Chapter 38.5
Guys, this isn't a gun thread. Cut it out.
Instead it is now VEHICLE THREAD AKA, Chapter 38.5 (Also Also Known As New Car Lot, 2165 Edition Omake!)
A/N: The meat of this update and pictures have been brought to you by @Ash19256. Silly commentary for SpaceJackPoint on the aforementioned meat and pictures is courtesy of me! DIO! Tikitau!

+Welcome back to the GLN Outfitters Extranet Site. The following suggestions are based on your previous browsing history and purchases.+

+GLN Corporation: Making your life ... Better.+

++Light Vehicles++

GLN-66T 'Road Warden' Heavy Convoy Vehicle
Designed for use in almost any environment, the Road Warden Heavy Convoy Vehicle is more than capable of meeting your needs, whether that's a low cost utility vehicle to haul your equipment, or a capable off-road recon vehicle!
-OldOneEye: Cheap and disposable. Easy to slap a basic auto-turret on the top or a mine-dropper on the back if you need some firepower. Won't break the unit's budget if they get damaged and left behind somewhere. Pretty fast, too. I know some guys who keep a couple in the motor pool to shuttle VIPs around.
-ArmoredAegis: The environmental sealing on these is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, it'll hold up to almost any condition...On the other, it's a bit finicky to reapply if you need to get at a part that's Enviro-Sealed. Make sure you, or your mechanic's, Omni-tool is up to date with the proper sealant manufacturing apps and instructions. GLN regularly tweaks it from customer feedback.
-OldOneEye: Yeah, but you should do that anyways. If you don't, you're an idiot.
-SportingGentleman: Also quite fun to drive! I know several of my fellows and I enjoy a bit of off-roading with these. It's a bit of a challenge, you see. We each are allowed one vehicle and a certain budget for mods, then we race them!
-GroundPounder:, it must be nice to have that much spare cash…
-SportingGentleman: Quite!
-PropaneEnthusiast: Needs a nitro package. And a flamethrower.

GLN-62G 'Sergei' MultiPurpose Truck
Designed specifically for modularity and ease of use, the GLN-62G Sergei truck can do almost anything. You want a flatbed cargo truck? You got it! You want a mobile radar? Sergei has what you need! You want a transport vehicle? Connect the right module and get rolling!
Available Modules: Happy Camper Mobile Home, Flap Hat Mobile Radar, Long Haul Cargo Bed, Deuce Covered Flatbed, and 14 others.

-SilentRunning: I've seen some of these with some missile batteries slapped on the cargo section for a quick and cheerful mobile artillery piece. Wish I could find one. Could use it for Reasons.
-OldOneEye: GLN won't sell those modules through the Extranet to new customers. You need to talk to rep in person and have licensing and the like to get on the preferred customer list.
-MountainMover: These things are pretty darn tough. I've seen one of 'em get caught in an avalanche, get rolled a few times through the debris until they hit the bottom of the mountain, then started up pretty as a picture when the rocks stopped falling. Pity about the cargo itself, though. The modules aren't quite as tough as the truck itself.
-MaidenThessia: With a bit of primping, the camper module is really surprisingly comfortable and roomy. I recommend the 'B' model of campers, I personally think it has a better floorplan than the A or C modules.
-LongHauler: Everyone's got a preference. Also, if you spring for the mods, you can daisy chain a couple of these together to convoy with 'em.

GLN-60P 'Rover' General Purpose Vehicle
Designed for ruggedness, ease of maintenance, and simplicity, the GLN-60P Rover GPV is a rugged, no nonsense vehicle for any needs. Capable of towing all but the largest of loads, the Rover was designed from the ground up to be capable of almost anything you could need from a small truck! Available in a wide variety of colors!
-OldOneEye: Translation: It's too simple to break.
-GroundPounder: Really?
-OldOneEye: Well, probably. But FNGs surprise me every day, so...maybe not.
-WrexAndRule: Yeah, you need a specialized seat if you're going to try and put a Krogan in one of these things. They're dirt cheap, but they've got absolutely no frills.

>>Further Selections?>>

++Medium Vehicles++

GLN-72 'Barbarossa' Armored Personnel Carrier
Designed as an alternative to the many "Infantry Fighting Vehicles" currently on the market, the GLN-72 Barbarossa takes a different approach to mechanized infantry. Optimized for crew and passenger protection over any sort of gimmicky features, the Barbarossa may not be pretty, but it'll get you where you want to go in one piece.
-ArmoredAegis: They're not kidding. Hope your employer springs for the padded seats or you've got a powered armor suit that has internal padding, because the suspension on these is a bit rough.
-MaidenThessia: It's a bit awkward in the back sometimes, yes. Very cramped, fairly low ceilings. Gets the job done, though.
-ArmoredAegis: ...Seriously?

