You know, considering the Shroud's capabilities and nature; the closest native 40k entity to it would be the C'Tan.

Cue the Eldar freaking out left, right and center while the Necrons get very very worried.
You know, considering the Shroud's capabilities and nature; the closest native 40k entity to it would be the C'Tan.

Cue the Eldar freaking out left, right and center while the Necrons get very very worried.
I'm betting the Eldar will try to beat down Drich, and when that fails, fall on their hands and knees and beg for mercy.
...Other than 'YESSS WHEN DO SEE EPIC WAR SCENE', I have a question- would eating from the Shadow In The Warp make Shroud more or less hungry...?
Well, seeing as the Shadow In The Warp happens where Tyranids are, and the Shroud is restricted to real space, I think the Shroud would be more concerned about eating the giant monsters trying to eat them to test out the flavor of the Shadow In The Warp.
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See, unfortunately, this planet has a moon, and that thing is basically on the edge of the eye. It is super corrupt, more a seething mass of warp energy and Daemons than anything else.
Additional food source?

We plan to put a Shoud on the moon before the end of this decade, not because it is easy, but because we were feeling sort of peckish last Tuesday!
Well, there is only one question left by the chapter.
When would Drich eat the Daemon Moon?
If you capture some wierdboyz can you use them to drain the waaagh out of an area?
Weakening the Orks.




And thus the galaxy's most recent Waaaagh became the galaxy's first Ork Teaparty, leading shortly to the galaxy's new most recent Waaaaagh when they remembered krumpin' could be used to get more gubbinz to broo.
Well the idea is that the shroud would be eating the Waaagh.
Not sure how that turns into a tea party, but maybe Orks get competitive about enemies eating eachother? Or in the absence of Waaagh they start acting like calm English soccer hooligans instead of rowdy ones?
Don't orks literally get flabby and weak when isolated and restrained from fighting? Drich could end up doing to the orks what we've done to chickens; selectively breeding a fat mockery of the original species that retains just enough vestigial parts of the original to let you know how far it's fallen.

... on the plus side, space!kfc would be vegan since the orks are a fungus. :V


I wasn't alone in my preparation. Mine was the larger, covering the entire island.

But the people of Sanctuary had their own. Most will choose to stay down there, continuing on as if the event isn't happening at all. Some will deploy machines to the surface, the latest round of designs tested in the crucible of Daemonic invasion.

Four decades, and that still hadn't changed. The lessons they learned from the experimentation had been hard-earned, but invaluable. More than just I protected Sanctuary. The Humans here made deep headway into counteracting the Warp, helped by presence. My Silence made for an environment of stable development, where the most a wrong circuit design will do just causes a minor fluctuation in Warp Energies. It lets them figure out what does and what doesn't resonate in the Warp, what is and is not resistant, allows them the chance to process data without inviting a Daemon into their systems. There were more than a few Warp-repelling materials built into the structure of Sanctuary, Phase-Iron and Quiet-glass the two primary ones...

It wasn't hard to guess which one had been inspired by me, was it?

Most of the machines they've brought this time aren't that different from what they've brought last time. Silver and black, smooth with a lack of hard edges. The aesthetic was important when it came to Daemons. Something that looked rough and jagged had an entirely different effect to something that looks smooth and elegant. Silver, as well, is oft-seen as 'pure', and has been historically associated with holiness and purity. That, in turn, gave it real power, upon creatures of the Warp, assisting in the banishment of the unnatural.

Of course, that was just one option. The other was to attack the Warp directly. But...

That was my role in this upcoming conflict. The Daemons were safe so long as they were within the Warp, out of my reach, but once they crossed over to this side... Then they were mine.

I'd been doing this for long enough that it was quite routine. The event itself was, despite the chaos of, well, Chaos, generally consistent. Daemons would appear all over the island. They would come in the tens of thousands, drawn by the faint promise that was the echo of the souls in Sanctuary. That made it tantalising, see, and drew in so many of these unnamed, similar hordes. Over the years, so many Daemons had vanished down my gullet that the amount who came was notably lesser.

I should note; most Daemons that appeared around here were of the weakest varieties. More primal things, and more minor, too. Warp Beasts, Furies, Dispayres, Warp Predators, Astral Spectres... Lesser Daemons were more uncommon, forming small percentages of the invaders. Every now and then, I'd also see a Herald..

