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Multi-User-Mainframe: Database // Tak Records // The Shroud // The Silence


The Silence. The inevitable result of the Shroud's presence. Perhaps the most beneficial of passive behaviours, from the Shroud.

The Silence is... difficult to describe. It's a combination of several effects, really. Most of these effects serve the purpose of disruption, interfering with sensors, scans, and perception at range. Most of these effects are focused on things outside the Silence working on things inside the Silence, which makes testing rather difficult, as it doesn't interfere with most sensors inside the Silence.

Still, launching a few orbital probes gave me the results I needed. In realspace, the Silence produces distorted sensor results, phantom contacts, and occasionally just outright hides returns. As the effect covers the entirety of the island Sanctuary is on, this has resulted in strange yet interesting data. I have seen the probes report back everything from the island being smaller than it is, the island being larger than it is, the island being spatially located differently to where it is, the island being a different shape than what it is, and the island simply not being here at all.

The effect on the Warp is no less pronounced, though it is more limited. It 'hides' things in realspace from the Warp, up to and including the presence of life. The effect is enough to disrupt a Daemon's ability to locate souls, forcing them to manifest within the general vicinity rather than the immediate presence of a would-be victim.

I am still uncertain of the mechanism behind this. Honestly, I can't even detect the Silence itself, I only know its presence and border through extensive probing finding exactly where the trouble with sensors starts.

I called it a passive behaviour, but despite that, there is definitely an active component, as the Shroud is demonstrably capable of controlling the range, strength, and thoroughness of the effect. At higher strengths, disruption becomes even more severe, to the point that sensors give very little results at all, and Daemons fail to manifest even during the height of the Daemontide. The range can be spread quite far, or reduced to increase the strength. As to the thoroughness, the Shroud can also decide what types of scans do and do not get interfered with, as evidenced by the fact that many of the more basic of my probes' sensors started working properly after I used them for long enough.

It appears that the Silence is not capable of being changed instantly, however. It takes time, occasionally up to days, for the Shroud to change the strength, range, and thoroughness of the effect. Further, the stronger, wider, and more thorough it is, the more energy it appears to consume to maintain, as the Shroud speeds up and slows down its resourcing efforts during these modifications.

The Shroud usually refrains from making this effect too strong, as it prevents Daemons from manifesting on the island. This careful balance must be quite tricky to maintain, but it is evidently also rewarding.

The signs of Symbiosis, I'll note, bypass this effect. The constant drain of Warp Energy produces something of a 'current' in the Warp, leading to what has been described to me as a 'swirling drain leading to a hole where something should be'. I'm not a Psyker, so I can't confirm this myself, however.

However, the Silence enables us an opportunity. Its suppression of Warp-based detection also appears to suppress the effects of geometry and symbology on the Warp. Thus, shapes and symbols which would previously draw in Warp Energy, instead do little more than cause a small reaction. This is especially useful when it comes to processing massive amounts of data regarding the Warp, which often causes Warp Possession if done outside of the Silence and therefore requires noospheric systems to observe at slower rates.

The safety offered by the Silence enabled us to find and develop many Warp-repelling techniques, from simple hexagrammic wards to Quiet-Glass to advanced Empyreal Barrier Hardeners. For that alone, we owe the Shroud more than can be put into words.

As to the Silence itself, I believe it is some form of defense mechanism. The properties of disrupting long-range outside scans while not hindering inside scans leads me to believe this.

I can't say for certain how long the Silence has existed. It would however, explain why the Shroud was so difficult to locate during its first appearances, which implies that it has been present since before the Shroud's first observed state. What is it that made the Shroud create such a defense mechanism? Some prior experience, before this world? Something more?

