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Combat bonuses earned: "Vampire", "Mermaid", "Werewolf", "Yoko", "Witch", "Spider-Woman"...
TOC, Trophies, etc.


Kept you waiting, huh?
Combat bonuses earned: "Vampire", "Mermaid", "Werewolf", "Yoko", "Witch", "Spider-Woman", "Zombie"

Affiliates: mom, gramps, Aono, Moka (Outer), Mizore, Kurumu
Trophies earned (Jotaro):
*Children of the Sun (Obtained Ripple)
*Time to Spare (activated timestop for the first time)
*Stickin' it to the Man (retired a teacher)
*It's so~ avant-garde! (retired Hitomi Ishigami)
*A Punk Of Chivalric Lineage (saved a damsel in distress)
*Champion of Justice (chose to fight evil wherever it may appear)
*Enemy of all Tuna (retired the entire Swimming Club)
*Destructive Savior (save people, while breaking everything else)
*Less of a pain in the ass than previously thought?? (accepted the affections of a woman)
*Bites the Dust (experienced a Bad End)
*All-Star Battler (overcame an enemy Stand user without having a Stand of your own)
*Bark at the Moon (retired Ginei Morioka)
*Roshomon-Style (experienced the story from six or more different viewpoints)
*Jaywalker Supreme (survived a run-in with "Kars")
Trophies earned (Tsukune)
*A fine first showing (survived a Tsukune Gaiden with no or minimal incident)
*Poking the Rails (nudged at the canon formula of events for the first time)
*Magical Girl GET! (recruited Yukari Sendou into the harem)
Trophies earned (Kurumu)
*Cold-Bloodletter (Retired the Lizardmen and saved Yukari)
*Runner-Up Girl FTW! (successfully stole the spotlight from Moka during an otherwise canon-like sequence)
*Taking the Napkin (was the first one to successfully give Tsukune a love confession)
Trophies earned (Joseph)
*Lovable Guy: Began a Joseph Gaiden for the first time.
Trophies earned (Mizore)
*Smooth Criminal (got inside Joseph Joestar's Papa-Wolf emotional barriers)
Trophies earned (Ruby)
*Friendly Firebomb (accidentally "killed" one of your own allies in battle)
Current player goals:

*Survive daily life at Youkai Academy.
*Keep your underclassmen from emotionally self-destructing.

FANART (zomg, we have that?! why, yes. yes, we do)
*Jotaro and Mizore pic, by @Strunkriindiisk


Rosario and Joestar Character Album (in progress):

*Jotaro: Trouble
*Tsukune Aono: Land of Confusion
*Outer Moka: I Can't Fight This Feeling
*Inner Moka: Am I Evil?
*Kurumu Kurono: I Love You
*Gin Morioka: Walk This Way
*Mizore Shirayuki: The Tide Is High
*Ruby Tojo (initial): I'm Going Slightly Mad
*Akasha Bloodriver?: Sweet Dreams
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Update 2 - the wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round...
You are on a school bus, heading for a place called Youkai Academy. You idly ponder the choice of name, wondering if the directors have a strange sense of humor, or if it's indicative of something else....

A young man boards the bus, and is summarily creeped out by the driver.

After he takes a seat, the boy turns to you to start up a conversation, but hesitates. You're sure this is because your hair blends into your hat. What a pain in the ass...

[] Ignore him?

[] Take the initiative and introduce yourself?
-[] How? (write-in)

[] You don't care much for conversation, but if he gives his name, you suppose you'll indulge him.
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Update 3 - First chat with Tsukune
I see. That's a bit disappointing, as youki is just as much of a spiritual essence as Stands are in my opinion. Spin and Ripple can affect Stands, so youki should theoretically be capable of the same. Though, this is just my interpretation, of course.
That aside, how are you handling the earlier posted idea of using a Stand as armour, then? If Jotaro can just put his stand around himself and become invulnerable to everything but environmental factors... well, I don't see much entertainment in that.
Stand is more of a psychic phenomena than a spiritual one.

