Honestly considering Max's tendencies I think there is a non zero chance that he skips Super Selvaria goes right to "Chaos Artificial Valkyur Maximillian"

I can't confirm that he'll do that. But I think it's something to consider.

Edit: I don't know why I type her name wrong. It's just, engrained in me that it starts with Sy instead Se
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But isn't her entire thing that she goes behind Eggman back to make sure things don't scalate a lot more quicker and stay on a stalemate by never going all out?

In her world, not in this one.

The actions she will take expect her to do it limiting the collateral damage. Like sending her to conquer a city she will try to it in a way to limit the damage done to the people and buildings. Conquering Storm would try to slit the throats of soldiers and commanders at nigh while invading during the confusion and Pronghorn Sisters would take the boring action and conduct a siege.

Remember in ver view Dr. Eggman either conquers the world or destroy it and Games/IDW!Eggman is keeping this track record before the Shattering.

Plus she probably will be a bit shocked we don't even use animal batteries anymore, Archie!Eggman keep it around to mess with Sonic but Games/IDW!Eggman has phase them out only returning when he's short in supplies.

We should get Neph she is cool and very helpful for any logistics action, also she's a former egg boss, and we kinda need her to get the achievement of collecting half of our egg bosses upgrade their collective egg boss trait

I wonder if there is a one where we get all of them back

I going call she must have a very good Logistic stats since she was both a Egg Boss and the leader of the Freedom Fighters in her sector at the same time. Not that she will tell Eggman the latter.

She would have descent Trickery stats at least since she keep this role as a secret Freedon Fighter leader a secret from both Archie!Eggman and her own troops.
I going call she must have a very good Logistic stats since she was both a Egg Boss and the leader of the Freedom Fighters in her sector at the same time. Not that she will tell Eggman the latter.

She would have descent Trickery stats at least since she keep this role as a secret Freedon Fighter leader a secret from both Archie!Eggman and her own troops.
It's also on her minion hire vote calling her a power/logistics hero
We really should rescue Chuck. For one reason and one reason alone.

X Memories may allow us to become El Gran Gordo from time to time again. :p
It's just that he's been rolling like shit on personals
The adventure he actually did pretty well. It's just there is only so much you can do when the enemy decides to crit your ass.
In her world, not in this one.

The actions she will take expect her to do it limiting the collateral damage. Like sending her to conquer a city she will try to it in a way to limit the damage done to the people and buildings. Conquering Storm would try to slit the throats of soldiers and commanders at nigh while invading during the confusion and Pronghorn Sisters would take the boring action and conduct a siege.

Remember in ver view Dr. Eggman either conquers the world or destroy it and Games/IDW!Eggman is keeping this track record before the Shattering.

Plus she probably will be a bit shocked we don't even use animal batteries anymore, Archie!Eggman keep it around to mess with Sonic but Games/IDW!Eggman has phase them out only returning when he's short in supplies.
She knows Eggman's victory is inevitable. But if she genuinely believes her mission to be a good thing for all, she will do her best to complete it as asked. It's only if we send her on a mission that would let us bring harm on innocents that she will start pulling her stunts. I am sure she understands there are worse people to live under than Eggman in this new world. She is not going to force a stalemate when we are fighting, say, that guy from House of the Dead.
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You know, theres a fan-made Tabletop War game themed around Archie Sonic, called Mobius, and that?
That is exactly how Eggman Empire plays in that.
Tons of cheap, disposable units with lots of variety, with a few elites sprinkled in to take advantage of the enemy having to slog through 47 Eggpawns every step. (Hell, normally you can't fire at places with your troops in the way, but Eggman's forces can just go 'lol' and shoot straight through eachother, hitting both allies and enemies because losing a few Eggpawns just doesn't matter.)

Honestly, it's probably best we play like that too: Lots of small cheap bots to clog up the enemies works, and elites to pick off the priorities.
Super badniks ands tier 3 badniks are strong, but the common ones are useful too cause you can put way many of them on the field and can be as effective as tier 3 badniks if given the chance.