Only three times had a Greater Daemon dared to come here. The first two of them had fallen, but that third one had managed to escape... And after that, I'd never seen another Greater Daemon. It was irritating. They were enough of a feast to make me almost wish for the days before the Daemontide, when the numbers of Humans hadn't dropped so far as to fall below their attention. I'd been able to eat so many of them...

Almost. Food aside, those times had been awful... I hadn't refined myself into my current shapes, little more than a single, seething mass of confusion and hunger back then.

It... had taken a while to stop being that. Before I got my thoughts in nice, clean, organised order. Before I got my mind structured into easy sanity. Hadn't been fully aware of myself, beforehand...

Who had, really? The Humans had been reeling from the Iron Schism, and then everything went from regular shittiness to extra shitty when the Warp Storm swallowed the planet and Daemons fell like rain. I came in shortly afterwards, and again, it was all a big mess.

Things were better, these days. I had my life together, the Humans were slowly rebuilding, and the Daemons were dying. Everybody wins.

Except the Daemons, but who cares about them?

Nobody who mattered, that's for sure.

Where was I?

Yes, preparations. The Daemontide was a good time to test things. Humans did it with machines, careful preparations designed to create ever more powerful anti-Daemon weaponry.

I did it with life. I usually just let my bodies run wild, my shapes twisting into newer and ever different forms. Precious few of them were the right combination of efficient, useful, and effective to receive refinement, transformation into a shape that I'd use again.

Usually was a keyword, there. Most of my refined shapes came about with purpose, rather than evolution. Where I had an idea and worked towards it, instead of letting evolution come up with solutions for me.

Of course, it wasn't as if evolution was the sole source of solutions. Humanity was responsible for more than two thirds of my newer refined shapes, as clever as they were. Their designs revealed to me new ideas, new ways to make newer and more powerful shapes that nevertheless kept the efficiency I required.

Hmph. 'Require'. 'Demand', more like. I was not some mythical ascetic monk; all my bodies required energy, all of them would slowly deplete without intake. Life needed food, all of it. The difficult part was finding that careful balance, for the requirements to not surpass the intake. Symbionts were the thing I was proudest of, there; an endless font with which to sustain me so long as I was willing to limit myself to what they could supply.

Now if only I could get into the Warp itself without being ejected. Then, it'd truly be eternity. As it was, without Symbionts, the best that could be done was Vortex Devices- and those weren't what could be called 'stable'. Souls self-corrected, a mass of effectively self-sustaining power, but Vortex Devices had a habit of either turning off or exploding on a whim. Managing it wasn't impossible, but it required precision, and far more attention than I cared to give. Valiants were about the only thing that could make them usable, the only thing that had the intelligence, reaction speed, and intuition to keep them going.

Side-tracked again.

Well... I suppose there wasn't much else to the Daemontide. Just the fighting itself. A chaotic battle, with so many minor Warp Entities and Daemons. We fought, we died, their losses replaced mine, more creatures replaced theirs...

What more needed to be said?

Nothing, really.
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Hmm, so it hasn't been /toooooo/ long since the age of strife started. Or were those bunkers more like Fallout vaults and our MC spent millenia working out his psychosis?

I'm kinda looking forward to what might happen if the great crusade stumbles on this world, or maybe the warpstorm will abate and reveal the Horus Heresy in action, or even the regular 41st millennium.

I feel like the setting is getting there though, so hopefully we'll see more of the wider galaxy soon!

Also lmao at that greater demon passing out a PSA about that one rough neighbourhood none of the 'smart' demons should travel through :p
Guess the permanently losing a Greater Daemon isn't worth the hassle.
Greater Daemons have enough of an ego\personality to have a proper sense of self-preservation, so when that third one got away it would have told all the others about the fucking scary monsters that tried to eat it and all the other Greater Daemons would have gone 'nope.'

Lesser\Minor Daemons though have no real sense of self and are little more than a bundle of instincts and hatred given form, they are slaves to the concepts that make up their essence and simply cannot stop themselves from trying to follow their desires to seek out and consume living souls. They will throw themselves mindlessly into Drich's mouth literally forever, no matter how many have gone before them, because they just don't have enough mental capacity to even begin to consider alternate courses of action.