If a Stand normally envelops the user, like White Album, it can be used as armor. If a Stand is able to control some medium to create a suit (like Weather Report making cloud suits), that is viable. Star Platinum does not do either of these things. It may be possible to channel Star Platinum through your body and get some added degree of superhuman toughness/strength/agility, but it will be much less effective than using Star Platinum normally.

@Hyp3rB14d3: Pretty sure Star Platinum's body is exactly as large as Jotaro's, excluding SP's hair.

[X] You don't care much for conversation, but if he gives his name, you suppose you'll indulge him.

After a moment or two, your fellow passenger seems to gather some of his courage. With a nervous and respectful bow, he says, "Um, hello, there. My name is Tsukune Aono."

What he doesn't say, but is clear from his body language, is 'Please please please please please please PLEEEEAAAASE don't kill me!'

Tch. You don't beat the shit out of people on a whim (yes you do, sometimes).

You introduce yourself as Jotaro Kujo. You can see him string together the 'jos' in your name to get JoJo in his head, but he doesn't say anything. Clearly, you terrify the crap out of him. On observing this, you

[] attempt to allay his fears. You're not that bad a guy (although yes, you kind of are).
-[]what do you say? (write-in)

[] remain silent until you get to class. You've traded names; nothing else needs to be said. (skip to after the bus ride)
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Update 4 - Finally off the bus/Moka needs to put some quality breaks on her bike
[X] Yare yare daze
-[x] remain silent until you get to class. You've traded names; nothing else needs to be said. (skip to after the bus ride)

What a pain in the ass, you think to yourself. Having nothing else that you need to say, you remain silent.

Aono still seems unsettled, but appears to take your lack of hostile behavior as a sign of good fortune.

No further words are exchanged between the two of you.

Shortly after going into a tunnel, the driver speaks up. "So, you two are enrolling in Youkai Academy?"

Aono is startled, and nods. "Y-yes, that's right..."

You, on the other hand, say nothing; the very fact that you're taking this bus to get there is proof enough that you'll be attending there for a while.

The driver chuckles, then. It is a deep, menacing sound. "You should probably prepare yourselves, then. Once we get through this tunnel, we will be in sight of Youkai Academy. It is... a very horrifying school..."

.... welp, Aono looks just about ready to piss himself. You, on the other hand, are (pick one)

[] intrigued. "Horrifying" in what manner?

[] intimidated. Funky name or not, you didn't sign on for this shit.

[] thrilled. Maybe there will be someone man enough to give you a decent fight back.

Some time later, the bus rolls to a stop. Aono trailing behind you, you step off of the bus and onto the set of a low-budget horror series:

The trees are dead. The land is dead. You can't speak for the water since it's waaaaay down the cliff, but you're pretty sure it's dead too.

Off in the distance, you can see the school. Aono nervously says, "It looks like a haunted mansion from top to bottom..." From here, at least, you can't really say he's wrong on that count.


A girlish scream coming from behind you! At first you look at Aono, but it wasn't him.

Looking past him, you see a pink-haired girl on an out-of-control bicycle heading straight for Aono. He is some distance behind you, likely too stunned to react. Assuming you wanted to get him out of the way, as fast as that girl's going, it would mean taking the hit yourself.

What do you do?

[] What a pain in the ass.... Take Aono's place as roadkill.

[] What a pain in the ass.... Yell at him, see if you can get him to move his own damn self.

[] Looking more closely, you don't believe you can get to him quickly enough, even if you sprinted. Maybe if you throw a rock at him...?
-[]Aim for the head, try to knock him over.
-[]Aim for the calves, try to trip him over in one direction or another.
-[]Aim for the bike's front wheel, see if you can make it crash without hitting anyone else.

[] You need to get to class. If Aono can't brave one slip of a girl on a bike, he's going to be dead meat in high school proper.

[] (Write-in)
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Update 5 - Bike meets Jojo face. Bike loses horribly.
Yep. Although actually, the math final is in two days instead of 6 hours ago, so I have more time to study. And since everything else was done today or yesterday....


