I will keep in mind people, we technically are spinning just one plate right now, that being Piastol.

Canaan drive will be fufilled on turn 5 and we will need a lot of heavy hitters for that.

Keep in mind we can only bring 3 units due to Belle and Canaan having 2 spots locked.

Starline won't be able to help.

So bringing mixes of power and trickery could net us some big positives.

We are also making Piastol main drive on turn 4 due to belle being locked out for the adventure.

So technically we can keep spinning plates for a while.
Welkin and the rest of Squad 7 would definitely be worried.
I mean, if I saw my mechanically inclined friend get shot and die, and after a world shattering event I find her several months later now working under a evil genius, and starting to take on his traits, I'd be worried too.
So anyway, I feel 'The second greatest mechanical genius in history, Isara' rolls off the tongue well.
Actually the more I think about it researching Ragnite for it's medical uses might be super important considering our base is about to get attacked and defended by mostly flesh and blood heroes instead of machines who can be rebuilt or repaired.
You know knowing Cream family tendencies.

Who is betting that they somehow got on their hands one of our old murder machines from other realities?

Like I will laugh my ass off if somehow they got Shard out of all the things.

Considering that his body was a mix of archie metal Sonic and Metal Scourge, it would make sense for Robotnik to not recognize it, especially since I don't doubt it was heavely modified by Uncle Chuck.

Doesn't help that Gemerl got Shard personality on post-sgw
Actually the more I think about it researching Ragnite for it's medical uses might be super important considering our base is about to get attacked and defended by mostly flesh and blood heroes instead of machines who can be rebuilt or repaired.
What do you mean? We have Clove, the Black Arms Annhilator! She'll handle them single handedly! With no damage or losses!

Not to mention we have Starline with us. The platypus has hypnotized and brainwashed in the past so I would be more shocked if they didn't assume.
...now there's a thought.
Starline added cybernetic enhancements to Surge and Kit, giving them Lightning/Superspeed and Hydrokinesis respectively.
Could we have him, or us, do something similar for our squishy, non-mechanical Hero Units?
I'll admit part of this suggestion is to have Agent Stone with Geokinesis for the pun, but the other part is to see a lot of very afraid Empire soldiers responding to Isara launching missiles from her shoulders.
Not to mention we have Starline with us. The platypus has hypnotized and brainwashed in the past so I would be more shocked if they didn't assume.

...now there's a thought.
Starline added cybernetic enhancements to Surge and Kit, giving them Lightning/Superspeed and Hydrokinesis respectively.
Could we have him, or us, do something similar for our squishy, non-mechanical Hero Units?
I'll admit part of this suggestion is to have Agent Stone with Geokinesis for the pun, but the other part is to see a lot of very afraid Empire soldiers responding to Isara launching missiles from her shoulders.

If I remmebr correctly the hypnosis is something he developed after he lost his warp topaz. doesnt mean he cant build that but it's not soemthing he currently has.

Also the cybernetics pretty sure are something he researched for Kit and surge, don't have muhc data that he was able to do that before being fired from being eggman's lackey, but at least it's possible he could do it. Locked to his personals thought pretty sure.