Rings and Grudges (A LOTR/Warhammer Fantasy Crossover)

So it isn't a possible write-in option to solve our stewardship problem?

You can what I have planned is for longer-term now that I took at my notes, so you can but it will only affect the, Time to Burn Ale! option, which will reduce the debuff to -15 instead of -20 but your hold stability will only drop by 1 if it succedes. (mostly because of how small their group is.)
[X] The Dawi way: The masons of your clan will work as usual despite their loss of their fellow dawi. (Lose 1 of your 4 Stewardship actions(Of which 2 are locked in the upcoming turn))

[X] Write-in let her seek vengeance but let her know the clan will not be able to help her until the hold is complete then you can consider helping her as dipspite how much you want vengeance the clan comes first

[X] Hokul:
A proven Ranger but not an outstanding one. (+10 to ambush and opening combat rolls)
[X] The Dawi way: The masons of your clan will work as usual despite their loss of their fellow dawi. (Lose 1 of your 4 Stewardship actions(Of which 2 are locked in the upcoming turn))

[X] Write-in let her seek vengeance but let her know the clan will not be able to help her until the hold is complete then you can consider helping her as dipspite how much you want vengeance the clan comes first

[X] Hokul:
A proven Ranger but not an outstanding one. (+10 to ambush and opening combat rolls)
[X] The Dawi way: The masons of your clan will work as usual despite their loss of their fellow dawi. (Lose 1 of your 4 Stewardship actions(Of which 2 are locked in the upcoming turn))

[X] Write-in let her seek vengeance but let her know the clan will not be able to help her until the hold is complete then you can consider helping her as dipspite how much you want vengeance the clan comes first

[X] Hokul:
A proven Ranger but not an outstanding one. (+10 to ambush and opening combat rolls)
[X] The Dawi way: The masons of your clan will work as usual despite their loss of their fellow dawi. (Lose 1 of your 4 Stewardship actions(Of which 2 are locked in the upcoming turn))

[X] Write-in let her seek vengeance but let her know the clan will not be able to help her until the hold is complete then you can consider helping her as dipspite how much you want vengeance the clan comes first

[X] Hokul: A proven Ranger but not an outstanding one. (+10 to ambush and opening combat rolls)
[X] The Dawi way: The masons of your clan will work as usual despite their loss of their fellow dawi. (Lose 1 of your 4 Stewardship actions(Of which 2 are locked in the upcoming turn))

[X] Write-in let her seek vengeance but let her know the clan will not be able to help her until the hold is complete then you can consider helping her as dipspite how much you want vengeance the clan comes first

[X] Hokul:
A proven Ranger but not an outstanding one. (+10 to ambush and opening combat rolls)
[X] The Dawi way: The masons of your clan will work as usual despite their loss of their fellow dawi. (Lose 1 of your 4 Stewardship actions(Of which 2 are locked in the upcoming turn))

[X] Write-in let her seek vengeance but let her know the clan will not be able to help her until the hold is complete then you can consider helping her as dipspite how much you want vengeance the clan comes first

[X] Hokul:
A proven Ranger but not an outstanding one. (+10 to ambush and opening combat rolls)
[X] The Dawi way: The masons of your clan will work as usual despite their loss of their fellow dawi. (Lose 1 of your 4 Stewardship actions(Of which 2 are locked in the upcoming turn))

[X] Write-in let her seek vengeance but let her know the clan will not be able to help her until the hold is complete then you can consider helping her as dipspite how much you want vengeance the clan comes first

[X] Hokul:
A proven Ranger but not an outstanding one. (+10 to ambush and opening combat rolls)
[X] The Dawi way: The masons of your clan will work as usual despite their loss of their fellow dawi. (Lose 1 of your 4 Stewardship actions(Of which 2 are locked in the upcoming turn))

[X] Write-in let her seek vengeance but let her know the clan will not be able to help her until the hold is complete then you can consider helping her as dipspite how much you want vengeance the clan comes first