[x] What a pain in the ass.... Take Aono's place as roadkill. (7)

Almost before you can think about it, you're already sprinting. You shove Aono off to one side, away from the cliff, and glance toward the oncoming cyclist. Hrm. She's coming downhill, and there's a rock she's about to - oh dammit.

Bike hits rock. Bike starts flying.

"What a pain in the-"WHAM!!!!!

Flying bike meets Joestar face at speed, and the bike gets off considerably worse than you do. You stagger back a few steps as the bike flips over your face, but ultimately regain your balance.

You turn around, wondering what happened to the rider. In turning, you see Aono rushing toward you in concern. So small a person, worried about you?

[] You're touched, very slightly. Wait, hold on, it's probably just those fajitas you had for breakfast.

[] You don't give a damn. People and their feelings don't matter to you at all, unless they can punch you in the face hard enough to make you care. (then why did you jump in front of the bike, wise guy?!)

Before Aono can take three steps, though, the pink-haired girl collides with him noggin-to-noggin. Aono's face clearly isn't as sturdy as yours, and he's got a busted lip, but if he's a man, he can walk it off.


Can I get a 6-sided die roll for Willpower (Moka)? She needs a 3 or below to pass.
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Update 6 - Moka is a Vampire? DUN DUN DUUUNNNNN!!! Also, Tsukune Aono Social Link GET!
The girl, slumped against Aono, began to rise. "Ow, I got dizzy from my anemia…" If she had anemia, then why was she going so fast?

Regardless, she quickly recovers from her daze - though not as quickly as you did - and appears to be horrified. She asks her second victim, "Oh my God, are you okay?!"

Aono, for his part, seems ecstatic that he's even touching a girl, regardless of the circumstances.

Then, she turns to you. "I didn't hi- oh dear, I did hit you! Are you hurt? I'm so, so sorry!"

Jesus Christ, could this woman cry any harder?!

You start to respond by saying… (pick one)

[]"Yare yare daze." (Bitch, please. Bike-to-face collisions are how you know it's Tuesday. … it just normally isn't your face being hit with a bike, that's all.)

[]"Make a habit out of this, and I'll have to kick your ass..." (beating up women, Jotaro? That's a new low, even for you!)


Moka rolled 1d6 for Willpower! Rolled 4! Failed roll!

Before you can speak, however, the girl suddenly freezes. Her eyes cloud over, and she turns back to Tsukune. "Ahn, that smell…" The hell? She sounds kind of stoned all of a sudden.

She crawls over to Aono, and you can't tell if he's going to die from anxiety or bliss.

"I… I just can't help myself," she says, "around the smell of blood…"

What a pain in the ass. You got biked in the face by an anemic girl with a blood fetish.

As she closes in on Aono's face, you turn to leave. It really is time to get going. "I'm sorry, it's just because-"

You stop dead in your tracks at the next words out of her mouth:

"I'm a vampire."

You turn around, and sure enough, she's bitten his neck, and you can hear a slurping sound.

Your reaction (pick one):

[]... is this what the driver meant, when he said that Youkai Academy was a "horrifying place"?
-[]If so, then does this mean that the rest of the students and faculty are also…?

[]… okay, to hell with this shit, you're getting out of here even if you have to walk home. Annoying bitch of a mother or no.

[]As long as she takes after that Hellsing guy instead of that whiny little sparkling shit, you're cool.



[x] You are touched, very slightly. Wait, no, it's probably just those fajitas you had for breakfast. (11)

You are now affiliated with Tsukune Aono. His looks and intelligence are both mediocre, and he can't fight to save his life, either. But he's a nicer kid than most you've met, and through a bike accident you intervened in, a vampire chick claimed Tsukune as her boytoy.

Relationship status: He looks up to you as a senpai, and considers you to be a friend.
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Character milestone - Tsuntaro Tsunjo Confirmed
Because we wouldn't be Jojo if we didn't say it at some point
You've basically been saying it. I have sometimes translate "Yare yare daze" to "What a pain in the ass" at times.

