Rings and Grudges (A LOTR/Warhammer Fantasy Crossover)

Hello All

So sorry about been silent for so long and not posting for a while been busy and had burnout for a bit. Now good news I am working on the final part of the next post so it will be out by the end of the week if I can nail down the characters properly and not get to dogpiled with work.

I dunno, I really annoys me to see Dwarves characterised more like Orks than anything else, and makes me think the hold is more interested in commiting suicide by battle than anything else, they should be HAPPY to have peaceful lands to grow in and raise their families in.

They will be coming off their bloodlust in a decade or two, I mostly have them this way because multiple generations of dawi have never actually had time to rest between all the threats and been thrust into a place where even an odd skirmish is rare. (mostly your area and also I am pretty sure a Skirmish in the old world would classify more as a small battle for middle earth than anything else. So it more they looking for a fight for things to seem normal than to just spill blood.) As for them being happy in a peaceful land, Their still coming to terms with that fact and will assume the worst for quite a while as they have been on the short end of the stick for quite some time. (Not to mention being in a very different place with little idea of what is going on, which is bound to set them on edge especially with the loss of contact with the rest of the Karaz-Ankor.)

Your Clan will eventually be quite happy with how easy it is they just have to adjust a bit and find an outlet for their Martial needs.

Fantastic Quest! I know this has not been updated in a while, but are Omakes still allowed?

Yes please, I enjoy reading them and as I said will have the next post out soon.

Enjoy guys and Stay safe
Quick question, do the dwarves of Erebor still have a dozen runesmiths? I know that most knowledg was lost with the arrival of the bane of Durin, but Erebor supposedly managed to preserve some. Obviously those runes work differently and are less op (see Smaug and the Balrog), but would it be possible for Dawi to learn LotR runecraft?
Quick question, do the dwarves of Erebor still have a dozen runesmiths? I know that most knowledg was lost with the arrival of the bane of Durin, but Erebor supposedly managed to preserve some. Obviously those runes work differently and are less op (see Smaug and the Balrog), but would it be possible for Dawi to learn LotR runecraft?

I think calling what the dwarfs of Arda do Runecraft is kind of needlessly confusing. On Arda the works of Dwarfs and Elves and even the Maiar and Valar is not qualitatively different, it does not draw on some external source, it is Art and Craft freed from the limitations of the physical as the artist toils not merely with their Hora, their vestment of flesh, but with the Fea, the soul. Could we learn such magics in theory? Perhaps, but would we without considering it heresy to the ancestors? I kind of doubt it.
Quick question, do the dwarves of Erebor still have a dozen runesmiths? I know that most knowledg was lost with the arrival of the bane of Durin, but Erebor supposedly managed to preserve some. Obviously those runes work differently and are less op (see Smaug and the Balrog), but would it be possible for Dawi to learn LotR runecraft?

To be honest, we cannot perform Arda magic. We are not of Arda. Similarly they cannot perform runecraft, as they are not of the blood of the Ancestor Gods (or created by the Old Ones, with these magics in mind).

That does not mean however that they would not be able to make equivelants. LOTR dwarfs can make runic/enchanted items as a part of their craft, that would take a runesmith a month to forge, and 3 years before he lets it leave his chambers (perfectionism), as not only is the quality Master Runesmith level; but all the dwarfs of LOTR are inherently magical (their fea), in a way only the Elves and Slann of WF are capable of replicating.

The issue with Runes of Power is that Tolkien didn't really decide on whether runes were inherantly magical, or it was the craft. Most of their culture refers to runes of power; but they required the elves to make the runes of Kazadum.

In all honesty it'll have to be up to Madslayer to decide on whether dwarvern runes are above their normal magic, and they have their own order of Runelords/smiths.

And if there are any; then we will have a lot to offer when Smaug comes to town, because we have a working hold, and are more than willing to find them their resources they need to perform their craft.
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To be honest, we cannot perform Arda magic. We are not of Arda. Similarly they cannot perform runecraft, as they are not of the blood of the Ancestor Gods (or created by the Old Ones, with these magics in mind).

