Rings and Grudges (A LOTR/Warhammer Fantasy Crossover)

On that note, lets make our hold attractive to immigrants.

[X] Plan Immigrants are a plus
-[x] Split your food stores not meant for this year towards both groups
-[x] Split it evenly
-[x]Settle Disputes as they come:
-[x] Improve relations with Blue mountain dwarfs of southern Buzra-Dum:
-[x] Send out a party to Improve relations with blue mountain dwarfs and spread word of a safe home:

-[x] Train the Deb(Untested) Dawi of the hold
-- [x] Purely focus on training them to be Warriors (Ered Luin Militia)
-[x] Train the Elgram and foolish

-[x] Excavate a Warrior Hall:
-[x] Expand the Engineers Hall Facilities:
-[x] Build a Gunpowder Hall:

-[x] Train the Rangers
-[x] Investigate your cousins Further

-[x] Better Tools:
-[x] Better Lifts: - Double down

-[x]Spend Time with your Family:
-[x] Go Visit a friend or ally:-Visit Rivendell
-[x]Learn ways of running a hold and building:

Guild Management:
-[x] Gift a few guilds some gold for their own use or gift all the gold to a single clan: (Choose 3 Guilds with only a minor boost to their Appeasement or choose 1 clan to receive the gold for a large boost at the cost of 1200 Gold) - Clan Broadbeam, Runescribes and Armourers & Weaponsmiths.

-[x] Recover items from a connected hall

-[x] Basic War Steam Golem
You know what might be a good idea?

Establishing relations with Dunland.

Dwarven Engineering can actually help make their rugged, hilly, land productive, and with the Dunlandings tied to us, it'll be that much harder for Sauron to get his hooks into them.
You know what might be a good idea?

Establishing relations with Dunland.

Dwarven Engineering can actually help make their rugged, hilly, land productive, and with the Dunlandings tied to us, it'll be that much harder for Sauron to get his hooks into them.
Well Sauron never really got his hooks into them. They are just a 'primitive', very angry people with a massive vendetta against the Rohan and the dunedain in general (all of Eriador and Rohan being part of their peoples, the Hillmen of Angmar, and the Enedwaiths original territory). Saruman just played on their desires to reclaim their lands.

You can give it a go though. We currently have stronger relations with them, than Rohan (we actually have met some of them)
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[x] Plan Immigrants are a plus
- [x] Split your food stores not meant for this year towards both groups
- [x] Split it evenly
- [x] Settle Disputes as they come:
- [x] Improve relations with Blue mountain dwarfs of southern Buzra-Dum:
- [x] Send out a party to Improve relations with blue mountain dwarfs and spread word of a safe home:
- [x] Train the Deb(Untested) Dawi of the hold
-- [x] Purely focus on training them to be Warriors (Ered Luin Militia)
- [x] Train the Elgram and foolish
- [x] Excavate a Warrior Hall:
- [x] Expand the Engineers Hall Facilities:
- [x] Build a Gunpowder Hall:
- [x] Train the Rangers
- [x] Investigate your cousins Further
- [x] Better Tools:
- [x] Better Lifts: - Double down
- [x] Spend Time with your Family:
- [x] Go Visit a friend or ally:-Visit Rivendell
- [x] Learn ways of running a hold and building:
- [x] Gift a few guilds some gold for their own use or gift all the gold to a single clan: (Choose 3 Guilds with only a minor boost to their Appeasement or choose 1 clan to receive the gold for a large boost at the cost of 1200 Gold) - Clan Broadbeam, Runescribes and Armourers & Weaponsmiths.
- [x] Recover items from a connected hall
- [x] Basic War Steam Golem
Omake: Peers?
Omake: Peers?

Gotri cocked a brow at the Broadbeam thane who knelt down before him. A silver crown embeded with an almost glowing blue Opal stone.

"While the gift is a mighty one indeed, I've got to ask, what in Grungni's beard are you talking about?" The prostrate Khazad frowned before raising his head, confused. "Well as we are entering your halls it is customary for my clan to declare itself to yours till its fall." Your eyebrow still cocked you nod slowly. "Aye, I'm familiar with that. Though I don't know why your handing me your crown, I mean while I'm the senior thane you can't exactly expect me to rule your clan for you." The khazad blinks.