GLN-73A 'Hammerhead' Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Intended to be the GLN's answer to many of the IFV designs on the market, the GLN-73A Hammerhead is one mean machine indeed, armed with a high-rate of fire 30 millimeter automatic railgun and multiple guided missile launchers, the GLN-73A Hammerhead is just as fast as it is deadly. Able to achieve speeds upwards of 45 kmh off-road, the Hammerhead is more than capable of traversing terrain that would leave any of its market competitors unable to move at all!
-ArmoredAegis: Kinda interesting they went with tracks on this sucker instead of wheels. They're pretty well-designed, but they do take a bit more maintenance than wheels would.
-OldOneEye: Eh. If you're running a motor pool of any sort, you're going to have maintenance issues. At least a tracked design is going to be more stable and have a bit lower profile than some of the wheeled designs, I guess. Also more armor and the like. Still, it's an IFV, not a Tank.
-GroundPounder: What's the difference?
-LastOneStanding: How many poor bosh'tets get killed when an anti-tank rocket penetrates after the commander forgets it's an IFV and not a Tank.
-OldOneEye: Morbid, kid. Unfortunately true, but morbid.

GLN-74 'Roller' Light Tank
Designed under the premise of providing as much protection and firepower in the smallest possible package, the GLN-74 Roller Light Tank is intended to serve the role of an agile, heavily armored recon vehicle, entirely capable of force recon against almost any opponent. Capable of speeds upwards of 50 kmh on rough terrain, the Roller light tank is armed with a 120mm railgun intended to make mincemeat of anything without GLN's proprietary armor materials. Additionally, the vehicle is also armed with a coaxial machine gun, plus a second machine gun turret controlled by the commander of the vehicle.
-ArmoredAegis: Ah, now we're talking! Fast enough to outpace most vehicles that outgun it and heavily armored enough to put a railgun round through anything that can catch up.
-OldOneEye: Yeah, we've been looking as replacements for a few of the older light vehicles for our unit. You really need something this heavy for proper force recon now that there's more powered armor suits out there.
-GroundPounder: How come?
-TheMechanist: Simple math. Powered armor allows for a user to carry heavier weapons with ease. Heavier weapons means lighter vehicles are less viable when under fire. Still good for other duties, but not combat viable solution. Very inefficient.
-GroundPounder: Oh.

>>More Selections?>>

++Heavy Vehicles++

GLN-81 'Warrior' Heavy Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Built off of the chassis of the GLN-82 Sledgehammer Main Battle Tank, the GLN-81 Warrior HIFV is designed to be capable of wading into even the heaviest of combat and still being able to safely drop off it's troops. Armed with a more powerful version of the auto-railgun on the GLN-73A Hammerhead IFV, along with a coaxial machine gun and an even larger number of missile launchers, the Warrior is arguably the deadliest IFV in the galaxy, while still retaining the fantastic kinetic barriers, armor, and mobility of the Sledgehammer MBT. Additionally, like the Sledgehammer, the Warrior also uses an unmanned turret to maximise crew safety.
-ArmoredAegis: A couple of the Turian garrisons have started using these to update their motor pools.
-MaidenThessia: Still kinda awkward in the back. Cramped, really easy to hit your head.
-ArmoredAegis: Do you think of anything else?
-MaidenThessia: Do you, treadhead?

GLN-82 'Sledgehammer' Main Battle Tank
Arguably the best protected tank in the galaxy, the GLN-82 Sledgehammer MBT was designed from the ground up with crew safety in mind. As such, unlike with most conventional tank designs, the crew are actually at the rear of the vehicle, with the powerplant in front. This facilitates both crew entry at the start of a mission, and in the event that the unthinkable happens, facilitates crew exfiltration from a crippled Sledgehammer MBT. However, due to both it's thick layers of our proprietary armor materials and access to the proprietary GLN-26G Guardian Laser Defense System, even when it's kinetic barriers have failed the Sledgehammer refuses to allow it's crew to be harmed. Additionally, the vehicle uses an unmanned turret to improve crew safety, with this turret housing an autoloading 152 millimeter railgun, coaxial 12.7 millimeter machine gun, and turret mounted 20 millimeter autocannon turret. Trust in the Sledgehammer to smash your enemies today!
-ArmoredAegis: It's actually a very subtle vehicle.
-GroundPounder: Really? I thought tanks were for when you didn't care about subtlety anymore? It looks like it's just a rolling slab of armor and some really big guns.
-OldOneEye: Sarcasm, kid.
-GroundPounder: ...oh.
-BigBrawlinBruiser: Good sales pitch, though. I know I want one now.

