Looking forward to seeing a Shrouded Primarch.
A good portion of how The Emperor found his sons was following their warp presences, which resonated with his own. Would being Shrouded prevent that tracking?

Also, is being Shrouded enough of a taint for Emperor to go Excommunicatus Traitoris on them?
At the very least we probably won't have to deal with M41.
Call it my fond memories/nostalgia of "When in doubt, blame the Eldar" but it would be interesting if they were in M41. Just so the religious fanatics etc can be seen choking on/attempting to rationalize the notion that one of the God-Emperor's sons is only alive due to the mercy of a filthy Xeno and Hereteks from the Dark Age of Technology.
Also, is being Shrouded enough of a taint for Emperor to go Excommunicatus Traitoris on them?
Well the Shroud is a xeno and the DAoT folk are using AIs (Men of Stone) so the society probably does fall into the 'kill them all' category.
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which is sad cause being friendly wit the shroud has a fuckton of bonuses when it come to study of chaos and safety from it
Well the Shroud is a xeno and the DAoT folk are using AIs (Men of Stone) so the society probably does fall into the 'kill them all' category.

Well, there is such a thing as Sanctioned Xenos, so just existing doesn't automatically earn the Shroud a death sentence. Still from what little I could find on them, Sanctioned Xenos are even less trusted then Sanctioned Psykers.

As for the arrival of this pod, it kind of makes sense for it to arrive when it did. This is the point when the barrier between the Warp and the Material was at its weakest, so any ship traveling near the time/space of that region of the Warp could break through by mistake.
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Also, is being Shrouded enough of a taint for Emperor to go Excommunicatus Traitoris on them?
Well the Shroud is a xeno and the DAoT folk are using AIs (Men of Stone) so the society probably does fall into the 'kill them all' category.
The Primarchs got a lot of leeway on most of that. Several of their worlds were flirting with Chaos, Emperor worship, and I think Lion had xenos servants in the ' Watchers in the Dark' creatures that follow his legion around.

They were also a lot less absolute in their anti-xenos attitudes back then.

Edit: Rogue traders are a thing, I wouldn't be surprised if several Xenos species end up subsidizing parts of the Great Crusade because it will strike at their rival species and not them.
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Well I was not expecting this to be one of the planets that a Primarch landed on. That changes the potential first contact situation for the Shroud strongly away from violence, the worlds associated with Primarchs get substantially more wiggle room with regards to Xenos and Heresy and the like than anyone else.

I wonder which Primarch it is.

Also suggests that some timey-wimey shenanigans have happened, since the comments about how recent the Bright Night seemed to be do not gel with it being M30 already, which would imply that the Primarch Pod has ended up in the past: A thing that has been known to happen with Warp travel.
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Well I was not expecting this to be one of the planets that a Primarch landed on. That changes the potential first contact situation for the Shroud strongly away from violence, the worlds associated with Primarchs get substantially more wiggle room with regards to Xenos and Heresy and the like than anyone else.

I wonder which Primarch it is.

Also suggests that some timey-wimey shenanigans have happened, since the comments about how recent the Bright Night seemed to be do not gel with it being M30 already, which would imply that the Primarch Pod has ended up in the past: A thing that has been known to happen with Warp travel.
And/Or that time passed slower in the center of a warpstorm. Which has ALSO been known to happen.
And/Or that time passed slower in the center of a warpstorm. Which has ALSO been known to happen.
That too. Though I feel like Drich would have noticed Slaanesh's birth, given how psychically loud it is.

Either way, time being wibbly inside a Warp Storm is a fairly normal state of affairs by the standards of the Warp.
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That too. Though I feel like Drich would have noticed Slaanesh's birth, given how psychically loud it is.

Either way, time being wibbly inside a Warp Storm is a fairly normal state of affairs by the standards of the Warp.
Did the Primarchs get stolen before or after the birth scream that both created the Eye of Terror and also calmed down the warp storms that were making travel impossible? Or are those two separate events?

