If I remmebr correctly the hypnosis is something he developed after he lost his warp topaz. doesnt mean he cant build that but it's not soemthing he currently has.

Also the cybernetics pretty sure are something he researched for Kit and surge, don't have muhc data that he was able to do that before being fired from being eggman's lackey, but at least it's possible he could do it. Locked to his personals thought pretty sure.
Cybernetics doesn't have to come specifically from Starline, though.
Heck, I would be genuinely astounded if Eggman can't pull it off.
It'd be a project for later turns, once we're set up good and proper.
Now that I remember, what would it take Starline to come up in this timeline with his tri-core tech?.

Like that shit is actually a game changer when used well.
It's kind of funny to me that cream is one of the most successful of the rivals, I don't think she's failed a single roll
cream will be the final boss of the quest, mark my words.

she will be the wall you guys need to oass to conquer green hills!

Now that I remember, what would it take Starline to come up in this timeline with his tri-core tech?.

Like that shit is actually a game changer when used well.

check his personal:
Read up on Eggman Lore
Sure, you are quite knowledgeable on the genius that is Dr. Eggman, but you can't Allow yourself to get rusty and overlooked!
Reward: Gain more insight on Eggman, potential ability to recreate something Eggman has done in the past as New Personals

roll well on that for him to get some inspiration
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...now there's a thought.
Starline added cybernetic enhancements to Surge and Kit, giving them Lightning/Superspeed and Hydrokinesis respectively.
Could we have him, or us, do something similar for our squishy, non-mechanical Hero Units?
I'll admit part of this suggestion is to have Agent Stone with Geokinesis for the pun, but the other part is to see a lot of very afraid Empire soldiers responding to Isara launching missiles from her shoulders.

It's possible, looking it up though they're enhancements have to do with power cores and bio data of Sonic, Tails and Shadow apparently. Their physical toughness on the other hand is thanks to the metal virus so a lot of research has to be done either way to even reach that.

Also best not to have Starline study Belle because that was how he figured out how to implant false personalities and memories into Surge and Kit in the first place.
Oh yes please! Have Isara help in every step of the way when making her! This will be so cool!!!

Super Selvaria, we need to keep the naming theme on track please.

Oh yes we should definitely have Isara help us with Metal Selvaria. If only to rub it into the Empire's faces how foolish racism is.

Super Selvaria is a single special case. I'm thinking about the Artifical Valkur +Emerald, and considering what little we saw o that project Chaos fits better.
Cue maniacal laughter, and only later does she wonder if Eggman's been a bad influence on her.


So technically we can keep spinning plates for a while.

...He's not wrong. Something to consider later.

I mean, if I saw my mechanically inclined friend get shot and die, and after a world shattering event I find her several months later now working under a evil genius, and starting to take on his traits, I'd be worried too.
So anyway, I feel 'The second greatest mechanical genius in history, Isara' rolls off the tongue well.

I suppose that would be worrisome...but much less so when she leads a robot army to save them!

Not yet.
Only after she starts manically laughing in the ruins of our shared enemies, do we present the adoption papers.
Make sure she associates 'destruction of things we dislike' and 'familial affection'.

Shouldn't take too long then. Even without that she's quickly becoming our apprentice!
Meanwhile, the Negaquesters are convinced Eggman has brainwashed her or something.

...Fair. Although after everything the Empire has done it's also karma.

cream will be the final boss of the quest, mark my words.

she will be the wall you guys need to oass to conquer green hills!

...We could convice her we've become a better person? We're not even lying!

Seriously though why are people so scared of her?

...now there's a thought.
Starline added cybernetic enhancements to Surge and Kit, giving them Lightning/Superspeed and Hydrokinesis respectively.
Could we have him, or us, do something similar for our squishy, non-mechanical Hero Units?
I'll admit part of this suggestion is to have Agent Stone with Geokinesis for the pun, but the other part is to see a lot of very afraid Empire soldiers responding to Isara launching missiles from her shoulders.

...Huh. It'd take some work but that is a good idea.

What if we turned Isara into a Valkur? :D
...Huh. It'd take some work but that is a good idea.

What if we turned Isara into a Valkur? :D
I don't think she'd approve of becoming one, she's spent so long fighting one that it's probably an uncomfortable idea to be anything like one.

Making her own, a Metal one, to flex how brilliant her genius is, second only to her bosses, is a much better coping therapy: It's a lot less scary when you can make a better version.
Considering how swamped Egghead is with minion obligations, perhaps holding off on hiring another one for a turn or 2 would be better at the moment? Another minion means his AP economy gets spread even thinner. With Zavok coming for Eggman there's no telling what sort of damage he'll be looking at once the smoke clears, and what might need to be invested in for recovery efforts. If Gilder is contacted though, it would pretty much be free air support against the Zeti, if Eggman can swing it that way. Even if Egghead isn't a good person, he does have good people behind him, and Blue Rogues aren't the type to sit around when innocent people are in danger. Not if they can help it.
Each of Eggman's "children" on how likely they are to make a parody of the infamous announcement:

1) Metal Sonic (if he could speak)
2) Cubot
3) Orbot
4) Belle & Sage tied