Some types of Lesser Daemon can give the appearance of true intellect under certain circumstances; Bloodletters for example are extremely disciplined and move about in neat ranks and formations until battle is joined, at which point they break apart into a mindless frenzy of slaughter. But that is because the concepts of 'discipline' and 'tactics' are some of the ones that comprise their essence, so that kind of behavior is literally instinctual to them. They don't think about acting like that any more than you or I think about breathing, it just makes sense to them as a thing to do.

Given the current era, the Ruinous Powers are stirring from their slumber but not yet awake. They won't wake up properly until Slaanesh completes its birth and tears open the Eye of Terror, until then while the galaxy has been plunged into Chaos it is very directionless Chaos. With the Ruinous Powers either unconscious or coalescing there is no over-arching intellect or will behind the Daemonic incursions, it's just a random galactic smorgasbord of Chaos and destruction as Daemons of all shapes and sizes do whatever they please and party all night long. This is actually a very good thing for Drich, as it means that the Shroud won't face a concerted, organized assault beyond what one or two particularly powerful Greater Daemons would be capable of putting together until the Eye opens. At the moment the Shroud is just on one single planet amongst billions, and without the over-arching command and control of the Ruinous Powers the vast majority of the Greater Daemons are going to be of the opinion that one single planet is simply irrelevant when there is an entire galaxy to feast upon in an orgy of death and destruction.

As time passes and the Ruinous Powers come closer and closer to waking, this will steadily change as the forces of Chaos become more and more organized in response to their Patrons wakening, but we're unlikely to see any proper cohesion until the last millennia at the very earliest. Barring Warp Bullshit Shenanigans like some Chaos Space Marines time-traveling back from the future to fuck shit up as part of some ridiculously convoluted Tzeentchian plot or just sheer random chance, which is unlikely but not impossible as that sort of thing has happened before. The Warp is insane like that.
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Greater Daemons have enough of an ego\personality to have a proper sense of self-preservation, so when that third one got away it would have told all the others about the fucking scary monsters that tried to eat it and all the other Greater Daemons would have gone 'nope.'

Lesser\Minor Daemons though have no real sense of self and are little more than a bundle of instincts and hatred given form, they are slaves to the concepts that make up their essence and simply cannot stop themselves from trying to follow their desires to seek out and consume living souls. They will throw themselves mindlessly into Drich's mouth literally forever, no matter how many have gone before them, because they just don't have enough mental capacity to even begin to consider alternate courses of action.

Some types of Lesser Daemon can give the appearance of true intellect under certain circumstances; Bloodletters for example are extremely disciplined and move about in neat ranks and formations until battle is joined, at which point they break apart into a mindless frenzy of slaughter. But that is because the concepts of 'discipline' and 'tactics' are some of the ones that comprise their essence, so that kind of behavior is literally instinctual to them. They don't think about acting like that any more than you or I think about breathing, it just makes sense to them as a thing to do.

Given the current era, the Ruinous Powers are stirring from their slumber but not yet awake. They won't wake up properly until Slaanesh completes its birth and tears open the Eye of Terror, until then while the galaxy has been plunged into Chaos it is very directionless Chaos. With the Ruinous Powers either unconscious or coalescing there is no over-arching intellect or will behind the Daemonic incursions, it's just a random galactic smorgasbord of Chaos and destruction as Daemons of all shapes and sizes do whatever they please and party all night long. This is actually a very good thing for Drich, as it means that the Shroud won't face a concerted, organized assault beyond what one or two particularly powerful Greater Daemons would be capable of putting together until the Eye opens. At the moment the Shroud is just on one single planet amongst billions, and without the over-arching command and control of the Ruinous Powers the vast majority of the Greater Daemons are going to be of the opinion that one single planet is simply irrelevant when there is an entire galaxy to feast upon in an orgy of death and destruction.

As time passes and the Ruinous Powers come closer and closer to waking, this will steadily change as the forces of Chaos become more and more organized in response to their Patrons wakening, but we're unlikely to see any proper cohesion until the last millennia at the very earliest. Barring Warp Bullshit Shenanigans like some Chaos Space Marines time-traveling back from the future to fuck shit up as part of some ridiculously convoluted Tzeentchian plot or just sheer random chance, which is unlikely but not impossible as that sort of thing has happened before. The Warp is insane like that.

I thought the birth of Slaanesh is what was one of the driving factors that actually caused the majority of war storms to wreath the galaxy during the Rise of the Men of Iron. As in, the Eldar Empire technically fell around the same time that the Human Empire did, just for vastly different reasons.