Was kumo-kun brought to or remade in LA? Imagine the nightmare fuel for some corp snatch team being on the receiving end of that. Kumo-kun going down in a blaze of glory; it could get its own drink named after it in an LA cyborg derivative of Afterlife.
Taylor may ascend to bio-synth Khepri with her legion of spiderbots, how exciting. Typical Taylor, "This body is to important to die right now.... lets fix that by going straight into danger with no back up."
I'm rather concerned that Lord Butterbutt has adopted David rather than focusing on Taylor. He may be in for a bad time soon.

I wouldn't have expected the shard to be ready to bud yet, even with the new energy absorption projects. I'm curious to see how far and in what direction it decides to stretch its data collection specialty.
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Was kumo-kun brought to or remade in LA? Imagine the nightmare fuel for some corp snatch team being on the receiving end of that. Kumo-kun going down in a blaze of glory; it could get its own drink named after it in an LA cyborg derivative of Afterlife.
Taylor may ascend to bio-synth Khepri with her legion of spiderbots, how exciting. Typical Taylor, "This body is to important to die right now.... lets fix that by going straight into danger with no back up."
Taylor-body brought Kumo-kun back to Night City with her. So he is still around.
I paused and then suddenly narrowed my eyes and said, "Please excuse me for a moment." I pulled out my pistol and yelled, "Get the fuck away from my car." There were two unknown but dirty-looking individuals loitering by it. At first, they looked like they wanted some smoke, but I fired a couple of shots in their direction, intentionally missing, and they hoofed it.

Dr Anno nodded sagely and said, "Ah, yes. You seem just like the surgeon looking for a quiet practice, maybe a rocking chair in the summer. Just like I remember."
This scene is 100% cyberpunk vibe. Random violence in the middle of the day, shots fired with no one batting an eye, medical personel just laughing it off, etc. Just perfect.

The only thing that would have made it better is if she actually hit them and someone else came to search through their pockets.
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Looks like she plans on yoinking the Voodoo Boys' fancy netrunner building. Good, screw those guys.

Don't think so. The VD one involved an underground tram line/subway, while this one (at least as described currently) is just a BD parlour.

However... nothing is certain - the building might be discovered to be that tram line one, but it seems unlikely...
Finished with the main story (or at least what's written atm), Apocrypha and Sidestory next. Excellent work (it even made me buy Cyberpunk, after having hesitated for a long while)
Don't think so. The VD one involved an underground tram line/subway, while this one (at least as described currently) is just a BD parlour.

However... nothing is certain - the building might be discovered to be that tram line one, but it seems unlikely...
Nah, the tram line was something they dug to from the church that they use as their main base, Pacifica Serenity Bible Church. The old tram lines are also the data runs for the Old Net, and got sealed up during the Time of the Red following the Datakrash. The Voodoo Boys entering the tram lines and hooking into the Old Net there is HIGHLY ILLEGAL and is what gets Netwatch on their asses.
Finished with the main story (or at least what's written atm), Apocrypha and Sidestory next. Excellent work (it even made me buy Cyberpunk, after having hesitated for a long while)
It's really quite good now. Of course, I played it the first day it came out, but on PC. There were bugs, but they didn't stop me from enjoying it. From what I can understand it was borderline unplayable on its PS4 release though. Honestly, its a bit too much for last generation consoles in any event.
I really hope this doesn't end up with other people getting superpowers. That never ends well for the story.
Looks like she plans a fullborg for number 4
I'm guessing something like a fullborg, but with a bit more than just the biopod and 'skin' as organic. Fullborgs are kind of limited in some ways as she indicates and there's things like gut flora that would survive a borg's physical parameters easily.

Her specialty also isn't exactly just organic stuff, but it leans to that, so I'd expect a degree of biological integration.
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I wonder if this building is in the part of Pacifica that is accessible in the base game or if it's in the part with all the skyscrapers that isn't accessible. Apparently the Phantom Liberty expansion is going to open that part of Pacifica up, it's called the Combat Zone or something.

Also definitely seems like a bad sign for little David that QA- I mean Lord Butterbutt is taking such interest in him.

I really hope this doesn't end up with other people getting superpowers. That never ends well for the story.

Have you forgotten Grandma Astor? Other people already do have powers.
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I wonder if this building is in the part of Pacifica that is accessible in the base game or if it's in the part with all the skyscrapers that isn't accessible. Apparently the Phantom Liberty expansion is going to open that part of Pacifica up, it's called the Combat Zone or something.

Also definitely seems like a bad sign for little David that QA- I mean Lord Butterbutt is taking such interest in him.


Have you forgotten Grandma Astor? Other people already do have powers.

She has "powers" the same way V has "powers" with their mechanical eyeballs that let them scan people and see their names. There is a massive difference between Astor "powers" and an actual Shard-tier superpower. Your point is irrelevant, and you know it. Even Astor herself is rather self-depricating on the subject of her mid-powers.
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It's really quite good now. Of course, I played it the first day it came out, but on PC. There were bugs, but they didn't stop me from enjoying it. From what I can understand it was borderline unplayable on its PS4 release though. Honestly, its a bit too much for last generation consoles in any event.
The ps store page still recommends not buying it on PS4, so I think that the release part is free to go.
She has "powers" the same way V has "powers" with their mechanical eyeballs that let them scan people and see their names. There is a massive difference between Astor "powers" and an actual Shard-tier superpower. Your point is irrelevant, and you know it. Even Astor herself is rather self-depricating on the subject of her mid-powers.
TBF not every shard power is a banger either.
It's really quite good now. Of course, I played it the first day it came out, but on PC. There were bugs, but they didn't stop me from enjoying it. From what I can understand it was borderline unplayable on its PS4 release though. Honestly, its a bit too much for last generation consoles in any event.
It was so unplayable that Sony issued refunds no questions asked and pulled it from the PlayStation Store. It is better now though still has issues even in the PS5 version.
Taylor out here looking out for her homies.

It's really quite good now. Of course, I played it the first day it came out, but on PC. There were bugs, but they didn't stop me from enjoying it. From what I can understand it was borderline unplayable on its PS4 release though. Honestly, its a bit too much for last generation consoles in any event.
I loved it bugs and all and am excited for Phantom Liberty. I really need to update my PS5 for it.
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Aww seeing Gloria doing so well is great.

Arasaka life is shaping up to be a great new section as well. Hopefully the growing connection between Taylor, Intel and Lucy's group fleshes out into something awesome.
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TBF not every shard power is a banger either.

More irrelevant technicalities.

We're speaking about Taylor's Shard budding and giving people (like David) superpowers. That is most certainly a banger and any buds from it are likely to be such as well, given that Panacea is a bud of Marquis and Glory Girl is a bud of someone within New Wave. If anything, buds tend to be stronger than the originals, and the original here is a Biotinker who can casually destroy the world. After all, that fuel fungus could have been a far more malicious creation.
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My bet's on an updated "Wiseman" model to oversee her new base, or something very similar at least.

Thinking of that weird twin fullborg from GitS, why not add an extra brain in too?

If she's not putting proper ice into all her bodies, she'll need a proper data centre to handle defence against any actually talented intruders.

I hope Gloria's new career wasn't inspired by a desire to be more proactive in preventative measures.

Hasumi's surface apathy to finding out about the blacksite, along with her new projects research direction and willingness to use such materials for prototyping has probably been noted.

Having them assume her morals align with company values is sure to help open doors.