Rings and Grudges (A LOTR/Warhammer Fantasy Crossover)

Another world you could go to is the world of the Dragon Prince. It's a Netflix show where the world of Xadia is split into two where one side are the human kingdom and on the other elves and dragons.

While I can't speak for the DM, that would be a cool idea, it brings back memories actually, where somebody did a crossover of that idea, was a fanfic and not a quest, but it was a damn good one, sadly it's been stuck on 4 chapters with the the author nowhere to be seen, leaving the short, yet good, fic to collect dust as it hasn't been updated ever again, still our dm could run with this idea if he so chooses, it will be fun to knock down some dragons and elgi a few pegs down and help out the local manlings.
The Fall of Gundabad: TA 2784
The Fall of Gundabad: TA 2784

The clatter of Glogs armoured corpse rattling down steps filled the air as Azog began the careful task of cleaning his blade.

For an orc, it was a strange almost unthinkable thing. But to the Pale Orc, it represented everything about his rule. The future... A bloody blade rusted, it corroded, and it blunted. A polished one lasted...

He looked up, flicking the last traces of black slush from its silver sheen; before staring down at his followers. No one blinked, no one dared. Glog had been the first and the last to challenge him, and now the dwarfs actions had only cemented his rule even further.

The sound of the large door squeaking had him growl to turn around at the interruption. He considered beheading the runt before deciding against it. "What right do you interrupt me!"

The Snaga bowed deeply. "So..o…orry m..my lord, the great eye's envoy is here." Its big eyes begging mercy as he approached it, turning his head he grinned nastily as he griped it's chin.

His finger tapping on its jaw line as he nodded. "You'll live then, Bolg! Great our guests, as for the rest of you, send out our riders I want our scouts to see just what the line of Durin is doing. Do not engage them and spread the word to our allies, we'll let the weaklings further north deal with them and any who break my command will DIE!" He bellowed as his commanders left, only giving a side glance to Bolg.

It was time to see what the great eye wanted with his kingdom, not that he could oppose the dark lord though a few concessions and boons could only further his hold on the mountains.


Arphazêl frowned watching the mountains warily, it had been days since yet more feeble orcs had fled west from the Drake mountains. Putrid as they were, their numbers were a reluctant addition to her rapidly growing kingdom. 'Grandfather' was often so busy, he was increasingly leaving rulership to her. Hopefully, her king would understand granting shelter to these dregs, if only to expand her pool of workers.

In a way a small part of her sympathised. As a child her father's clan warred openly with the other barbarous remnants of the old kingdom; frequently leading raids into Rhudaurim lands. Then one dark night, a tall fell creature entered their camp and forever changed their fates…

With the King's return nearly thirty years ago, the people of Angmar had come far, uplifted by their sorcerer-king and his ancient lore, it was a clear sign they had not been forgotten and now could finally prove their worth. It was that in mind that led her nostrils to flare, as she glanced at the black clad arrivals.

Spiked, cruel plate they wore, a mockery of old Numenor, glittering darkly on the near two thousand sickly waxen men her 'grandsire' had begrudging escorted to his restored realm.

Her King under cursed breath admitted that they were descendants of angmar, and Gondor. Claiming one fool featuring a protruding jaw and fishlike eyes, was her cousin.

Eurrggh, they were pathetic. Unable to survive the wilds, lost in the most minor of snows storms, and in some cases incapable of chewing their own food. But it wasn't even their lack of hardiness or hideous deformities that irked her the most; no it was their insufferable arrogance.

No wonder grandfather preferred her company over his other 'children'

It was with that warm thought in mind that she braced herself, as the Witchking of the Angmarim rode into the courtyard.

The air smelt foul, and she had to struggle not to cry out in pain as the blood in her veins felt like ice.

Hoarse breathing echoed through the air, before the tall rider swung off his horse. The thing skittering away quickly, eager to be rid of him.

"Inform Bawbuthôr he is to double the patrols." He rasped through his black hood. "The children of Durin have reclaimed Gundabad." She looked up forcing herself to gaze into his empty cowl. "Your will be done my king."

'Grandfather' was silent for a moment; before he looked to survey the warriors standing too attention in the square. His empty gaze turned to the sickly pustule he called your kin.

"Aglarân, how went the march?"

"Poorly sire." He simpered, for once not mockingly. "We were not ready for the early sn..."

The lord of the Nazgul seemed to glare at him, only to clip her rival by the ear. "I informed you years ahead of this boy. These are the lands of your ancestors, not Lord Mairon's realm of ash and fire." He swung round to look at you. "Arphazêl, how have you fared with the orcs I sent west. I promised them meat and spoils should they rejoin my masters banners." She kept a neutral face. "I took in who I could grandfather."

Any hope she had of claiming victory against the faithful within her lifetime had long since become a vanished dream, its last odds turning to ash with the fall of Gundabad. Now, it would be near impossible to mass their hosts safely, or scout for the Dunedain holdfast. Should the dwarves push south, there was no guarantee they wouldn't be cut off from Mordor... The kingdom had to find a way to stand alone, or it would fall.


Thanks to Imperatorbriton for editing this one a fair bit for the Angmar perspective, even pointed out one or two things. Still, a nice little snippit to see how the two most affected evil kingdoms are reacting.
Thank you for the update!

