Why would he want to? He's signed on 100% with Humanity (or at least a portion of them).
They were dicks even when they were alive with souls.

Screw that old dead race, just pillage their stuff. :p
Sometimes I'm Pro-humanity, but in this universe there is only degrees of asshole. The fact that there is even a small chance to be civil with someone else is a minor miracle as it is. The Tyrannids are insects to squish, 'diplomacy' doesn't even have an Orkish translation, Chaos is going to be slurrped up through a bendy straw, and as we've already established fuck the Eldar.
Race guilt isnt a thing. Fuck the dark eldar for sure. Efforts to reform any dark eldar are probably wasted and could be spent elsewhere, but why people go hard after the craftworld or exodite eldar I never understand. Just opening non hositle communication with craftworlds and explaining what the shoud is and does could be enough to guarantee a small trickle of eldar fleeing the path system. All or some of those Corsair raiders who go off to find thier fortunes could take the offer of the shroud. Same for exodites who are bored on their planet.
Race guilt isnt a thing. Fuck the dark eldar for sure. Efforts to reform any dark eldar are probably wasted and could be spent elsewhere, but why people go hard after the craftworld or exodite eldar I never understand. Just opening non hositle communication with craftworlds and explaining what the shoud is and does could be enough to guarantee a small trickle of eldar fleeing the path system. All or some of those Corsair raiders who go off to find thier fortunes could take the offer of the shroud. Same for exodites who are bored on their planet.

Na, in the case of 40k, fuck the Eldar in general is a thing. Race Guilt IS a thing, 99% of them decided to go murder/rape/orgy into oblivion and created the wonderful mess that became 40k.

The few who survived became the so called 'dark' Eldar (but they are really the real Eldar), and the 'good' Eldar were the recluses and outcasts who were in that 1%.

And even those 1% will screw you over when they need to, they just don't do it for lols.
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Why would he want to? He's signed on 100% with Humanity (or at least a portion of them).
They were dicks even when they were alive with souls.

Screw that old dead race, just pillage their stuff. :p
I guess it depends on how much effort it would be to provide the Necron with what they want. If the Shroud can easily fulfill their desire, then it might be much easier to just give them that instead of having to fight through hordes of those mecha-dead.

I'm not saying it isn't doable, just that it would be easier not to have to.
Race Guilt IS a thing,
Massive yikes.

And even those 1% will screw you over when they need to
... How do you think hostile nations interact? Strongly worded letters? Mean glares? Rude gestures? The imperium has a stated policy of human supremacy and they will exterminate any alien species that will advance that goal at all. The imperium turned the Adarnians into juvenat to give thier nobles a little bit more life. The eldar are in a WAR for thier survival, and screwing over the lovechild of North Korea, Iran, and Nazi germany is needed that's what's needed.

If the compact offers a reasonable exchange some eldar would take it. Whatever happens, either a slim fraction of those who choose the path of the outcast, or whole craftworlds signing up for chaos protection, the compact and the shoud win. Eldar without slaneesh hanging over thier head can reproduce far faster and will eventually outnumber the traditional way of life, and as generations grow up free of the threat of being nommed the compact looks better and better.
what happens to the souls of the ones with shroud sims cocooning there souls does the shroud have a version of heaven or some thing or does he make shroud bodys for them ?
At best the Eldar are condescending at all times, at worse they would sacrifice a whole world of humans just because it fits their whim
And imperials at best support a totalitarian human supremacist state that treats their lives as disposable and at worst actively sabotage any hope of getting out of the dark age they have put themselves in.

But that's beside the point. What about the eldar makes you think that they are incapable of making rational decisions? If somebody told me, and proved their claims, that you could live forever, but you wouldn't be able to eat again, I would think long and hard about accepting. If an alien race asked the world, with appropriate proof" a non zero percentage of people would take the offer. What about the eldar does fandom see that I'm missing?

Because from where I'm standing, it seems that the majority of fan works are written from the imperial perspective and people buy in to imperial propaganda.


Four jumps. Twice as many hours.

That's how long it took to find trouble.

The first star was dull. Uninteresting, yet it was going to become a link in the web, so we stayed for long enough to set that up, and left shortly after.

The second had been somewhat more interesting, on account of having an actual system to go with it. One had been a former Federation Colony, but...

Well, former. The planet had been nuked flat. It was a radioactive ball of dust, devoid of anything of worth.

The third system had been much the same. The slightly lower radiation levels hinted that it had been the first one to get nuked into the ground, though.

But the fourth...

The moment the wormhole opens, I know with absolute certainty that it's going to be different from the previous three.

I catch a taste of electromagnetic waves. Organised, unnatural, flung far and flung loud. An indicator of the presence of mechanical technology, yet... almost unimportant, because it's accompanied by another life-scent.

A strong one, too... One that tastes... green.

Which is odd, but somehow appropriate, because of all things to make me taste a colour, fungus seemed a choice suspect.

"Orks detected." MUM reports, a moment later, as the sensor drones shoot through the still-growing wormhole.

Mmm. Orks.

Lucy's face twists with distaste. "Of course. Of all the things, I should have known it would be them. How did they get so close to the core?"

