Anyone notice that Yuki's out of the box cyberware made him wired for sight and sound. I mean he's a cute cct camera that follows her around like a puppy
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To protect her building i think small vents that are large enough to allow path from her spiderbots would be great, attach guns and or anti tank warheads to a swarm of spiderbots and they would be able to make quick work of most attackers.
Thanks, I am now very grateful I do not ever (recall my) dream or nightmare. :D

another idea is biological turrets that cant be hacked by netrunners. basically just arms with a brain/ eyes and a gun attached.
Ooooh, a killer Kumo-kun. I'm sceptical they'd be entirely impervious to hacking though: a brain needs a life-support pod, which uses consumables, so there needs to either be some building-wide brain-fluid system with pumps and filters and stuff, or monitoring for each pod, to schedule maintenance & refills as needed; either way that's just a normal SCADA system, and they can very-much be hacked.

In principle, the pod monitoring could use a data diode, like the one-way optical link Taylor used for the defib netrunner suit... except security systems wielding lethal weapons do actually need external controls, like being able to turn off a malfunctioning murderous meat-computer, or making sure the weaponized brains cannot go weapons-free in the first place unless the facility has been breached.

All in all, I don't think that makes the system all that harder to hack than mechanical turrets, which have significant advantages: they could be directly controlled by Taylor the 4ᵗʰ or some central processor, which would allow for greater coordination and more efficient tactics while being cheaper. More importantly, it does not associate that one weird building that's been purchased in the name of Taylor Hebert the 1ˢᵗ, with Dr. Hasumi's confidential research project.

This is all incidental, though, as the real question is: would they be as cute as GLaDOS' widdle turrets? =^.^=

honestly if she was to make a warborg why would it even need to look human? im kinda confused why cyberpunk does not have multi limbed warborgs or even completely inhuman ones that i know of. for example if you had like a spider warborg you would be able to be much more stable and carry more and heavier weapons and armor, plus the ability to move omnidirectionally and vertically.
That's been covered in previous chapters, even "just" giving a human brain 360° vision etc. has never succeeded; Taylor arguably did with Kumo-kun, but definitely did not preserve the original human mind in there.

Her dimensional connection stuff might be handy there for putting up systems even the best Netrunner would have no hope of connecting to.
Absolutely! I've been waiting for it to show up either as a way to have an airgapped network spread over multiple locations, or for Taylor to remotely access her own private networks that aren't connected to the public net.

I'm making the distinction, because Taylor's cybernetics are connected to the net, even if it's usually through her "cyberdeck in the cloud," so that setup could (in principle) be compromised remotely and the attacker could then pivot into whatever networks she's accessing through Haywire pairs.
On the other hand the Arasaka SCIF where Dr. Hasumi was shown reports on past projects, was presumably properly airgapped, since it's mentioned the data had to be couriered in.

I'm baffled and sincerely disappointed. For once an author uses the singular of data: datum... only to turn it into a plural "datums," instead of using the actual plural of datum: data.
To be fair, I also noticed and just assumed @SpiraSpira has the same kind of "chaotic gremlin" energy I do: I've done similar things on purpose before, just to annoy some people who kept pestering me about the foreign-pluralization rule. 😈

I hope we get to see the Dragoon body doing normal things like flipping synth burgers in an apron, and getting people's reactions to it. Someone goes to meet her and she's doing the borg equivalent of yoga. Refereeing a football match with a cap and whistle (she just makes the sounds with her voicebox, she doesn't use the actual whistle).

There'll be plenty of chances for her to look scary at other times.
Yaaas please 🥺
Then she can both be normalizing borgs to promote their acceptance and reduce the risk they might go (more) insane from isolation, as well as give us those sweet slices of life <3

All the elevators are gonna need upgrading. A lift designed for 6 people can only carry 2 borgs. Ones designed for normal people might even have trouble with just Taylor's new body. The ones we see in megabuildings look pretty industrial, but you might not want Gloria's full class heading up for lessons at the same time.
Had a similar thought, and the nice thing is that getting the building "borg ready" would be the perfect excuse to install what are effectively industrial, cargo elevator that will nicely do to bring equipment to the hikikomori secret basement.