That does not mean however that they would not be able to make equivelants. LOTR dwarfs can make runic/enchanted items as a part of their craft, that would take a runesmith a month to forge, and 3 years before he lets it leave his chambers (perfectionism), as not only is the quality Master Runesmith level; but all the dwarfs of LOTR are inherently magical (their fea), in a way only the Elves and Slann of WF are capable of replicating.

The issue with Runes of Power is that Tolkien didn't really decide on whether runes were inherantly magical, or it was the craft. Most of their culture refers to runes of power; but they required the elves to make the runes of Kazadum.

In all honesty it'll have to be up to Madslayer to decide on whether dwarvern runes are above their normal magic, and they have their own order of Runelords/smiths.

And if there are any; then we will have a lot to offer when Smaug comes to town, because we have a working hold, and are more than willing to find them their resources they need to perform their craft.

I agree with most of the above but it should be noted that dwarfs on Arda certainly have a capacity to make magic, even Narsil itself was forged by a dwarf.
Omake: Exploring the Depths
Exploring the Depths

When Sven Gunnarsson heard the clan was looking for volunteers for the Nautilus project, he was quick to put his name forward. This was his chance to put his skills as an apprentice engineer to the test. In his youth his father took him to visit Barak Varr, there he witnessed the Dawi fleet for the first time, row upon row of giant Ironclad warships lined gleaming in the fortress cities towering bays. But what amazed him the most was when a steel clad vessel emerged from water like a giant sea-beast, only to then see Dwarfs climb out of a hatch on the top. Ever since then it became his ambition to design and construct a new submersible vessel, perhaps something that could even carry his name one day.

He kept a pile of intricate and meticulous sketches under his bed detailing his unique design for a new and better submersible, not that he would ever dare to show them to anyone, not until he proved himself a skilled engineer first. Truth be told he always chafed under the authority of the Elder engineers, but perhaps one benefit of the holds new found isolation was the lack of yearly inspections from the Engineers Guild headquarters in Zhufbar. They were always trying to insure that his clan was "adhering to proper engineering principles".

It was with his latest project that he felt he had made a real breakthrough. A common issue with the Nautilus design was the lack of air. The Submersible could only dive for a few hours at a time before it was forced to return to the surface to refill its air canisters. The alcohol powered steam engines consumed oxygen too quickly, often leaving the Dawi on-board dizzy and disorientated. So he developed a system that used Soda Lime to scrub the submersible of bad air and heated Saltpeter to produce oxygen. This combined with his new low-combustion airless engine could potentially allow the Nautilus to dive for days at a time without ever needing to return to the surface.

He hoped one day he could visit the very depths of the ocean, many would call him mad but so far Dawi engineers had mastered every domain from land, sea to air. The depths of the sea where just another frontier for the Dawi to conquer.

Notes: my first attempt at an Omake, hope its to peoples liking.
I am confused what you mean by making magic. Do you mean make magic as in casting magic? or making magic items?
Casting magic is typically related to black magic in tolkien, though there are some aspects of unfinished tales and Silmarillion where this is contradicted. Dwarfs, Numenoreans elves, etc all pour magic into their items as they make them.

Tolkien largely interpreted this as the mastery and relationship of craftsman and craft to magnify its power, even having a part of the crafters power being poured into their creation. To anyone else this is someone working in magic, however he declared this as 'non magical'.

Hence any runesmiths would be on a completely different level; beyond the limits of most WF runesmiths (most of their runes could be replicated in 'not magic' by normal dwarvern craftsman - eg - glowing runes, unrusting steel, unperishable food etc), and closer to those of the Golden Age.

