Rings and Grudges (A LOTR/Warhammer Fantasy Crossover)

[X] Save the rangers no matter the cost you are dawi and you will not leave one of the clan behind.

[X] Target the urk's leaders and then only when they are in disarray do you free the rangers.

[X] In the back with the Quarralers (You will charge in to stop any breaks from forming)

[X] On the cavern entrances so to ensure no urk's can come from them.
- [X] All of your supply to at least know that they should at least close some of them.(Chance of sealing an entrance is 50%
Uh guys, which do we use?

How will you strike at the Urk?

[] Charge!!! Strike like lightning and hope that the surprise attack last's long enough so that you can cripple the urk. (There is a path that will let you do this)

[] Strike from range and while you do not have your clan's handguns you do have crossbows and they will do just fine especially as you have the high ground, even if there is a chance that you can be flanked from behin
ok thanks missed that added to my vot

[] Charge!!! Strike like lightning and hope that the surprise attack last's long enough so that you can cripple the urk. (There is a path that will let you do this)
Adhoc vote count started by Whenyouseeyou on May 17, 2021 at 1:07 PM, finished with 19 posts and 6 votes.
[X] Charge!!! Strike like lightning and hope that the surprise attack last's long enough so that you can cripple the urk. (There is a path that will let you do this)

[X] Save the rangers no matter the cost you are dawi and you will not leave one of the clan behind.

[X] Target the urk's leaders and then only when they are in disarray do you free the rangers.

[X] In the back with the Quarralers (You will charge in to stop any breaks from forming)

[X] On the cavern entrances so to ensure no urk's can come from them.
- [X] All of your supply to at least know that they should at least close some of them.(Chance of sealing an entrance is 50%)

A hundred dawi versus less than a thousand urks? BAH! The Ancestor Gods would scowl if they saw us wobbling at such odds!

Steel yourselves like proper dwarfs, and kill these foul things! Khazukan khazakit-ha!
The vote closes in 6 hours. (mostly this just a heads up that I starting to work on the update now as it looks like things are set.)
Vote closed. (I should probably automate this instead of forget to close it)
Scheduled vote count started by Mad0Slayer on May 14, 2021 at 3:15 PM, finished with 14 posts and 7 votes.
A battle against the Shadow of the First Age – Part 2
Edited by ImperialBriton
A battle against the Shadow of the First Age – Part 2
(New Martial actions will be coming up as I just adding this in)
Experimental Engineer Weapons.
Master Engineers: 57
Warriors: 38
Thunderers/Quarralers: 55
Rangers: 45

"Kaz, gather all the rangers we will need them if we are to avoid been swarmed from the tunnels." You said while turning to Faragrim, "Spread the word that I want all of the powder we brought with made into charges." You commanded your eyes falling onto your kin amongst the urk.

Chewing your lip your eyes drifted to the ramp a little off to the side and nearly opposite of that strange cave. "Falstad, take the guard and a few of the Quarralers to set up near the ramp, the throng will follow shortly but not before we are ready." You said as you tracked the leader of the small Warband walking towards the totems.

Frowning you glanced back to see your kin at work before turning to watch the urk and were grateful that they seemed too busy with themselves to pay attention to their surroundings while the cave seemed to have stilled. Watching it you could have sworn you saw something move within, rubbing your eyes you saw nothing but shadows. While below the urks roared louder amongst one another.

A hand settled on your shoulder, startling you turning around you came face to face with Logan who nodded to you. "Gotri, the charges are prepared and rangers gathered, what's the plan?" He questioned as he shifted away from you the throng shifting behind him in excitement and trepidation.

Nodding you glanced over to the various leaders and started giving out orders, each of them departing for where they would be needed, both master engineers inspecting their experimental weapons taking up firing positions.

Rangers staying hidden: 78+17+20(Hidden)= 115
Main Throng Reaching the ramp quietly: 8+17+20= 45
Urk's remaining surprised. : 88

Letting out a sigh you signaled the throng to advance while below you spotted the forms of your clans rangers moving through shadows and cover towards the various cave entrances.

A crack echoed through the cave as you felt the ground shake, glancing behind you watched as a chunk of stone slam into the earth. The sound within the cavern falling silent, glancing off to the side you spotted the urk looking at you before they let out a roar that echoed within before they started moving towards you.