I'm guessing she might not just get computer stuff down there, but possibly convert most of it into a laboratory, for all the research Dr. Hasumi cannot be seen doing. My fanon OST for her laboratory would definitely be Songs to Test By... which may or may not have powered my through my PhDon't too. ;3

In this story, [Taylor] is borderline asexual. I suppose the term is "demisexual."
For what it's worth, that's exactly how I was reading it; as far as I'm concerned it's a good portrayal <3

From their perspective, her upbringing in Brockton Bay unintentionally puts out a lot of signals that she isn't interested in any relationships, kind of like if one of us from the modern era tried to flirt with a Victorian lady snatched out of time and placed in the 2000s.
I can definitely see culture shifts and clashes at work here with that.
Yeah, presumably people see Taylor turn them down (either deliberately, or because she completely missed some contextual clues) and assume that's because she's not interested in them physically rather than her not knowing them well-enough yet; they may even assume she's not interested in anyone at all, if they never see her express interest in any of the archetypes that have mainstream appeal.

I'm guessing part of the "culture clash" is also that there doesn't seem to be any widespread awareness of demisexuality in Night City; even in communities which have that awareness, Taylor wouldn't even know the jargon and expectations, how to communicate/signal that, etc.

Pretty sure she has been propositioned a number of times in the text, did understand, and declined.
Not necessarily, considering Dr. Anno said:
You'll have to forgive Taylor; she is a bit dense about these things if your intention was trying to flirt with her. I think she was raised on a Mennonite farm or something.
To me, that suggests she's been entirely missing people flirting at her (offscreen?), often-enough for Dr. Anno to conclude she had an exceptionally-sheltered upbringing.

I would like to see romance, or something: having all her relationships being her taking care of people gets kinda flat, seeing someone take care of Taylor would open a lot more new ground. We'd get to see how she works herself up to trusting, when she doesn't have leverage over the other person.
Yes, especially because those have been more and more Taylor "caring for" people by making things happen to/for them, or in Kiwi's case a business relationship only, rather than anything healthy like relating to them, trusting and letting herself be vulnerable in any real way, etc.

I suspect it being unhealthy is a deliberate authorial choice, given the clear progression there's been up to this point (and @SpiraSpira never commenting on that beyond "meow" :þ) but I'm still holding some hope for Taylor herself, that she can recognise what is going on and regain more of her... humanity, for lack of a better word.

Idk if she can actually do it, at this point- paranoia from kidnapping, alienation from having too many secrets, general distain for rest and recreation. Plus the sense of superiority from being a super hero with multiple bodies- can she trust and be vulnerable to someone she regards as fundamentally lesser?

Who is Taylor with someone who isn't trying to use her, who she isn't trying to use? That's what I would like from a romance arc.
I agree that an attempt at a relationship, be it successful or not, could bring a lot more depth to her character beyond the mad Science! aspects, and possibly hilight the psychological changes (regardless of what direction they are taking)

I don't think it should be an "arc" in the traditional sense, though, both because it's something that would take weeks or months at minimum and Taylor would still many things going on concurrently, and because it's... not really how human relationships work? By that I mean both that it would be unhealthy for someone to focus on a developing relationship at the exception of most other things, but also threading the relationship through the story IMO helps readers get emotionally invested in it.

To take a somewhat-extreme but sadly-common example, going from meet cute and through the development of a relationship without interuptions, only to go "welp now we can finally get back to the action," will make me feel like the characters' portrayed emotions are entirely fake. Readers also need time to develop and process their own feelings about the characters.
I will note that during the capture of Hasumi in Los Angeles, she noted hackers hitting her servers so she melted all of them down.
Taylor has internal servers connected to the Haywire coms and these would be a vulnerability. There are ways she could be protecting this with, (basically make it so alien that a hacker coming upon it goes, what is this gibberish) by keeping physical access secure and keeping hackers from having context it prevents some one from hiring somebody like Kiwis team from going in and stealing a server or hacking it from the source live.