Essentially WF runesmiths would have a panic attack when they observe a dwarf apprentice make a glowing 'cold' lantern, without wasting 3 years making a rune good enough it would last as long.
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There is another difference between LOTR crafting and Warhammer Runesmiths, IIRC:

Using the soul/Fea in crafting permanently uses up a portion of the crafter's power. Meanwhile, runesmiths merely hammer the ambient Winds of magic into their creations and can do so indefinitely.
There is another difference between LOTR crafting and Warhammer Runesmiths, IIRC:

Using the soul/Fea in crafting permanently uses up a portion of the crafter's power. Meanwhile, runesmiths merely hammer the ambient Winds of magic into their creations and can do so indefinitely.
Its why 'hybrids' would be incredibly facinating, as they'd have the lorecraft of the LOTR dwarfs, but be able to work and purify the corruption of melkor/the natural magic of Arda into their constructs.
Casting magic is typically related to black magic in tolkien, though there are some aspects of unfinished tales and Silmarillion where this is contradicted. Dwarfs, Numenoreans elves, etc all pour magic into their items as they make them.

Tolkien largely interpreted this as the mastery and relationship of craftsman and craft to magnify its power, even having a part of the crafters power being poured into their creation. To anyone else this is someone working in magic, however he declared this as 'non magical'.

Hence any runesmiths would be on a completely different level; beyond the limits of most WF runesmiths (most of their runes could be replicated in 'not magic' by normal dwarvern craftsman - eg - glowing runes, unrusting steel, unperishable food etc), and closer to those of the Golden Age.

Essentially WF runesmiths would have a panic attack when they observe a dwarf apprentice make a glowing 'cold' lantern, without wasting 3 years making a rune good enough it would last as long.

I did not know Lord of the Rings Dwarves had such overt magical items. Most depictions I see have them armed with weapons that look and act decidedly mundane. Are they so common that even apprentice Dwarven smiths can make them?

If this is true the author might have to address his previous depictions of Warhammer Fantasy rune weapons on this quest, as the Elves looked impressed with the Rune Weapons wielded by the grumbling guard. If they are so casually surpassed they should not have seemed so out of the ordinary.

Also I was confused about your earlier statement regarding Slann and High Elves being the only magic makers. Humans can also make very impressive magical items through holy magic and the winds of magic.

Such as the Reikhammer created by the cult of Sigmar "The Arch Lector swung the glowing hammer in a few practice arcs before bringing it round with a roar of effort, two comet-like streams of light trailing behind it. The weapon's broad metal head slammed hard into the metre-thick Sylvanian oak of the gate, blasting it to splinters with a deafening boom."
I did not know Lord of the Rings Dwarves had such overt magical items. Most depictions I see have them armed with weapons that look and act decidedly mundane. Are they so common that even apprentice Dwarven smiths can make them?

If this is true the author might have to address his previous depictions of Warhammer Fantasy rune weapons on this quest, as the Elves looked impressed with the Rune Weapons wielded by the grumbling guard. If they are so casually surpassed they should not have seemed so out of the ordinary.

Also I was confused about your earlier statement regarding Slann and High Elves being the only magic makers. Humans can also make very impressive magical items through holy magic and the winds of magic.

Such as the Reikhammer created by the cult of Sigmar "The Arch Lector swung the glowing hammer in a few practice arcs before bringing it round with a roar of effort, two comet-like streams of light trailing behind it. The weapon's broad metal head slammed hard into the metre-thick Sylvanian oak of the gate, blasting it to splinters with a deafening boom."
All dwarven items, alongside elven ones are inherently magical in the tolkiens writings; the older and more powerful/mastery the craftsman, the more potent its power.

The issue however is that anything approaching our runic weapons has largely died out with the fall of Nogrod and Belgost, alongside Kazadum.

In relation to magic; elves as a race are so magical, no matter where they are a mage or not, anything they make will have elven magic woven into its core. Be it crops they grow, works they craft, or speeches they give.
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The issue however is that anything approaching our runic weapons has largely died out with the fall of Nogrod and Belgost, alongside Kazadum.

Ah, that makes sense, so its kind of like a lost art. So potentially these ancient relic weapons could still be recovered from deep in the ocean or via expeditions to Kazadum. Perhaps even lost knowledge that modern Lord of the Rings Dwarves can relearn and use.
Its why 'hybrids' would be incredibly facinating, as they'd have the lorecraft of the LOTR dwarfs, but be able to work and purify the corruption of melkor/the natural magic of Arda into their constructs.

