Rings and Grudges (A LOTR/Warhammer Fantasy Crossover)

Melkor troubles. (Canon)
(A little side story/ omakethat focuses on a kazad manning the melkor outpost/fort, also to hopefully add a boost to any rolls involving it)

melkor troubles.

Third/First person Pov: a Kazad named Dwaed.

Dwaed stared nervously in the dark tunnel, his feet on the stone wall firm, next to him, a dawi, one of their rangers Daraurd, took a sip of ale calmly, an attack was coming any minute, it was a miracle any of the rangers escaped after the scouting mission regarding the drakes went wrong, now practically every damn urk in these tunnels knew of the forts exitance, or at least, most of them.

"steady lad, when those orcs come calling, panic will do you no favors" Daraurd Truemark said calmly, he looked over in surprise, but it was soon gone, the long beard of the ranger told him everything, the Dawi have a highly respect their elders, or Longbeards, as they called them, due to their age and experience, he would commonly hear the Dawi elders grumble, and by Durin did they enjoy grumbling, ranging from how about back in their day, the Grobi where bigger and stronger back in their day, and how the current stock of ale isn't as strong as it used to be.

having drunken many kegs of Dawi ale sense he moved to Karak Lhune, he briefly wonders on how strong their ales where if their elders where grumbling over the current strength of the stock, but regardless, the elder next to him spoke true, panic wont do him good when the orcs attack.

he steadied his breathing and peered into the gloomily lit darkness of the tunnel.


he heard a crossbow sound and watched as the bolt vanished into the dark...followed by the pained shout of an orc, followed by a thud...and soon cries of anger and war echoed out from the darkness.

"READY YOURSELVES YA BEARDLINGS! THE GROBI ARE COMING!" Daraurd shouted as he reloaded his crossbow, following suit, he aimed his own crossbow down and fired it at the first urk he saw, his shout rang true and the charging urk was sent tumbling dead, and soon more shots followed, and more urks perished under the barrage of bolts.

reloading as quickly as he can, he aimed and fired again, another urk dead, he looked to his side briefly and the elder Dawi was already on what must be his 12th crossbow bolt.

inspired, he narrowed his eyes and chose to focus on shooting, more urks fell dead as he shot as fast as he could, soon however, the urks where at the walls.

he was on his 10th shot when an urk popped its head out in-front of him with a roar, without even a moments hesitation, he fired and the urk fell off the wall with a bolt lodged in its head.

looking around, he saw similar scenarios happening across the wall as urks crawled on the stone work, hungry for the blood of dwarfs.

putting his crossbow on his back, he drew his hammer and shield, as an urk jumped onto the wall, it swung its rusted blade at him, acting fast, he blocked the shoddy blade and watched it shatter on his shield, the urk could only look in shock, something he was more than happy to take advantage of, thinking fast, he bashed the wretched thing with his shield, before fully knocking it off the wall with his hammer, the falling urk hitting another urk behind it, sending both to their deaths.

he looked around and saw his kin and the dawi engaging in melee combat with the urks, and to his relief, it was going poorly for this band urks as their foul blood decorated the walls, not a speck of dwarf blood gracing the battlements.

looking back at the elder ranger, he watched as the veteran swung his great axe in an wide swing, decapatainting orcs who just peeked over the wall, and severing the legs of what looked to be the commander of these urks, the creatures wailing was soon cut short as Daraurd buried his axe into its chest.

soon the sounds of battle grew silent, all the urks have been slaughtered to the last, "send out rangers to gather what intact bolts that can be recovered, this nights only beginning, be ready my kin! if this status of these urks was anything to go by, this was but a probing attack, sending their fodder to test our metal" he heard Kaz shout and he soon felt a grip on his shoulder.

"come lad, the grobi leave little breathing room, so lets get this done fast" the elder said and he nodded.

when this night is done, he's helping himself to the ale, the tricky part is making sure the elder Dawi don't catch this and try to plundered it before he does...

(Enjoy lads, not my finest but I hope you enjoy it)
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A very cool and interesting update;
  1. I'm glad Dale is still around and growing closer to Rohan
  2. Very happy more dwarves survived Smaug and escaped with more stuff even if I can't wait to find out where they went.
  3. I kinda figured Angmar would come rise back up considering we did save most of the Northern Rangers and we need a real enemy in our area for us to work against.
  4. Slightly sad about the Dunlanders since I want to turn them into our allies and help improve their situation so they don't have to raid Rohan.
  5. Glad to give Mordor a hard time and mess up the Corsairs though I can't wait for them to fight our ships.
About repeating crossbow orcs.

That tech requires spring steel for the crossbow limbs.
That means they have good steel for swords.(Depending on the design)
Lightweight and durable plate armor.