When you want to destroy a computer you will get much better mileage to use Thermate in decent quantities to make sure nothing is recoverable.

using a magnesium alloy frame would help destroy that which you don't wish to retain.
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Taylor uses the Haywire coms two ways in her brain. The first way is the way that connects her consciousness together. [...] The other kind is for net access, where one pair end is connected to one of her servers and the other is connected to her cyberbrain.
[...] However, it is hoped that only the latter would be able to be detected at all, even if she was completely hacked. The former might be discovered if she was examined physically, but Arasaka didn't notice it.
Thanks for confirming her brains-network is kept completely separate from her computers-network, that was basically my working assumption.

I'm guessing the existence of a networked consciousness might become visible if an attacker ever hacks into her OS, pivot into one of her remote "workstations" and then the other clones' OSes, and discovers the correlated activity? Say, the attacker could use their control of each body's OS to scroll a virtu, and it might be visible that the trains of thoughts are moving from one to the other, or simply that data piped into a brain-network's comm module on one OS, is coming out of the corresponding module on another OS.

In any case, I believe it would be incredibly unlikely someone would go to that effort (compromising not only a Taylor clone, but all the networks she's connected to, and the OSes of those connected to that network) unless they already have reasons to suspect her networked consciousness. Like with Gram's intelligence department, those suspicions might more easily arise based on observable patterns of behavior, like her creating new clones (or at least making people "appear out of thin air" as if giving someone a new identity) and spending a lot to get them started doing whatever they do, keeping a synchronised sleep schedule, having access to information that only one of the other identities should have access to, etc.
A fun thought, the 1st person after Taylor to even think along these lines of shared existence is Punching Judy
Not necessarily, considering Dr. Anno said:
To me, that suggests she's been entirely missing people flirting at her (offscreen?), often-enough for Dr. Anno to conclude she had an exceptionally-sheltered upbringing.
She has knowingly given some a miss, but that does seem like evidence that she's also unknowingly missed a number.
In all honesty, I wonder why this always seems to come up in these stories. Especially this one since Taylor has already expressed her lack of desire while delicately explaining her lack of action towards her Arasaka boy toy; I personally thought that explained things.

I wanted to agree with another poster, while there have been some indicators in the direction you mention, there has also been multiple points where Taylor showed attraction to random people, so there could have been any number of reasons why Taylor isn't pursuing a relationship. I don't feel asking is really odd IMO.

On a side comment, I have noticed a trend in stories where the author doesn't want to deal with romance plotlines to make the protagonist asexual or aromantic. It's not a huge problem, but does feel a bit like a cop out. Not saying that is happening here at all, just something I have noticed.
Actually, as I asked the question, it's more this: "Cyberpunk setting is highly sexual/bedhopping/relationship driven" So, I was curious.

*shrugs* Nothing more, nothing less.
Actually, as I asked the question, it's more this: "Cyberpunk setting is highly sexual/bedhopping/relationship driven" So, I was curious.

*shrugs* Nothing more, nothing less.
Taylor's been noting her own mismatch with that since...pretty early.

I was going to say back here but that was actually about the original NC-Taylor's tendency rather than the new one. Her taste in scandalously non-risque BD content was certainly related though.
Yeah, the disconnect there has been well drawn. It's done a lot of character work.

I'm hoping that she isn't treating any sort of romantic relationship as something she can have as a treat after she wins, but it's a possibility too. It fits the disinterested but pining vibe.
It looks like the answer SpiraSpira gave was that the haywire uses biology as a proxy, and spoofs the internet connection via masking it in terms of wetware info and thoughts or stuff. And Arasaka failed to detect it during the medical.
A bit confused, but that's the gist I get.
So there is a layer of unique obfuscation. And the thought stream connection is wholly disconnected from the hardware entirely, so no one can actually hack the data stream to other bodies.
Not quite. As I understand it, each body has two haywire comm systems: A single OS -> server relay accessible electronically, and the brain -> brain connections that synchronize her consciousness.

The net connection is separate from her brain connections, which is why it is potentially accessible by a netrunner (but she apparently has multiple servers, so they might not notice the other server yet).

The brain connection might be discovered through physical examinations.