Not something we will see though. This is a quest with an Engineering clan, we have no Runesmiths. And a dwarf can't just study to become one. Its a specific bloodline that possesses the potential to train the skill.
Not something we will see though. This is a quest with an Engineering clan, we have no Runesmiths. And a dwarf can't just study to become one. Its a specific bloodline that possesses the potential to train the skill.
Sadly true, but their ancestry shouldn't be a problem. It's just as likely that some of them have the right ancestors as not. The lack of knowledge is the key problem. A hybrid could study what both of his people remember about runes, but he wouldn't be capable of creating the wonders both of his people managed to create during their apprenticeships during their golden age. So what if they start to study runes as well, whatever they will create within the next few hundred years would be gimmicks or only useful to strengthen fortifications to make them last a few decades longer longer (which would be useful).
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Exploring the Depths

When Sven Gunnarsson heard the clan was looking for volunteers for the Nautilus project, he was quick to put his name forward. This was his chance to put his skills as an apprentice engineer to the test. In his youth his father took him to visit Barak Varr, there he witnessed the Dawi fleet for the first time, row upon row of giant Ironclad warships lined gleaming in the fortress cities towering bays. But what amazed him the most was when a steel clad vessel emerged from water like a giant sea-beast, only to then see Dwarfs climb out of a hatch on the top. Ever since then it became his ambition to design and construct a new submersible vessel, perhaps something that could even carry his name one day.

He kept a pile of intricate and meticulous sketches under his bed detailing his unique design for a new and better submersible, not that he would ever dare to show them to anyone, not until he proved himself a skilled engineer first. Truth be told he always chafed under the authority of the Elder engineers, but perhaps one benefit of the holds new found isolation was the lack of yearly inspections from the Engineers Guild headquarters in Zhufbar. They were always trying to insure that his clan was "adhering to proper engineering principles".

It was with his latest project that he felt he had made a real breakthrough. A common issue with the Nautilus design was the lack of air. The Submersible could only dive for a few hours at a time before it was forced to return to the surface to refill its air canisters. The alcohol powered steam engines consumed oxygen too quickly, often leaving the Dawi on-board dizzy and disorientated. So he developed a system that used Soda Lime to scrub the submersible of bad air and heated Saltpeter to produce oxygen. This combined with his new low-combustion airless engine could potentially allow the Nautilus to dive for days at a time without ever needing to return to the surface.

He hoped one day he could visit the very depths of the ocean, many would call him mad but so far Dawi engineers had mastered every domain from land, sea to air. The depths of the sea where just another frontier for the Dawi to conquer.

Notes: my first attempt at an Omake, hope its to peoples liking.

@Mad0Slayer can you threadmark this omake please looks like we will be in business
Ah, that makes sense, so its kind of like a lost art. So potentially these ancient relic weapons could still be recovered from deep in the ocean or via expeditions to Kazadum. Perhaps even lost knowledge that modern Lord of the Rings Dwarves can relearn and use.

The weapons sure. The lore is harder though, you see it is a general rule of Arda that the amount of 'magic' in the world kind of goes down in direct proportion to the passage of time.
  1. First there was the time of myth when the gods/ angels walked the earth and shaped mountains carved oceans and birthed marvels in accordance to the Song of the Ainur which they sang in the Timeless Halls
  2. Then there were the Elder Days, the first age of the world, when the might and craft of the Eldar was tested against the evil of Morgoth Bauglir, the great marrer, songs of power against beasts of ruin. This is where we get the dragon battles and the times when mortal Children of Eru could fight the deathless maiar, when even Morgoth fell to song and enchantment, and a mortal man lived twice in defiance of fate. This is about Warhammer levels of magic, like not in the same way, not a blatant, but if you dropped the Kingdoms of the Exiles into the Old World it would be about an even match
  3. The Second age was the Age of Numenor, the height of mortal craft and skill, for good or for ill. It ended when Sauron poisoned the hearts of the Numanorians to the Valar and enhanced their already great powers of war with his own and they were planning to invade heaven on earth
  4. Lastly there is the Third Age, the one we are in now, the last tattered remnant of the dominion of the elder races, magic grows dim in most places and only the elf rings can halt the passage of magic for a while at least, until the One ring is taken up or destroyed
Interlude: Honouring the dead and settling hold issues
Edited by ImperialBriton
Interlude: Honouring the dead and settling hold issues

