Rings and Grudges (A LOTR/Warhammer Fantasy Crossover)

Because the dwarfs are going to be very grumpy due to the lack of enemy. If much slower then it will take centuries instead of decades for orc population to grow.
Also, are there any threats currently near us?
So if I am correct, we are still able to assist the battle of Azanulbizar, right? If we are doing incredibly well against the orc here, we will be able to do the same then right?
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mad0Slayer on Apr 20, 2021 at 1:22 PM, finished with 46 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Well I'm Home
    -[X] Establish or Improve Relations with The Nearby Umgi:
    --[X] Bree
    -[X] Establish relations with Gondor
    --[X] Anfalas
    -[X]Establish a training ground:
    -[X] Send out The Throng to clear a distant region:
    --[X]Southern Arthendain (the Shire) 80% chance of success.
    -[X] Build the umgi a proper Enclave:
    --[X] Dawi don't do Umgak work 60% chance of success.
    -[X] Excavate a Brewery:
    -[X] Investigate the caves in Distant valleys:
    -[X] Investigate the nearby mountain area:
    -[X] How to farm Mushrooms x2
    -[X]Focus some effort on a project (Build the umgi a proper Enclave)
    -[X] Find a wife
    [X] Weapon Plan: Zharrvengryn
    [X] Weapon Plan: Zharrvengryn
    -[X] Weapon Name: Fated End
    -[X] Master Rune of Currents
    -[X] Rune of Fate
    -[X] Rune of Fire
Did we remember to say what to do with the weapons/armor?

if we haven't I'll just do this...

[X] Elgi Weapons: A few years back the rangers found a few weapons in that troll hovel. Your clan has long suspected they were Elgi in origin, and many have clamored for them to be smelted down, for proper use. However the Elgi you have encountered thus far have proven amiable, and loyal allies during battle. Additionally from your experience with the Dunedain, there's a good chance that some may even be Umgi. You are unsure if you should return the fallen weapons to them, in their current condition, or restored, even if it is the right thing to do.
-[X] Restore them
--[X] Find and Return them to their makers
we get to study them anyway as we repair them and can ask questions when we deliver so we can ask about their manufacture/study more of them later
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Did we remember to say what to do with the weapons/armor?

if we haven't I'll just do this...

[X] Elgi Weapons: A few years back the rangers found a few weapons in that troll hovel. Your clan has long suspected they were Elgi in origin, and many have clamored for them to be smelted down, for proper use. However the Elgi you have encountered thus far have proven amiable, and loyal allies during battle. Additionally from your experience with the Dunedain, there's a good chance that some may even be Umgi. You are unsure if you should return the fallen weapons to them, in their current condition, or restored, even if it is the right thing to do.
-[X] Restore them
--[X] Find and Return them to their makers
we get to study them anyway as we repair them and can ask questions when we deliver so we can ask about their manufacture/study more of them later

I do not think we are skilled enough to mend he weapons of elves or even of the dunedain of old. They are in their own subtle way magic, magic enough to help kill the Witch King, even the nameless weapons barely more than daggers which the hobbits took for swords.

So passed the sword of the Barrow-downs, work of Westernesse. But glad would he have been to know its fate who wrought it slowly long ago in the North-kingdom when the Dúnedain were young, and chief among their foes was the dread realm of Angmar and its sorcerer king. No other blade, not though mightier hands had wielded it, would have dealt that foe a wound so bitter, cleaving the undead flesh, breaking the spell that knit his unseen sinews to his will.
-The Return of the King, the Fields of Pelanor
Restoring the blades won't be a problem, so long as they aren't broken.

we aren't reforming them, we are restoring them

eg removing the rust that's built up. This could vary from electrolysis, to prying off corrosion like Edmund in the voyage of the dawn treader

the blade and armor is not broken, what it is is damaged/rusted from not being maintained. The elf blades lack these issues (magic), but those of men and dwarfs so. I've already gone over this before on this quest, and also with PM's with MadSlayer.
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Restoring the blades won't be a problem, so long as they aren't broken.

we aren't reforming them, we are restoring them

eg removing the rust that's built up. This could vary from electrolysis, to prying off corrosion like Edmund in the voyage of the dawn treader

the blade and armor is not broken, what it is is damaged/rusted from not being maintained. The elf blades lack these issues (magic), but those of men and dwarfs so. I've already gone over this before on this quest, and also with PM's with MadSlayer.

Fair enough. As long as we are not damaging them.

[X] Elgi Weapons: A few years back the rangers found a few weapons in that troll hovel. Your clan has long suspected they were Elgi in origin, and many have clamored for them to be smelted down, for proper use. However the Elgi you have encountered thus far have proven amiable, and loyal allies during battle. Additionally from your experience with the Dunedain, there's a good chance that some may even be Umgi. You are unsure if you should return the fallen weapons to them, in their current condition, or restored, even if it is the right thing to do.
-[X] Restore them
--[X] Find and Return them to their makers
I think I might just strangle your guy's dice!!! (I swear they're broken because if I get another Nat-Crit I gonna go crazy (As is already lost on what you get from dual Crits building off one another!)
Omake - A gift too great...
Omake - A gift too great...

Cirduin gripped his horses reigns till his hands were beyond white. Beside him his companions, a fellowship of 7 scouting out before their wives and children arrived, looked over at the monolith that the Dwarfs of 'Karak Lhune' had made for them...