Side note, I think this chapter was the first time Taylor mentioned that she has the technology to extract and parse human memories, which is interesting. Back in Bodyblow she mentioned that she could do a full brain scan but couldn't download memories like Cranial can, but this has apparently changed since then.
There's also a note of her admiring attractive people, in much the same way an artist might admire or take inspiration from someone else's work. As she is a body sculptor, she has to know what others find attractive to be able to give that to her clients. She does also appreciate the effort that some people go through to be appealing.

There's a definite feel of wanting to connect more deeply with others, but being afraid of both change and of being hurt or rejected by those she wants to connect with. She's been maimed repeatedly by betrayal, especially by those she let close. Emma, who was responsible for her trigger. Rus and Jean, who stupidly couldn't just be satisfied by what she was paying them and what she'd be willing to do for them. It's not surprising that she's pessimistic and trying to be content with what she has, when those betrayals loom over her desire to get closer to anyone.
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In order to not freak out her new residents too much, Taylor needs some semi-plausible reason for the Dragoon's stability.

If she had a relaxation/ therapy chamber for it to spend its non-active time, complete with a BD/Maintenance pod. This would also double up as relaxation for Taylor as a whole.
Because the more something pops up, the more people find ways to negate said thing? Plus all of these people going "Oh any Ripper can probably remove those things"... then uh... what's the point in the first place? You're just making life-long enemies for seemingly no reason, and then all of those people are going to have a common hatred, a common enemy. The fucking crazy lady who put bombs in their heads... then you know it's a small group squatters, but now it's a small army of pissed off people who want Taylor fucking dead.
Former squatter: Hey doc. Mind removing this annoying bomb from my brain? I've got druuugs. :D
Ripper Doc: You want me to disarm a bomb? What if it goes off when I touch it? I like my hands. They cost me a fortune. I'm a doctor, Jim, not the Bomb Squad.
Former Squatter: Oh man! You're the third ripper who said no to me. Pleeease?
Ripper Doc: Get out.
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Honestly, the bomb thing is a great example of how Taylor is moving to dehumanize anyone she doesn't have a personal connection with, aligning with the way the corpos treat the world.

Imagine: you have a good job in Pacifica. Then the war starts, the economy crashes, you lose your job, your apartment, and your car. So you go picking through the things around you that everyone abandoned, trying to find a way to survive and kill time.

Then someone shoots you with a tranq dart and you woke up with a bomb in your head that unknown people can trigger at any time for unknown reasons.

So they could literally be a complete innocent that is now living under a death sentence.

And there's not a single indication in her mental narrative that recognizes these people as anything but an obstacle- yes she feels good about herself for not just murdering everyone, but that's about her own lines, not the people she didn't kill. The impression she gives is that if she did murder everyone, she would have shrugged and slept well that night.
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Good, Taylor. Good. Give in to your inhumanity. Only your Entityhood can destroy the corpos!
Considering Taylor's interests in this fic, I feel like her brand of overlordship would consist of an AI-directed command economy… where she's the Secretary of State, the AI, and probably a large chunk of the economy and a large chunk of the state.

Just follows naturally from her tendencies.
I think the people in that building were higer than kites and tearing things up for unknown reasons. There is no evidence they are innocents caught up within a Taylor web. Taylor is to be commended for not just walking in with a silenced weapon and killing them all and then scaving out all their cyberware and organs.
The theoretical ethical Taylor would

  1. buy the property at eddie on the eddie.
  2. Send a polite letter of eviction to the druggies.
  3. Offer the druggies generous compensation if they complain they were there first and don't want to leave.
  4. Inform the police about her druggies problem.
  5. Hire a lawyer!
  6. Buy alternative housing in a good part of town and 30 vouchers for 3 months in the Mox BD parlor.
  7. Send Kiwi and her boys with tear gas and manacles to drag the druggies out of her property and to the new housing.
  8. Place "Private Property" and "Do Not Enter" signs around her BD property.
  9. Use scalable defense (warning shouts, electric fence, heavy locks on doors and windows, Call the Police!) to protect the property. From the druggies and anyone else.
  10. Hope bigger badder gangs don't take over the property while Taylor's busy with steps 1-9.
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