When people vote for the probability, it confuses me. Why? Yes, sure, there's a bigger probability of something over the other, but...
I just figured that brainwashing would be easier for Yukari to run damage control on than CRUSHKILLDESTROY. Harder to work someone around to your point of view when they're busy with a homicide attempt. And since it's just Yukari and Tsukune here right now, neither ORAORAORA nor KNOW YOUR PLACE are immediately available, so I'm going for the best odds of something less permanent than a fatality.
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I just figured that brainwashing would be easier for Yukari to run damage control on than CRUSHKILLDESTROY. Harder to work someone around to your point of view when they're busy with a homicide attempt. And since it's just Yukari and Tsukune here right now, neither ORAORAORA nor KNOW YOUR PLACE are immediately available, so I'm going for the best odds of something less permanent than a fatality.

That, and Kurumu has done this, and on a mass scale. More easily forgivable.
[x]Roll 1d5 for "cunning". If the result is 2 or higher, blindly attack with your your wings. If the result is 1, then you'll brainwash the human and enslave him!
[x]Roll 1d5 for "cunning". If the result is 2 or higher, blindly attack with your your wings. If the result is 1, then you'll brainwash the human and enslave him!

Both seem like good options.

Either brainwashing, which while bad has some precedent in being dealt with, or blindly attacking with wings. Critical point that, I don't think any other option has Ruby blindly attack, and those are the best odds of dodging.
[X]Roll 1d100 for "sanity". If the result is a 6 or higher, blindly attack with vine magic. If the result is 5 or lower, notice that Yukari is distressed, and ask her what's wrong. If the result is 1, realize that it's your own sudden aggression/hostility that's freaking her out, and desperately attempt to reason with her. You'll talk things out with your fellow Witch, even if it ends up involving/being about a human.
[x]Roll 1d100 for "sanity". If the result is a 6 or higher, blindly attack with vine magic. If the result is 5 or lower, notice that Yukari is distressed, and ask her what's wrong. If the result is 1, realize that it's your own sudden aggression/hostility that's freaking her out, and desperately attempt to reason with her. You'll talk things out with your fellow Witch, even if it ends up involving/being about a human.
[x]Roll 1d100 for "sanity". If the result is a 6 or higher, blindly attack with vine magic. If the result is 5 or lower, notice that Yukari is distressed, and ask her what's wrong. If the result is 1, realize that it's your own sudden aggression/hostility that's freaking her out, and desperately attempt to reason with her. You'll talk things out with your fellow Witch, even if it ends up involving/being about a human.
inb4 we roll a 100 for sanity, Ruby's already shredded mind snaps so hard, and tries to kill Tsukune with her teeth and bare hands. One short scuffle later, Tsukune and Yukari are left with the much harder problem of what to do with a hopelessly insane girl.
[x]Roll 1d100 for "sanity". If the result is a 6 or higher, blindly attack with vine magic. If the result is 5 or lower, notice that Yukari is distressed, and ask her what's wrong. If the result is 1, realize that it's your own sudden aggression/hostility that's freaking her out, and desperately attempt to reason with her. You'll talk things out with your fellow Witch, even if it ends up involving/being about a human.

...incidentally, I finally got around to finishing that series the other day. Honestly, for the most part I rather hated it. The movies are a hell of a lot better, though.
This is going to end so badly. And it'll be amazing.

Just eyeballing it, the roll 1d100 vote won.

Not the "Kill yourself" vote, sadly. Only got two votes. Me, and Verano.
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Hating Kamen Rider Double? what?
While I'm waiting on a tally, I'll take a moment to count up Double's sins.

1) The comic relief characters really, really get aggravate the shit out of me. Akiko, in particular, is the source of 85% of everything I don't like about the show.

2) Out of all the Riders in the show, the main one has the worst design. I like Joker, Skull, Eternal, and all three of Accel's forms a hell of a lot more than Double's split-down-the-middle design. Double XTREEEME is actually a step down from Double's regular forms. In particular, the helmet.

3) Double actually isn't that bad when it decides to play up the character drama and/or old-school detective feel, but it often insists on shoe-horning comedy into scenes where it isn't needed. Much of that, again, comes back to Akiko.