[X] Hokul:
A proven Ranger but not an outstanding one. (+10 to ambush and opening combat rolls)
[X] The Dawi way: The masons of your clan will work as usual despite their loss of their fellow dawi. (Lose 1 of your 4 Stewardship actions(Of which 2 are locked in the upcoming turn))

[X] Write-in let her seek vengeance but let her know the clan will not be able to help her until the hold is complete then you can consider helping her as dipspite how much you want vengeance the clan comes first

[X] Hokul: A proven Ranger but not an outstanding one. (+10 to ambush and opening combat rolls)
what major issue should be tackle i think the hold gates first then warriors craftsmen engineers should go last
I think finishing hte engineer and craftsmen halls should take priority. they provide stuff we need to do building anyway, so finishing their halls first might improve our next stewardship actions

[X]Halt work on the Umgi's city till the issues are sorted: You swore an Oath to the umgi to see a new city built and completed in six years from now, though that means little if your clan's needs are not seen too, have the Masons and engineers working on their focus on the hold for a time. (Free's up one of your locked options though the conditions for the Umgi city remain and it must be completed by Turn 9 (Only 1 turn of work left on it and the resource price already been paid)

gives us 2 extra turns to focus on the major internal isssues, and hopefully at least build the engineers and craftsmen halls.

[X] Swear an Oath: Give your word that Josef will be avenged but not at the cost of the clan's safety. (Will hold her over but in a few years the grudge will have to be settled.) (Will settle the issue but you will roll from turn 20 a DC check to see if she demands you march out to get vengeance which you must uphold or become an Oathbreaker.) (The DC is pretty low for the first 2 Decades your dwarfs this is quick for them)

want to do this anyway, and keep up hold stability.

[X] Hokul: A proven Ranger but not an outstanding one. (+10 to ambush and opening combat rolls)

[X] Malgon: Will he replace your chosen leader or be their successor should they fall in battle or die of old age (Do note that he will learn from who you choose and gain their speciality first)
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Closing the vote in 24 hours and have the start of the next update done and working on getting the rest complete, sorry for the delay everyone. (Have also started to design a few arcs that you guys could possibly run into though they won't be possible for a few turns to get the time rolling.)
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Closing the vote in 24 hours and have the start of the next update done and working on getting the rest complete, sorry for the delay everyone. (Have also started to design a few arcs that you guys could possibly run into though they won't be possible for a few turns to get the time rolling.)

Nice! I was wondering with most of the major threats nearby sorted out if we will get a time-skip soon? kind of like a longer version of a turn where we get more development options.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mad0Slayer on Aug 3, 2021 at 3:12 PM, finished with 20 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Hokul: A proven Ranger but not an outstanding one. (+10 to ambush and opening combat rolls)
    [X] The Dawi way: The masons of your clan will work as usual despite their loss of their fellow dawi. (Lose 1 of your 4 Stewardship actions(Of which 2 are locked in the upcoming turn))
    [X] Write-in let her seek vengeance but let her know the clan will not be able to help her until the hold is complete then you can consider helping her as dipspite how much you want vengeance the clan comes first
    [X]Halt work on the Umgi's city till the issues are sorted: You swore an Oath to the umgi to see a new city built and completed in six years from now, though that means little if your clan's needs are not seen too, have the Masons and engineers working on their focus on the hold for a time. (Free's up one of your locked options though the conditions for the Umgi city remain and it must be completed by Turn 9 (Only 1 turn of work left on it and the resource price already been paid)
    [X] Swear an Oath: Give your word that Josef will be avenged but not at the cost of the clan's safety. (Will hold her over but in a few years the grudge will have to be settled.) (Will settle the issue but you will roll from turn 20 a DC check to see if she demands you march out to get vengeance which you must uphold or become an Oathbreaker.) (The DC is pretty low for the first 2 Decades your dwarfs this is quick for them)
    [X] Malgon: Will he replace your chosen leader or be their successor should they fall in battle or die of old age (Do note that he will learn from who you choose and gain their speciality first)
A Discussion amongst Allies
Edited by ImperialBriton
A Discussion amongst Allies

