[X] There's no possible way that you could ever live with yourself for this.
-[X] Kill yourself now, and get it over with.

No, wait, I have a good reason for this.

No way Ruby will actually die. There's a Harem Protagonist nearby. What will happen is, Tsukune will stop her, and then ask her to help save Yukari, and from there it's a straight line to Harem Member Ruby.
No way Ruby will actually die. There's a Harem Protagonist nearby. What will happen is, Tsukune will stop her, and then ask her to help save Yukari, and from there it's a straight line to Harem Member Ruby.

...Might not happen. Tsukune is likely in shock from seeing one of his friends get impaled by a vine. Likely wouldn't pull off a miracle stop the girl who stab his friend action as he is likely frozen for a turn.
.......I TOLD you this was going to fail, but no one believed me.
[x]Oh, the girl with the pink hair just showed up.
Might as well see what damage we can minimize
[X]Oh, the girl with the pink hair just showed up.

I don't suppose we can vote for "fail at ever hurting these people during the fight" or something as a vote option? :p
[] NO! You aren't going to sit by and let someone else precious to you die, again! Try and fix her with plant matter and magic.

@EvaUnit01 I don't suppose this would be an acceptable write-in, would it?
Actually, uh... it was a crit fail, shouldn't that have fucked over Ruby herself instead of someone else?
I mean, if crit fails mean "you still manage to kill someone on the opposing side", well, that'd certainly change how this system works.
[X]Oh, the girl with the pink hair just showed up.

Wow we actually killed Yukari...well this quest just got way more depressing then it should. Hopefully Moka can save her with her blood but at the current moment I'll probably stay away for a while, maybe a few updates, cause this shit is too depressing for me. Not sure there is hope for anyone here developing a bullshit revival/healing stand is there?No? Alright:(
[X]Oh, the girl with the pink hair just showed up.

Wow we actually killed Yukari...well this quest just got way more depressing then it should. Hopefully Moka can save her with her blood but at the current moment I'll probably stay away for a while, maybe a few updates, cause this shit is too depressing for me. Not sure there is hope for anyone here developing a bullshit revival/healing stand is there?No? Alright:(
From what I've seen the "I'm posting the word 'rolling' as my post so I can roll as quickly as possible" posts seem to have a greater chance of poor rolls.
It just seems like a hurried post screws up more often.:(