"Ah Umgi you're here." A jolly voice from above echoed, revealing the short bearded 'Thane' of the hold, Gotri 'Wightslayer'. The gargantuan stone gates made of purest black rock rippled with silvery gold swung open unveiling a horde of dwarfs working away at the 'encampment'. "Sorry about the state of things, we hadn't expected you fear near a week yet." He chuckled leading three of the rangers inside, the others already riding back to their familes to bring them forward. You stopped only a dozen feet through as the rangers stared gaping at the near completed inner wall and half finished tower in the 'camps'' center. "I have to apologies about this mess." The Dunedain blinked at the dwarf as he kicked at a nearby wall. "We had wanted to make this another 10 feet taller." He continued glaring at the still unfinished tower. "and that another 40 feet, but we didn't anticipate just how different your architectural style is..." He grumbled leading the three rangers to a small table under a tent with several barrels of wine and ale. "Still it'll make do... Though looks like I'll be petitioned by some of the clan to visit that old capitol of yours Annunas..." "Annuminas." one of the companions interjected as he was passed an ale. "Annu-whatsits" the dwarf nodded. "We don't like making Umgak work even within this timescale, so expect an overhall sometime this century..." He grumbled into his ale before draining it in one with a loud gulp.

Cirduin took the time to survey the worksite. Already the stonework was dwarfing the curtain walls of the Súthburg, and while the tower was but a tenth the height of the Orthanc, it was more than a rival to anything his kin had built since the schism of Arnor. When they had set out they had expected a palisade village. With luck even cobbled streets and stone homes. But this... this...

"So how many of you are coming?" The Dawi beside him asked with a smile.
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Omakes: Over glorified traders post
Omakes: Over glorified traders post

Isildur son of Forlong eyed the squat figure before him with bated breath. This was perhaps the first dwarf he'd seen in his life...

Noticing the dwarf was eying him expectedly he hastily coughed into his hand, before proceeding with the pleasantries...

"Welcome to the city of Lond Galon Master Dwarf, how go the dwarvern realms?"

The dwarf raised a brow. "Well the trip was awful, ancestors those roads are knackered." Isildur's brows shot up in alarm. "Begging your pardon master dwarf but we don't have any roads through Cirith Iaur." The dwarf blinked. "I'd know a road when I see one manling, in all my 300 years I'd think I'd be able to tell overgrown flagstone from dirt track."

The Gondorian stared at the dwarf before the words his him... "did you come from the blue mountains master..."

"Balor." The dwarf nodded lowering his hand from the sword at his side, that he'd been gripping for some reason. "Aye blue as they come, strange that, never seen a mountain range that hue before." He grumbled absent mindedly gazing up at the lordling who sat behind a desk. "Only founded the hold 10 years back so the Thanes looking for new trade partners."

Isildur made the effort to scratch this down, as the thought of a dwarf hold this close to Gondor came to mind. "By the way master Balor, where is this hol.."

"Southern chain, 4 days March from Lindon if I remember right." The dwarf grumbled, his voice souring at mentioning the elf ports name. Noting the gondorians confused look he sighed before stabbing a finger to a random portion of mountains. "Round there. Named it Karak Lhune." He chortled. "Let us say the thane is not very original when it comes to naming things."

The lordling barely kept himself from shaking at the revelation, of a dwarf hold so close. And positioned in a way so that Anfalas was the only true trade point for the hold into Gondor... A much needed boost to the fiefdom after the departure of the elves near a Millenia ago now.

Desperate to hide his shock, the lordling pushed on, the dwarf gazing at him watchfully, his lips slight raised. "Does your hold happen to have anything to trade maste..." he was interrupted by a loud clans as the dwarf deposited a great box on his desk, the wood groaning under the strain. "Finally." The dwarf started with a sigh. "Let's get down to business."
did we build a entire new city for the dunedain to live in, completly with all the necessities of actual healthy living (including running water for bath's toilets'), some spaces so they can create their own shrines to their gods (just build the building, let the umgi make it dedication to their "gods"), proper dwali work.

otherwise we might have caused quite the cleansing of the blue moutains...in fact i would guess we just accidently cleared the entire region of grobi and other nasties and returned with much treasures.
did we build a entire new city for the dunedain to live in, completly with all the necessities of actual healthy living (including running water for bath's toilets'), some spaces so they can create their own shrines to their gods (just build the building, let the umgi make it dedication to their "gods"), proper dwali work.

otherwise we might have caused quite the cleansing of the blue moutains...in fact i would guess we just accidently cleared the entire region of grobi and other nasties and returned with much treasures.

The Dunedain do not actually have gods. Many men treat the Valar as Gods but the Dunedain know better from speaking to the elves. By the same token they do not raise temples to Eru since the small temple on Nuumenor was destroyed by the King's Men I suspect because they do not consider themselves worthy. The closest thing we see to religion in LOTR is Faramir turning t face west before eating as a matter of ritual.
The Dunedain do not actually have gods. Many men treat the Valar as Gods but the Dunedain know better from speaking to the elves. By the same token they do not raise temples to Eru since the small temple on Nuumenor was destroyed by the King's Men I suspect because they do not consider themselves worthy. The closest thing we see to religion in LOTR is Faramir turning t face west before eating as a matter of ritual.

Heh, but DO WE Know of this?