Elrond walked through the dwarven city his eyes roaming over the stonework the craftsmanship their majesty causing his fëa to dim, memories of Moria from ages past reminding him that it was but a small more modest work compared to that of Durin's folk greatest home, the sounds of hammers falling upon steel accompanied by the relatively fresh-smelling if a little stale for his liking though the lack of smoke was refreshing not unlike the growing rooms from so long ago.

Banishing such thoughts from his mind Vilya pulsing upon his hand, unseen by others, easing his burden as he moved deeper into the dwarven home the dark miasma of the land diming ever so slightly as his people and Mithrandir fell under the wary gaze of the dwarfs as they passed while Mithrandir talked about the taint as he watched the stone-folk their weapons visible as they resolutely went about their lives, a common sight that made him ponder on past struggles before burying the thought and turned his attention back to the conversation.

Mithrandir face eyes slightly distant as his face was set in a contemplative state, the Mai seeming to be in deep thought, "…ad was shaped to avoid our sight but whatever occurred between Gotri and his people seemed to have cracked the veil, yet I cannot feel Sauron's taint within, but the method is similar," – his eyes darted towards Elrond his brow creasing – " your sure that this is not the work of one of the nine?" The wizards voice low so that those around him did not hear his words.

Elrond remained quiet as he heard Glorfindel shift uncomfortably as he focused on the path ahead of them for a moment, their guides and guards leading them towards a small entrance not far from the dwarf's homes before he glanced at Mithrandir, "I'm sure that it is not one of Sauron's Ilk, it is more akin to that which drove the dwarfs from khazad-dûm," He said firmly as memories of a time when such a taint existed far more widespread than what he felt, his mussels tense Elrond focused on the doors ahead as he prepared for a discussion that would confirm his suspicions. Though as he followed the dwarfs, he noted Mithrandir's questioning look but he did not say anything seeming to let things lie but he knew that there would be questions.


You ran your fingers across Josef's dagger as you gazed at it while considering Fror's words, the news was far from good at least the urks were less of a threat that they could hopefully overcome their issues, now if only they were not so stubborn about fellow dawi aid. Glancing over to your fellow thane who seemed deep in thought for once, his baring far better than last the respite seeming to have instilled a small bit of pride in him a good thing, now if only he would stop sending you wary glances filled with guilt.

The doors opening at the edge of your vision had you sit straighter as a few of your kin lead both the Tharkun and Elrond into the chambers their people outside been led to a nearby feast hall, while Eradan followed them his eyes inspecting the craftsmanship of your people. Nodding towards them you gestured towards the nearby seats usually reserved for your advisors, "Elrond, Umgi it's good to see you again though I wished it were sooner, but I had duties to attend too," - gesturing towards Fror your head dipping slightly to him – "As is I was just discussing with my Fellow Thane Fror about recent developments around his own area." You said while bringing your hands together as you spotted Fror glaring at Elrond. Withholding a grimace, you knew that would be a problem in the future, but it was a problem for another time, as you spotted your kin bringing in food for the meeting and your dinner.

Focusing on Elrond you noted he seemed uncomfortable the chair too low and wide for him, making a note to speak with the carpenters about that you gave him your attention as he spoke, "Gotri, thank you for inviting us for dinner," – Elrond's eyes darting to Tharkun seeming to wait on a comment from him though the wizard just gave your fellow thane a thoughtful look. – "still, to receive word that such skilled warriors were killed and injured in so many numbers trouble's me and a few others, if you would allow it, I would ask that you share the tale of the battle that took place within the mountain." His voice becoming firm as he broached the recent battle, though you caught a hint of nervousness within his voice.

