The sad/scary/amazing thing is that with the way orks think they could probably make that work.

might need a lot of black paint though.....
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Have any one in 40k ever leave the galaxy because looking at the big picture a galaxy is pretty small, our universe alone have at least 100 bilion galaxy
if the eldar alone can give birth to slaanesh and the eldar pantheon you gotta wonder how many warp god their is out there in the universe. Their might be million other gods waging inter galactic war on unimaginable scale which make every war in the milky way combine seem insignificant in contrast.
Do you want more Tyranids? Because that is how you get more Tyranids.

The really crazy part is that the orks would make it work TWICE and then Gork and Mork would invent the sport of solar jousting.
I think you mean "Sun Fighting". This is Orks we are talking about, after all.
Orks are bioweapon. Could Shroud reprogram them to gight for him ?
If not - i always liked mushroom soup, so Shroud should taste it,too.
Have any one in 40k ever leave the galaxy because looking at the big picture a galaxy is pretty small, our universe alone have at least 100 bilion galaxy
if the eldar alone can give birth to slaanesh and the eldar pantheon you gotta wonder how many warp god their is out there in the universe. Their might be million other gods waging inter galactic war on unimaginable scale which make every war in the milky way combine seem insignificant in contrast.
I forgot where it was from but I remember reading about a mission from before the fall where some humans went to some near by galaxies and just found more orks.
Orks are bioweapon. Could Shroud reprogram them to gight for him ?
If not - i always liked mushroom soup, so Shroud should taste it,too.
They are a bioweapon, but one made by non-corporal old ones. They are a fire and forget weapon. Aim is not part of their function. They filled the niche of being fodder and a distraction so that the eldar could be actually used as a precision weapon and then the eldar and old ones would turn on the orks and clean up the galaxy.
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They are a bioweapon, but one made by non-corporal old ones. They are a fire and forget weapon. Aim is not part of their function. They filled the niche of being fodder and a distraction so that the eldar could be actually used as a precision weapon and then the eldar and old ones would turn on the orks and clean up the galaxy.
That's a maybe.
It probably wouldn't have been worth it to make them as smart as they are if the Orkz weren't intended to have a friend or foe discrimination capability that could prevent them from attacking the Old Ones' other stuff, and they could probably do things like appearing to the orks as gods to give them visions directing them, but, setting aside things intended to prevent unauthorized hijacking of their ork army, the Orks have degenerated a lot so the systems meant to do that might not work anymore.
That's a maybe.
It probably wouldn't have been worth it to make them as smart as they are if the Orkz weren't intended to have a friend or foe discrimination capability that could prevent them from attacking the Old Ones' other stuff, and they could probably do things like appearing to the orks as gods to give them visions directing them, but, setting aside things intended to prevent unauthorized hijacking of their ork army, the Orks have degenerated a lot so the systems meant to do that might not work anymore.
Nothing the old ones cared about was physical. The orks couldn't touch them in the ethyrium. If the orks broke the necrotyr gods that could harm the old ones and then took over the galaxy then that was actually an OK trade for the old ones.

But the old ones died to enslavers and other warp predators when the war unsettled the warp.
That's a maybe.
It probably wouldn't have been worth it to make them as smart as they are if the Orkz weren't intended to have a friend or foe discrimination capability that could prevent them from attacking the Old Ones' other stuff, and they could probably do things like appearing to the orks as gods to give them visions directing them, but, setting aside things intended to prevent unauthorized hijacking of their ork army, the Orks have degenerated a lot so the systems meant to do that might not work anymore.

Except the Old Ones didn't put in a control circuit or an off switch in the Krork's programming, the nearest was "Obey the Krork in Charge", which doesn't even work anymore. Orks broke sometime in the past, and not in a good way.
Nothing the old ones cared about was physical. The orks couldn't touch them in the ethyrium. If the orks broke the necrotyr gods that could harm the old ones and then took over the galaxy then that was actually an OK trade for the old ones.

But the old ones died to enslavers and other warp predators when the war unsettled the warp.
Yeah, but if the orks broke the rest of the Old Ones material army and made them lose the capabilities they need to win the war it wouldn't be.

Though you're right that they had no reason to think about the long term when doing the design.