Hehehe. I gotta wonder though how Moka would feel about there being clans of humans out there dedicated to hunting down 'vampires' wherever they may be.
Moka (at least, the one we're looking at now) is already very intimidated by humans (though to some degree it's her own fault she branded herself a weirdo in elementary school), up until she meets and befriends Tsukune. And as far as she knows, both Aono and Jotaro are some sort of monster/youkai, just like herself.

re:Ripple:It is definitely possible for Jotaro to obtain Ripple in this Quest. But not guaranteed.


You start to respond by saying

[x]"Yare yare daze." (Bitch, please. Bike-to-face collisions are how you know it's Tuesday. … it just normally isn't your face being hit with a bike, that's all.) (17)

[]"Make a habit out of this, and I'll have to kick your ass..." (beating up women, Jotaro? That's a new low, even for you!) (1)

[] "Huh, reminds me of a Wendsday morning." You've had worse and done worse to the punks you're used to fighting. (1)

result: You're actually a pretty swell guy deep down, though it takes getting past your jackass attitude and behavior to see it. From this point on, any time you would refuse to help one of your affiliates in danger, you must roll 2d6 for "Jerkface", and in order to successfully ignore your comrades, you must get snake eyes.
A vampire is necking Tsukune, and not in the usual way that lovebirds do...

[x]... is this what the driver meant, when he said that Youkai Academy was a "horrifying place"?
-[x]If so, then does this mean that the rest of the students and faculty are also…? (10)

[]… okay, to hell with this shit, you're getting out of here even if you have to walk home. Annoying bitch of a mother or no. (1)

[]As long as she takes after that Hellsing guy instead of that whiny little sparkling shit, you're cool. (6)

[]"Yare yare daze." (1)
[]Joestar Racial Memory, activate. Attack her, attack her like your life is on the line. (1)

result: You have accepted your fate to attend a boarding school for monsters, even though you are a human.

Working out the next scenario, will proooobably post it tonight.
Update 7 - Moka Akashiya: un-scariest vampire ever
Rosario vampires are a species all of their own right? I wonder how related they are (if at all) to the whole Pillar Men and Stone Mask situation? Are they 'natural' vampires like the Pillar Men? Are they related to Pillar Men like the various (now extinct) species of humans would be to us? If so were they prey for Pillar Men like humans were?
After listening to assorted theories put forth earlier in the thread, I'm giong to say that Vampires and Pillar Men are more or less descended from a common ancestor. Pillar Men evolved to be more physiologically superior (can eat and digest organic matter with any cell on the body, do funky shit with the body, etc.), while Vampires evolved to be more spiritually superior (shonen manga shenanigans, henceforth called "shonanigans").

Well, Rosario vampires are proud as f*ck, right? So, maybe they went "These stone mask things are abominations! Kill them all!", and went ahead and did that. Meanwhile, the human hunters see them fighting and go "That seems pretty effective, but not effective enough. I wonder how I can improve this..." And went ahead and invented Ripple.
Observe how I do my damnedest to neither confirm nor deny these suppositions.

Anyway, guys, I'm sorry. I got kinda sick last night, so it took longer to scrouge this up...

"I'm a vampire."

You turn around, and sure enough, she's bitten his neck, and you can hear a slurping sound.

You are now affiliated with Tsukune Aono.

You take a step toward Aono, intent on dragging the vampire off of him, but after only a moment, it comes apparent that your aid isn't needed.


Despite the situation, you find yourself impressed with how far he managed to jump in his fright. Before Aono can descend any further into panic, however…

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! My name is Moka Akashiya. Even though I look like this, I'm a vampire."

By 'look like this', you assume she means 'look totally non-threatening', which is pretty accurate.

Then Moka turns to you, and bows deeply. "And I'm really, really, really sorry I hit you, senpai!"

[x]"Yare yare daze." (Bitch, please. Bike-to-face collisions are how you know it's Tuesday. ... it just normally isn't your face being hit with a bike, that's all)

You shrug off her concerns in much the same manner that you shrugged off her bike. "Yare yare daze."

