science? Science trickery let's people do amazing things useong basic principles.
Glad you enjoy it so far! and on the topic of SCIENCE... He is sort of using it. But personally, I'm not an engineer. I work best on conceptual concepts and theories then I do with the mathematical and formulaic information. that means I remember bits and pieces, like for instance the basics of railguns, broad thermodynamic properties, and quite a lot of construction and metal craft (several years of mechanic and robotics classes in highschool). Later on, he might bust out some more... esoteric science magic. but for now, there's nothing that he can do but learn that would help him faster and better then the local skills. chakra, and combat and stealth, so forth.

and as for learning off other techniques, has done it somewhat. he knows what sort of things are possible, and now he has goals to work towards.
Yeah, like creating FOOF. That sort of shit does not fly with me.
Dioxygen Difluoride or O2F2 know as Satans Kimchi sets everything on fire and I mean Everything

I have to ask, is there actually a fic you read where the MC did this? Cause if so, some perverse part of me kinda wants to read it.
Only way I can think of that a SI would want to do that would be as a chemical timebomb. Set the apparatus up to make a decent batch of the stuff in the middle of where the other guys are going to make their camp, run very far away, and watch the fireworks from a good mile or so upwind when they try to dismantle the thing. Or when it just finishes up and decides that daytime temperatures are plenty warm enough for a little explosive fun, should they not notice it.

Cruel and unusual, yes, but probably quite effective.
A Soul of Fire, by SatireSwift on fanfiction.net. He uses it because it makes human bodies combust at room temperature.

Then I looked it up, and I realized just how little he knew about it, because FOOF is not the sort of thing you conjure anywhere close to anywhere which might reasonably be inhabited, let alone a freaking sewer!
FOOF would be a great thing to have if you were the villain and immune to it. Other than that nope.
All good points and comments. And Shusho is unwilling.uncaring about things like that. he ahs enough on his plate to do without adding mad science chem to the list. And even f he wanted too, the SI just doesn't know enough about chemistry to try and make Foof, and that added to the fact that he doesn't know of FOOF. I didn;t know about Foof going in to this conversation.
Chakra based explosive tags are a better choice. Although seals could be used to store volatile chemicals for later use, just unseal it to trigger the bomb. Volatiles like FOOF wouldn't work though.

How small can you make a storage seal? How many explosive notes could you place in one?

Because one could wrap a "storage tag" around a senbon needle with the tag filled with multiple explosive notes. And is there anyway one could make chakra infused ink and try to use the printing press to make large batches of explosive notes and other simple seals faster than normal?
he has a few ideas like this, the issue with the many explosions in one seal problem is this. Stability, Explosive seals are by nature unstable and has a tendency to cause other fuinjutsu they are linked with to have issues. you could store uncharged seals in a storage seal, but after priming the, it changes to a far riskier proposal

those seals store jutsu. Seals can be very small.
After the SI;s knowlege and timeframe. He never read/watched boruto.
Grandad is Anbu Commander, or some variant of Taichou.
Not quite. Grandpa is a badass on many levels, but his rank is still genin. He also would turn down a promotion unless there was no other option.
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Just want to say I have been keeping track of the story for a little while, it is quite enjoyable and you don't make use of all of the instant power ups that are common in Naruto SI

Not quite. Grandpa is a badass on many levels, but his rank is still genin. He also would turn down a promotion unless there was no other option.

Just want to say I had to actually go back and check grandfathers name, to figure out who he is good job slipping it under the radar.
I suddenly have a vision of the MC pointing a senbon at his target, a smirk as he gathers a small but dense amount of lightning chakra in his hand. Taking careful aim he speaks,"ninja art: now you see me...."

His eyes harden as his mind crystallizes its focus an instant before a snap crack sound so loud it has weight to all that hear it. The enemy ninja that stood so arrogantly before briefly saw two misty rings radiating from the leaf nin's fingers; then he saw nothing.

A fast pink cloud traveled behind his target, the head and torso mysteriously gone, arms and legs crumpled and falling due to the simple fact they had nothing to tie them in place.

While cradling a scorched and spasming hand, the leaf nin's smirk turns to satisfied grin.

"....now you don't"
The talk of chemical explosives reminds me that chakra study is a science as well. Makes me wonder what Orochimaru would have come up with if he were born in Iwa and were part of the explosion corps. A focus on explosions instead of biology.
The talk of chemical explosives reminds me that chakra study is a science as well. Makes me wonder what Orochimaru would have come up with if he were born in Iwa and were part of the explosion corps. A focus on explosions instead of biology.
You think of Deidara, not Orochimaru. Orochimaru's... eccentricities in the beginning mostly affected by his parent's death.
Magician 7 (end of act 1)
Time for us to move out of the start, and prepare for the true story, the Genin Years.