Seems like we need to gather our allies and send the Throng North East to deal with the Witch King.
Only problem is we got Orcs in the basement and need to clear them out first.
We do not have the prober means to deal with angmar that is a far of probleem

Dealing with our own orc probleem and futhering building our kingdom is a must not only in ecomony but pop and lost knowledge as well our armies need better equipment and our allies need to build up

But it seems Azorg has now less rivals and is stabilizing his own kingdom

Same for the witch-king he now is in postion instead of a quick building and warring he now as to develop his kingdom to be a self sustaining Fortress
Thank you for the update!

Seems like we need to gather our allies and send the Throng North East to deal with the Witch King.
Only problem is we got Orcs in the basement and need to clear them out first.
We do not have the prober means to deal with angmar that is a far of probleem
Then we would have to do "Muster a Throng to strike at a distant region's Hostile forces" more frequently and not just on nearby areas that "no threat" to slowly chip away the opposition forces as we kill warbands and destroy forts/outposts one by one.

Ugh.... is there a way to massively upgrade the Dunadain peoples and increase their numbers? Aside from getting the dunelanding on our side and hire them as merc/auxillaries to augment the numbers, i'm not sure how else we gonna have the necessary numbers to, even if not properly deal with Witch King, atleast beat them hard enough until they had "broken nose" to fight back and thus buy us more times.
Then we would have to do "Muster a Throng to strike at a distant region's Hostile forces" more frequently and not just on nearby areas that "no threat" to slowly chip away the opposition forces as we kill warbands and destroy forts/outposts one by one.

Ugh.... is there a way to massively upgrade the Dunadain peoples and increase their numbers? Aside from getting the dunelanding on our side and hire them as merc/auxillaries to augment the numbers, i'm not sure how else we gonna have the necessary numbers to, even if not properly deal with Witch King, atleast beat them hard enough until they had "broken nose" to fight back and thus buy us more times.

In canon the forces of Order were able to hold the North with relative ease with far reduced numbers of Dwarves, elves and Dunedain compared to what we have now. We do need to deal with Angmar, but its not a dire priority. We have time to further buildup our industry and unlock higher tier units.
Seeing the land connection for angmar is disrupted with the fall of Gundabad would the kingdom of angmar and its king expand into Forodwaith to get a sea connection to umbar Harad and then to mordor? Perhaps black numerean settlers come via that route as well
Poor forces of evil. Hope they will get better...

As a note this is what most of the black numenoreans of Mordor look like, sans the goth look and the ritualistic scarring/sadomasochism.

They are still monsterously strong, and powerful.

But they are also incredibly inbred, with all that comes with it.

Meanwhile this is what the angmarim looked like before the witch kings return

Essentially think dark mirrors of the dunedain (and equally as few in number)
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Another world you could go to is the world of the Dragon Prince. It's a Netflix show where the world of Xadia is split into two where one side are the human kingdom and on the other elves and dragons.
While I can't speak for the DM, that would be a cool idea, it brings back memories actually, where somebody did a crossover of that idea, was a fanfic and not a quest, but it was a damn good one, sadly it's been stuck on 4 chapters with the the author nowhere to be seen, leaving the short, yet good, fic to collect dust as it hasn't been updated ever again, still our dm could run with this idea if he so chooses, it will be fun to knock down some dragons and elgi a few pegs down and help out the local manlings.

That's something to consider though I honestly don't know it so I'll have to take a look at it. Might be interesting there's been a few settings I've been looking at. Nothing too recently but I've been tempted to start drafting a new quest as of late. Mostly as a thought exercise and to get things rolling for when I want to start the next quest and to see what I can improve on the my quest starts.

Also, Can I request a single d100 it's pretty much the last roll I need.
That's something to consider, though I honestly don't know it so I'll have to take a look at it. It might be interesting; there's been a few settings I've been looking at. Nothing too recent, but I've been tempted to start drafting a new quest as of late. Mostly as a thought exercise and to get things rolling for when I want to start the next quest and to see what I can improve on when my quest starts.

Also, Can I request a single D100? it's pretty much the last roll I need.
Hm, why not try Dragon Age? I know I tried it, but I got a block on it. I knew where to go, but somehow the will left me + the setting somehow mirrors WHF or go in a different direction, like Star Wars.
Next thing you know, I'm on a quest for some rings, then stuck in a glade with pools; then trying to work out which one I actually want before jumping in... Tell you what lad, you have never seen a pissed off lion before."
I just finished catching up after taking a bit of a break, so I don't know if anybody has mentioned this. But is this a Chronicles of Narnia reference?
Keep up the good work lad! As I was scrolling through the information, I realized the foreign relations haven't been changed yet, and our new diplomatic advisor hasn't been added.

Just a minor thing that needs to be fixed, keep up the good work lad!
You mean Lion Qui-Gon Jinn.

Wouldn't Sauron be able to handle himself? He ain't Dark Maiar and former lieutenant of Morgoth for nothing just by standing around to look menacing.
Its more esoterics; but Sauron is essentially an angel. Aslan is a god (well Jesus, but still).

Jadis meanwhile is quite powerful in Narnia; but she's on Ar-Pharazons tier, sans gaining actual immortality (and unable to feel warmth and joy for the rest of her existence)
I wonder if ot would be possible to fix the problems with helmsdeep?

-improper gatehouse (total lack of second door) in movie version
- No moat despite direct access to water for deeping wall
- the Ramp is ramp is perfect for a draw bridge!

Also I can't find the map of the hold little help please?