"KHAZUK KHAZUK HA!" Belowed your kin at the ramp drawing the attention of the urk, while behind you quarralers took aim at the warband many of them lining up their shots at the rear line.

Falstad: 64+17+15(Chaos war Veteran )+25(Surprise attack!)=121
Grumbling Guard: 38+17+20(Longbeard Veterans)+10(rune of might)+30(Opening Combat roll from attached Hero)+25=140
Champion of ???: 98+18+20(???)= 136
Minor Champions of ???: 94+14+15(???)= 123
??? Orcs: 45+14=59

Quarralers First Volley: 50+17+15(Chaos war Veterans)-5(Thunderers using crossbows)=77
Quarralers Second Volley: 3+17+15-5=30

Gritting your teeth you looked behind you, "Grimnir dammit. Form Ranks and charge dawi!' You pushed forward whilst looking for a good place to set up near the front line the Longbeards easily pushing through the urk ranks only coming to a standstill when the urk's lept from the shadows their weapons striking out at your kin. Their weapons glancing across their armor, Falstad engaged with a large urk that seemed to have him on the back foot.

Tunnel Entrance 1: 12 (Dc Failed)
Tunnel Entrance 2: 39 (Dc Failed)
Tunnel Entrance 3: 44 (Dc Failed)

???: 89+25(Setting off explosives outside his cave)=114

Charging forward you came to a stop at the top of the ramp and took aim, the earth shaking as the sound of explosives echoed in the distance. Glancing away you spotted the rangers climbing the cliffs below the bridge exit, though as you turned your attention back to the urk's you could not help but notice that none of the paths had been closed. Though one of them looked to be buckling you doubted you had the time to seal it in battle. Grunting you turned back to the fight and tracked the leader fighting Falstad.

Falstad: 84+17+15(Chaos war Veteran )=116
Master Engineer Duran: 95+17+15(Master Engineer)+10(Steam Hammer)+15=152
Grumbling Guard: 65+17+20+10=112
Warriors: 19+17+15=51
Champion of ???: 12+18+20(???)= 50
Minor Champions of ???: 96+14+15(???)= 125
??? Orcs: 34+14= 48

Quarralers First Volley: 65+17+15(Chaos war Veterans)-5(Thunderers using crossbows)=92
Quarralers Second Volley: 7+17+15-5=34
Master Engineer Gunnar First and second Volley: 83+17+15(Master Engineer)+5(Masterwork Pistol)+15=135
Master Engineer Gunnar Third and Fourth Volley: 64+17+15+5= 101

(Forgot about you for a moment) Gotri Farsight First Volley: 39+15=54
Gotri Farsight Second Volley: 90+15=105

Josef one-eye 77+23= 100
Rangers: 94+14(Josef)= 108
Urk Perception: 53+8=61

Watching the two trade blows you waited for a good opening but found none, glancing across the Warband you spotted a single urk priest in the open, pulling the trigger you watched as the bolt grazed its shoulder.

Cursing you set about reloading as you watched your clans warriors charge into the fray, in an organized frenzy as they met the urk.

The hoard giving little ground as their front rows put up a good fight before they were cut down. The Grumbling guard engaged with those covered in shadows, while Falstad seemed to put some distance between himself and their warboss, the shadows crawling across its body, its wounds healing as the battle continued. While those around it fell to the accurate bolts of the clan. While the sound of a pistol rang off in the distance.

Taking aim with another bolt loaded you tracked the umgi leader once again and watched as Falstad a perfect shield bash that staggered the warboss further back giving you an opening. Your Bolt flew true thankfully missing your kin and imbedded itself in the beast's shoulder staggering it.

Falstad easily decapitated the large urk before it could recover the shadows darkening around it for a moment before dissipating, while the remaining urk's tried to envelop your kin only for them to push onwards towards the captive rangers who looked to be grumbling as they struggled in their bonds. The Rangers made their way to them as they stealthily as possible as they eliminated those in their path.

First Wave
Tunnel 1 Urk reinforcment Strength: 78+15(Urk burrow)=93
-Numbers 4D100: 69+53+40+40 = 202
Tunnel 2 Urk reinforcment Strength: 74+15=89
-Numbers 3D100: 83+54+45 = 182
Tunnel 3 Urk reinforcment Strength: 74+15=89
-Numbers 3D100: 81+67+23 = 171

???: 89+10=99
-Ignoring the offerings/rangers: 6
-How many Die D3 : 3

Loading another bolt the sounds of urk echoed from the tunnels, glancing off to one of the tunnels you spotted another group of urk's charging in. Grunting you turned to Alric, "Get word to Falstad, he's to break ranks and get the rangers out of there, have Bjorn..."