You stiffened slightly, you hated having to talk about such things over food, but it could not be helped you supposed, letting out a grunt as you stared at your roasted goat leg before leaning back as you contemplated where to start. "Aye; I suppose that we should see to such an issue, my rangers left to watch over the entrance sent a report than a group of your people have set up in the area, I assume to keep an eye on what we fought?" Your eyes focusing on the umgi.

Eradan shifted under your gaze as he nodded his eyes meeting with Elrond before darting to you quickly before they moved away quickly, "Indeed once we received word of what had transpired Arathorn sent word for some of our best to set up several watch posts so that whatever evil you fought would not be able to move without our knowledge while others have been dispatched to search for other exits within the area, my prince wished for me to convey that the Dunedin stand with you should you require aid, for the debt we owe you. " He said resolutely his focus on the table before him.

You let out a grunt as you leaned back further into your chair, while mentally grumbling about them owing you a debt though you would not insult them for the effort in dealing with a threat, "very well though I would caution entering those dark tunnels for they are filled with danger." You grabbed a tankard of ale while looking at the umgi only closing your eyes to take a sip of ale and savouring in and stalling for a moment; before turning to speak with Elrond and the wizard. "You asked what it was that slew my people in such numbers," - Your fist clenched as your voice rumbled alongside the bang of your empty tankard slamming into the desk. – "URKS! And their shadowy pet was what brought my people low." You spat out as you began to explain the story of your failed rescue attempt, how your rangers had discovered an abandoned entrance which lead to a dawi mine held by the enemy which numbered in the thousands as they crawled through its forgotten tunnels alongside a few of their shadowy pets that were barely worth a mention with how easily the guard had slaughtered the one you faced, though you were sure that they boosted the urks bosses to the levels of a Urki'drazh with how they slew so many of your kin.

Though as you focused more on them you could not help but ask a question about them. "You wouldn't happen to know why the beast of Shadow and fire seemed to deform during our battle?" Tharkun and the umgi seemed a little lost but the wizard had something, but he remained mostly quiet only mumbling something under his breath though he did not elaborate whilst Elrond bore an unusual look.

As Elrond began to speak he sounded slightly off and distant but probably from a distant memory you supposed, "Possibly but it matters little at the moment, I am far more concerned about the taint that was hidden from our sight and is now openly affecting the land within the mountain after you stopped this ritual, whatever concealed it is far more dangerous and will have to be searched for." He stated as he leaned forward his eyes meeting yours and then Eradans.

Nodding you settled back into your chair having leaned too far forward to become comfortable, "Indeed though was it not the Shadow beast that was the cause of this corruption?" You questioned more than a few of your kin having noted the slight fading of the land around the hold something you had thought would not appear in this world though maybe there was a connection, and you were just far away from the wastes and could still make your way back to the Karaz Ankor one day. Your smile tightened at the thought.

Elrond shook his head while everyone listened to him your kin at the doors standing a little straighter. "No, the Regmyl would not have been able to hide this kind of taint though its banishment will no doubt affect the land for a time but it will pass quickly especially with its failed ascension to one of the seven, something that we will have to be wary of as the power required for such a thing was thought to have been defeated," his eyes meeting Tharkuns as they shared some kind of hidden message that set you on edge but you held your tongue as you were sure that you would discover it in time.

Though you would have preferred that they shared whatever it was, "very well, if you could have any text related to them translated in human tongue, I would like to have a look at it so that my people can prepare for such a threat." You said whilst taping on your armrest

Elrond nodded though he still seemed wary, "I will speak with a few of my people though I doubt anything will be needed as Regmyl are a rare sight these days far from the armies that marched under the seven in the first age. I would rather our attention be focused on the orcs within the mountain area and that of those in the north in Angmar as something is organising them, possibly one of the nine." He said whilst you let out a grunt as it was better to be prepared in your opinion than run into some unknown though if the one you slew was meant to grow stronger then you doubted that they would pose a major threat unlike the threat in the north. Still, there was always trouble in the north so you supposed it just the natural thing.