I sit on the roof of my house, lying flat and staring up at the stars. I should be sleeping right now, but I'm nervous. I'm rested, I took a nap earlier just in case my nerves acted up, but I wasn't expecting it to be like this.

'Tomorrow…. Tomorrow is the day I become a Genin. I know I have the skills to pass, and practice with the academy three and studying the syllabus means I'm as prepared as I'll get. I've always performed well under pressure anyway.'

My thoughts wander to my room, and the outfit I've laid out. My coat and a close fitting but flexible mix of black shirt, wire under mesh, and close fitting black cargo pants, the full 'D-rank' set of tools and weapons, and two decks of the still only partly working Chakra Cards. I lean back and stare up at the stars. Taking note of the crescent of the moon and, then the stars beyond. I feel a bit of loss at the fact I don't recognize the constellations my memories tell me should be there. No Orion, no Scorpio, no Ursa Minor or Ursa Major.

It makes me feel a bit… Melancholy. No real term to describe it, beyond that. But I take a moment to center myself.

I am Toru Shusho, I am, I act, I am. I am the young Ninja, not the old student or the silent writer. I decided this long ago when I first learned of the memories haunting my mind. I may be a reincarnation, but I am my incarnation now. I am the son of merchants and craftsmen, I am a learning adept in the fields of sleight of hand and illusions, I am Me.

The knowledge is simply a part of me.

Feeling a renewed confidence in myself. I relax, and start to fall closer to sleep, the cool spring air making me relax.

Then I hear a subtle step next to me, and the roof creaks as someone sits by my side.

"Hmm? Shouldn't you be sleeping in your bed, grandson?" come the voice of Grandpa Kosuke from beside me.

I smile and relax, my grandfather's presence has always been comforting and the lack of his visits for the last few weeks, while he was out on a mission, has been… noticed. "I took a nap earlier, Grampa, and I plan to at least get a few hours of sleep. Just… trying to settle my thoughts."

Gramps nodded and settled down beside me. "Ah, I know that sort of feeling well. The first day of school, first dates, graduations, first missions… All very nerve racking." he chuckled and I look over at my grandfather. He's dressed in a simple brown kimono and hakama combo, and as I watch he pulls a wooden pipe from his pocket and winks. "Don't tell you mother." he mutter's, side eyeing me before lighting up. I know that mom doesn't like tobacco in the house and nod, just relaxing next to my grandpa.

"Hey, Grandpa?" I ask quietly, eyes closed and enjoying the scent of the smoke, sweet and subtle, relaxingly so.

"Yes Shu-Kun?" he murmurs softly.

"Can you tell me a tale?"

"Hmm…. I believe I have the time for a simple one. Let's see… Well, It was back before the second war, after the first by a few years, but it was… quiet if not quite peaceful." he started. "I had a mission about a Pig, a boar to be exact. The client wanted it caught, and delivered..."

He went on to describe the scene.

It wasn't long before I drifted to sleep.


I woke bright and early, the early false dawn visible out my window even as my alarm clock went off by my head. Apparently, Gramps decided to put me to bed last night. Gotta thank him for that later. I stretched, and tapped the alarm clock, silencing it. I slid to my feet and headed to the bathroom down the hall from my room, and did my morning routine of shower and ablutions, before returning to my room. In the spirit of the day, I dressed to kill… in only a sort of metaphorical sense, anyway.

I pulled on my black clothes, and the green coat over it, having removed the sleeves and shortening it from long coat to jacket last night, leaving me with a vest that showed the mesh sleeves that ran down my arm to my elbows. I considered bringing my trick sleeves but finally decided not too. I still wanted a surprise for whoever my sensei and team became. Though… it's likely they knew about the sleeves already? Goddamn Ninja MIndgames.

I spent a moment to load up, concealing several senbon under the mesh on my body, and settling the two pouches at my waist and the single kunai holster on my leg, wrapped with matte black dyed cloth instead of the bandages that seemed so common.

Around my left hand, I wrapped a similar black wrap, up to my mesh sleeve and back down, lacing between my fingers and knuckles like a taijutsu expert. Layered under the ribbons on the back of my hand and arm were some of the half sized senbon, forming a slightly ridges metal guard that would stand up to a kunai if necessary, or an emergency set of weapons in a pinch.

Satisfied with my outfit, I gave my hair a quick once over, the loose bangs that hung down to my eyes being held back by another black ribbon.

And with that, I headed down. My mother was placing the table as I stepped up and I gave her a hug and sat down. My mother and I made small talk, and I knew my dad had already headed to open the stall. I finished a fairly solid, if light, breakfast. Rice and eggs and bacon, and headed out, passing by the stall and hugging my dad before heading out to the academy early.