A guttural roar ripped through the cave, as a shadowy form glided from the shadows it's blade flashing as the heads of the captured Rangers fell to the earth.

You closed your eyes for a moment before focusing on the beast, it's blue veins pulsing as it surveyed the caves it's red eyes and horns flashing as it looked over your clan.

(What it Kinda looks like)

Dawi magical Resistance: 87+5(Minor Regmyl)=92
Regmyl shadow armor: 69

Your skin prickled as it focused on your group, shifting a bit you focused on the beast, as it let loose a growl, it stormed through the few remaining urk's crushing those that remained in it's path.

An aura of terror, short lived as it was came over you, before you snorted at the slightly more handsome burning cousin of a bloodthirster came into closer view as it descended upon your kin, its flaming sword still dripping with dawi blood. You'd seen worse in your journey north, and you wouldn't let this pissant take anymore dawi lives this day.

Raising your crossbow you aimed at the daemon. "Drengek" Those beside you taking aim. "Alric get word to the warriors we need them to separate the daemon from the urk's before it makes a whole in our lines." You grunted out while pulling the trigger.

Falstad: 76+17+15-10(Faltering line)=98
Grumbling Guard: 77+17+20+15(Rune of might vs Monster)-10=119
Regmyl: 47+25(Skill)+15(Minor Maia)+10(Monsterous)=97
Injury Roll: 2
-Does it keep fighting: 88

Master Engineer Duran: 29+17+15+10+15=86
-Injury Roll: 81
Warriors: 7+17+15=39
-Holding the Line at least a little: 59+17= 76(Dc passed)
Warboss: 14+13= 27
Minor Champions of ???: 74+11+15-5(light losses)=95
??? Orcs: 90+14-15(Heavy losses)= 89
Orcs: 100+11= 111
Heavy Orc Infantry: 81+11=92

Counter Charge
Gotri Farsight: 36+14= 50
-Guard Roll: 20
-Injury Roll: 68
Master Engineer Gunnar: 23+17+15+10+15=80
-Injury Roll: 57
Quarralers: 56+17-10(melee)=63
Josef one-eye 3+23+15(Flanking)= 41
-Save Roll: 56
-Survival Roll: 15
Rangers: 81+14+15= 110
-Reforming the line: 80+17=97

The bolt flying true only for the shadows to swat away the volley of bolt's contemptuously, the daemon barreled towards the guard, storming and incinerating whatever few remaining urk's were foolish enough to obstruct its path.

Falstad and the longbeards met the charge valiantly as they carved through the remaining urk's, while the clan's warriors braced to meet the tide.

You watched as the beardlings fought bravely, their lines holding for a moment before a break appeared the urk's pushing through your kin in the front line.

Growling you slung your crossbow and grabbed your hammer, "KHAZUKAN KAZAKIT-HA!" Those beside you joining the charge as they roared with you.

Your hammer raised as you watched the urk's turn to glare at you in time for your hammer to smash into the nearest one's chest sending it flying into its kin the sounds of metal clashing against one another as blood splashed across your armor.

Pushing forward struck quickly your blows bringing death as those beside you slowly fell behind in the slaughter.

A cleaver scraped against your back staggering you, twirling around you brought your hammer to bear into it leg, only for a blade to pass just past your helm scarping the edge of it. Trying to distance yourself stepped back only for a spear to fly under your guard and stab into your armor.

You felt the air leave your lungs as a club slammed into your arm, letting out a pained grunt as you watched a group of urk's prepare another strike at you while they snarled.

Tugging at your hammer you struggled to lift it, your arm flailing in protest as you breathed deeply ready to face them.

Only for a pair of rangers to jump in from behind them, Josef leading the charge their shields battering through the urk, their ax's dealing out death as they killed the group nearest to you. The urk's pushing in from all sides.

Josef glanced at you before turning to the nearest ranger, "Get the Thane bac..." Blood splattered across your face as your Elder Gurgled a spearhead jutting of his throat.

Snarling you ignored the flare of pain in your arm as you brought your hammer down onto the nearby urk, killing it the smoke swirling around its body dissipating.

Pulling back you spotted one of the rangers pulling your elder back to the mainline while a few of your guards finally caught up as they slew the nearby urk's.