I'm kind of excited for the potential uplift... But that also really sucks for future fights.
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hey DM, just something I realized, but whatever happen to that hunters huts option? is it gone because of the farms?

also, on the note of farming, but is it possible Via a diplomacy action or some other method (like event roll), could we get a herd of goats? where Dawi of course, so we wont be riding such beasties, but we do value some things from them, their wool, their meat, and most importantly, their milk, which we need for Cheese, a vital part of any Dawi's diet!

just curious is all, and I'm sorry if I sound like a Wazzok, keep up the good work, and I look forward to the restored maps, I just know they'll be good!
Actually we have a clan specializing in goat riders right now but its not big but it's growing the clan right now here
Buhund-Nalim A Hybrid Clan of Farmers/Growers and rangers they number: 197+50+5=252 Khazad and 23 Dawi, Half Bloods 0

Number of Khazad refugees that joined their clan: 50 (Growth this turn: 6)

Their Throng: 113

23 Rangers

40 Ered luin scouts +0

50 Goat Riders +10
Also buzra dum has goat riders as part of there army showed in past training battles with the dawi.

Edit: also it's likely we already have a goat population cause of the refugees it's just not been brought up cause it wasn't asked yet.
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hey DM, just something I realized, but whatever happen to that hunters huts option? is it gone because of the farms?

also, on the note of farming, but is it possible Via a diplomacy action or some other method (like event roll), could we get a herd of goats? where Dawi of course, so we wont be riding such beasties, but we do value some things from them, their wool, their meat, and most importantly, their milk, which we need for Cheese, a vital part of any Dawi's diet!

just curious is all, and I'm sorry if I sound like a Wazzok, keep up the good work, and I look forward to the restored maps, I just know they'll be good!

It got rolled into one of the Khazads speciality halls, also ya I'm mostly done with the maps just thinking on one or two final touch-ups.

Edit: also it's likely we already have a goat population cause of the refugees it's just not been brought up cause it wasn't asked yet.

Pretty much this.
Okay, the results are about done just going through editing, while that gets sorted out...

Can I ask for 1 D100

I also have an Interlude maybe that's going to get posted (probably sometime in the next day on one of them) but while I wait on those. Mostly some votes(Cause I need them) your dice love and hate you not gonna lie one day I'll get a perfectly mediocre easy turn instead of wildly different things.

As it stands I'm not sure which I'll get back first either the Interlude that ended up delaying the turn results since things need to get voted on or the thing you found that unlocked a quest chain along with some nice goodies.
Interlude: Wrath of the Dawi Part 1
Edited by denizen
Edited by ImperialBriton (He had a fair bit changed really)
Interlude: Wrath of the Dawi Part 1

You glanced at the Elder warily as you rubbed your eyes. "I see the Reckoners have reached a stalemate… Is there anything more we can do?" your voice was wary, as you knew what would come out of this.

Daraurd grunted, the ranger only giving you a nod. "The Umgi refuse to acknowledge Dawiguild. I was hoping to recover a bit more from my injury, but when the umgi insulted (name of councillor) I knew you had to hear this quickly. The Umgi are getting uppity, and if you don't act quickly, the Longbeards will add a whole 3 new pages to the Dammaz Kron…"

Groaning, you nodded. "What do Lord Aragost and his Lady wife have to say for this?" you asked while gathering what you would need to leave the hold. The elder let out a grunt as he tried to keep up the slight limp only delaying him a bit. "They were south, visiting her family in the lands of the Swan knights. Thaggoraki take them, they left the rule of their realm to that arrogant toe-jam they sired. He's lucky Snorri only strangled him till his eyes rolled back."

Closing your eyes you counted to 10 before expelling your breath. "… Assemble my honour guard…" The elder opened his mouth in yet another grunt; but your next words silenced him. "And make sure they bring the rune armour along; it is time we teach the umgi about how 'cooperative' they should be..."


The glare searing from your eyes seemed to freeze the strumpeting umgi as he suddenly, all too late noticed your presence.

You fingered the handle of your dagger, noticing the beginnings of a crack developing along its dragonbone frame. It had been childsplay to infiltrate the settlement. Almost insulting to your craft, to be honest, even considering you'd dragged along your clumsy thundering guard along with you.

His eyes flickered, mouth open in a frozen shriek. Before your glare and flaring nostril bade him to keep it shut. "Careful boy; I'm rather fond of your parents. It would be a shame, if they were to find their umgak son, a few fingers short on his sword hand."

His red face paled immediately. "M… Master Gotri!" He squeaked.

"Hush now, beardling. Not a word. I've heard of your excuses, I've heard of your platitudes, yet by Grungni's flowing beard, my kin have yet to see any of the gold you owe us…" Your gravely voice echoed in the room, as the sounds of sliding bodies against stone filled the air, and your guards opened the doors to the room.

You ignored his now ashen face, alongside that of his newly escorted seneschal and steward; the latter of which having managed to gather his wits though, well beside whatever else he had gathered judging from the acrid smell he brought with him had you turn your nose up at him. "Mm..ma...master dwarf, I understand that there's been a little confus…"

"Enough!" He quickly cowed back, almost mewling in fear. "You and your lordling insulted a Dawi of the Karaz Ankor! You threaten my kin and ignored the reckoners I sent to you"

"They wanted my gold!" The boy shrieked, before a steel wrapped fist blackened his jaw.

