The problem right now is that we may need to sent piastol againts the zeti too.

And no doubt she will get tunnel vision if she sees the pirates.
Considering how swamped Egghead is with minion obligations, perhaps holding off on hiring another one for a turn or 2 would be better at the moment? Another minion means his AP economy gets spread even thinner. With Zavok coming for Eggman there's no telling what sort of damage he'll be looking at once the smoke clears, and what might need to be invested in for recovery efforts. If Gilder is contacted though, it would pretty much be free air support against the Zeti, if Eggman can swing it that way. Even if Egghead isn't a good person, he does have good people behind him, and Blue Rogues aren't the type to sit around when innocent people are in danger. Not if they can help it.

Nephtys will not ask nothing of Eggman.

Besides she and the Sisters are friends/acquaintances and how knwos?

Maybe they have a trait togheter for goign on adventures plus @Kingster said that is a good idea to get her.
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I'd rather not do that last one considering how extraordinarily badly making Artifical Valkur went in those games.

Surely we'd do it better though! I mean...Eggman!

Yeah, let's just make her tank into one instead. Really give her trait a literal meaning.

I take it back that a better idea.
I don't think she'd approve of becoming one, she's spent so long fighting one that it's probably an uncomfortable idea to be anything like one.

Making her own, a Metal one, to flex how brilliant her genius is, second only to her bosses, is a much better coping therapy: It's a lot less scary when you can make a better version.

*Wince* Okay yeah I take it back.

...But yeah having her make Metal Selvaria would such delicious karma. She'd hopefully find it carthatic as well.
A) This made me laugh out loud. B) Non-zero chance this gets selvaria tunnel-visioned on us for a bit.

Which is to say we might actually have a reason for such a thing to occur if we want to get Selvaria to us.

Well taking her off the board would be a very good thing, so we just might.

We just need to make some preperation first...
In a family sitcom starring Eggman, Orbot & Cubot would be the Meg Griffin of the show.

Until we meet again!

*Runs away like Skeletor in that one meme*
Some people may think I'm shit posting in terms of my fear for Cream.

I shall assure thread I am very serious in my fear of the 6 year old. Girl can, through a bit of cheatery, keep up with Sonic.
Nephtys will not ask nothing of Eggman.

Besides she and the Sisters are friends/acquaintances and how knwos?

Maybe they have a trait togheter for goign on adventures plus @Kingster said that is a good idea to get her.
not saure why you keep pinging me?

I did say if you guys wanted more hero units, you ought to get thunderbolt, Neph or one of the tier q that don't requiere much commitment yeah, but not literally telling you "HIRE HER". It's your choice how many questlines you wanna have.

Maybe they have a trait togheter for goign on adventures plus @Kingster said that is a good idea to get her.

They don't have one.

...But yeah having her make Metal Selvaria would such delicious karma. She'd hopefully find it carthatic as well.

I am so cheering for you guys to be able to make her.

But at the same time Im hoping you guys decide to get Selfaria out of that Toxic relationship she has with Maxie, hopefully, she doesn't go boom as in her canon path. I really don't want to have us write that scene.
We should get Neph she is cool and very helpful for any logistics action, also she's a former egg boss, and we kinda need her to get the achievement of collecting half of our egg bosses upgrade their collective egg boss trait

I wonder if there is a one where we get all of them back
Now that I remember, what would it take Starline to come up in this timeline with his tri-core tech?.

Like that shit is actually a game changer when used well.
Very little. He made that shit while in hiding from Eggman, and doing a bunch of other side projects. He just needs the idea, I expect. We all shit on the guy, but Starline really is a genius.