Stepping further back you breathed easy while your veins burned the shield wall stoping the urks from advancing.

Glancing further into the cave you heard the grumbling guard making short work of the urk's that dared approach them, while their commander furiously evaded blows from the fire daemon. The initial lithe form of the creature had seem to grow in bulk since slaying the Dawi, and the air seemed to scream with a growing dark aura. Your stomach made a summersault as the stench of onzone filled the air, and the beast became more and more warped with each moment, it's uneven growth making sluggish as the victorious Dawi turned their ire to the daemon. which looked to be struggling to face them. It loose a baleful wail that seemed to burn your ears as one of its now gigantic arms dropped from its blackened hide, dripping a growing river of magma onto the cave floor.

Looking around you saw some of the clan littering the floor surrounded by the urk's though as you glanced back to the tide you could not help but notice more of them coming. Lifting your hammer you ignored your guard's words as you advanced. "Dawi we will have Vengeance, death to the Urks!"

Falstad: 75+17+15-10=97
Grumbling Guard: 60+17+20+15-10=102
Regmyl: 3+25+15+10-25=43

Gotri Farsight: 50+15-10(Minor Wound)= 55
Master Engineer Gunnar: 80+17+15+10+15-10(Minor Wound)=127
Master Engineer Duran: 53+17+15+10+15=110
Warriors: 11+17+15= 43
Quarralers: 50+17-10= 57
Rangers: 50+17+15=82
Minor Champions of ???: 91+9+15-15(Heavy losses)=102
??? Orcs: 43+9-25(Decimated losses)= 27
Orcs: 10+9= 19
Heavy Orc Infantry: 59+9= 68

Regrouping with the Grumbling guard: 99

Wave 2 of orc reinforcments (16D100) : 755 orcs

Orc Moral: 55-20(Slew a Regmyl)=35

Turning to the last core of battle, you charged forward carving a path to the longbeards, the urk's who dared face you were crushed under your hammer, only a few of them giving you issue their armor and skill slightly better than that of their ilk. While those covered in shadows quickly fell under the blades of your clans warriors as their champions were slain one by one by as the master engineers used their steam hammers to make short work of them. The rangers faught in a frenzy as they slaying urk after urk that dared to face them the tide never stoping to come as more of the urk's continued to rush into the battle.

Rushing to your kin's aid, you caved in the skull of a particularly ugly 'grey skin'. The horde barely having the time to react as the body hit the floor before a terrible roar filled the air. The lot of you turned around as one to see Falstad clamber upon the daemons shoulders as it was pressed by a throng of Dawi to the ground. Raising his great az up high, with a roar be brought it down, severing the still growing creature's head just as it's eyes turned to golden flame. His armor smoldering, he barely had time to leap from it, before the form crumpled into blackened char. Their ascending summon slain, the Urks fled, with naught a whisper. Surprising even your remaining rangers, their engemed totems stolen like the wind. Grinding your teeth you took a deep breath as you turned to focus on Falstad, "Gather the dead, we leave as soon as it is done." You said while glancing towards your fallen, gulping back bile you moved to the cliff your eyes catching sight of the daemon's head. "Bring that the elgi have some explaining to do."

You stumbled towards the still cooling 'carcass', as Falstad lifted the head up high, the life now devoid from its body still glowing from its frozen roar of pain. "Look's like you had this handled." You sighed, spitting upon the charred form as you passed. "Aye." The elder said with a rare grin, before grimacing at the number of around you. "So many beardlings..." His eyes grew misty as he noticed a pale whiskered form carried towards the priests of Gazul for last rites. "Josef..." He coughed for a moment before rubbing his eyes, the cavern being awfully dusty now. "Can't say I'm surprised, he's been fading since a year after the battle of Amon-Mingol." He looked to the assembled exhausted rangers that knelt in prayer among their captain. "Aye, he'd have wanted that. Better a purposeful death, than to fade to nothing." You nodded, that cloud of dust affecting you quite badly; before drying your eyes looking to the still glowing head he held by its horns. "Strange daemons tend to dissipate upon banishment, have the priests check up on you. Can never be too sure with the dark ones." He nodded, laying it upon some urkish attempt at a shield. You glared at it for what seemed an eternity, before the elder returned the throng almost completely gone as the distant calls of 'greyskin' horns resounding once again from the deeps. Well now at least you had something else to ask Elrond when you met him again but these urk would be the first in this new world to suffer the anger of the Karaz Ankor even if it took your clan centuries to see it done.


