Somebody write an omake based on this, I'd do it, but I haven't seen enough of either series to get the characters right
So she can sneak up on DIO and blast him with a UV floodlight at point-blank range?
This. This needs to be an Omake. Metaphorical bonus points if she manages to hit him with it in stopped time somehow.
Alright, you asked for Snake-tier stealth Mizore. I can't guarantee top quality, but I gave it my best shot.
The Girl Who Sold The World. Writing this was worth it just for this pun.
When they saw what was inside the coffin, Jotaro's survival instincts
"Everyone, get..."
And then, as suddenly as it came, it passed. The danger was gone.
"Jotaro, what's going on? Do you know where DIO is?"
Jotaro ignored his grandfather's questions and instead looked around the room before singling out a specific section of wall. Casually walking up beside it, he tapped it with a single Hamon-infused knuckle. Mizore holding an UV light and a rapidly disintegrating DIO fell out of the secret compartment. Mizore squeaked as she landed on her butt. DIO said nothing as his ashes scattered in the dry Egyptian air.
A long silence settled over the room, before finally being broken by Polnareff.
"You know, this explains a lot of things."
*Cue flashbacks*
By the time you read this was as far as Muhammad Avdol got before his foot slipped and he crashed onto his back. A moment later, a large chunk of the wall vanished as some unstoppable force consumed it.
"Avdol! What happened? Are you okay?!"
"I am alright. Polnareff, listen carefully. We are under attack by a Stand, but it has a weakness. I believe that it is blind while attacking as it only struck when I was distracted by the writing on the wall and it did not adjust its course. Our enemy may believe that I'm dead, so you and Iggy fight on without me for now. I will wait for an opportunity."
*Some time later*
"How dare you force me strike down an image of DIO?! You will die slowly for this blasphemy. I will tear you apart with my bare hands!" Before he had made it halfway to Iggy, Vanilla Ice was incinerated when a Crossfire Hurricane erupted from the floor.
Vanilla Ice. Status: DECEASED.
Few things in nature move faster than a falcon striking its prey. Unfortunately for Pet Shop, not even he could halt such a strike when his wings were frozen in midair. He crashed into the ground, spreading the pieces of his shattered body across the Cairo streets as he missed Iggy by the slimmest margin imaginable. Iggy, wounded but not mutilated, started making his way back to the rest of the group.
Pet Shop. Status: DECEASED.
"Why didn't the chocolate melt!? It was supposed to melt in the sun! You cheated, Joseph! You must have! Admit it! There is no way you could have defeated me, Daniel J. D'Arby, without cheating! How did you do it?!
Tell me!"
Daniel J. D'Arby. Status: RETIRED.
Oingo and Boingo froze, both literally and in fear. They saw themselves in the comic book showed as some kind of horrible monster stalked closer. It was always hidden just out of panels, and they dared not turn around to see it with their own eyes. Something freezing cold even when compared to the ice covering their legs reached out and touched the back of their necks. Terrified out of his wits, Boingo did the only thing he could do. He turned the page. Slowly, the panels started filling in as the brothers and the thing behind them both read. They saw the shadow of the monster looming over them move away, leaving ice covering the ground where it walked. They saw their comic selves eventually thawing, traveling away from their targets, and away from DIO.
The brothers sighed in relief as the pressure on their necks lifted and the monster left. They knew how harshly DIO punished treachery, but they dared not disobey the comic and risk another encounter with that terrifying creature.
Oingo and Boingo. Status: RETIRED.
"How do you even manage to get hypothermia in the middle of the day in the desert when your Stand is The Sun? Did this guy mess around with the air-conditioning of his car or something? Unbelievable."
Arabia Fats. Status: RETIRED.
Everything hurt. Just existing was agony. He felt pain in places he didn't even know existed. But despite it all, Steely Dan was optimistic. Unlike some of the others before him, he had survived his encounter with the JoJo Stand users. He would recover from his injuries and then he could go on his merry way. A shadow fell over him as he mused over his future. He looked up and saw a young woman standing over him.
"Hey, girl. Could you help me out? Call for an ambulance or..." He trailed off as he got a good look at the girl. The blue hair was unusual, but her features were unmistakably Japanese. Just like that JoJo brat who beat him up. Except now her hair was turning purple, and there was an unseasonal chill in the air.
His body broken and his Stand exhausted, Steely Dan did the only thing he could do.
He whimpered.
Steely Dan. Status: RETIREDx2.
"That bastard's taking our jeep!"
"I've decided I'm sticking with DIO after all! We'll meet again! If you guys don't die first, thaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAGH!"
"Grandson, when you get a driver's license, remember to always watch where you're going."
Hol Horse. Status: RETIRED.
Many things can pass through a man's head when he's plummeting off a cliff. Wishing that the car which served as the focus for his Stand wasn't frozen so that Wheel of Fortune could reconfigure it enough to survive the landing unharmed. Wishing that his hands weren't frozen in place at the steering wheel. Wishing that he could be the protagonist of Part 3. Wishing that he had never taken this damn job from DIO. Wishing that he had never even heard of DIO. Wishing that he had paid more attention to the ground when he had attacked the JoJos. Wishing that weird patch of ice hadn't been in exactly the wrong spot.
ZZ didn't think any of these things. He merely screamed in mindless terror as the ground came closer.
*End flashbacks*
"Wait, if you were watching over Jotaro all along, how come you didn't help my grandson against Dark Blue Moon, Strength, Yellow Temperance, Justice, or Anubis?"
"Sempai told me to back off and let him handle it."
"He did? When? We were there when he was fighting some of those Stand users and he never said anything like that."
Mizore raised a quizzical eyebrow at Jotaro.
They can't understand you like I can?
Jotaro shrugged and adjusted his hat.
I guess you're just that special.
Mizore smiled.
Thanks. You're pretty special too.
The End.
For more Stalker Mizore, please vote [X] Ashmaker for Update 101. This shameless plug brought to you by Ashmaker.