"It has been five thousand years, commander." MUM reminded.

Orks are also dumb enough to fling themselves into a Warp Storm, and tough enough to survive the attempt. Damn things can spread everywhere.

"The Orks are particularly prosperous." Singleton notes. "We should destroy them before they get the chance to build up and become a threat."

Lucy nodded. "What have we got, MUM?"

"Preliminary analysis indicates that the Orks have not reached space-faring technology levels yet." MUM paused. "However, they have reached industrial levels. Action should be taken soon."

"Scan for the largest population of Orks, and highest concentrations of their collective mind field." Singleton instructed. "Identify any and all nodes. They will correspond with Orks that will inevitably be the leaders of any given group. Taking them out will sow discord in the Orks, and make it much easier for us to eliminate them."

"I think I'll use the Alphas for that." Lucy mused, before leaning back. "MUM, declare Blue-Amber Alert, and take us through."

"Of course, commander."

Lucy leaned back, closing her eyes for a moment.

"Commander." MUM chimed, after a moment. "I have identified this system as the Agathan system."

"Yes?" Lucy asked, even as Singleton paused.

"It is a former Federation system, host to a resort-type colony." MUM explained.

As if it could be anything else this close to the Core.

"Long-range analysis indicates the presence of Human-constructed ruins." MUM continued.

Lucy's eyes opened, slowly. "And Humans?"

"None detected."

Lucy straightened.

I could taste the black emotion begin to fill the air.

"Orks?" She asked, to confirm. "Not Empyreal?"

"Sensors indicate that Empyreal corruption is effectively non-existent. This system is unlikely to have experienced significant Empyreal Intrusion."

Lucy drew in a slow breath.

I took a step closer, and Lucy briefly looked my way.

After a moment, she let that breath out, equally slow, nodding at me before turning back to the holotable. "Bring up all information on Agathan."

MUM complied, wordlessly. A screen appeared in front of her, scrolling through information. I took a quick look over it.

Agathan. Isolated system, far enough away to escape the development of Human Core Worlds, only being colonized after the development of Warp Drives- whereupon it was revealed that this system was surrounded by unfavourable Warp Currents that made it unnecessarily difficult to travel here.

Agathan V. Resort World, in part because of precisely that. An average system, not rich, not poor, but a nice planet that was made somewhat exotic by how difficult it was to reach. Primarily tourist industry, deliberately kept relatively low-tech in order to preserve natural beauty. Deliberately kept low-population, for the same reason.

And this close to the Core? All but defenseless. No need, when it was surrounded by tens of thousands of lightyears of Federation Space in every direction, lacking anything of real importance other than Human lives.

"This system was probably cut off with the collapse." Lucy leaned back, looking up. "Low technology, relatively low population. It would have been relatively self-sufficient, but not prepared to develop much more than it already had. No major factories or anything like that. It likely would have kept them relatively isolated, through the Storms. WOuld have kept them from growing, too..."

It wasn't hard to imagine the ultimate results.

"An untouched system, for the most part." Lucy looked down, again, sighing. "The Orks... They must have been a fairly recent arrival. If they were here for long enough, they would have reached a greater level of technology... And judging by the fact that there's ruins in the first place, they probably crashed here. An actual Ork group with an intact ship would have looted the entire place otherwise. The Humans would have been mostly, or completely, unprepared for it, isolated as this system is..."

Had it been a long, drawn out conflict? Where Humans and Orks fought to the last, the former desperate while the latter eager?

Had it been a short, brutal campaign? Where Humans had been broken underneath the might of the Ork WAAAGH!, crushed by a tide of green?

Who could say? One only hoped that they died quickly and without pain.

"There was a time when Orks were less than pests to Humanity." She said, softly. "Where Orks left us alone because they knew there was nothing they could do to fight us."

"Humanity has fallen far." Singleton stated. "It is our task to raise it up again."

I brushed her mind, letting her know of my agreement.

Lucy straightened, nodding. Her anger lingered in the air, and I had no doubt that Singleton felt much the same.

"'That Others May Live'." She said.
The whole Ork situation is really why the Emperor rushed his whole plan. Unchecked, the Orks could overrun everything.
Yeah, Orks are very definitely the best faction at snowballing out of control in the Galaxy and will hold that title without any competitors until the Tyranids show up.

Chaos can do similar, but they tend to be better at subverting other factions rather than growing themselves and sorta stagnate in infighting after a certain point...

Of course, the type of entity Drich now is could probably match the Orks and possibly even outdo them given enough energy, but they're still nothing to laugh at once they hit critical mass and start to shift away from mindless horde.
Of course, the type of entity Drich now is could probably match the Orks and possibly even outdo them given enough energy, but they're still nothing to laugh at once they hit critical mass and start to shift away from mindless horde.

Yup. you go from being dumb Orks, to being Krorks. and if the Necrons had problems with them and the old ones designed them to be immune to the warp. And have their own psychic network that makes them stronger the more of them or the tougher the opponent. Hell, I don't even know if The beast is still cannon or just a nightmare Big E had one time.
wonder what would happen if shrouddirch popped a symbiot into one of the orks would it be able to propagate threw out the psychic network once it reached adulthood ?