Having followed this in RL, I can confidently tell you that it's always been an active fight between those trying to ID people and those trying to trick AI into not ID'ing people. It's an arms race, each time someone figures a trick, it only lasts until the next update (However long that is).

It's still best to completely cover your head if you don't want to be identified. And even then you can sometimes be ID'd from a bad angle or forgetting something like "This was a custom T-Shirt that only sold 4 times" (That happened once)

It's why I rather like that in 2077, they had electronic devices to do that. You'd need to keep changing the tricks all the time, how better than to stop AI from ID'ing people than with another AI? :p

It also makes business sense on Kiroshi's part. Nothing like planned obselence where you sell the algorithm/key of any optic that's too many generations behind to camera/security companies. *OR* you can buy a subscription keep your lens disruptor firmware updated to the latest and greatest!
Did you mean twenty five thousand or two hundred fifty thousand? Because in setting that price is four Ramen bowls with synthetic meat.
Twenty five hundred, or $2,500. This might be an Americanism on how to say numbers greater than 1,100 and lesser than say 6,000. (I would commonly hear people say fifty-five hundred, but never sixty hundred. I have no idea why for any of this.)

Maybe it should be twenty-five-hundred to be clearer.
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Twenty five hundred, or $2,500. This might be an Americanism on how to say numbers greater than 1,100 and lesser than say 6,000. (I would commonly hear people say fifty-five hundred, but never sixty hundred. I have no idea why for any of this.)

Maybe it should be twenty-five-hundred to be clearer.
Ahh. The problem was the low price. Taylor makes more than that in a single operation why would such a tiny price tempt her? It's not worth the hassle. I actually thought you meant twenty-five hundred kay or 2.5 million because Taylor's press can do industrial batch lots.

The bounty bonuses also seemed low for the risk.
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Ahh. The problem was the low price. Taylor makes more than that in a single operation why would such a tiny price tempt her? It's not worth the hassle.

I think the prices aren't high in this story. I think the medical school tuition in-story was around 80k, and Taylor is trying to fund her own education which is crazy expensive in a world where practically everything costs you an arm and a leg.

Taylor also agreed that it wasn't worth the hassle hence she didn't bother going for the second payment that was 100% a trap.
I think the prices aren't high in this story. I think the medical school tuition in-story was around 80k, and Taylor is trying to fund her own education which is crazy expensive in a world where practically everything costs you an arm and a leg.

Taylor also agreed that it wasn't worth the hassle hence she didn't bother going for the second payment that was 100% a trap.
I'm arguing from the POV of today's prices for pill presses. Manual presses brand new can cost around $5000 USD. Modern computer operated presses used are $20,000 USD if you know a guy and he owes you favors. Otherwise they can run you 25,000 or more. Brand new aren't even listed but if it's anything like brand new tractors @SpiraSpira they can be $400,000 USD to millions depending on model and attachments.
This is the most relatable part yet, from both sides. It's so easy to forget that specialist knowledge isn't part of other people's experience.

While relatable, you'd think a good pair of cybereyes would highlight such things for you.

I'd switch up the second instance by having Kiri(?) come back with two entirely different objects both of wich pinged with over 90% certainty of being the requested one. Correct object actually being among them optional.
Twenty five hundred, or $2,500. This might be an Americanism on how to say numbers greater than 1,100 and lesser than say 6,000. (I would commonly hear people say fifty-five hundred, but never sixty hundred. I have no idea why for any of this.)

Maybe it should be twenty-five-hundred to be clearer.
Sixty five hundred isn't crazy tho. I think it is just the even thousands you won't hear.
It can also start converting to the form of 6½ thousand which keeps the precision at conversational levels. In my experience; more than 1 significant digit if available, but less than a full 2 unless you're Spock or Dinah.

The particularly high double digit numbers don't come up as often due to being big numbers, and rounding to the nearest (whole or half) thousand is less impactful up there.
(Eg: A difference of 100 in the rounding isn't a big deal when you're up at 7900->8k, compared to when you're at 1100->1k where it is the entirety of the sales tax :) )
Mother is Annette Rose Hebert, née Astor-Armstrong, deceased.

"Uh, what was her mother's name?" the Vice President asked.

The HR man said, "Annette Hebert." To which the VP waved a hand.

"No! Her maiden name!" he hissed.

Mr Davis said after a pause, "Oh. Annette Astor-Armstrong. Why?"
Oh. Oh.

Yeah, that's no small thing. Eugenical heritage makes things... hilariously ironic, seeing as Alt-Taylor is now living in a city with neo-nazis.
Having followed this in RL, I can confidently tell you that it's always been an active fight between those trying to ID people and those trying to trick AI into not ID'ing people. It's an arms race, each time someone figures a trick, it only lasts until the next update (However long that is).

It's still best to completely cover your head if you don't want to be identified. And even then you can sometimes be ID'd from a bad angle or forgetting something like "This was a custom T-Shirt that only sold 4 times" (That happened once)

It's why I rather like that in 2077, they had electronic devices to do that. You'd need to keep changing the tricks all the time, how better than to stop AI from ID'ing people than with another AI? :p
I think I read about some AI systems able to identify a person throught their walking gait or movement pattern. Then they just stay on the lookout for the way you move until a camera catches your face or some other identifying mark. It was supposedly used by the Chinese in the Hong Kong protests I believe.
how do you MRI someone with cyberware without having their eyes try to exit stage left through their skull?
There are like, three transition metals that are ferromagnetic and a couple of rare earths. Heating is a concern for larger implants which, but if your field strength is high enough to physically separate paramagnetic materials then you're likely to encounter Bigger Problems.