Personally, I consider Wizard to be a better show than Double was. (although I haven't seen OOO or Drive yet)

Now, having said all of that, the Kamen Rider Accel movie is 99% made of pure awesome. (the other 1% accounts for Akiko's first and last scenes, when she's being more "comedic").
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Personally, I consider Wizard to be a better show than Double was. (although I haven't seen OOO or Drive yet)

Now, having said all of that, the Kamen Rider Accel movie is 99% made of pure awesome. (the other 1% accounts for Akiko's first and last scenes, when she's being more "comedic").

Thems fighting words, I mean Akiko is terrible but I just tuned her out after a while, and Wizard is just such horrendous dreck that I just cant even consider liking it over Double, which Akiko aside, was fantastic. Hell, Double is my favorite after Gaim.

Granted the order I watched KR series was Gaim, Double, OOO, Kabuto, Wizard so that may have influenced it.

In the end I guess my response would have to be

Thems fighting words, I mean Akiko is terrible but I just tuned her out after a while, and Wizard is just such horrendous dreck that I just cant even consider liking it over Double, which Akiko aside, was fantastic. Hell, Double is my favorite after Gaim.
Wizard suffers from the same problem as Double - it sucks when it's trying to be funny, but it's a lot better when it's focused more on the drama.

Double was a lot more comedy-focused, so that screwed it over a lot. Wizard, on the other hand... even it's lowest point, the Myna Bird episodes, at the core had a freaking brilliant plot idea (victim of the week is a suspected criminal, and being brought to justice could turn him into a monster). The problem is that the guys writing the show went and did both of the only two things capable of screwing up that premise: they tried to play it for comedy, and the actual hero was completely kept out of the decision-making process, leaving the conflict between the cop and the shitty comic relief character.

Granted the order I watched KR series was Gaim, Double, OOO, Kabuto, Wizard so that may have influenced it.
For me it was Decade, Fourze, Wizard, Gaim, Kabuto, Agito, and now Double, with OOO next on the list. With bits of Amazon, V3, and Dragon Knight interspersed throughout it.
Wizard suffers from the same problem as Double - it sucks when it's trying to be funny, but it's a lot better when it's focused more on the drama.

Double was a lot more comedy-focused, so that screwed it over a lot. Wizard, on the other hand... even it's lowest point, the Myna Bird episodes, at the core had a freaking brilliant plot idea (victim of the week is a suspected criminal, and being brought to justice could turn him into a monster). The problem is that the guys writing the show went and did both of the only two things capable of screwing up that premise: they tried to play it for comedy, and the actual hero was completely kept out of the decision-making process, leaving the conflict between the cop and the shitty comic relief character.

For me it was Decade, Fourze, Wizard, Gaim, Kabuto, Agito, and now Double, with OOO next on the list. With bits of Amazon, V3, and Dragon Knight interspersed throughout it.
The problem i find with Wizard is that it could have done better in parts, especially its main angle which is Hope and despair. But the suits in wizard were amazing the only one i didn't like was Gremlin's evolved form suit.
The problem i find with Wizard is that it could have done better in parts, especially its main angle which is Hope and despair. But the suits in wizard were amazing the only one i didn't like was Gremlin's evolved form suit.
Yeah, this is pretty much what it comes down to. Lots of potential, that the writers failed to capitalize on.