You know reading this comments and see that Zavok ramp up the production of Super Badniks to kill us, I just have a though.

He's playing the game wrong.

Like think about the greatest advantage tier 1 badniks have is they are utterly disposable and can be fielded in a large quantities despite being weak.

Zeti way of life makes this line of though somewhat alien like either you are strong or not. So the Deadly Six focus on the most powerful production of robots that Dr. Eggman has while disregarding the regular ones beyond the bare necessary.

Like give a look how he wages war in the Rival Reports, he straight ignore regular badniks in favor of the Super badniks and his idea of reinforcing badniks is just to put Super badniks amidst them in Rivals Report 1.

I mean our raid only was successful because a tier 1 badnik was weakening the Black Arms rolls.

Like Zavok probably has a large power cap but is guarantee but most of his forces will be Super Badniks and 1x Egg Hammer, a super badnik cost 10 PC as a example.

Silver Sonic will probably be a monster of Power Cap to bring in the field but I don't think we should expect he able to field a lot of forces because trowing tons of Egg Pawns into someone, one the most weakest badniks, would be straight up odd to him, despite having the potential of granting +50 in combat rolls using only ten of them. While they have place in the battlefield for a Zeti they have no worth.
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And thusly?

So long as dice don't fuck us?

He's letting us play GREAT.

Yeah like if he see worth in tier 1 badniks he would have using toxomisters in great quantity against GUN, Restoration, Black Arms and specially the Empire because for all the vaunted power of Selvaria she still a human, somewhat, and can be affected by gas.

Sure they probably would start to field gas masks to counter the effects of Toxic Cloud in the field but until then they could be used against them in great efficiency.

That reminds me, should we produce any specific badniks this turn? Anything with good synergy for taking down big, tough enemies?

We have to evacuate Conquering Storm this turn and fix Piastol ship so no dice.

But she has some badniks with her and the Egg Clan as a fighting force so there's that.

Of course we don't need to evacuate her but she has organic forces with her that can't be taken control by the Deadly Six so that's value on itself plus she brings the Egg Boss trait on her combat rolls.

Plus the Death Egg Robot could be good for that.
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I am so cheering for you guys to be able to make her.

But at the same time Im hoping you guys decide to get Selfaria out of that Toxic relationship she has with Maxie, hopefully, she doesn't go boom as in her canon path. I really don't want to have us write that scene.

*Exhales Steam*

We'll do both or our name isn't Eggman.

And frankly making Metal Selvaria will help us save Selvaria anyway, so we should do it anyway.

Even the worst situation does come...I'll direct you to what happened in unleashed.

Belle:Oh come on! I just got back from making an alliance with the people who hate you!

It's to save a life under a flag of truce! You'll be fine!

Honestly considering Max's tendencies I think there is a non zero chance that he skips Super Selvaria goes right to "Chaos Artificial Valkyur Maximillian"

I can't confirm that he'll do that. But I think it's something to consider.

Edit: I don't know why I type her name wrong. It's just, engrained in me that it starts with Sy instead Se

It would make it easier to kill him so I'm all for it.

I have a dream... to beat Selvaria as El Gran Gordo.

Sadly it will never happen. But I can dream.

...Could we actually challenge her to a wrestling match? Cause if we can I'm all for it.

Though we would need to prepare more first.

He's playing the game wrong.

Eh...*Checks Power values* Hmm...

The Super badniks are pretty nasty customers, but he'd only able to field...maybe a dozen at most?

Grant you that's still +100 something but still...


Honest question can we take on that many? I'm not sure...
Eh...*Checks Power values* Hmm...

The Super badniks are pretty nasty customers, but he'd only able to field...maybe a dozen at most?

Grant you that's still +100 something but still...


Honest question can we take on that many? I'm not sure...

Together sure but remember he will divide his forces as well so cut this number at least to 1/3.

Edit: acutally a though came to me, how in the world the Deadly Six leave the Lost Hex anyway?

They still be there even after the Shattering since the place still float around in this new world.
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