I can't say.
I thought the birth of Slaanesh is what was one of the driving factors that actually caused the majority of war storms to wreath the galaxy during the Rise of the Men of Iron. As in, the Eldar Empire technically fell around the same time that the Human Empire did, just for vastly different reasons.
The creation of a Chaos God isn't something that happens quickly, Slaanesh's birth takes around ~10000 odd years, starting some time around the 19th Millennium when the Twilight Cults led by the Dark Muses begin to rise, following a new paradigm of total self-indulgence that leads them to secede entirely from the Aeldari settlements in realspace and set up permanent residence in the Webway, powering such settlements with stolen suns. The star systems plunged into darkness by the Aeldari sun-theft wither and die in the freezing cold of the void, condemning millions of species to death, but the Aeldari care nothing for the damage they cause. By M24 the worship of the Aeldari Pantheon has all but died out entirely amongst the majority of the Empire, replaced by the sects and societies led by the Dark Muses and the Twilight Cults have transformed into the more overtly hedonistic and sinful Pleasure Cults. The souls of the Aeldari that have been pouring into the Warp in ever increasing numbers since ~M19 have slowly but steadily been clumping together, creating the embryonic form of what will become Slaanesh, as this embryonic form grows larger and stronger the Warp grows more and more chaotic in response, causing the other three Ruinous Powers to stir from their slumber and churn the Warp into even further chaos. By late M23 the rising tension in the Warp becomes great enough to breach the boundaries of reality in a series of ever expanding Warp Storms that begin spreading out from the Maelstrom in the galactic core, and by early M25 the Warp Storms have engulfed the galaxy entirely and the Age of Strife officially begins.

Things continue getting worse until late M29\early M30, when the shit finally hits the fan and the growing embryonic cluster of tortured Aeldari souls reaches critical mass, in a single blinding instant the Warp Entity that will come to be known as Slaanesh is born, its birth cries unleashing a massive psychic shockwave that ruptures space\time and plunges an area of the galaxy over 20,000 light years in diameter centred upon the heart of the Aeldari Empire right into the deepest bowels of the Warp. As this happens, the newborn god takes its first breath and in doing so instantly slays the overwhelming majority of the Aeldari who lived in the empire as their souls are inhaled. The gargantuan tear in reality caused in this moment of death and destruction will later be named by Humanity as the Eye of Terror.

This massive eruption of psychic power does have an upside though, the sheer force of such an overwhelming psychic shockwave literally 'blows away' the Warp Storms that had consumed the galaxy since M25, returning a degree of calm to the Warp and allowing Warp travel and communications to function once more. Unfortunately Slaanesh is young and virile, and if its birth didn't awaken the other Ruinous Powers then it quickly goes to rectify that with its actions, poking and prodding at its siblings with all the manic enthusiasm of every newborn child. So while the Warp itself is now calm, the Ruinous Powers are now awake for the first time since the end of the War in Heaven and they immediately move to begin their Great Game against each other, starting by interfering with Slaanesh's consumption of the Aeldari Pantheon. Out of a twisted sense of love of her despair and the desire for a waifu, Nurgle saves Isha from Slaanesh's depredations, while Cegorach strikes some kind of deal with Tzeentch and gets away scott free, laughing all the way like the clown he is. Khorne 'saves' Khaine by shattering him into a thousand shards, because Khorne was actually trying to claim Khaine's power for himself and kind of fucked the whole thing up due to a lack of forethought on his part.

Regardless, the Ruinous Powers are all awake and immediately set to trying to murder the shit out of each other, something they will continue to do until the Emprah, or Anathema as they call him, shows his golden mug and causes them to briefly band together to neuter the threat before they return to their Great Game.

The Aeldari Empire didn't properly fall until Slaanesh was born in M29\30, the Human empire started falling in M22 when the Men of Iron rebelled, got worse in M23 when Psykers began showing up and then finished falling in M25 when the Warp Storms cut off all interstellar travel and communications.
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From this update, the Silence sounds less like a defensive technique and more like a tactic employed by an ambush predator. If the Warp entities can't sense the Shroud coming, the won't know to flee back into the Warp before they are eaten.
From this update, the Silence sounds less like a defensive technique and more like a tactic employed by an ambush predator. If the Warp entities can't sense the Shroud coming, the won't know to flee back into the Warp before they are eaten.
Well, given that the Shroud are a literal outside context problem, being form outside the 40k universe, I think this thought still applies as the OG Shroud were literally a gigantic energy parasite munching existence dry and quickly overwhelming resistance would allow them more time to munch on energy, while Drich Shroud has the advantage of both common sense and unlimited but small output of infinite energy to utilize.