Current relations between Elrond and Dwarves: 91
Your Talk with Tharkûn/Gandalf
: 35+13=48 (Mostly to see how abrasive you are since he uses magic)

Loss of skilled craftsmen and warriors: 18 (2 areas,(1d4= 2)
Which dawi masters
Affected areas:
Intrigue (Loss of Josef)

You stared up at the clear night sky, the stars dull their usual vibrance muted amongst the dark sky. The commemoration for the fallen ringing from the cave's entrance. Letting out a sigh you siped on your proper dawi ale, your eyes darting to Josef's usual spot only for it to remain empty. The memory of his death a constant reminder of what was lost.

Closing your eyes you buried the memory and focused on more current issues as you ran your fingers across one of his daggers.

Leaves crunched behind you, twisting around you came face to face with Kaz his usually energetic frame and easy-going smile subdued as he took a seat nearby you. The two of you falling into silence as you began smoking some hobbit leaf, Josef's dagger resting on your leg.

You heard Kaz let out a puff from his pipe before he spoke his voice ruff from lack of use, "Gotri..." He seemed to fight with himself before slumping while waving his hand at you, "Just forget I said anything."

Nodding you let it slide knowing that he would come back to the matter at hand and it was easier to wait than draw something out of a fellow dawi. Taking a pull from your pipe you looked towards the valley you fell back into silence as the moon slowly rose into the sky. The cold of the mountain a constant companion.

Letting out a sigh you stretched and glanced towards Kaz to only find his spot empty, grumbling about stealthy rangers, you sheathed Josef's dagger and made for the hold a few of your guard leaving their shrouded guard areas, though as you walked into the hold's cavern. An Umgi horn echoed from the pass, Growling you marched towards the gate.

A mix of umgi and elgi streamed through the gate Eradan at the lead, the group's armour glinting in the moonlight while their banners flapped in the wind. While at the centre of their group you spotted the umgi mage his eyes scanning around him as he brooded over something, the elgi shifting uncomfortably as they gripped their weapons.

Letting out a grunt you marched towards them while glaring at the umgi, your eyes darting to a few of your dawi on guard their weapons drawn the light of the gatehouse illuminating the area around them as they watched the group closely, nodding slightly towards the elder on watch you turned to face the group.

"Eradan!. What bring your people to my hold this eve?." The group stoping while glancing at you worriedly the elgi's hands going to their weapons while the umgi looked confused. Your waspish tone making you internally wince.

Eradan glanced over to the deceitful mage before speaking, "Thane Gotri …" Eradan hesitated before clearing his throat under the glares of your clan before straightening. "We came seeking information of what transpired to your warriors and that of the recent darkness within these mountains." His eyes filled with worry as he met your gaze.

You grunted as you turned to Tharkûn, while in truth you had no grudge with the mage (aside from pretending to be Imperial) it was Elgi behaviour nonetheless, and he was magic-user, so it was the principle of the matter. Especially with his words of warning about seeking out battle. Bah as if he knew what was good for the dawi, it was in your blood. Your musing ending, you nodded, making the mage close his eyes as he let loose a sigh.

"He's not to go anywhere without one of my hearth guards, and no letting him near the garazi without their parents, no knowing what thoughts he'll be putting in their heads..." The greybeard blinked, but said nothing and gave a nod.

Turning to the group you curled your hand curled around Josef's dagger, "We will talk of this on the morrow after the rites for the dead are complete, until then you will be barred from areas of the hold and to leave my clan alone," you said neutrally while you shot a look to the wizard.