Edit: also I think the idea of grand theft Primarch is hilarious.
Half of them probably would, yes, while the other half would accept the chance to be permanently rid of the threat of Slaanesh. They have a tendency to split up like that.
True.But from Shroud perspective,Eldars are perfect bait for demons - no matter,what they think about them.Would fisherman care about opinions of worms used as baits?
P.S i would like to see face Eldar Farseer,when he/she undarstandt,that is keep as bait.
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True.But from Shroud perspective,Eldars are perfect bait for demons - no matter,what they think about them.Would fisherman care about opinions of worms used as baits?
P.S i would like to see face Eldar Farseer,when he/she undarstandt,that is keep as bait.
The Shroud would try to keep them alive wouldn't it?

They also probably lack the ability to amputate Shroud Symbiotes out of Eldar, so the instant enough of them get infected they're going to have to drop their plans to annihilate the Shroud.
Being Eldar they will inevitably take credit for such a Chaos-immunizing outcome and congratulate themselves on that being their plan all along.
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The Shroud would try to keep them alive wouldn't it?

They also probably lack the ability to amputate Shroud Symbiotes out of Eldar, so the instant enough of them get infected they're going to have to drop their plans to annihilate the Shroud.
Being Eldar they will inevitably take credit for such a Chaos-immunizing outcome and congratulate themselves on that being their plan all along.
Yes,worm analogy was bad - they do not survive being bait,after all.So - Eldar as super-worms? but you are right,they would still be full of themselves.
P.S about just like planned - that would be opinion of Tzaneeth demons - just before being eaten.


It's been quite some time since I've seen one.

It's on the smaller side, as far as Bloodthirsters go. This one is just nine meters tall, which puts in at about three times the height of my Klaxons. Still, it's a damned Bloodthirster.

This is about to go very, very badly.

I charge immediately, my Klaxon-selves moving at surprising speeds for something so large, fast enough to be little more than a blur that few things could react to.

Yet again, a list the Bloodthirster was on.

It swings its axe, a massive, overly spiked, and ridiculously heavy thing. One of the Klaxons turns, limbs curling in front of it to take the blow head on.

Nevertheless, it just about splits it in half with one blow, ripping a jagged tear through it. Not quite dead yet, but it'll be soon.

I refocus immediately. The other Klaxon-self fires a burst of power, more than enough to evaporate any lesser Daemon. The Bloodthirster's skin only singes, blistering. The rest of my bodies quickly move to finish off the retinue, avoiding this fight the moment. I have my Clasher-selves shoot breaker-waves, in an attempt to weaken it.

It roars, ripping its axe out of the other Klaxon, finishing that body off. It curves low, wings widening.

Okay. I can buy... maybe another five seconds. I have the forces to defeat it, I just need to get them in place. I need thirty. That's not a lot of time, but a Bloodthirster is... dangerous. I do have a few options-

In the center of the clearing, just behind the other Klaxon, I see a column of faint rainbow lights.

- which just became unnecessary. Good.

It leaps, wings propelling it forwards as it does an overhand strike. At that exact moment, a flash of light heralds the arrival of backup.

And of all backup to give me, they sent those two.

A lance manifests in midair, already striking at the Bloodthirster. Despite its speed, the Bloodthirster is able to bring its axe down in time to block it, though it halts all of its momentum. The wings flare, and it lands on the ground, snarling.

A small white figure dashes forwards, fast enough to blur. The Bloodthirster swings its axe down, at the figure brings its own weapon up.

The figure is much smaller than the Bloodthirster. Indeed, it isn't much larger than a normal Human. His body is partially hollow, seemingly frail in its construction. Against the monstrous, unnatural strength of a damned Bloodthirster, one could be forgiven for thinking that this action was nothing more than elaborate suicide.