"They'll have more than that when we're done with you umgi." You growled; giving an appreciative nod to the satisfied hammerer behind him.

"You threw out my Reckoners and now, you insult ME as I try to settle this!"

Pointing a finger at him you glared. "I've accommodated enough of this farce, umgi, but I am a reasonable dawi… Your father wasn't present, nor was your mother... So by the grace of Valaya, and the wisdom gifted to me by the Ancestors, I have decided that on this night, the only one who shall be dealt justice will be you."

Seneschal's eyes bulged. "My... My... My lord. Surely there is no need to spill blood over just a few pieces of silver... Surely a trip to the treasury will..."

You silenced him with an astounded stare. "Umgi... Shut, your, gob." With a short flourish, and a soundless swing, your knife was drawn, and now rolling in your hands. "I think tonight, is a good night to educate the lot of you on the finer points of Dawi diplomacy..."

With a friendly smile that never reached your eyes, you pulled in front of them. "You see Umgi, you seem to be under the tragic delusion that I care about empty words. I don't. I know your personal vaults are empty. Your accountants were incredibly thorough." You made sure to wipe some imaginary flecks off the blade... The Umgi all blanched, not that it was true. That manling was quite respectable actually. Even put up a good fight before revealing where he kept the records. "To think that your liege and lady raised such a wastrel... The brothers be damned..."

The umgi lordling snarled... Spitting in your direction; his white face now wine red. "How dare you DWARF! I am a Lord of Gondor, a Scion of Westernesse! I will not be talked to like a commo..."

He halted as the prick of cold steel met his throat. Your Dagger carefully nicked the pathetic strands he called a beard. "You umgi, are a wazzock. and a krutting one at that." You pulled the knife back, letting the boy wheeze pathetically, as though tasting air for the first time.

"This grudge will end tonight. Give him a blade; and keep the healers at the ready."


Guild Roll's: 8
--1d2 landed on a 2 (it's an external problem)
--1d5 landed on a 2 again (Trade partner Rosse-lond)
Rolled a Nat 1 on resolution so things get very nasty.
Vote Time:

The Grudge: The Short changed grudge

Umgi merchants paid a full twenty silver coins short and refused to recompense it when brought up, they have proceeded to insult and belittle your traders and reckoners and you yourself without care. The current heir of Rosse-Lond doing little to ease your issues and has also insulted you. How do you settle this

The Heir of Rosse-lond

[] Beat him black and Blue: (-2 to all Dawi guild Appeasement) (-3 relations with Rosse-Lond) (You might teach him a lesson and set him straight)

[] Take his hand: (+3 to all Dawi guild Appeasement) (-4 relations with Rosse-Lond) (He'll learn his lesson he might hold a grudge though during his reign and withhold on fully supporting the alliance, though at least he might stop gambling with his treasury)

[] Kill him: (+6 to all Dawi guild Appeasement) (-6 relations with Rosse-Lond) (They have a spare and he is useless; might as well save them the trouble) (Your Alliance will remain but it will be strained)

The Gondorian Merchants

[] Directed Dawi vengeance:
The Umgi merchants started this and it will end with them, no other umgi need pay. (+2 to all Dawi guild Appeasement) (Minor penalties to your relations with Gondor due to killing their merchants)

[] Scorched Earth:
The umgi dare insult you, well, enough is enough. It is time for this world to understand what it means to anger the Dawi, all umgi who have insulted you and shortchanged you are to be hunted down and killed and their ships burned(+7 to all Dawi guild Appeasement) (Your relationship with Rosse-Lond will be hurt and severely damaged with Gondor.) (-2 relations with Rosse-Lond and -3 with Gondor)


You don't get any gold also your rolls

Guild Roll's: 8
--1d2 landed on a 2 (it's an external problem)
--1d5 landed on a 2 again (It's to do with trade)
Rolled a Nat 1 on resolution so things get very nasty

External grudges like this require a guild roll lower than 20 since I don't like the idea of them popping up too much they should also be rare. Also the vote is open.
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Ugh...killing him will be too much...but beating him black and blue will be lesser...taking a hand is enough. Not gonna lie, I was thinking it was someone else...so I was kinda surprised by his personality, and I was mistaken because of that. And killing merchants is enough.

[X] Take his hand: (+3 to all Dawi guild Appeasement) (-4 relations with Rosse-Lond) (He'll learn his lesson he might hold a grudge though during his reign and withhold on fully supporting the alliance, though at least he might stop gambling with his treasury)
[X] Directed Dawi vengeance: The Umgi merchants started this and it will end with them, no other umgi need pay. (+2 to all Dawi guild Appeasement) (Minor penalties to your relations with Gondor due to killing their merchants)

unless someone has a better write-in for merchants, I decided for direct option.