Eradan nodded his fellow umgi seeming at ease while the elgi seemed to shift uncomfortably as they bore looks of distaste, thankfully it seemed Tharkun gave in easily enough as he nodded though you found his confidence worrisome. At least the Empire umgi were sensible enough to keep an eye on them.

Marching for the hold you left the mixed group to settle into their old camp as you mumbled a prayer to the Ancestor Gods for strength and atonement.


Raising your bloody hand, your eyes swept over the silent Buriel hall filled with all your clan. The heavy gaze of Gazul and Valayas monuments staring down upon you, "To the honourable dead, may their rest never be disturbed," your eyes falling to the Damaz Kron, as the clan echoed your words, the names of the fallen freshly written under a new grudge.

Turning towards the priests of Gazul you bowed your head, as the caskets of your kin were sealed with their favoured weapons and armour and sent into the depths of the holds tombs. As you stood in silence for hours with the clan as the priests saw to their final rights.

Taking comfort in Idun you stayed until the hall was all but clear before you let yourself sag a little as you let out a sigh, "How many of the guild ancestors talking?" Your voice sounding ragged as you glanced at your wife.

Idun seemed to relax a little as she pulled on your hand, "Only a few, mostly those who lost close kin but leave those thoughts behind, we have more important duties coming and I would rather you not blunder with the few allies we have when we speak with them." Her movements slow as she dragged you towards your chambers.

Nodding you let out a tired grunt through your mind did not let such thoughts lie far. Still, Idun had the right of it the day was long; not that you rested easy with the trials to come and the spilt blood of your clan weighing on your mind.


You grumbled as you heard some of your visitors gasp as you left them, passing through the 'hold entrance'. Ancestors, these elgi were acting like this was Karaz a Karak of all places. It baffled you, this insult of a hall lacked any proper defences or decorations... You had yet to even set up the first cannon emplacement to give any invader a nasty dose of organ shot. It was a stark contrast to what your clan had in ages past, your allies moving through the hold with a number of warriors your people keeping their distance as they went about their morning routines, the sound of shouting and hammers pounding filling the cavern.

Letting out a grunt you nodded at Bjorn and turned towards the council chambers, there were matters to settle before more of your allies arrived. You found Alrik going over a report angrily, he shot you a look before handing it off to one his assistants,"Gotri, need a word with you once our allies have left and sorted out the wazzocks." He ground out while falling into step beside you.

Grimacing you Nodded and spotted Idun and her father talking at the table before glancing back to Alrik,"More issues I assume?" the nod he gave made you want to sigh."Anything we can do about it?" your voice lowering into something you did not like.

Alrik shook his head as he took a seat at the table," can you point me at a few master masons or a half-decent group of experienced apprentices?" He grunted out causing you to sag while he continued; "Well then no, so you may want to pray to Grungni that he blesses our clan with a miracle."

Nodding you took a seat at the head of the table while rubbing the bridge of your nose in the hopes of stemming a headache, "I'll talk with the others" you mumbled as you saw Kaz trudge in alongside Falstad."We'll settle this later" Alrik nodding as you turned to face your friend his eyes surrounded by dark rings accompanied by a vacant look.

Pouring yourself and Kaz a tankard of Ale, your eyes watching him closely as he fell into his seat you pushed the drink over to him, your wife shooting him a worried look, "This have anything to do with last night?"

Kaz gave you a withering glare as he snatched up his ale and gulped it down before slamming it back onto the table," Aye, figured that it would be easy enough to deal with but I've had to settle more than a few grudges amongst the rangers." His head shaking as he spoke softly, he let out a sigh as he saw your raised eyebrow and slumped back into his chair, "Agath and a few of Josef's apprentices caused a few issues, speaking of she needs to speak with you until then I fear the rangers will be divided on whose to fill his position." He said while jolting slightly as Burlok entered the chambers his latest invention making a rather disturbing mewling sound.