I walked slowly, not in any real rush. I mean, yeah, today was test day, but i was… confident, at least that I would pass. But I was also hesitant. This step.. this change in my life would be intense. I would be joining what amounted to the military, I would be committing myself to a life of war, and violence, and super-powered fighting. I was… conflicted about that.

But a part of me, the part of me that was a writer, a fighter. It was eager. It was willing and ready to go. The rest of me may have had reservations, but that part of me was ready. It wanted to go forth, and be a fighter, to take on impossible odds and win, to learn everything about this wonderful, frightening, Impossible world.

I wasn't sure how I felt about that.


I settled into my seat as my classmates started to slowly wander in. I was early, with the majority of the class only just starting to arrive. Coin in hand once more. The same one that Asako had marked all those months ago. The one that still held the scratch that marked my first true friend in this world. I ran my finger around the edge, worn as it was. I palmed it and hid it once more, the coin finding a resting place under the wrapping for my kunai pouch.

Settling down, I watched as the class filled. And at 8:00 on the dot, Sensei walked in. He addressed the class.

"Today is the final exam for the year. If you pass, and I expect most of you to do so," he shot a glare at some of us, "Then you will go on to become a genin. Make me proud, work hard, and show what you've learned. First up, the written test." he pulled a sheaf of paper from a file he had brought in.

Passing it out, he had us pull out pens and pencils and then brought out a timer. "You have one hour. Begin."


I stood with the rest of the students outside next to the taijutsu rings.

Sensei and both Mizuki and Iruka stood across from us, and each took a section of the field. "When we call your name, come and present your skills, the match ends at two minutes or if one of the participants are removed from the ring or pinned."

I stand and watch. Both Inuzuka put on good showings, as does Tsuru. All managing to get their proctors (Who are definitely sandbagging) out of the ring or by pin. A few others get pinned themselves, including Rise and a pair of civilians who I doubt are making genin. Reijo gets pushed out of the ring, but he fights for it, and both the Nara stay in the ring the whole time but are unable to score a solid win. Asako fights for it, but she overextends herself and goes flying, and then It's my turn.

I step into the ring with Iruka and instantly take my stance, vest on and arms up and tight, I've refined my stance over the year, and countless duels with the rest of the class have helped lead to great strides in my ability. But I already know I'm outmatched.

Which is why I removed the weights in my jacket last night.

All eighty pounds of it.

I lead with a sharp kick, pushing off and low as soon as Iruka calls start, the motion smooth and fast, and foot coming from low in a sharp curve, aiming for Iruka's hip. He sways back, dodging it smoothly and adjusting to a more evasive stance, and I respond by planting both hands and lashing out up with my other leg in a modified donkey kick.

He dodges, as I expected, but by then I'm already swinging around, planting the first leg, my right foot, on the ground and the other out, in an imitation of a sprinter's crouch, and then I'm kicking off, Iruka only barely off balance from the dodge, but I'm up close now. Lashing out with a series of sharp combinations of jabs. He ducks and bobs around me, hands coming up to deflect and block most of my more accurate strikes.

He's giving me a smile and starts fighting back, trying to gain the momentum. And that's when I go for it.

He goes for a strong right cross, and lean backward, feet flashing up and wrapping around his extended right arm, as I put both my chakra and my full body into a backwards flip, taking Iruka off guard and sending him rolling over me to avoid a broken arm.

And then I kicked out and catch him in the shoulder, as he tries to rise, and he takes a step, off balance.

And he steps out of the circle.

"Match to you, Toru-san." He says as I roll to my feet.

"Thank you, Iruka-sensei." I grin and bow before we make the seal of reconciliation and I step out of the ring, just in time to see the last of the class finish their bouts.


We lined up at the target ranges next, and the class cycled through, ten Kunai, ten Shuriken.

The class average was about 16/20, from what I saw. With a few, like the two Nara, Tsuru, and Surprisingly Reiji and Rise getting perfect scores. And then I went. I stood at rest, hands in my pocket and at my side. And waited. When Mono-sensei said fire, I blurred. Hands coming up and flicking out three times, once with a stack of shuriken, twice with a half brace of kunai each.

A three count later and the dummy was a pincushion. Both eyes, throat, the artery on the neck and a line across the chest with the shuriken and then ten kunai in a close cluster on the chest, all aiming for lungs heart and stomach.

Mono-sensei looked at it and nodded. "Good spread and good speed. 20/20"

I grinned and nodded, before returning to the line.


Finally, I walked into a side room where Mono-sensei awaited.

"Perform Bushin please." he said, looking at me with only a polite expression of interest on his face.