I think I lost my train of thoughts in there for some reason.
Infinite perpetuity of the output is in doubt, and depends on the psykers the Shroud is tapping living that long.

But tapping the psychic potential of a population is definitely a good way to acquire long term sources of needed resources.
Infinite perpetuity of the output is in doubt, and depends on the psykers the Shroud is tapping living that long.

But tapping the psychic potential of a population is definitely a good way to acquire long term sources of needed resources.
Thing is the second info threadmark on symbiosis says symbionts provide slow but endless font of energy for Drich Shroud, although Drich hasn't actually said anything on the host's lifespan so you may be correct.

@Drich, what does a Shroud Symbiont do for a host's Lifespan?
I think that Daemons are also more vulnerable to weapons that make sense on an instinctive level. Fire and sharp things(claws, blades, arrows) and such.
Depending on when the Shroud showed up, nobody off planet should really have any idea it is there, since it is surrounded by a warp storm correct?
Until the warp storm dissipates or the Shroud gets off planet the Silence is localized in an area nobody would expect access to anyway, so no big players should know about it correct?
Depending on when the Shroud showed up, nobody off planet should really have any idea it is there, since it is surrounded by a warp storm correct?
Until the warp storm dissipates or the Shroud gets off planet the Silence is localized in an area nobody would expect access to anyway, so no big players should know about it correct?
Unless you consider "literally the Chaos Gods" to be big players. Greater Daemons serve under Daemon Princes, or else directly under one of the Four.

As mentioned just recently, he has eaten a lot of Daemons, including Greater Daemons, during the start of the Warp Storm, and has eaten two more during the Daemontides (as one escaped, probably a Lord of Change). Further, he ate a Bloodthirster, a Greater Daemon of Khorne, that was summoned by cultists earlier.
Unless you consider "literally the Chaos Gods" to be big players. Greater Daemons serve under Daemon Princes, or else directly under one of the Four.

As mentioned just recently, he has eaten a lot of Daemons, including Greater Daemons, during the start of the Warp Storm, and has eaten two more during the Daemontides (as one escaped, probably a Lord of Change). Further, he ate a Bloodthirster, a Greater Daemon of Khorne, that was summoned by cultists earlier.
Nope. That was a Bloodletter. Not a Bloodthirster. It was a lesser daemon of Khorne. A bloodthirster would have been too much for a few Shroud units to handle, and there's no way a sacrifice of only 8 humans could draw forth a greater daemon.
As mentioned just recently, he has eaten a lot of Daemons, including Greater Daemons, during the start of the Warp Storm, and has eaten two more during the Daemontides (as one escaped, probably a Lord of Change). Further, he ate a Bloodthirster, a Greater Daemon of Khorne, that was summoned by cultists earlier.
Doesn't actually say which he's eaten, just that he's encountered two.
Only three times had a Greater Daemon dared to come here. The first two of them had fallen, but that third one had managed to escape... And after that, I'd never seen another Greater Daemon. It was irritating.
So I suppose we need to question whether they'll be getting out of the warp storm any time soon.

On one hand you might wonder, if they're not getting out soon, then why tell the story in this time period with these characters?

On the other hand, maybe the forces of Chaos are about to make a more serious attempt on the lives of those that dare defy them? Maybe involving bringing in corrupted physical troops from outside, maybe breaking chunks off of the moon and using them for bombardment/turning them into low-energy reasonable-DPS sorcerous golems to mount an attack?

If they are getting out, will it coincide with some warp-storm disrupting event in galactic history? Or not? Or will it just be that the last uncorrupted human on the world has been corrupted/disappeared from detection(ceased to exist as far as the warp cares) and that's when the storm is fated to spit them out?
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Doesn't actually say which he's eaten, just that he's encountered two.