So concludes this little arc though I did not quite foresee this quite happening but it will be interesting to see where you guys go from here as there are a few options to settle this grudge. Not all of them require you to march with the throng to settle it and it gonna be something that you will have to clear out in time, but that is easier than you think. (Though it will cost you depending on how you wanna go about it.)

Also, this is the first time I wrote a battle that has actually gone so wrong for you guys in both this quest and well any other quest I have done. So yay for new experiences.

As for the Balrog like monster here the page I got it's Info from
Also I using them as technical Minor Balrogs to account for the thousands of them mentioned in the first age.

Grudge Written:
The urk's of Ered-luin and their pet daemon have struck down many honorable dawi of the clan in battle for this insult the Clan demands eight thousand urk heads to settle this Grudge. (0/8000)

Khazalid used
Dreng - Slay in combat.
Ek - He, she, it, you (singular)

-Drengek = Slay it (I think)

The Throng: (29 Dead +1 Hero, 58 Injured)
Thane Gotri Farsight

Josef One-eye (Dead)
Falstad Deadeye (Thunderer)
Master Enginer Gunnar
Master Engineer Duran
20 Rangers of which
12 are Injured
8 are Dead
40 Warriors of which(20 of which are Grumbling guard)
8 are Injured
12 are Dead
Elite Regiment Grumbling Guard made of 20 Veterans using runic ax's (Counted above)
12 are Injured
0 are Dead
35 Thunderers currently Quarralers of which:
26 are Injured
9 are Dead

The Urk Warband numbers: 1476 Urk's Entered the Cave (Another 2 waves were coming)
817 were killed (mostly the Original group that got wiped)
296 Injured/Retreated
363 Retreated
We sent a fine honor guard with One-Eye, at least.

The halls of the ancestors ring with song and revelry! A hero comes to them with tales of grudges settled!
well, that was the hardest fought battle yet, but it was ultimately a success. Now we only need to make sure that we properly clean the caves and our home region should be clean of danger
Yeah, I think this Quest is over and lost too. No way in hell are these losses ever getting replaced in time before the next disaster strikes.
over and lost? We have pretty much finished off any threat to us in this entire region and it will be decades till the next big threat event rises lotr wise. We have plenty of time to construct our hold, have new dawi grow up and get dunedain auxiliars. And the OP told us we´ll be getting a lot more dawi from turn 10 onwards
Watching it you could have sworn you saw something move within, rubbing your eyes you saw nothing but shadows. While below the urks roared louder amongst one another.
Hells, he is slowly fading into a wraith, we need a runesmith badly to look into him, along with the Ancestors Gods priest.
Your skin prickled as it focused on your group, shifting a bit you focused on the beast, as it let loose a growl, it stormed through the few remaining urk's crushing those that remained in it's path.
A demon of Ùtümno.
An aura of terror, short lived as it was came over you, before you snorted at the slightly more handsome burning cousin of a bloodthirster came into closer view as it descended upon your kin, its flaming sword still dripping with dawi blood. You'd seen worse in your journey north, and you wouldn't let this pissant take anymore dawi lives this day.
Let us see it crumble upon the Runes of our geumbling guards...wait, are they wearing gromril rune plates and armor?
Josef glanced at you before turning to the nearest ranger, "Get the Thane bac..." Blood splattered across your face as your Elder Gurgled a spearhead jutting of his throat.
Well now at least you had something else to ask Elrond when you met him again but these urk would be the first in this new world to suffer the anger of the Karaz Ankor even if it took your clan centuries to see it done.
Also ask about that statue of Aulê and the Seven Dwarven Fathers...and will it be restored and the whole cave blessed as one of the Firebeards Forefathers waking cavern?
Logan turned to you and seemed to slump slightly knowing that his plans were likely to come to an end. "Thorin, could you maybe not ask Alric or better yet Grumdi I'm not just gonna drop my plans for nothing." He said gruffly before making his way into the armory.
I think this should be Gotrek not Thorin.
Letting out a sigh, you turned back to the hold as you ignored the elders, their gazes firmly on you as they grumbled amongst one another. Engineers and master smiths alike, their displeasure at not fighting alongside the throng and lack of true threats around the hold having caused more than a few of them to be make themselves an annoyance to you. While they had stopped thanks to the hard work of Balor, the elder having worked tirelessly in keeping the clan calm, it would no doubt be a growing problem for the future, though there was no lack of solutions to choose from.