Double, meanwhile, to my mind, pretty much lived up to everything it tried to be. The problem is that I just didn't enjoy the result of that.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X]Kill the human with the plant monsters! Let him be useful in death, by providing them with whatever meager nutrients are in his body!
No. of votes: 1
Insufficient Dakka
[x]Roll 1d100 for sanity. If the result is a 6 or higher, blindly attack with vine magic. If the result is 5 or lower, notice that Yukari is distressed, and ask her what's wrong. If the result is 1, realize that it's your own sudden aggression/hostility that's freaking her out, and desperately attempt to reason with her. You'll talk things out with your fellow Witch, even if it ends up involving/being about a human.
No. of votes: 38
o3o, Archshot, Walker of the Yellow Path, Xellos, Nix's Warden, Whatmesage, anailater, Frankfawn43, Slith10, Nottheunmaker, solodark28, Highwind, The3rdCorinthian, Bakkasama, Chris876, King Arthur, Finagle007, Bladestar123, Bondo, Fission Battery, ScrewFate, Ultra Meh, EternitynChaos, RoninLawst, Ars Poetica, sesbio, Blaster90, Winged One, Reji8627, Takoe, Olgol2, God and the Snake, Luca Morello, Sebazu, Lazurman, kildar, Sheepking, Voltron64
[X] Kill the human with your vine magic! You'll tear him to pieces!
No. of votes: 4
The Out Of World, Khaine, OverReactionGuy, Hyp3rB14d3
[x]Roll 1d5 for cunning. If the result is 2 or higher, blindly attack with your your wings. If the result is 1, then you'll brainwash the human and enslave him!
No. of votes: 10
NMS, rikalous, Mortifer, FallenTemplar86, Isaacssv558, reborn214, Aioria, Wing00Raiser, LostDeviljho, HymnOfRagnarok
[X] Roll for sanity.
No. of votes: 1
The Nobody
[X] Stab yourself in the heart with a sword!
No. of votes: 1
[X] Kill yourself.
No. of votes: 1
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X]Kill the human with the plant monsters! Let him be useful in death, by providing them with whatever meager nutrients are in his body!
No. of votes: 1
Insufficient Dakka
[x]Roll 1d100 for sanity. If the result is a 6 or higher, blindly attack with vine magic. If the result is 5 or lower, notice that Yukari is distressed, and ask her what's wrong. If the result is 1, realize that it's your own sudden aggression/hostility that's freaking her out, and desperately attempt to reason with her. You'll talk things out with your fellow Witch, even if it ends up involving/being about a human.
No. of votes: 38
o3o, Archshot, Walker of the Yellow Path, Xellos, Nix's Warden, Whatmesage, anailater, Frankfawn43, Slith10, Nottheunmaker, solodark28, Highwind, The3rdCorinthian, Bakkasama, Chris876, King Arthur, Finagle007, Bladestar123, Bondo, Fission Battery, ScrewFate, Ultra Meh, EternitynChaos, RoninLawst, Ars Poetica, sesbio, Blaster90, Winged One, Reji8627, Takoe, Olgol2, God and the Snake, Luca Morello, Sebazu, Lazurman, kildar, Sheepking, Voltron64
[X] Kill the human with your vine magic! You'll tear him to pieces!
No. of votes: 4
The Out Of World, Khaine, OverReactionGuy, Hyp3rB14d3
[x]Roll 1d5 for cunning. If the result is 2 or higher, blindly attack with your your wings. If the result is 1, then you'll brainwash the human and enslave him!
No. of votes: 10
NMS, rikalous, Mortifer, FallenTemplar86, Isaacssv558, reborn214, Aioria, Wing00Raiser, LostDeviljho, HymnOfRagnarok
[X] Roll for sanity.
No. of votes: 1
The Nobody
[X] Stab yourself in the heart with a sword!
No. of votes: 1
[X] Kill yourself.
No. of votes: 1
Vote Tally : Rosario and Joestar | Page 424 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.5.7

[x]Roll 1d100 for "sanity". If the result is a 6 or higher, blindly attack with vine magic. If the result is 5 or lower, notice that Yukari is distressed, and ask her what's wrong. If the result is 1, realize that it's your own sudden aggression/hostility that's freaking her out, and desperately attempt to reason with her. You'll talk things out with your fellow Witch, even if it ends up involving/being about a human.
No. of Votes: 38

[x]Roll 1d5 for "cunning". If the result is 2 or higher, blindly attack with your your wings. If the result is 1, then you'll brainwash the human and enslave him!
No. of Votes: 10

[X] Kill the human with your vine magic! You'll tear him to pieces!
No. of Votes: 4

[X]Kill the human with the plant monsters! Let him be useful in death, by providing them with whatever meager nutrients are in his body!
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Roll for sanity.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Stab yourself in the heart with a sword!
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Kill yourself.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 56