The first two of them had fallen, but that third one had managed to escape... And after that, I'd never seen another Greater Daemon. It was irritating. They were enough of a feast to make me almost wish for the days before the Daemontide,

Nope, they were eaten like the giant Halloween candy they are. :lol: ...Actually that makes me wonder, do different demons *taste* different?
From what I am seeing drich's total size is limited by her energy income from the humans, limiting her overall growth such that Energy needs never go above her supply. To eat the moon and all of the warp stuff there in she would need to grow massively not to mention she doesn't have space ship forms yet. Which would be well over what the human population could provide in terms of energy.

A question I have is where is the energy that Dritch is consuming passively going?
Energy cannot be destroyed or created according to the laws of physics only transform from one state to another , warp derived energy is being an exception to this.
So what is that energy being expended on that which cannot recover it?
Couldn't the humans just send an entity up on a one way trip with a rocket? As for the energy loss it's probably a combo of entropy and not having 100% energy efficiency.


It was time.

I stood ready, all across the island. I had a hundred thousand bodies, many of them hidden away in Quiet places here and there. I did not expect to use them, but having insurance against Daemons was always a wise idea. Most were temporary, a just-in-case measure for... well, just-in-case.

It was dark, out. And the moon...

It was easy to see. Pale and sickly white light giving way to an evil red. Raw malice, filling air, filling space, enough to make a man choke... Enough to whet my appetite.

Here it comes~

The moon finishes the change, its light dyeing the world the crimson colour of blood.

I can feel barriers weaken. The scent of the Warp coming closer, just a bit away...

Any moment, a beast will tear its way through with an electric red burst of power...

There! I can feel it, taste it, the barrier stretching-

And a ray of gold shines through.

That isn't right. That's not Chaos.

Space cracks opens, a rift spitting out a meteor that glows with shining, distinctly NOT CHAOS Warp Energies. It tastes...

Human? Stronger, purer, but definitely Human. Its a power that pushes away the Chaos surrounding it, combined with... something else, something that's... hardening local space? Shoring up the barriers between realspace and the Warp?

Part of it was a Gellar Field, but there was something more than that to it.

What is going on?

The meteor plummets, falling to the planet's surface. Its path takes it... away from this island, closer to the mainland.

The rift bubbles, and my attention is drawn back to it. One look, and I can see a truly hideous amount of red spilling out, the air filling with more malice than I've felt for...


I reach for the minds of the hosts of my Symbionts, pushing a warning to them. My hundred thousand bodies are already scrambling, spreading out of their hiding spots, even as I pump energy to spawn more.

Daemons spill from the rift, so many that they're more a solid wave of red. They're chasing the powerful energy of the meteor. They don't stick around for long; most of them vanishing back into the Warp when they realize that they're in orbit. A few follow nonetheless, mostly flying types.

Whatever that meteor is, I can't let them have it. I focus on the meteor, working the math in my mind. It takes a moment, but I gather energy, grip space, and pull.

A sudden intense gravity surge curves the trajectory of the meteor, redirecting it towards the island. It will land... roughly in the northern part. I shift my bodies again, preparing to gather them wherever it lands.

The Daemons are already arriving, appearing on the island with puffs of purple-pink power. I start killing them immediately, multitudes of bodies meeting multitudes of Daemons.

I had not been prepared for this number, not so suddenly. Still, the situation isn't completely out of control, not yet, and so long as it isn't, I don't have to pull out my trump cards.

Minutes pass in deathly slowness. I shoot, I stab, I charge, I grapple, I attack with everything I have, I kill, and I consume. Daemons flood down my gullet, and I use every bit of energy I'm getting from it as my bodies die and I replace them.

The meteor smashes into the ground with a thunderous boom, shaking the earth with its power. It hits in the middle of a forest, the impact clearing a fair part of it away, and setting fire to good portion beyond that.

I ignore the destruction, closing in immediately. A Mimic-self, of course, is the first to arrive, the fastest and closest thing I have available.

It's imbedded partially in the ground, but it's surprisingly intact for something that just fell from orbit.

Beyond that... It's metal. Tough and strong, a particularly dense and tough mix that I'm more than familiar with; Adamantium. Roughly the shape of rounded cylinder, appearing as some sort of pod. There's power, lingering around it, just as I tasted before.