Though it did not solve your people's boredom. Especially as it seemed to be agitating the beardlings.
Why are we acting like Greenskins? Needing to 'find a better fight'??? This seems kinda ridiculous to me, the dawi don't fight because they enjoy it, or they can't sleep without going to war, the dawi fight because they're beset on all sides by enemies who are always growing and trying to kill them.
Bloody hell, the Golden Age was the most peaceful age of the dwarfs, and ENDED when they got into some of the toughest wars they had, first against the elves, and then against the skaven and Greenskins. They aren't HAPPY about being at war with tough enemies.

I dunno, I really annoys me to see Dwarves characterised more like Orks than anything else, and makes me think the hold is more interested in commiting suicide by battle than anything else, they should be HAPPY to have peaceful lands to grow in and raise their families in.

I like this quest, don't get me wrong, but Orkish-style warmongering dawi who are looking for the 'best scrap' and suffer literal morale bonuses when they can get together for a good waaaaagh throng is just ridiculous to me and I struggle to take it seriously.

Also, Elrond and Gandalf just going along with plainly incorrect suppositions of the dwarves comes across as very strange to me, they don't think Karag Lhune is an enemy, so why are they constantly deceiving the dwarves by ommision so much?
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I think this should be Gotrek not Thorin.

Why are we acting like Greenskins? Needing to 'find a better fight'??? This seems kinda ridiculous to me, the dawi don't fight because they enjoy it, or they can't sleep without going to war, the dawi fight because they're beset on all sides by enemies who are always growing and trying to kill them.
Bloody hell, the Golden Age was the most peaceful age of the dwarfs, and ENDED when they got into some of the toughest wars they had, first against the elves, and then against the skaven and Greenskins. They aren't HAPPY about being at war with tough enemies.

I dunno, I really annoys me to see Dwarves characterised more like Orks than anything else, and makes me think the hold is more interested in commiting suicide by battle than anything else, they should be HAPPY to have peaceful lands to grow in and raise their families in.

I like this quest, don't get me wrong, but Orkish-style warmongering dawi who are looking for the 'best scrap' and suffer literal morale bonuses when they can get together for a good waaaaagh throng is just ridiculous to me and I struggle to take it seriously.

Also, Elrond and Gandalf just going along with plainly incorrect suppositions of the dwarves comes across as very strange to me, they don't think Karag Lhune is an enemy, so why are they constantly deceiving the dwarves by ommision so much?
Dwarfs have a big issue with doing nothing. Even during the golden age they were sowing greenskin corpses in areas to 'improve the game' for their grobkull's (accidentally founding what would become night goblins). While dwarfs like the idea of peace; especially coming from an era as blood soaked as the modern WF, the relative peacefullness of middle earth in nerves them.

for the Gandalf and Elrond not being clear, or deceiving the dwarfs through ommission that isn't entirely the case.

for one the dwarfs have largely been in denial that they're in a world completely different to that they're native too. The 'strangeness of the elves', their history and everything (that they've bothered to pursue Elrond and his kin to explain) have largely been 'ignored', as they are still in denial to indicating this is a different world.

with the half truths about the enemies they face. That's mainly just elf talk, combined with omission because the dwarfs (due to our limited number of actions) haven't asked for clarification on anything said so far.

In the case of Gandalf. He has a terrible habit of 'lying by ommission' to schmooze around and become familiar with those he's studying observing.

in this case the dwarfs projected (remember in significant denial that they have now way of getting back to the Karaz Ankor and 'normal' foes and allies) the Gandalf was a big standard imperial 'wizard'; though really they know he has likely nothing to do with anything of the old world. But as he acts and looks like a grey wizard they're just desperate for anything 'normal'.

sort of like they're encounter with the Melkorian orcs. They are the closest things (aside from gundabad orcs) to the orcs of WF. Or 'normal' orcs in the dwarfs eyes.

one of the things that hasn't been covered yet, but likely will in coming turns, is the life spans of the dunedain. Dwarfs are used to working with manlings that barely last 50 years, let alone 80 to become middle aged.

in the case of the dwarfs bloodthirst I do agree, we've been far to willing to battle; but I mainly chalk that up to the voters, and major events that have happened in the last few turns.
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