Aono, meanwhile, continues freaking out enough for the both of you. "VAMPIRE?! YOU MEAN LIKE THE BLOODSUCKING MONSTERS THAT HATE CROSSES AND GARLIC?!"

You wish he'd tone down the volume, though. You also observe, now that everyone's more or less standing in one place now, that Moka has a rosary around her neck. How peculiar, for a self-claimed vampire...

[]You're done here. Quickly give your name, and then get to class already. If these two want to keep nattering by themselves, let them. (skip to homeroom)

[]Flirt with the vampire, then get to class.
-[]What are you going to say? (Write-in)


OOC: I should've thought this through earlier, but I'm mostly writing by the seat of my pants with less-than-sufficient forethought, soooo I guess I need to figure out what teacher we have. Lemme skim the manga for the next several chapters...jeezum crow, Mizore doesn't show up in the manga until volume 5? Hrm... for this reason and others, rather than just using one timeline (anime or manga), I'm thinking I might split the difference and take a little from column A, a little from column B...
Update 8 - Say hi to your sensei, who... comes to class in fetish wear >_>
[X]You're done here. Quickly give your name, and then get to class already. If these two want to keep nattering by themselves, let them. (skip to homeroom) (unanimous)

"Kujo...Jotaro?" Moka says it hesitantly, as if something about it reminds her of an unpleasant memory.

Rather than stay and pump her for information, you make your way to homeroom. It'll be a real pain in the ass if you're late because of this...


You make it to class a minute or two before the bell rings. Your size and stature intimidate most of your classmates, but after a moment of neutral behavior, the students more or less resume their previous activity.

At that time, your teacher comes in, and introduces herself as Ririko Kagome.

"Good morning, everyone, and welcome to Youkai Academy. I'm sure that everyone knows this already, but this is a school exclusively of monsters, for monsters. Because humanity has long since become the dominant species on Earth, it's been decided that integration and peaceful coexstience are the best tools of ensuring the survival of monsterkind. In an effort to make this easier, students and faculty alike are to remain in human form at all times as a rule.

"Thankfully, Youkai Academy is nestled away in a parallel dimension to the rest of the Earth, so no human will ever be able to arrive here. You are all perfectly safe here."

[]Raise your hand, ask what happens to the unlucky human bastard that comes here.

[]Raise your eyebrow at the professor's implication of how fearsome humanity is.

[]Raise nothing, and sit quietly.


Your teacher was going to be either Ririko (once I remembered she existed), or the tentacle guy wrapped up in Mizore's debut plot.
Update 9 - Tooootally not antagonizing the entire class with my questions!
[X] Ask a Question - "So, in theory, if one of these badass monster slaying humans were to show up, how would the school deal with such an unstoppable killing machine?"
-[X]Rest legs on desk.

The class falls into a deathly silence, unsettled at your tone. Your words probably sound sarcastic to their ears, but your tone is strongly at odd with that.
The professor checks her class roster to get your ID. "Kujo Jotaro..." The professor seems chilled, somewhat, as do your classmates. Shaking herself out of her reverie, she asks that you put your feet back under the desk, as it's a disruption to the class.

[]Submit to authority. This woman could probably make your student life here a real pain in the ass...

[]Don't submit to authority. You've beaten the shit out of teachers before and sent them running for the hills.

"As I was saying, Youkai Academy is secured in a parallel dimension, so no human can ever come here. And even if a human did somehow arrive here, they would be immediately killed and disposed of, so let me reiterate, class: you are all completely and totally safe to learn here in peace..."

It almost sounds as if she's speaking more to reassure herself, than her students. Apparently, your name - or, given the emphasis when people repeat it, the nickname "JoJo" - makes everyone at this school feel very anxious or nervous. You feel

[]frustrated. If you intimidate everyone around you without doing anything, they're going to make things harder for you every chance they get...

[]a little intrigued, but mostly indifferent. Yare yare daze...
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