Giving Kaz a nod and word to discuss the issue further once the session was over you turned your attention to the council and began your duties as every one of your fellow dawi fell into silence to listen to the progress and issues of the hold and clan.


Rubbing your eyes you handed Falstad's report over to Kaz and settled back into your chair, "Now that the issues of the hold and warriors have been settled; Elder Balon, which of the guild heads are demanding something be done for them?" You said stiffly as you put your hands together.

Balon nodded approvingly as he remained stone still,"Most of them but the ones who are troublesome, only thr... four." He grunted out before taking a puff from his pipe and continuing,"The loudest amongst the clan is coming from the engineers, the lack of facilities are causing issues for them and their guild, as is I have had to settle three grudges in the last week over work stations." His tone letting you know that he was not pleased."As is I'm more worried about the damned young bloods and their fellow warriors, their making noise about having to train on the surface and lack to arenas to settle their disputes, while multiple cults of the Ancestor gods are voicing their displeasure at having to deal with minimal or incomplete shrines." He said while giving you a disappointed look at the last point.

Bowing your head slightly you nodded and let out a sigh and glanced between Balon and Alrik, "They were aware that we have been seeing to getting the hold established, why are they making noise now, especially so soon after a battle?" You questioned while taking a sip of Ale, Idun letting out a grunt as she went over a report from her father on the issue.

Balon glanced out towards the hold before turning to you, "Recent projects, they were content to wait for the hold to reach a certain stage but with all the work been done for the umgi and that diving operation and completion of recent projects, they want their halls, even if they have to force the issue." He ground out his voice filled with disappointment at the situation.

Nodding you focused on Alrik, "Is there anything the clan's Masons and miners can do to meet their demands, I know you mentioned an issue amongst your guild." You said getting the attention of both Idun and Burlok.

Alrik let out a gruff bark while leaning forward, "An issue Two of the clans best Masons and five of our senior apprentices ended up dead with the recent battle; Unless you want shoddy and subpar work done within the hold we'll have to slow down." His voice gravely as he looked his gaze shifting amongst the various council members.

Closing your eyes you tried to order your thoughts while nodding, "I would not have our clan's dawi shame themselves with poor work." Looking over to Idun and Balor while taking a sip of ale, "would our cousins be able to assist us?" You asked, though you doubted their skill with the current state of their home, you hoped that had more to do with the urks than a lack of skill.

Though the rather uncertain look and answer from your elder did little to calm to enkindle your hope, still as you and the council discussed various ways to relive the problem you hoped that it would solve the issue before things escalated further than you liked.

A lack of Stone Masons and too much to do: How do you solve the issue?

[] Write-in (feel free to expand on the other options if you want also.)

[] The Dawi way:
The masons of your clan will work as usual despite their loss of their fellow dawi. (Lose 1 of your 4 Stewardship actions(Of which 2 are locked in the upcoming turn))

[] Time to Burn Ale!: The masons of your clan will work longer hours for an increased share of Ale to do what is needed. (Keep all 4 Stewardship actions but get a -20 Debuff to Two of the next turns actions,(It will be random and up to a d4 which ones) along with a -3 to Hold Stability)

[]Halt work on the Umgi's city till the issues are sorted: You swore an Oath to the umgi to see a new city built and completed in six years from now, though that means little if your clan's needs are not seen too, have the Masons and engineers working on their focus on the hold for a time. (Free's up one of your locked options though the conditions for the Umgi city remain and it must be completed by Turn 9 (Only 1 turn of work left on it and the resource price already been paid)

There will be a diplomacy action next turn related to getting help from Middle earth dwarfs next turn.

Guild Head issues are as follows: (These will grow if not seen to)
-lack of a proper hold Entrance (Major issue)
-lack of an Engineers Hall (Major issue)
--Powder Mill (requires the Engineers Hall to be unlocked and a Minor issue)
-lack of a craftsman hall(Major issue)
-lack of a warriors hall (Major issue)
--No Rekoners Hall (Minor issue)
-incomplete Halls for the Ancestor gods (Minor issue bordering on Major)
-No diversity of mines (Minor issue)


Watching your council leave the chambers you let out a huff as you nursed a headache, Kaz letting out a pained groan as he lay slumped in his chair his eyes droopy,"Gotri, you had better find someone to replace me because I ain't cut out for this." He said while glancing at you.

