[]There's no possible way that you could ever live with yourself for this.
-[]Kill yourself now, and get it over with.
-[]You should go to hell, and you will... but first, you'll drag down as many of those filthy humans as you can, with you! Ruby flips the fuck out even harder
[]Your mind shuts down in an attempt to protect you from what you've done, and you pass out from shock.
[]Oh, the girl with the pink hair just showed up.


[x]Oh, the girl with the pink hair just showed up.
Your face is hot, suddenly. You think there might be something on it.
...that was the sound of monster vines piercing through flesh.
Dread consumes you. You know that you've made a terrible mistake.
So, why is the human boy still moving and unhurt?
But you insist on staying in denial for as long as you can...
You turn to ask Yukari her opinion on this conundrum, and freeze.
Her ladyship isn't upset. Merely... disappointed.
Yukari's just... standing there. Wobbly. She's completely soaked in red, from the gaping holes in her torso that you created with your vine magic.
"Even if she was a complete and utter fool, Ruby, that girl was still our own kith and kin."
Yukari doesn't look as if she's in pain. Just... shock. Stunned. Her mouth is open. She tries to say something. You can just barely hear it.
"Please... don't hurt my friend, Ruby."
You are to blame. You did this. It's your fault. All your fault.
"He's one of the only ones I've got."
The fellow Witchling that you waited so long to meet, and now you've gone and killed her.
Her Ladyship laments, "You've failed me, Ruby. You don't deserve to live anymore."
Further hora.

the invisitext will likely just leave us with two fatalities instead of one

so I'll go with

[X] Your mind shuts down in an attempt to protect you from what you've done, and you pass out from shock.
[X] Your mind shuts down in an attempt to protect you from what you've done, and you pass out from shock.
[X] Your mind shuts down in an attempt to protect you from what you've done, and you pass out from shock.

I just love how I went from "Haha, Ruby fucked up!" to "Holy shit Ruby fucked up god dammit!"
Also, changed my vote.
[X] Your mind shuts down in an attempt to protect you from what you've done, and you pass out from shock.
I'm fully aware that the invisitext option is bad. I want it anyway.
[X]Oh, the girl with the pink hair just showed up.

On one hand, this could easily end with a dead Ruby.

On the other, I find it difficult to care.
Moka being there might plausibly reverse the first fatality, because it's been demonstrated that her blood grants a substantial healing factor. Maybe she'd be pissed off enough to try and off Ruby, but that's not likely given she's still Outer... and if it were to come down to a choice between the precocious brat and the broken homicidal one, well, it seems obvious.

[X]Oh, the girl with the pink hair just showed up.

That, and I want to see where Eva goes with this.