Really, there are even now already people with metallic implants and procedures to test those implants for MRI safety so any difference in handling is more likely governmental (uh, they might not have a FDA anymore). With MR safe implants in your regular old high-field MRI the answer is "the exact same way you MRI anyone else" (though you may need to correct for imaging artefacts), MR conditional just means "follow the conditions" and MR unsafe "don't". Though, there will probably be use of SQUID ultralow-field MRIs, and ultrahigh-field MRIs might never really leave the lab.
I think I read about some AI systems able to identify a person throught their walking gait or movement pattern. Then they just stay on the lookout for the way you move until a camera catches your face or some other identifying mark. It was supposedly used by the Chinese in the Hong Kong protests I believe.
That works when you can ID the target as a human to track. Some of the AI tricks prevent the AI program from identifying someone as being a person. But yea - that is a way I've heard about as well.
Great chapter. A bit on the risky side for a first gig, but having been through actial combat training, allays the issues of taking on bottom feeder scum.

I do especially like how Taylor is willing to go the extra mile and be heroic to save lives when not strictly necessary. (Mr. Pegpig was just an early example...

This story actually pushed me to purchase cyberpunk 2077.

Admittedly, the approach of taking out bad guys then looting them into the ground is one of my favorite aspects of the game. Though i did get the non-lethal eye mod so I avoid killing most people.
There are like, three transition metals that are ferromagnetic and a couple of rare earths. Heating is a concern for larger implants which, but if your field strength is high enough to physically separate paramagnetic materials then you're likely to encounter Bigger Problems.

Really, there are even now already people with metallic implants and procedures to test those implants for MRI safety so any difference in handling is more likely governmental (uh, they might not have a FDA anymore). With MR safe implants in your regular old high-field MRI the answer is "the exact same way you MRI anyone else" (though you may need to correct for imaging artefacts), MR conditional just means "follow the conditions" and MR unsafe "don't". Though, there will probably be use of SQUID ultralow-field MRIs, and ultrahigh-field MRIs might never really leave the lab.
IMO induction could also be a massive risk, it's delicate electronics in a massive magnetic field. Also less significant because I doubt a patient even "could" move, induction would put pretty heavy mechanical stress on anything conductive in the implant.
That is fun, but my problem isn't waking people up or noise really. I got 5 chihuahua's. I just wish I wasn't beating the hell out of my expensive mug trying to dissolve the hot chocolate mix.

I like that mug. It enhances the flavor through visual gratification.

Mix it in a different container and then pour it into your nice mug, maybe? In my experience, every time I try making hot cocoa, it is always way too hot to drink for several minutes after making it. Pouring into another mug would help cool it down more quickly, too.
Could you explain for those of us that have yet to pick up a copy of the rpg or the books?
As mentioned in the fic, they're trillionaires in Europe, essentially Corpo-Nobility. They're also obsessed with eugenics/genetic perfection, like less incestuous Hapsburgs if they were No-No Germans.

Essentially, anyone carrying the name is bound to be Übermensch physically superior to 'peasants', being born with low-level Bioware equivalents. I'm not sure if this translates to better Cyberware compatibility, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Probably won't affect our Taylor, but Alt-Taylor in BB? Yeah, that's some top-tier irony...
Could you explain for those of us that have yet to pick up a copy of the rpg or the books?
I haven't seen anyone in the thread make a clear, sourced statement establishing the Astor's canonical presence in the source material. I would love to see some old scans from the original books, that sort of thing I find fun. Reading what Spira wrote, I see no supporting evidence for the Astors holding eugenic sympathies or gene editing their family line beyond the norm in this fictional instance.

I suspect that many of the people acting excited!excited about about them are trying to invoke IRL conspiracy theories that say that the Astors, since they are a rich and prominent family, therefore must be secret Jewish Freemasons with ties to the Illuminati. IMO it requires less assumptions to assume that the author didn't think up of another version of the 'Tessier-Ashpool' name from Neuromancer and just copied straight from the sources William Gibson remixed.
*edit* I'm removing my post to check the lore books, I don't want a repeat of mixing up Shadowrun/Cyberpunk, and it's been very long.

I believe the Astor family were in the Europe book as flavor text.

(edit 2)
"As a special bonus, the archive also contains 2 never before seen adventures by Kristian De Valle... A Macguffin Called Agrippa, and After The Astor."

I'm finding references to the name on old archive reviews. Some cyberpunk fan-made songs using the name, some people with the name referenced in their old blogs of their campaign (Holy shit, this thing's older than some of the people on this forum! :D )

I see the name, but I don't know if they were just in campaigns or official.

(final edit)

So yea. My copy of the book has long LONG since been in pieces. I don't want to buy a copy just for an argument, and I don't go to the black sites for illegal copies of the book.

Hopefully someone who has the Europe supplements can specify if this is something from the books, or something else. For now I'll stick with the idea that it's from the Europe books.
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I'm guessing that you don't. Maybe they went back to CT scans and other ionizing medical imaging Or they have an imager that can measure magnetic fields much more precisely so they don't need a magnetic field multiple teslas strong. Or they have some sort of sci-fi type scanner that uses some hithertofore unknown non-ionising field technology.

They have gravity control, so perhaps there is a gravitic medical imager where it can recreate a 3D image of your head or whatever is scanned, along with the specific masses of every part inside.
With the level of computer vision they have going on, I would be unsurprised if they can't get an amazing image with ultrasound, x-ray imaging and lower level EM techniques. Just stitching those together would mean a much better data set and probably can be done with a hand rig. Hell, there's probably even a piece of cyberware like the smart. Just palpitate your patient and get a full internal layout of their squishy bits.

Alternatively, they could have something like an evolution of our current capacitive touch tech functioning at more than skin deep.