Regarding other galaxies, I remember reading somewhere that the cog boys have sent probes to nearby galaxies. Everyone of these probes has picked up Ork transmissions ...
IIRC that was a semi-serious thing from Rogue Trader; the Mechanicus sent a probe outside the galaxy and once it was clear of the Milky Way, it picked up Ork transmissions coming from literally every galaxy it could detect.

Recentish Necron canon also seems to be that the Void Dragon's minions had reached and colonized at least one other galaxy, and of course the Tyranids are extragalactic, though that doesn't necessarily mean they come from another galaxy.

Those are, AFAIK, the only canon instances of anyone going out of the galaxy; the Tyranids, Necrons and probably the Orks, through sheer random chance if nothing else. Warp-based travel beyond the galaxy is effectively impossible due to the distinct lack of landmarks in the extragalactic immaterium to navigate by, guaranteeing that anyone who attempts it gets quite thoroughly lost, even Chaos Gods, so only the Necrons with their ability to tell physics to get fucked without using the Warp and the Tyranids with whatever the hell they use can reliably cross intergalactic space.
I'm pretty sure that the Tyranids just make their own landmarks by randomly yeeting bits and pieces of themselves in random directions and see what sticks and what doesn't. A sort of gruesome soul-echolocation.
Nobody knows, Tyranid methods of travel are well known to be based on gravitic space\time manipulation, but their methods of navigation are completely unknown except that they seem to be attracted to the Astronomicon. Whether that actually means anything beyond the fact that Tyranids are psychic is unclear.

They certainly have the necessary mass to use the swarm itself as its own navigational marker, and as they travel in realspace they don't need to worry about getting lost in the Warp.
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what if they are just attracted to really good and powerful genetics and the Emporer is the perfect human on every level it would explain why they are attracted to the astronomicon
Nobody knows, Tyranid methods of travel are well known to be based on gravitic space\time manipulation, but their methods of navigation are completely unknown except that they seem to be attracted to the Astronomicon. Whether that actually means anything beyond the fact that Tyranids are psychic is unclear.

They certainly have the necessary mass to use the swarm itself as its own navigational marker, and as they travel in realspace they don't need to worry about getting lost in the Warp.

My guess is that the Nids use both a combination of thier psionics, swarm mass and gravity itself for navigation, the drive is said to drag or pull their ships to the gravity well that they target IIRC, or maybe that is just my interpretation of it.
My guess is that the Nids use both a combination of thier psionics, swarm mass and gravity itself for navigation, the drive is said to drag or pull their ships to the gravity well that they target IIRC, or maybe that is just my interpretation of it.
Thats the Narvhal, the one they use for interstellar transportation which 'latches on' to a star and then uses the star's gravity well to create a 'tunnel' of distorted space\time through which comparative FTL speeds can be achieved.

What they use for intergalactic transportation is unclear, it might just be more Narvhals, or a really big Narvhal, or it might be some other kind of gravitic space\time manipulation. They obviously have some method, but what it is exactly is unknown.
given that we haven't even seen the main fleets of nids arrive yet? yeah, who knows.
Thats the Narvhal, the one they use for interstellar transportation which 'latches on' to a star and then uses the star's gravity well to create a 'tunnel' of distorted space\time through which comparative FTL speeds can be achieved.

What they use for intergalactic transportation is unclear, it might just be more Narvhals, or a really big Narvhal, or it might be some other kind of gravitic space\time manipulation. They obviously have some method, but what it is exactly is unknown.

So,SI could wait for nids,eat few fleets,and he would be capable of traversing to other Galaxies.
So,SI could wait for nids,eat few fleets,and he would be capable of traversing to other Galaxies.
The Shroud are already intergalactic-capable; the Beta first encountered the Shroud during their voyages around the edges of dark space (the mostly-empty space between galaxies), suggesting that the Shroud are extragalactic in origin, and the Shroud are stated to be a threat to the entire universe if left unchecked.

Whether they are capable of FTL between galaxies, or simply don't give a fuck about ten-million-year journey times, is unclear.

Incidentally, there is no guarantee that the Tyranids have intergalactic FTL either; given their nature it is entirely possible that they travel between galaxies at STL velocities and just aren't bothered by spending a few tens or hundreds of millions of years flying through the dark.
To be fair, if any faction is going to build a VLA to chart other galaxies (other than the Necrons), the one that consists of a giant swarm is probably the most likely.
Map out enough of the distribution of local galaxies, and one of those can re-orient in the intergalactic void pretty easily.

Also, I imagine the gigantic trail of stragglers trailing behind the swarm is actually large enough to orient off of if you know the starting point, which they would.
To be fair, if any faction is going to build a VLA to chart other galaxies (other than the Necrons), the one that consists of a giant swarm is probably the most likely.
Map out enough of the distribution of local galaxies, and one of those can re-orient in the intergalactic void pretty easily.

Also, I imagine the gigantic trail of stragglers trailing behind the swarm is actually large enough to orient off of if you know the starting point, which they would.
The Tyranids probably don't even need to build a VLA (or, more accurately, produce a VLA-organism), they just inherently are one by their very nature: Even if every Bioship only had a single set of Mk.1 Human Eyeball equivalents (which they don't, their sensors are much better than that), as they are all capable of networking together through the Hive Mind, and with trillions upon trillions of Bioships at the very least, if they all collate their sensor data together they'd easily outperform any 'normal' VLA system.

I doubt even the Necrons with their physics wizards could beat the Tyranids in that regard; when it comes to telescopes quantity absolutely has a quality all of its own, put enough shitty telescopes together and they can collectively outperform far higher quality systems, and there's no reason to assume that Tyranid Bioship sensor systems are in any way not excellent.

Just the Hive Fleets that have arrived already could probably act as a better VLA than anything that exists in the 40k galaxy, and that's not even counting the primary bulk of the Hive that is still en-route.
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when it comes to telescopes quantity absolutely has a quality all of its own
Only with proper synchronization. In order to do interferometery you need to properly compare relative phase of the incoming light. Optical VLAs physically route the light to a set of instruments right next to each other. Radio waves have low enough frequencies that it's possible to use modern electronics to compare them.
Also, having more eyes mean nothing if none of the individual eyes can even make out an object.
Only with proper synchronization. In order to do interferometery you need to properly compare relative phase of the incoming light. Optical VLAs physically route the light to a set of instruments right next to each other. Radio waves have low enough frequencies that it's possible to use modern electronics to compare them.
Sure, but the very nature of the Tyranids and their Hive Mind means synchronization is not an issue; the entire 'species' is perpetually synchronized unless cut off from the Hive Mind somehow.

Also, having more eyes mean nothing if none of the individual eyes can even make out an object.
But if they can make out a little bit, then you can add all the little bits together and get a lot.
Sure, but the very nature of the Tyranids and their Hive Mind means synchronization is not an issue; the entire 'species' is perpetually synchronized unless cut off from the Hive Mind somehow.
No, that's not enough. I don't know any eye that can perceive the relative phase of incoming light. Without that, and a common time basis, you cannot perform interferometry. Again, modern-day visual interferometric telescopes use mirrors to send the light to the same instruments, not some kind of data collection and comparison across telescopes. I don't know if the hivemind can act as a common time reference for aperture synthesis, either.