With lightning quickness, I sink my teeth into the lingering energy, and pull free a piece of it, devouring it. It tastes... like conflict, growth mixed with violence.

It reminds me of capsaicin, honestly.

And, appropriately if also a little on the nose, the texture is like a mushroom. Odd and strange but not... unpalatable. I could live off of it, you know, if I wanted to maintain a population of Orks near me.

More than that, though... it is... wild, that's the best way to describe it. Not as wild as a Daemon, no, but wild nonetheless.

And yet, there's a structure to it. An underlying logic, a set of rules... And, perhaps, something more.

The reaction is immediate. The Orks freeze, loud chaos giving way to frozen quiet. For a moment, just a brief moment, they're almost indistinguishable from statues.

I don't think they're even breathing.

Then the Waaagh! Field twists upon itself in much the same way that the Warp itself does when I take a bite out of it, and the head of every single Ork twists upwards.

The Waaagh! Field is... trying to push me back, much like the Warp does. The same behaviour, and almost the same mechanism, too- though this Waaagh! Field was much weaker, given that it wasn't an infinite expanse of thought and energy like the Warp. I could ignore it, fight back against it- even absorb the push.

Which I do, though it means that I have to shed my veil of Silence, let light touch my body again. The moment I do, the Orks, as one, shift, moving as a single group in my direction, displaying an easy coordination that no other group of Orks on the planet is showing. As one, they roar, a loud noise that sunders the quiet, charging at me -or rather, charging at where my landing site was- as fast as they can.

It's an intriguing reaction. One that definitely betrays their artificial origins... a behavioural response to having their communal psychic field interrupted, immediately discarding all internal tensions in favour of removing the source?

Against a group like the Necrons, with their anti-psychic technology, that seemed appropriate.

Or, perhaps the C'tan? Canon had been back and forth on their relationship with the Warp, and psychic phenomena in general. At first, all but immune to it, with the ability to consume souls, and later on it became about the only thing they couldn't defend themselves against, with psychic abilities being close to poison...

C'tan also had the ability to feed upon energy. Not in the same way as I did and could, but the way that this Waaagh! Field is trying to push me back is just too similar to the way the Warp itself does it for me to ignore it...

Hmm. You know, until now, I assumed that the way the Warp pushed me out was a natural response, but the similarities here... Could it actually be something the Old Ones did? Some sort of defense system against Necron/C'tan intrusion that is also catching me?

Well, there's no way to find out at the moment.

Back to the Orks. They're still a bit away, but the rest of the tests aren't something that can be performed so easily. I need actual specimens, now.

How fortunate for me that they've all bunched up.

I have a lot of tools in my arsenal. A great deal many of them are very, very lethal, shaped for the sole purpose of bringing death.

But not all of them. Spend as long in the Compact's presence as I do, and you pick up a few things.

I focus, gathering energy and transforming it, settling it into a basic shape. My Harbinger-self spins, turning upside-down as blue light forms into a large sphere.

I toss it, a moment later. A simple ballistic trajectory that will take it to the center of the front half of the Ork horde. They spread out in response, the horde splitting in two immediately.

It doesn't help. The sphere hits the ground, and containment breaks a moment later. Gravity twists, a single, powerful pulse yanking the Orks, and everything else in the surroundings, towards the sphere. The remaining energy catalyses, suddenly and swiftly transforming into a sticky, expanding gel-like substance, enveloping the Orks that had just been flung at it.

And like that, specimens captured.

My little task complete. Easy enough, really.

I can still hear them roaring in there. Trying to pull loose, an effort doomed to futility. That 'gel' was based on a substance used by the Federation for... pretty much the exact same purpose, actually, restraining large masses of physically powerful beings that they didn't want to kill.

It was a remarkably effective restraint. Robbed of all leverage, no amount of brute strength would help. Even the Waaagh! Field won't help here, since the 'gel' is actually something of a lifeform itself, and can prevent the Orks from just bullshitting their way out of it.

Pretty proud of it, honestly.


And now that I say that, isn't this Waaagh! Field growing stronger?

Mmm. Looking a little closer, it's definitely getting stronger. Feeding into the bodies of the Orks, primarily, at a pace significantly faster than how it was going before. It just about causing the Orks to balloon, their bodies growing in bursts...

