Wait, actually I have a question. If we do decide to blow up our giant robot. Do we have an option to fix it back up or we have to make a new one?
Wait, actually I have a question. If we do decide to blow up our giant robot. Do we have an option to fix it back up or we have to make a new one?
Hence "may". Only if we're gonna lose, or if it would be really, really funny.I don't know if that will kill him or knock him out. We shouldn't exactly gamble our big machine to take them out.
Hmmm. I may know a guy. He tends to be everywhere if you know where to look.Looks like we'll need another hero that's good with infiltration to get Maria.
Hmmm. I may know a guy. He tends to be everywhere if you know where to look.
View: https://youtu.be/lpH25fgtM0o?si=6PZBUSVJ4ST_zJpo
Picture it: they have no concept of airborne combat. None of them are looking up. She's out with her troops. All of a sudden, a flying straight jacket flies down, grabs her, then flies off again. Doesn't take a moment! Then she's helpless unless she can survive a mile high drop! Then she flies right in to our base where the science can begin.
She's a beast in combat, so we shouldn't try to fight her. We should use Trickery instead! You don't beat a chess master by playing them at chess, you beat them by flipping the board and pulling a gun on them!
Do you know what goes best with ninjas?We do have literal ninjas on hand, they could probably help.
(Well, not on hand, but they really need to be here to help repel Zavok and Co.)
You underestimate his ability.
But do they have legitimate contacts within Tokyo like Goro undoubtedly would? They have to pull off constant stealth, meanwhile Majima has an in with the local underworld there. If anyone can get us in, it'd be him.We do have literal ninjas on hand, they could probably help.
(Well, not on hand, but they really need to be here to help repel Zavok and Co.)
Yes that's a great idea., due to the fact they would have the same stats but different traits and it wouldn't hurt to have the mad dog on our side against big redActually Majima would be a good fall back in the case Conquering Storm gets knocked out of the fight with the Zeti.
Don't worry, we'll be classy when we cut off his head and make it a trophy on our wall. There will be a nice plaque that says "A Dumbass".
We are a literal cartoon villain. We can do anything if we can justify it as "SCIENCE!" based. Embrace the chaos....Would that actaully work?
No seriously could we actually do that?
...I agree we should use Trickery but I'm having trouble working out a way to do so.
Well, that's for the QM's to the side since they're the gods and they make the rules, can we do this qms or do we have to unlock this action through stealth and infiltrating the empire?Don't worry, we'll be classy when we cut off his head and make it a trophy on our wall. There will be a nice plaque that says "A Dumbass".
We are a literal cartoon villain. We can do anything if we can justify it as "SCIENCE!" based. Embrace the chaos.
Besides, do you have a reason it couldn't work?
By the way, does the Death Egg Robo come with a pre determined load out, or can we modify it a little? I'd like to add a cartoon boxing glove in the chest, if at all possible.
For when we're doing that anime thing where us and Zavok are grabbing each other's hands, I want to still be able to punch him in the face.
Plus, he also has his own theme song and the construction company, man
I feel like we've been juggling drives good so far, plus aren't you interested to see what he even wants from us?
I feel like it's pretty good, can we at least get him he might be extremely helpful, and it doesn't hurt to have two hero units that could be a backup if we want conquering on another action.
Good, it's not enough to win. We have to style on Zavok too, to really twist the knife! The zeti will learn both defeat, AND dance!If we crit the action there's a chance we can get the robot to dance.
Oh no doubt he's gonna be high maintenance, but we have been fulfilling. Each of our hero units drives. Plus, don't you think that there is something he might have or at least tell us that might give us more information or figure out what's happening in the yakuza landsThe QMs warn us that Majima is very high maintanence. Nepthys sounds just more useful for me.
Specially since she is a Egg Boss so she could be useful in the upcoming.foghtnif she get on time.
That's quite possibly true, don't you want us to have an in with our main man the Dragon of domja ourselves? I for one feel like this is also another way we can have conquering storm fight a yakuza member.Majima is enough of a wild card that I legit think the only way we'll get him to sit still is if we somehow find and recruit Kazuma Kiryu. Which... Somehow I think we'd have better luck taking out a sky pirate by throwing a rock at their ship.
(For the record, and I want to be very clear that this is an assumption, I suspect Majima's first drive is going to be something that takes trickery actions to fulfill.)
It doesn't hurt to have more trickery, plus I think this might give us a little bit of a trying to figure out what was clutch trying to do at the auction through hiring Nack's sisterAdmitidly we do have some opening in Trickery once we infiltrate, so we might might be able to follow up on Majima.
Or we could focus on actually taking our Empire back and finding a workaround for Selvaria.
That's an option as well, it looked pretty good one it also comes with the possibility of upgrading the Mirage express.You know everyone is talking about tiers 3 and all.
But, with Starline out of comission we many need a quick method of getaway from that city for the adventure.
Luckily for us I won't doubt we could modify the mirage express to no longer need to run on tracks for quick getaways.
The QMs warned us that Tier Three Heroes in general are usually high maintenance. The better the Hero, the more we have to do to keep them satisfied. Metal Sonic and previous members of various Eggmen Empires who know their place are exceptions rather then the rule.