Taking a bite out of your cold goat leg you nodded. "Possibly, though enough of this dour talk I would rather we spoke of other things, such as the fact that a number of my kin will be setting out soon to achieve a measure of vengeance for those that were lost within the mountains, they will likely cause more than a few issues but I would ask that you not interfere with their goal as they march through your lands." You said whilst pulling a face at the soft meat before you.

The others nodded while Tharkun seemed to finally speak the wizard having been quiet only having said a few words throughout the meeting and rarely at all. "Indeed it is good of you to let others know of such things, though I would suggest maybe rekindling your ties with the dwarfs north of your home before you try another march as there are many lost artefacts and forts within and with darker things on the move it may be good to have your people united, together you will have the strength to hold your people's ancient works." He advised seeming at ease saying such words while Fror who had mostly observed the meeting tensed at such an option looking as if he would argue such a thing.

Something you agreed with both of them as a united dawi was dangerous but that he would suggest that you were not capable as you were now was insulting. Frowning you nodded as it was still sound wisdom and foresight for an umgi but the fact that he insulted you would not be forgotten but maybe some slight grudge-settling was in order, a bit of humbling from the garazi would do the wizard some good.


Gandalf walked through the dwarven halls taking in the strange art structure and statues that seemed to decorate the walls and homes of those who lived here, their city well far easier to navigate than that of their kin in other mountains, his thoughts straying between the strangeness these new dwarfs and those he had known in the past, the two of them so similar and yet so different they were stubborn of that he knew but where the dwarfs of Durin's line and those that dwelt with them were Stubborn in their way uncaring for how they were viewed and what they shared with others only caring for those of benefit and rarely ever leaving their dwellings to aid a friend in these times.

Though Gotri's people were stubborn to they seemed to understand that there was no hiding away from anything and saught to deal with it amongst their allies but they seemed to have an unhealthy obsession of keeping to their oaths, they would not fare well in politics of Gondor once they ventured out even further from their mountain but Gotri seemed aware of what was required amongst their allies even if they came off a little blunt, still it was something he would have to watch especially with how Gotri's people threw themselves at danger even when they risked dying out which would be another great loss. Still, their aid had eased his burden especially after he had learned of Sauron's recent movements, he would remain vigilant but maybe just maybe he would have some respite in the west and a chance to strengthen the east with the aid of Gotri's people something he would have to discuss once Gotri was no longer been stubborn after his first piece of advice and they were secure.

Taking out his pipe he wondered if maybe spreading word of a new enclave of dwarfs in Erebor would see more aid sent this way, shaking his head he sidelined the thought Erebor had stood for so long he doubted that it would fall quickly he would visit at a later date but he needed information on the taint and threats once thought gone with recent events.

Making to leave the dwarven home he noted that it had grown rather quickly compared to that of other dwarf cities the lower ceiling no doubt easing the struggle, he spotted the Dunedain preparing to leave a curious smell of burnt leaf on the wind, one he had yet to encounter smiling he figured a small stop at Hobbiton would not be too much of a delay to see what new stock they had, they were proving to be a rather refreshing group to talk to as of late.

He set out later early the next day having conversed with the Dunedain party, discovering that a new type of variant of smoking leaf that was been sold in an out of the way town, it would be good for his journey if only add a few months to his overall journey.


Khazalid Used

Urki'drazh – Black Ork

So, the next update will be the first turn in a while I will get that done soon both because I actually just finishing that up and I will be done with my course for some time and should have the time to write but I hope you guys enjoy.

Also, let me know if you find the Third-person and first-person switching annoying or out of place and will try and fix that as I find they both have strong points.
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How long will this quest last?

Because unlike warhammer human, real world human "LOTR" is really good at making new technology
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