What's with all this passive aggressive sarcasm you're heaping onto your posts? I'm trying to be civil here.

In fact, it's clear to me that you have no interest in politeness - The disrespect you're projecting is fucking over the top, knock it off mate. I'm sorry if i offended you in some way earlier, but for now i'm done with this conversation. You just want to start shit.
Ok, it's becoming clear that you're not just playing along with the joke and getting genuinely upset.
Which is honestly quite baffling.
Does nobody practice humour through dry sarcasm where you're from?
Ok, it's becoming clear that you're not just playing along with the joke and getting genuinely upset.
Which is honestly quite baffling.
Does nobody practice humour through dry sarcasm where you're from?

Dry sarcasm for humorous purposes, through a conversation in person? Sure.

But in text form, everything you've responded with has come across as intentionally malicious, at least from my perspective. It's obvious to me by now that you were just pulling my leg and trying to make a light-hearted joke, but that's hindsight i guess.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, i genuinely thought you were insulting me at the time. :oops:

Pretty sure the computer medium muddled things up, as it's hard to read/communicate emotions and subtle humour in conversations across the internet.

Edit 2:
Now that i think about it, there's also the fact that most hostile passive aggressive behaviour (which I've so far encountered a lot of) is carried out through dry sarcasm, so that may have coloured my reaction to you using it.

Truthfully, I actually don't ever encounter lighthearted sarcasm IRL, so you doing so caught me off guard. I guess it's just not a cultural thing over here? I've only experienced positive sarcasm in media, really.

All sarcasm i encounter where over here is hostile and negative, to the point i assumed you were hostile too.
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Dry sarcasm for humorous purposes, through a conversation in person? Sure.

But in text form, everything you've responded with has come across as intentionally malicious, at least from my perspective. It's obvious to me by now that you were just pulling my leg and trying to make a light-hearted joke, but that's hindsight i guess.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, i genuinely thought you were insulting me at the time. :oops:

Pretty sure the computer medium muddled things up, as it's hard to read/communicate emotions and subtle humour in conversations across the internet.
Don't worry about it.
Naturally having a voice in perfect monotone makes it something of a necessity to get used to people misunderstanding your jokes.
Which is why I've stopped caring. Which honestly probably doesn't help.
and then he learns the shadow shuriken justu.
all those illusionary senbnon? yeah, some can still kill you
I think he'll need to figure out how to use his cards for a top-up before he can do that one reliably. Bonus points if he layers the "swarm" genjutsu...clone? thing? and the shadow shuriken. Not only are there MULTIPLE FLYING DEAH CLOUDS coming at you, but you don't know where in each of those death clouds the painful ones are.
Yes, seeing him throw it, and say 'Shadow senbon' is going to be one of those things that SCARE THE SHIT out of his enemies.
I think you were thinking of the Shuriken Shadow Clone, not the Shadow Shuriken. The former involves making shadow clones of the weapons that you threw, effectively turning one or two into a cloud of so many hundred. The latter is something that is done a few times near the beginning of the series where two weapons are thrown in such a way that one of them hides the other from view. It was what Sasuke used to catch Zabuza off-guard with the Naruto-clone-shuriken and free Kakashi from his Water Prison jutsu the first time they encountered each other.
He doesn't remember this, but he'll learn it soon enough.

Rise fucked up so bad that a Nara went and dismantled the case? Shouldn't this set off warning bells?
So, we're shipping with Yumi then?

No. That's a good thing. Because it happened while they were young, and he's since had a chance to learn from it, and grow as a person. Sure, he's got no chance with Yumi now, but there's a whole village of girls.
Good opinion. and Shusho definitely can.. appreciate Yumi form a distance. Hormones are slowly starting to worm their way in, but he;s got enough control to not make it obvious.
It can go both ways. In one side, yes, they're young and can make stupid, severe mistakes. On the other side, marriage arrangement isn't something you just can cancel at whim, since, y'know, 2 whole families of powerful, professional killers are involved in this.
It actually as taken rather amicably by the clans. the contract was originally one of convenience for them, once it became clear that Yumi had an objection, it was gotten rid of.
It's also two families who have a long and friendly history with each other, though. It's not like this arranged marriage was the only thing keeping the two clans from being at each other's throats. Depending on how big the clans are in this story's continuity, there could still be plenty of marriages between the extended families still.
Yep, good break down gunghoun.
Huh. I kinda want to see Yumi end up on the MC's team now.
Hmmm... Hmmmm....
Yumi, SI, and Asaka sammich?
He will keep himelf warm with these thoughts through his teenage years
The Mc knows what happened right? What does he think?
He does know one thing that he's keeping close to his chest, and it's about Yumi.
"No me problemo". Not until he became a teammate or linked with a teammate, BTW
True. Just because he keeps an ear to the ground, doesn't mean he'swilling to get involved.

That reminds me, has SI started working on the rasengan?
We get a pretty clear explanation of how it works and how to learn it in the series, and it's a beast of a technique.
Plus it would be the sort of thing that'd be a gateway to developing other pure shaping techniques, like a jutsu to shoot small metal objects really fast for example.
He had been slowly developing a few ideas off from the rasengan, but he doesnt; ahve capacity forthem. he is also not willing to actually devolpe a rasengan becuse of the Politacal shit storm-
Yes he could do that ir would be hilarious when the anbu we know are watching him interrogate the mc on how he knows the steps on the other hand using the rotation part of the Training could help in sending the cards spinning at dangerous speeds to the oponents or something with only one off the steps since only one is belivable to Stumble upon or who knows he might get away with it but i doubt it
Yah, that politiacl shitstorm. he's not Naruto. Learning the Rasengan is A) not his birthrght, B) not subtle C) Chakra intensive tot he point tha t tis not worth it.
Learning the rasengan has gotten stale by now after so many SI have attempted it - Not to mention, if I have already forgotten all of the steps involved for rasengan creation, the Si probably has as well especially after spending a full decade in a whole new world.