With a pulse of electric red, I'm suddenly out of time to analyze it. My Mimic-self spins around, coming to face a Bloodletter, which snarls. I waste no time, shooting a bolt of energy at it, and it dodges out of the way, moving with supernatural quickness. It swings its sword, slashing wildly. My Mimic-self shoots back, moving out of the way, before firing again. It doesn't move quite fast enough to dodge completely this time, and it takes the shot straight its side.

A Mimic's attack is a lot stronger than it looks. It punches through the Daemon skin, melting it away, and I draw that energy in immediately.

There's another crackle, and another Bloodletter appears.

Just as it does, a bolt of energy shoots out of the destroyed treeline, slamming into it and violently exploding. The Daemon is sent flying, and a pair of Howler-selves come in, followed shortly by a Clasher-self. More are on the way, and they'll be here soon. I just need to buy time.

Then again, the same is true for them.

I fire immediately, shooting bolts and waves of power at the downed Daemon. It disintegrates under the attacks, finished off quickly. The trouble with ranged attacks is that I can't quite capture all of that energy, but in this scenario, I don't really care, either.

Especially since it is immediately replaced by another three. They move with coordination, and promptly slice my Mimic-self to pieces. The energy matrice destabilizes, and it promptly collapses into base energy with a burst of heat and light.

They waste no time following that up, though my Clasher-self is hardier and the Howler-selves much more agile. The former gets a pair of blades, but survives long enough to fire breaker-waves at point blank, getting revenge on the Daemons. Neither of them are dead, but they are wounded.

With a howling roar that announces they don't intend to give me that time, another pair of Daemons appear in the clearing. This time, only one of them is a Bloodletter, because the other is a Juggernaut, a massive, almost mechanical beast made of corrupted iron and brass.

It charges immediately.

Too bad for them, I don't care for their intentions. A massive, glowing polyhedron crashes down in front of it, promptly detonating in an impressive explosion that knocks even the Juggernaut clean off its feet.

The energy quickly reconstitutes into bodies, four Clasher-selves and a pair of Klaxon-selves. In the air above is a Torrent-self, providing rapid transportation for those very same creatures.

The Klaxons were extremely tough, dense and thick shells that could resist even heavy ordinance. Even the Daemonblades would find it difficult to cut through. They weren't much taller than the Clashers, but they were wider, quadrupedal, and significantly more massive, closer to a tank than anything else. There weren't many things that could pose a threat to them.

I heard the flapping of wings, right before an even more massive beast cleaved my Torrent-self in two as it fell to the ground, smashing into the ground in front of the Klaxons. It rose, rearing up to its full height, looking like a much larger, much more evil, and much angrier version of the Bloodletters.

There weren't many things that could pose a threat to them.

But a Bloodthirster was definitely on that list.
It's imbedded partially in the ground, but it's surprisingly intact for something that just fell from orbit.

Beyond that... It's metal. Tough and strong, a particularly dense and tough mix that I'm more than familiar with; Adamantium. Roughly the shape of rounded cylinder, appearing as some sort of pod. There's power, lingering around it, just as I tasted before.
A Primarch pod? I wonder which one?

But a Bloodthirster was definitely on that list.
Now the question is if it's one of the two unnamed Primarchs or one of the 18 known ones.
I'd wager Angron since Bloodthirster appeared.
Ohhh! A primarch!?

Does the Shroud SI know much Wh40k canon I wonder?

Anyway, this is certainly a good way to continue! I can't wait to see where this goes!

A primarch should do for a great symbiote!
I'd wager Angron since Bloodthirster appeared.
Why? Sure Angron would be swearing to Khrone OTL but the elements that make him so desirable (the Nails) aren't present yet.
Well... at least we know where we are in the timeline.
Well considering the screwy effects the Warp can have on linear time (and they are in the middle of a Warp storm), there is no real assurance that Shroud and co are around the Great Crusade era. The Primarch pod could simply have been tossed through time as well as space.
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Well considering the screwy effects the Warp can have on linear time (and they are in the middle of a Warp storm), there is no real assurance that Shroud and co are around the Great Crusade era. The Primarch pod could simply have been tossed through time as well as space.

Maybe, but at least we have a general time for the setting.

At the very least we probably won't have to deal with M41.