The axe smashed into the weapon, and simply halted. The figure, still for a moment, became visible. The stencilled letters on his chest plate declared his name: Singleton. The axe hissed and smoked where it touched the sword, beginning to blacken.

The thing about Valiants? For all their apparently fragile construction, they employed what was among the most advanced technology that Humanity had ever designed.

Singleton pushed back, technological power winning against the unnatural strength of the Warp. The axe was pushed aside, and Singleton lashed out with his phaseblade, its edge glowing orange with a concentrated disruption field so powerful that even the flesh of the Bloodthirster was no match. The blade sliced long and deep, spilling blood and gore, and sending the Bloodthirster rearing back.

If Singleton was alone, this fight would have been very close.

But he wasn't. Another figure in dark grey armour leaps into the air, glowing with blue light. The Symbiont manifested itself in a moment, a gigantic thing every bit as massive as the Bloodthirster. Light gathered in its hand, another lance manifesting.

It struck. The Bloodthirster brought the flat of axehead up, angled slightly for deflection. The sound of the two colliding was like thunder. Still, the Daemon manages the deflection, pushing the lance to the side, then backs up to right itself.

It glances down, at the axe. Where the lance had hit, a crack had formed. It looks back up, face curling into a nastier snarl.

Singleton widens his stance, even as the Symbiont behind him does the same, the lance shifting into a pair of blades. The Bloodthirster shifts its grip, holding its axe low to the ground, eyes focusing on the threat in front of it.

At its side, more Bloodletters burst into existence, forming up behind their greater brethren. For a few moments, there is nothing but anticipation, both waiting for the other party to make a move.

And that's thirty seconds.


A deep thrum splits the air, and the Bloodthirster's eyes shoot upwards. I see its body tense, wings flaring, but it's too late.

A twisting sphere of energy smashes into it, falling from the sky. That energy promptly collapses, condensing into a localized gravity well, or to be more accurate, a small black hole. It swallows the Bloodthirster immediately, its gravity drawing in the Bloodletters only a moment later, alongside rocks, trees, light, and any chance that a Daemon was going to get what it wanted tonight.

It detonates only a few seconds later, with a blast wave that levels another set of trees, a flash of ionizing radiation that leaves the area quite lethal, and a loose cloud of Warp Energies that was, formerly, a Bloodthirster and its retinue.

I just about fling myself at it, drawing in that energy. It tastes wonderful, and there's so much of it~

I bite, chew, and swallow. My stomach fills with speed, and I begin to spawn more energy embryos, transmitting them across the island. The ground shakes and rumbles as my bodies begin to push their way out, growing rapidly.

The rest of the Daemons, unfortunately, start to flee. The devouring of Greater Daemons has a tendency to do that; sparking mass discorporealization as every Daemon in the vicinity realized that there was something really dangerous, here.

Still, that isn't bad. I slurp the last of the Warp Energy in, and I don't exactly have a lot of room left. Greater Daemons are dinner and dessert, all in one.

Still a few stragglers... but I don't feel like dealing with them at the moment. I gather a bit of my energy bounty, focusing it within my Entity-selves. The lights of my cores glow strongly, motes gathering together...

Before exploding outwards in waves of pulsing blue life light. It spreads, from the Entities, leaving motes of semi-material energy behind, and continues until it has gone quite a ways away from the island.

There's not many stragglers, but when the wave washes over them and begins to disintegrate their bodies by simple exposure, they take the hint and scramble.

What's left is a peaceful island, floating motes like so many fireflies... A pretty sight.

And of course, this pod.
And of course, this pod.
...So what happens when you blast a baby primarch with enough warp cleansing to level a Greater Daemon?
Find out next time on Shroud!!!
(I swear half the time your fics are either about the power of friendship multiplied by benevolent entities or what happens when X meets Y and becomes pi.)
I'm getting the difficult to confirm impression that they're fighting Khornate daemons most of the time. Mostly because we've only seen those, and the mentions of red light associated with their manifestation as if it is expected.
I'm getting the difficult to confirm impression that they're fighting Khornate daemons most of the time. Mostly because we've only seen those, and the mentions of red light associated with their manifestation as if it is expected.
Khornate daemons are the ones most likely to go "Meh I can take them" or "Finally, a worthy opponent" when they hear of something killing daemons from gossip around the water cooler (or however daemons socialize).
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If Singleton was alone, this fight would have been very close.