In a way that looks distinctly unhealthy. Half of their flailing is from the spasms of their bodies as they grow... Which in turn causes the Waaagh! Field to grow?

Ah, a feedback loop. Clever.

And I can see where this is going. I move closer, beginning to absorb the swelling energy of the Waaagh! Field- And the moment I do, it compresses itself violently, surging through the bodies of the Orks.

They immediately detonate, a burst of green lightning and psychic-power rupturing the containment gel mass. It is... structured, echoing with deathdamagedestroy, trying to hurt me.

It succeeds, but only in the fact that I just lost all of my fucking specimens.

There's nothing left of them. The self-destruction had obliterated right down to the cellular level.


"What annoyed you?" Lucy asked, in the command center. A holographic version of the planet hung there, patterns of silver-blue spread across the surface, clashing with green-yellow marks. An overview of the current, planet-wide deployment of Stone Drones and Alphas, fighting the remaining Orks.

I gesture, a little sharply, at where a large mass of green was fading.

"They died?" Lucy asked. "Was something more effective than you intended?"

Considering I didn't intend for them to die at all, yes.

Still, at least I know now. If that had happened with one of the more valuable Orks...

Good thing, really.

And interesting. A self-destruction mechanism that turns Orks into a psychic bomb. One part preserving Old One secrets, and one part weapon. I'll need to keep an eye on this planet to make sure that nothing weird happens.

I took a moment to look over the hologram. I was fairly aware of things already, but there was no harm in cross-checking info.

Everything was going well, as far as I could see. Every minute that passed saw the removal of splotches of green and the appearance of a new set of blues. Quick, efficient, and methodological annihilation.

Still, I'd have time to gather more specimens.


I'm surprised that Timaeus and Juliana aren't done yet, though.


"YOU'S A SKINNY GIT!" The nameless Warboss roared, pushing down on his axe. "SMALL MUSCLES!"

"I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW I WORKED VERY HARD FOR MY MUSCLES!" Juliana shouted as she pushed back, the metal of the axe beginning to bend under the pressure of her fingers. "YOU LOOK LIKE YOU SKIPPED LEG DAY!"


Timaeus briefly looked over at the arguing pair, before turning his attention back to the Ork at his feet. It was barely alive, limbs broken and breathing painfully.

The corpses of others of its kind surrounded it.

"Do you find it fun, Ork?" Timaeus asked, crouching over it. "This is what it's like to be on the receiving end of an overwhelming assault from somebody who outmatches you completely."

"'Sod off." The Ork hacked, wetly.

"I'll admit, when I first came down, I'd been quite content to just let Juliana have her fun." A loud bellow came from behind, followed shortly after by the sound of metal tearing into flesh, itself followed by the deep pained groans of dying Ork. "Then I saw you with these." Timaeus held up his hand.

Dangling from his fingers were wires, and attached to the wires were skulls. Dozens of them, some of them damaged and some of them whole, some of them big and some of them far, far too small.

All Human.

Juliana walked over. The smile on her face was a dark thing, colder than the blackness between the stars.

"I'm told you have gods." Timaeus set the mass of wires skulls down, gently. "If, after I'm done with you, you happen to meet them, I want you to pass on a message for me."

Claws, wicked-sharp and terror-shaped, manifested around his fingers. "You are my example. Should an Ork spill a drop of Human blood and I find him? What awaits him is also what happened to you."


I'm sure they're fine.

Anyway, next largest group... there.

Alright. There's a plan.
Well, at least you can always get more. It's not like you can run out of Orks.
Agreed, just farm them like respawning mobs do, rinse and repeat until SI brute-forces the Old Ones's self-defence mechanism, learning bit by bit the secrets that lie within the very being that gives Orks their power, such as the ability to create a WAAAGHH!, then reverse engineer it and give Timaeus his very own SHROUDED! field.
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Agreed, just farm them like respawning mobs do, rinse and repeat until SI brute-forces the Old Ones's self-defence mechanism, learning bit by bit the secrets that lie within the very being that gives Orks their power, such as the ability to create a WAAAGHH!, then reverse engineer it and give Timaeus his very own SHROUDED! field.
Kinda redundant no? He already has the silence aura and is a hive mind. He has covered the coordination, enhacement, and exotic effects for the allies via symbiote too