[X]Roll 1d100 for "sanity". If the result is a 6 or higher, blindly attack with vine magic. If the result is 5 or lower, notice that Yukari is distressed, and ask her what's wrong. If the result is 1, realize that it's your own sudden aggression/hostility that's freaking her out, and desperately attempt to reason with her. You'll talk things out with your fellow Witch, even if it ends up involving/being about a human.
[x]Roll 1d100 for "sanity". If the result is a 6 or higher, blindly attack with vine magic. If the result is 5 or lower, notice that Yukari is distressed, and ask her what's wrong. If the result is 1, realize that it's your own sudden aggression/hostility that's freaking her out, and desperately attempt to reason with her. You'll talk things out with your fellow Witch, even if it ends up involving/being about a human.

Would of voted for bladed wings, but this is the best option in my eyes.
In the manga, Ruby is introduced as having a strong affiliation with crows, and appears to keep a murder of them as her familiars.
Fun fact about those crows, they're the fruits of a childhood spent trying to magically craft friends. From a starting point of only being able to make bits of rock and clay. Because she could see no better way to make friends than to climb the thing-making tech tree from the bottom rung, and wanted them badly enough to consider it worth the effort.

This has been Why Ruby Is So Fucked In The Head, part the second.
Fun fact about those crows, they're the fruits of a childhood spent trying to magically craft friends. From a starting point of only being able to make bits of rock and clay. Because she could see no better way to make friends than to climb the thing-making tech tree from the bottom rung, and wanted them badly enough to consider it worth the effort.

This has been Why Ruby Is So Fucked In The Head, part the second.

Poor girl. :(
[X]Roll 1d5 for "cunning". If the result is 2 or higher, blindly attack with your your wings. If the result is 1, then you'll brainwash the human and enslave him!

20% chance is much, much higher than 5%. And the possible reward can also be quite funny.
[x]Roll 1d100 for "sanity". If the result is a 6 or higher, blindly attack with vine magic. If the result is 5 or lower, notice that Yukari is distressed, and ask her what's wrong. If the result is 1, realize that it's your own sudden aggression/hostility that's freaking her out, and desperately attempt to reason with her. You'll talk things out with your fellow Witch, even if it ends up involving/being about a human.
[x]Roll 1d5 for "cunning". If the result is 2 or higher, blindly attack with your your wings. If the result is 1, then you'll brainwash the human and enslave him!

On another note, why did almost everyone choose the vote that almost NEVER succeeds? If it were 10 out of 100 we may have stood a chance, but FIVE out of 100?
[x]Roll 1d5 for "cunning". If the result is 2 or higher, blindly attack with your your wings. If the result is 1, then you'll brainwash the human and enslave him!

On another note, why did almost everyone choose the vote that almost NEVER succeeds? If it were 10 out of 100 we may have stood a chance, but FIVE out of 100?
Because sanity is good, being reasonable is good, and altering someone's mind is a violation of the most fundamental level? Because the worst that happens is basically any of the other votes...except the one that involves fucking mind control?

Worst case scenario: We bomb, and she tries to kill Tsukune like every other option. Cue battle to save the guy.
Best case scenario: Things are resolved peacefully.

Like, why are you voting for the options with zero positive results? We succeed, you have sucessfully mindfucked Tsukune. You fail, and he gets attacked either way.
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[x]Roll 1d100 for "sanity". If the result is a 6 or higher, blindly attack with vine magic. If the result is 5 or lower, notice that Yukari is distressed, and ask her what's wrong. If the result is 1, realize that it's your own sudden aggression/hostility that's freaking her out, and desperately attempt to reason with her. You'll talk things out with your fellow Witch, even if it ends up involving/being about a human.
[X]Roll 1d100 for "sanity". If the result is a 6 or higher, blindly attack with vine magic. If the result is 5 or lower, notice that Yukari is distressed, and ask her what's wrong. If the result is 1, realize that it'syour own sudden aggression/hostility that's freaking her out, and desperately attempt to reason with her.You'll talk things out with your fellow Witch, even ifit ends up involving/being about a human.

We go Bondo here, we can handle this.

But yeah, I'm not accepting a roll until after votes have been locked.

Which won't be for a while, yet.
I swear, I have no idea were people got this idea of rolling before a vote call.
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[x]Roll 1d100 for "sanity". If the result is a 6 or higher, blindly attack with vine magic. If the result is 5 or lower, notice that Yukari is distressed, and ask her what's wrong. If the result is 1, realize that it's your own sudden aggression/hostility that's freaking her out, and desperately attempt to reason with her. You'll talk things out with your fellow Witch, even if it ends up involving/being about a human.
[x]Roll 1d5 for "cunning". If the result is 2 or higher, blindly attack with your your wings. If the result is 1, then you'll brainwash the human and enslave him!
[X]Roll 1d100 for "sanity". If the result is a 6 or higher, blindly attack with vine magic. If the result is 5 or lower, notice that Yukari is distressed, and ask her what's wrong. If the result is 1, realize that it's your own sudden aggression/hostility that's freaking her out, and desperately attempt to reason with her. You'll talk things out with your fellow Witch, even if it ends up involving/being about a human.
Fun fact about those crows, they're the fruits of a childhood spent trying to magically craft friends. From a starting point of only being able to make bits of rock and clay. Because she could see no better way to make friends than to climb the thing-making tech tree from the bottom rung, and wanted them badly enough to consider it worth the effort.

This has been Why Ruby Is So Fucked In The Head, part the second.
Remind me where you got that info?
But yeah, I'm not accepting a roll until after votes have been locked.

Which won't be for a while, yet.
All of a sudden, I wanna quote Limp Bizkit.

[X]Roll 1d5 for "cunning". If the result is 2 or higher, blindly attack with your your wings. If the result is 1, then you'll brainwash the human and enslave him!

20% chance is much, much higher than 5%. And the possible reward can also be quite funny.
[x]Roll 1d5 for "cunning". If the result is 2 or higher, blindly attack with your your wings. If the result is 1, then you'll brainwash the human and enslave him!

On another note, why did almost everyone choose the vote that almost NEVER succeeds? If it were 10 out of 100 we may have stood a chance, but FIVE out of 100?
When people vote for the probability, it confuses me. Why? Yes, sure, there's a bigger probability of something over the other, but... Eh, the guys above had addressed that point sufficiently, I think.