"I mean where to start. How in Valaya's name am I supposed to lead a clan of miners and jewelers? I'm a ranger thane of an engineer clan. While I like to think I can dig or find a seam as well as any other dawi, I have no experience at all with running a clan dedicated to it..." The dwarf only continued to blink rapidly, while you let loose a sigh. "Much better to leave the clan to their own devices. I mean, ancestors, who in their right mind among the miners guild would listen to some 'sun touched whazzock'." You chuckle mirthfully, before marching from your throne and clapping the dwarf on the shoulders lifting him up. "If your so willing, I'd much rather you do that."

It takes him a while, but the elderly thane finally nods, and clasps your arm shaking it hesitantly but deeply. You note that there seem to be tears running down his eyes. Ancestors why was he really so adamant before to hand of his clans rule to a 'foreign' thane? Ancestors the dwarves of these lands were strange.
Omake Put the moon in Karak Lhune.
Put the moon in Karak Lhune.

Borly inspected for one last time his project, it was a rather simple idea, the hold was called the fortres of the moon but there wan't any major simbolism about it costrucetd anywere.
So he tought of making one.
He was planning to add a great statue of the godess Valaya on the entrance of the hold, or carve it out on one of the flanks of the mountains on the hidden valley. The godess was holding a great disc of silver expertly crafted to look like Gormlhune, a reminder of the firts moon, now that they could not see it anymore.
This was all artistic and proper but Borly wans't a stonemason nor an artist; he was an engenierr and to be honest the plan depicted Valaya just because she probably was the most tematic choice. In truth the statue itself could really be anyone or anything, they could have put the moon inside the mouth of a roaring ancestor for how he cared.
The true marvel of it was going to be unseen anyway, the moon will only look like resting on the hands (or theets) of the statue; bacause it would be placed upon hidden rails, connected to a pulley sistems that would allow a great degree of controol on the exact angle of the silver disc in all the dimensions. With his clokwork of springs one would be able to make the sistem work on his own, with just peridicaly handcrank to give it the energy.
Applications where quite varied, sure one could limit itslef to simply follow the movement of the sun and moon and so shining constantly with an awe inspiring effect. But doing all of this work for just a fancy lamp to impress some diplomat and beardlings would be a waste. A smarter idea will be to also use it combined with a seriers of smaller mirrors embedded in the flanks of the mountains that reflected ligth out of the hidden vally and into the Dunedain city; combined with a simplified version of Grundlid and they will be able to talk with them withou even have to exit the hold, he already took way too much sun lately.
He also had plan about creating a second more curved mirror and make the two of them interchangable. The second one was designet to send enough ligth in a single spot and start fires, sure they did not have the infrastructure (or maybe the skill) to build something like that, but it never hurt to be ready.
The schematics looked compleate so he passed at the more burocratich part. He knew that something like this could cost a fair bit, so he was tring to reduce the expenses of the silver. he had prepared a contract that was proposing the creation of a virtual vault of sort (personal proprerty of the miner's guild) to be placed in the postions that the operator of the pulley sistem was going ot choose, the vault itself will be considered only fit to house a single silver crafts with precise measurements.
Sure if the guild was to accept the contract the thane would not have the freedom to sell the disc later, but with the ability to change his angle intact and unrestrited they both got what they wanted.
Of course this was only legal jurgon, the real reason why the miner's guild would ever acept something like this was because they were going to write the guildmasetr's name (and his glorious line) on the back of the finest piece of architecture of several miles.
He gave another nervous look at evrything, the sets of mirror to comunicate with the dunedain was probably going to take a while to costruct, bu he was quite confident that he could insert the main statue the pulleis and get the plate done by adding it to the work on the hold entrance.

@Mad0Slayer Omake to help with the entrance, my idea is to make something to either lifth the spirit of the hold or impress visitors, and in the future it could be expanded to make both a weak death ray (they do exist rigth now) or/and something to send morse code to the dunedain.
I hope you people like it.
Kazalid trivia, Grundlid is basicaly morse code invented by dwarfen miner's to talk trougth stone.
Omake: It’s a long way to Nuln (song)
Omake: It's a long way to Nuln (song)

Up to mighty Everpeak
Came an Ruebatuki one fine day.
As the streets are paved with gold
Sure, everyone was gay,
Singing songs of Karaz a Karak,
Zuffbar and Barak Varr
Till the beardling got excited,
Then he shouted to them all:

It's a long way to Nuln,
It's a long way to go.
It's a long way to Nuln,
To the greatest kvinn I know!
Goodbye, Karaz a Karak,
Farewell, Barak Varr!
It's a long long way to Nuln,
But my heart's right there.