But he wasn't. Another figure in dark grey armour leaps into the air, glowing with blue light. The Symbiont manifested itself in a moment, a gigantic thing every bit as massive as the Bloodthirster. Light gathered in its hand, another lance manifesting.

It struck. The Bloodthirster brought the flat of axehead up, angled slightly for deflection. The sound of the two colliding was like thunder. Still, the Daemon manages the deflection, pushing the lance to the side, then backs up to right itself.

It glances down, at the axe. Where the lance had hit, a crack had formed. It looks back up, face curling into a nastier snarl.

Singleton widens his stance, even as the Symbiont behind him does the same, the lance shifting into a pair of blades. The Bloodthirster shifts its grip, holding its axe low to the ground, eyes focusing on the threat in front of it.
A Shroud enhanced human taking on a Greater daemon? That is pretty big news, and also a major game changer.
A Shroud enhanced human taking on a Greater daemon? That is pretty big news, and also a major game changer.
Seems like a psyker. And an outlier among (one small planetary population worth of)psykers as well. Possibly in both power and skill.

So it's only really a major game changer because this is a Khornate Daemon. And would usually have all sorts of resistances against psykers.
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A Shroud enhanced human taking on a Greater daemon? That is pretty big news, and also a major game changer.
Not really. Strong enough trained psykers (ala Grey Knight Captains and the like) can and have taken on greater daemons and won. And this greater daemon was on the weaker end of things.

The Shroud enhanced human is likely a Psyker on the stronger end of the spectrum.

The real game changer is Shroud implantation making people not be vulnerable to Warp corruption.
Seems like a psyker. And an outlier among (one small planetary population worth of)psykers as well. Possibly in both power and skill.
The Shroud enhanced human is likely a Psyker on the stronger end of the spectrum.
You still go from " Grey Knight Captains" to "strong Psykers enhanced by the Shroud" and there are way more Psykers than Grey Knight Captains.
One needs hundreds years of training at least, while one seemingly only needs a Shroud attachment and being a Psyker.
You still go from " Grey Knight Captains" to "strong Psykers enhanced by the Shroud" and there are way more Psykers than Grey Knight Captains.
One needs hundreds years of training at least, while one seemingly only needs a Shroud attachment and being a Psyker.
Even Shroud linked Psykers need time to develop to the level we see here. I'm betting this Psyker is the oldest and most powerful to have been liked to the Shroud.

On the other hand, it likely was still a process that took far less years then a Grey Knight Captain.
Did the Primarchs get stolen before or after the birth scream that both created the Eye of Terror and also calmed down the warp storms that were making travel impossible? Or are those two separate events?

Edit: also I think the idea of grand theft Primarch is hilarious.
It is unclear, but seeing as the theft of the Primarchs was a deliberate act by the Ruinous Powers I would assume it was post Eye of Terror as they would need to be awake to act intentionally like that.

Looking through the 40k timelines on the interwebs, there is no specific date for the end of the Age of Strife and birth of Slaanesh, only ca. M30. Although apparently a Rogue Trader was exploring the Mandragoran Stars from 570 - 750 in M30 (somehow? Warp-time presumably) and the Lucien Mechanicum discover Mezoa in 540, so I would assume that the Eye was created and thus the Warp Storms cleared prior to the mid ~500s of M30, which would put it as prior to the Primarch Project at 750.

e: Ah yeah, the 'Fall of the Aeldari' is stated to have taken place 'early in the 30th millennium', so Slaanesh's birth does indeed predate the Primarch Project.
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