Let's please not involve such a cliche SI power-up.
I know. I'm tryong to stay away from that unless it makes sense fro the SI's styel and Capabilites shown.
Yes, learning the one technique in canon we have thoroughly explained is simply the sutpid thing in the universe.
And just because you've forgotten something, doesn't mean that everyone else has. Seriously, how fucking egotistical can you be?
Shusho does remeber, yes.
Rasengan requires 2 things: Massive amount of chakra and total control on chakra movement and containment. Main advantage is that you can imbued the technique with basically anything.

The disadvantage mainly came from the required chakra used to make it viable. Basically, it's more or less inefficient compared with more specified/ elemental tech. Compress pure chakra, and let it loose on close combat on your enemy.

Good news: Not much hard counter except just run the fuck away in the first place.

Bad news: It's kind of do or die situation, and in most cases, can only be used on close combat. Oh, and chakra intensive, means good luck on using it more than 2 times on most people.
All good points, thought the control is not perfect control, so mucha s doing the mental gymnastics without fucking up.
If it required that, Naruto would have never learned it.
Though it does massively help.

And I realise that it would probably not be combat viable for most people, but it would be great for training pretty much everything to do with chakra apart from nature transformation.
... Solid point, Shusho is still not learning the rasengan for now.
It is, technically, required. Is just that Naruto-kun is cheating cheater who cheats. :p
True. But Shusho is a lying liar who lies. And Cheats. Cause he can.

Matt and Vox. Thank you for resolving your argument, but please, try and keep a thing like this out of my thread?
If you need to hash out something, please PM each other. otherwise, it draws people's thoughts out the story and can cause them to lose interest in commenting/ replying. I love to see my commntors debate, but not like this.
Matt and Vox. Thank you for resolving your argument, but please, try and keep a thing like this out of my thread?
If you need to hash out something, please PM each other. otherwise, it draws people's thoughts out the story and can cause them to lose interest in commenting/ replying. I love to see my commntors debate, but not like this.

I like how your not hitting the OP buttons, rasengan etc. And keeping the MC as just very talented shinobi with a mostly civilian heritage. Makes it more believable and rewarding as he progresses.

What I would like to see is the MC taking inspiration from those techniques and adapting it to fit his already established style.

Much like naruto and sasuke did when they saw Lee's primary lotus (the naruto risdan and lion combo respectfully).

Along with references to modern illusionist, scattered references and inspiration from real life and other cartoons.

Edit:also why aren't we seeing techniques augmented with a good working knowledge of science? Science trickery let's people do amazing things useong basic principles.
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I like how your not hitting the OP buttons, rasengan etc. And keeping the MC as just very talented shinobi with a mostly civilian heritage. Makes it more believable and rewarding as he progresses.

What I would like to see is the MC taking inspiration from those techniques and adapting it to fit his already established style.

Much like naruto and sasuke did when they saw Lee's primary lotus (the naruto risdan and lion combo respectfully).

Along with references to modern illusionist, scattered references and inspiration from real life and other cartoons.

Edit:also why aren't we seeing techniques augmented with a good working knowledge of science? Science trickery let's people do amazing things useong basic principles.

Yeah, like creating FOOF. That sort of shit does not fly with me.
I have to ask, is there actually a fic you read where the MC did this? Cause if so, some perverse part of me kinda wants to read it.
Only way I can think of that a SI would want to do that would be as a chemical timebomb. Set the apparatus up to make a decent batch of the stuff in the middle of where the other guys are going to make their camp, run very far away, and watch the fireworks from a good mile or so upwind when they try to dismantle the thing. Or when it just finishes up and decides that daytime temperatures are plenty warm enough for a little explosive fun, should they not notice it.

Cruel and unusual, yes, but probably quite effective.
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Only way I can think of that a SI would want to do that would be as a chemical timebomb. Set the apparatus up to make a decent batch of the stuff in the middle of where the other guys are going to make their camp, run very far away, and watch the fireworks from a good mile or so upwind when they try to dismantle the thing. Or when it just finishes up and decides that daytime temperatures are plenty warm enough for a little explosive fun, should they not notice it.

Cruel and unusual, yes, but probably quite effective.
I mean, even in the area of arbitrary transmutations, there's got to be safer things to use that are less likely to kill you horribly in the process and still absurdly lethal. If you don't have arbitrary transmutation... how are you insane enough to try preparing it?

EDIT: This sounded familiar, so I found the SI who did it: the Renegade alternate universe in With This RIng: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.c...e-si-thread-twelve.25032/page-26#post-5071520

Yeah, that explains it.
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I have to ask, is there actually a fic you read where the MC did this? Cause if so, some perverse part of me kinda wants to read it.

A Soul of Fire, by SatireSwift on fanfiction.net. He uses it because it makes human bodies combust at room temperature.

Then I looked it up, and I realized just how little he knew about it, because FOOF is not the sort of thing you conjure anywhere close to anywhere which might reasonably be inhabited, let alone a freaking sewer!
FOOF would be a great thing to have if you were the villain and immune to it. Other than that nope.
Chakra based explosive tags are a better choice. Although seals could be used to store volatile chemicals for later use, just unseal it to trigger the bomb. Volatiles like FOOF wouldn't work though.

How small can you make a storage seal? How many explosive notes could you place in one?

Because one could wrap a "storage tag" around a senbon needle with the tag filled with multiple explosive notes. And is there anyway one could make chakra infused ink and try to use the printing press to make large batches of explosive notes and other simple seals faster than normal?
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They're also a generation more advanced than what the SI has access to.