You shrugged slightly as you knew that it was no easy thing running a hold, "You sure because then you're going back to your old ale ration" The horror that appeared on his face made you guffaw for a bit before you calmed down under his glare, setting your ale down."As much as I would like for us to relax, we have to settle the issues you mentioned within the rangers."

Kaz let out a groan but nodded and sat himself up,"Dammit fine, it's Agath and one other that is really the issue, it's to do with who's going to be in charge. Sadly Josef did not leave a clear line of succession amongst us and between his cousin, myself and Hokul were tearing into each other's groups with our arguments." His voice gaining an edge as turned to look at his tankard.

Nodding you let out a humm as you two fell into silence for a moment, "Who would you say should lead them, you?"

Kaz shook his head before he drank his ale," No, I can deal in a pinch and maybe once I have a few decades under my belt but if it were up to me I would pick Malgon, though the lad is young he was one of Josef's favourites and was been groomed to take over should he pass but he's barely even an elder beardling.

Grunting you swirled the last of your ale as you watched him return his to the table, "Then what's the issue, I trust you enough to pick right why not have Hokul lead?" You pointed out as Agath was far too young to lead for your liking, "How even is Agath bloody contesting this she's barely had two decades as a ranger under her belt?"

Your friend shook his head while leaning back, "It's the full beards and senior rangers in her corner barely fifteen in all but their the best of the clan and that's the issue, otherwise Hokul would have been fine until Malgon was ready." He downed his ale before continuing," She wants vengeance for Josef, but they swore an Oath to watch over her for a time, I can't stop them and Hokul won't be able to halt the issue, she needs to be dealt with and the elders brought back into line, Though I'm not sure how." His voice coming out hollow at the root of the issue.

Grimacing you ran through your options and did not like what you had, though as you dismissed him you knew that you would have to deal with this even if your options were a little limited.

Settling succession and dealing with an Enraged cousin:

[] Write-in

[] Combat:
Beat some sense into Agath as Thane of the clan and show her that you will have vengeance but only once the Clan was ready and able. (A fight between the two of you and should you win she will wait till you march to have vengeance. -1 Hold Stability)

[] Swear an Oath: Give your word that Josef will be avenged but not at the cost of the clan's safety. (Will hold her over but in a few years the grudge will have to be settled.) (Will settle the issue but you will roll from turn 20 a DC check to see if she demands you march out to get vengeance which you must uphold or become an Oathbreaker.) (The DC is pretty low for the first 2 Decades your dwarfs this is quick for them)

[] Threaten her with exile: Vengence will not bring Josef back and only further weaken the clan at this time, have her choose between Avenging her cousin or living in exile. (diplomacy check and -2 Hold Stability)

Who will lead: (Do note that you are picking voting for a specialist not their skills which is worse than Josef's_

[] Kaz:
A good friend with an eye for talent and logistics. (+10 to setting up outposts and far off operations as well as training, he will not like this)

[] Hokul: A proven Ranger but not an outstanding one. (+10 to ambush and opening combat rolls)

[] Malgon: Will he replace your chosen leader or be their successor should they fall in battle or die of old age (Do note that he will learn from who you choose and gain their speciality first)


Grudge Written: Kazakal Elgram Mhorna – Battle of the weak Shadow –
Urks slew and injured many of our kin within the depths of the blue mountains under a weak shadow beast, we will have vengeance for this and our clan demands the blood of 8000 Mhorna urks. (This is the last posts Grudge only reworded)

Well, this was done sooner than I thought but I really enjoyed writing this out and everything kind of just flowed for me, so enjoy and sorry this took so long to get out and will be working on the talk with Gandalf and Elrond now. Enjoy everyone and I have a few new mechanics coming for the next turn.

3-hour Moratorium
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