The Beardling wrote a letter
To his Imperial Svetta'lo,
Saying, "Should you not receive it,
Write and let me know!"
"If I make mistakes in spelling,
Svetta, dear," said he,
"Remember, it's the quill that's bad,
Don't lay the blame on me!"


Svetta wrote a neat reply
To the Imperial beardling,
Saying "Rothor Ironside
Wants to marry me, and so
You must leave Zuffbar and Everpeak
Or to to blame you'll be,
For love my love, gold has fairly drove my family silly:
Hoping you're the same!"

So it's a long way to Nuln,
It's a long way to go.
It's a long way back to Nuln,
To the greatest kvinn I know!
Goodbye, Karaz a Karak,
Farewell, Barak Varr!
It's a long long march back to Nuln,
But my heart's right there.
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About the plan of helping the dunlanding, I am 100% on with the idea of helping a struggling population, but I have two point tha worry me.
First we actually haven't really made impressive agricultural advancement, at least we never realized them, so before we go offering our services as farmes we should at least build some industrialised farming first, just so we do not fail miserably after we tried to help, you know just get some real experience with it first.
Second the dunlanding have a massive grudge against a population that trow them out of their perceived lands, I fear we migth actualy empatise with them and we could end up goingo to war against rhoan, or even just make the dunlanding stronger and so they will kill lots of rhoirim.
The main ally of rhoan is gondor, wich we are tring to ally with.
So we should be sure to place ourself as pacemaker between rohan and dunland.
Maybe by giving dunlanding enough to make a good living and convincing both of them to figth orcs?
You know what drives me up the wall with these kinds of Quests?

Majority of people being overly altruistic and more then willing to just go out helping anyone and everyone for whatever little reason so they can pay themselves on the back for being the good guys before actualy building up the player faction as a start so that...you know...you can actualy do more without always being one bad roll away from itter destruction. I'm not saying don't help out, I'm saying don't go all out on helping others before helping yourself first.

Like, a example...its been 10 turns and who knows how long one-story and the Hold isn't even a freaking "Hold" yet...not even close to being done even. And yet people were more then eager to go all in on building a city for those guys we had just met..
The city of the dunedain was built before I joined, I would have spoken against it If I had, still it was placed perfectly, and the sooner we start giving them buff the bigger they will be so there is an argument for it.
Risking our lifes for anfelas was a necessity, it is from where we gain plack powder, otherwise I would have opposed the idea, I am against building the halls of the broadbeams in our hold until we are in a better spott ,but so seems many. I will gladly give tools and weapons away because we got lots of them and are far from running out, have we not been on a good positive of food I would have been against helping the hobbit.
The argument for the dunlanding is also helped by the fact that we can make them friends by using diplomacy actions, wich at the moment are by far the least sought after, if we could spent 2 diplomacy action to gain 1 stewardship I would.
I run some quick calculations, if we want to keep greasing the guilds and commisioning war golem evry time we can we will have to make the miners hall, create a craftman district for silver, sell beer to the elgi, and tax the broadbeams for 400 a turn, (like we are gona do).
Building for the broadbeams is a pain in the ass with hig failure chance and 2 turns at minimum, but if we make the warrior and smith all they can summon magicaly the metal for arm themself and we will not have to train the rookie, wich will free action for our army.
This infastructure could all be set up in 3 turns, and we will then be in positive.
I did not count the gold of the event because it is unknow, and i only use the elgi trade to round us on the positive because it is a variable.
If we can do it we will churn out wargolem like candy.
There must be balance

[X] Split your food stores not meant for this year towards both groups
[X] Split it evenly (The vein is apart of your silver mine but it was found by Broadbeam dawi so you will split it evenly.) (Get half the full income of the mine and no gain or loss for either group.)
-[x]Spend Time with your Family:
-[x] Go Visit a friend or ally:-Visit Rivendell
-[x]Learn ways of running a hold and building:
-[x] Train the Deb(Untested) Dawi of the hold
-- [x] Purely focus on training them to be Warriors (Ered Luin Militia)
-- [X] Help the cult of Gazul prepare for their expedition:
-[x] Excavate a Warrior Hall:
-[x] Expand the Engineers Hall Facilities:
-[x] Build a Gunpowder Hall:
Guild Management:
-[x] Gift a few guilds some gold for their own use or gift all the gold to a single clan: (Choose 3 Guilds with only a minor boost to their Appeasement or choose 1 clan to receive the gold for a large boost at the cost of 1200 Gold) - Clan Broadbeam, Runescribes and Armourers & Weaponsmiths.
[x] Recover items from a connected hall
[x] Basic War Steam Golem
Brewer's Gift