Taylor traded info with Other Taylor using Data transfer. Is she ready if the chance happens again? What does the other Want & NEED NOW?

Dr. Hasumi is paid well, she has how long under contract. As in how long till she is Free to do Tech Discovery? Did she get ideas from Projects done with & discarded?
I would applaud such a hobby. Tea is sacred, the drink of the gods. As an aside: dumping it into the sea is heresy of the vilest sort.

Disclaimer: Green tea excepted, Black tea is the superior tea
Tea is an often-tasty way to get essential nutrients such as life-giving caffeine. However, it sometimes brings greater satisfaction in the harbor than the cup.
I have to admit, I am a sucker for a good "Taylor accidentally adopts Dinah as a kid sister" story, and while it won't be the main focus here it is still adorable and hilarious to see her trying to emulate her "big sister" :D
I am Sure she looked over the Contract and closed the Option Off. They do not know she can resleeve on her own, yet.
Obviously the "soul kill and resleeve" isn't in the contract, but more an implication from it. Probably something along the lines of "employees of X level can volunteer you for certain experiments" and defining "death" as data-loss over a certain percentage rather than a physical aspect, so they can volunteer her for a "soulkiller test" and she is still "alive" because she has over 90% data integrity. Also, remember she didn't get much choice in the contract. She may or may not have been kidnapped BY ARASAKA just for the rescue-and-join-us, and even if it wasn't Arasaka behind the kidnapping itself the rescue had a strongly implied join-us-or-we-don't-rescue-you and a less-strongly implied join-us-or-the-kidnappers-killed-you-before-we-got-here.
I would applaud such a hobby. Tea is sacred, the drink of the gods. As an aside: dumping it into the sea is heresy of the vilest sort.

Just like a heretic to resort to blasphemy. After all, Jesus turned water into wine, and the great Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying, "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." So, clearly, alcohol is the true drink of the gods. Although I do agree throwing the tea into the harbor is a bad idea. The harbor is polluted enough as it is.

Obviously the "soul kill and resleeve" isn't in the contract, but more an implication from it.

At this point in time, that particular use of Soulkiller and the Relic is intended to be Arasaka family only. Although I suppose that might change in the century or so it takes Hasumi to get old enough where dying is a possibility (to the best of Arasaka's knowledge, anyway).
Just like a heretic to resort to blasphemy. After all, Jesus turned water into wine, and the great Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying, "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." So, clearly, alcohol is the true drink of the gods. Although I do agree throwing the tea into the harbor is a bad idea. The harbor is polluted enough as it is.

While I agree that alcohol is also the drink of the gods. That only refers to actually good alcohol like a good Single Malt Scotch Whiskey (Talisker Skye is particularly divine)
If I remember correctly her contract does have an end date. She negotiated it down to three years from ten but doesn't really believe they will let her go.
It's also possible that President Myers ordered the NUSA forces in NC to do something in addition to the missile strikes, but their commander (Hansen), can see the writing on the wall and simply disobeyed.
I've been trying to understand where the chapter's title "Its treason then" fits; meme-able quote from Palpatine. After a second read through, there aren't any: outright betrayals onscreen, duels with swords, dark lords (maybe ladies), or Samuel L. Jackson appearances.
So, it may be in reference to Hansen and his troops, offscreen. Which then begs the question: what happens with Reed, So Mi, and Alex? Do two of them still go into deep cover in Dogtown? Does one betray the others? I guess the war hasnt technically ended, so we may find out later.
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I've been trying to understand where the chapter's title "Its treason then" fits; meme-able quote from Palpatine. After a second read through, there aren't any: outright betrayals onscreen, duels with swords, dark lords (maybe ladies), or Samuel L. Jackson appearances.
So, it may be in reference to Hansen and his troops, offscreen. Which then begs the question: what happens with Reed, So Mi, and Alex? Do two of them still go into deep cover in Dogtown? Does one betray the others? I guess the war hasnt technically ended, so we may find out later.
*embarrassed* I decided on the title prior to finishing the chapter, but I ended up kind of breaking the chapter I had in mind into two because it got way too long. So the next chapter will be "It's treason, then (part 2)" I suppose.
So the Treason part is by others or Self-Betrayal? I get the Special Forces not following orders, unless there was something wrong with Arasaka agent talking with Dr. Hasumi?

As in, why ask her? Arasaka has lots working for them, why bother to get her input?

Did another Corp. Insert a Agent and pump Dr. Hasumi for info? Did he show I.D. he was a Agent, just saying a Lie?
I've been trying to understand where the chapter's title "Its treason then" fits; meme-able quote from Palpatine. After a second read through, there aren't any: outright betrayals onscreen, duels with swords, dark lords (maybe ladies), or Samuel L. Jackson appearances.
So, it may be in reference to Hansen and his troops, offscreen. Which then begs the question: what happens with Reed, So Mi, and Alex? Do two of them still go into deep cover in Dogtown? Does one betray the others? I guess the war hasnt technically ended, so we may find out later.

Hansen is my bet. Looks like someone is about to start Dogtown.
So the Treason part is by others or Self-Betrayal? I get the Special Forces not following orders, unless there was something wrong with Arasaka agent talking with Dr. Hasumi?

As in, why ask her? Arasaka has lots working for them, why bother to get her input?

Did another Corp. Insert a Agent and pump Dr. Hasumi for info? Did he show I.D. he was a Agent, just saying a Lie?

I doubt he was from another Corp. The whole building that she lives in is Arasaka and I'm sure that everyone that tries to meet her is checked up on.

As to why they asked her, Taylor throughout the story has always overestimated her ability to hide her ability. Arasaka probably is more suspicious about her than she thinks. She thought that by having the geneticists on her team do most of the work on the biometals that she could keep suspicion low but simply choosing that project with the confidence that it could be done probably raised some eyebrows. I wouldn't be surprised if they monitored how long she spent in the SCIF choosing it.

Some chapters back her boss was even asking her how she got so good at genetics. She probably also gave away how good she is at it several times accidentally by giving her geneticists tips and hints.