I nodded and snapped my hand together in a ram sign, mentally adding tiger and snake to my chakra changes, and suddenly there were four ghosts of me, all perfectly mirroring me and surrounding the room.

Mono-sensei smiled and nodded, before checking off his list. Then he reached into a wooden box near him and pulled out a black cloth backed headband, the iconic spiral leaf on it.

"Congratulations Genin Toru." Mono Sensei nodded and handed me the band.

With slow and precise motion, I wrapped it around my left thigh, the plate above my knee, letting the plate shine against my black pant leg. I bowed and stepped outside of the room.

I did it. I was a Genin.

Now things get Interesting.

End of Act 1- The Magician

On setting out, the Fool immediately encounters the Magician (1) and the High Priestess (2) - the great balancing forces that make up the perceived world. It is a feature of the material universe that as soon as we name some aspect of the experience, we automatically evoke its opposite.

The Magician is the positive side. He represents the active, masculine power of creative impulse. He is also our conscious awareness. The Magician is the force that allows us to impact the world through a concentration of individual will and power.
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I wonder if Shou's sensei is going to be a Cannon charecter or not......
I personally would prefer an OC.
I wonder if Shou's sensei is going to be a Cannon charecter or not......
I personally would prefer an OC.
I dunno. I think a cannon character would tie the story together nicely. I mean, he is suppose to be, what 1-2 years older than the konoha 11?
I'm kind of ambivalent about it myself, honestly. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages, and I trust RogueDruid's writing to do a good job with either one. I'll be equally happy either way.
I dunno. I think a cannon character would tie the story together nicely. I mean, he is suppose to be, what 1-2 years older than the konoha 11?

I'd like it to be a canon character as well , even a minor one. Show how the Mc influence shoots them from mook characters to actually contributing to the plot.

Also adds to the sense of danger. No kakashi sharingon or amazing teacher to save the day with dakka skills. No show the dirty gritty missions , ninja stuff , stealth, assassinations , combat . And have him excell.
Personally hoping it's one of the designated gate guards. They had some pretty cool tricks but almost nothing ever shows them.
I sit on the roof of my house, laying flat
Settling down, I watched the class filled.
Either of these works:
I watched as the class filled.
I watched the class fill.
When Mono-Sense said fire, I
(other iterations in this chapter don't have -sensei capitalized.)
ten Kunai, Ten Shuriken.
I wrapped it around my left thigh, the plate around my arm, letting the plate shine against my black pant leg.
I thought he was wrapping it around his leg.
Deyammm....Gambit's build huh? His mind is already powerful, how about his body? Does he follow Gai's build?
80lb of weights and comparing himself to Gai's speed when running around the village? Toru is on his way. Actually we could get Gai as our sensei. Screwing up canon without even trying, go us! I mean look at the qualities of "the magician" at the end of the update. Could that he Gai? Or could that be one of our teammates...

If the torture unit is interested in us then we might just get Sai on our team. There are so many possibilities!
If Gai took interest in the Youthful person who is stoking the Flames of his Youth every morning alongside him by running around the village like mad, i can see him taking a genin team a year earlier than in canon. Which would mess up quite a bit of stuff in the long term because Lee would probably not pass his exams unless Gai takes him on as an extra student when his graduation comes.
I'd like it to be a canon character as well , even a minor one. Show how the Mc influence shoots them from mook characters to actually contributing to the plot.

Also adds to the sense of danger. No kakashi sharingon or amazing teacher to save the day with dakka skills. No show the dirty gritty missions , ninja stuff , stealth, assassinations , combat . And have him excell.
Genin. He's not going onto assassinations and major combat anytime soon. In fact, unless he suffers from the same curse as team 7, the strongest enemy he'll be facing in the immediate future would be some bandits or wild animals. And the only kind of really dirt mission he'd be going would be sewer maintenance (hey, someone got to do it :p ).

Now, when he becomes Chuunin? Yeah, then maybe he'd be seeing more dangerous and morally ambiguous missions (although not by that much unless he goes ANBU. It simply makes no sense for Konoha to publicly do "evil" missions on the Land of Fire*), but I find it unlikely he'd be getting promoted in less than a year, and more probably two years.

* At least for petty cash for anyone who can pay. That's where Konoha is and alienating people there is a bad idea, leads to clients considering other villages, making their lives difficult, the local authorities being difficult and so on. I could see a few assassination missions sold to the nobility (or at least to the Daimyo) on the down low and performed by either ANBU or Jounin. Maybe even a few to local authorities so long the target doesn't have powerful friends that might take offense (that is, instead of nobility killing each other, mayors getting a local rabblerouser that managed to avoid actually breaking laws removed), but even so, not something that they'd trust Genin to do without screwing it and getting discovered.