GLN-83 'Leopard' Heavy Armored Personnel Carrier
Derived from our work with both the GLN-81 Warrior HIFV, and the GLN-82 Sledgehammer MBT, the GLN-83 Leopard HAPC may not be the fastest, or the most heavily armed of the APC models on the market, but what it has in spades is protection from any and all threats it might face. The Leopard HAPC may well be the most heavily armored vehicle of any type in the galaxy. Like the Sledgehammer and the Warrior, the Leopard uses GLN armor materials, combined with the latest in active and passive defense systems, along with the finest kinetic barrier system we have ever designed. When it comes to crossing a war zone unscathed, accept no substitutes.
-TheMechanist: I like the sloped armor. Very good, increases incoming fire deflection chance. Good alloy on the armor. High quality. Tested extensively!
-GroundPounder: How do you test something like that, anyways?
-WrexAndRule: Generally, you get to play with a bunch of heavy weapons and see how long it takes to blow one up. This thing devours anti-tank rockets, by the way. If you're trying to knock one out on your lonesome, your best bet is e-war or mines.
-OldOneEye: Or changing the road signs and watching them drive over a bridge that can't support the convoy, then watch the fun.
-WrexAndRule: Look, if we were going to list all the ways Operator Error could take out an armored vehicle, we'd be here for decades.
-MaidenThessia: Also, it actually has comfortable seats and headroom in the back. Makes getting in and out of your powered armor much easier.
-ArmoredAegis: ...wait, that's what you were talking about?!
-MaidenThessia: Someone's mind is in the gutter!~~~ <3
-ArmoredAegis: Shut up.

>>More Selections?>>

+Logging you out. Thank you for visiting GLN Outfitters, Valued Customer!+
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hmmm got writers block?

Seem super excesive to have three consecutive joke chapters.
Not any more than usual?

Waiting to see what Fusou and Faith do before moving on, and I liked writing them as a change of pace. Also, tis technically 2 chapters and an omake that I figured 'what the heck, I like it, slap it in, i'd have done it for chapter 38 if I wasn't lazy', if we're being technical. :p

Can people submit profiles for vehicles?
Eh, you can, but won't guarantee when I use 'em. Or if ever. Probably done with SpaceJackPoint for the moment.
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@TikiTau I actually updated the document I sent you a bit before this chapter went up, added some artillery vehicles to all of the categories (except light, which just has the Hurricane Rocket Artillery Module added to the list of modules available for the Sergei.
hmmm got writers block?

Seem super excesive to have three consecutive joke chapters.

True enough, but these are pretty fun. And the commentary from the customers / users is almost certainly the best part, making the info dump on the new technology being introduced very palatable and easy to understand. Hell, I've been reading them for the commentary first and the info-dumping a distant second.
True enough, but these are pretty fun. And the commentary from the customers / users is almost certainly the best part, making the info dump on the new technology being introduced very palatable and easy to understand. Hell, I've been reading them for the commentary first and the info-dumping a distant second.
And now you have discovered the dark secret to how Shadowrun makes its Sourcebooks work. :p
Because, for example, a dry bit of (probably amazingly) biased information on a dragon isn't nearly as fun as someone snarking about said dragon, then their sheer terror at realizing that the dragon in question is -reading the internet and watching them run their mouths-. xD
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<GLNRep-009> Unfortunately, due to creative differences on the design and marketing teams, the vehicle in question has been delayed until the 2166 catalog. Thank you for shopping GLN!
<Wrex> Yeah, they can't decide if it's a Puma or a Warthog. Idiots, the lot of 'em. Everyone knows it looks like a Space Walrus.
Fun fact, the Sledgehammer, Warrior, and Leopard were actually inspired by a mix of the Armata Universal Combat Platform and the Merkava IV tank. That's why they have the power plant in front and the turrets are unmanned.
*Cheerful* I have no idea what he's talking about, but they have pretty pictures with big guns and slabs of armor, so they can't be bad ideas!
<Gamma> *nods sagely, blocky armored robot arms folded* That is indeed the best aesthetic.
Upon getting to a new universe, some Commanders might become a political and technological force for change, others might start a revolt against an oppressive slaver state.

Or you can just open a store and sell shit, that works too, right?:p

As a paradigm for improving a setting, opening a weapons manufacturing concern is not one done much, I like the idea and hope you revisit it in other settings.
Upon getting to a new universe, some Commanders might become a political and technological force for change, others might start a revolt against an oppressive slaver state.

Or you can just open a store and sell shit, that works too, right?:p

As a paradigm for improving a setting, opening a weapons manufacturing concern is not one done much, I like the idea and hope you revisit it in other settings.
Well, there is this dead Mass Effect Quest based on that premise. Pretty good.
As a paradigm for improving a setting, opening a weapons manufacturing concern is not one done much, I like the idea and hope you revisit it in other settings.

Well, there is this dead Mass Effect Quest based on that premise. Pretty good.
There's another quest about selling weapons in Mass Effect to fix things (it has narcolepsy.) So is ME the only universe where selling weapons will improve stuff?
There's another quest about selling weapons in Mass Effect to fix things (it has narcolepsy.) So is ME the only universe where selling weapons will improve stuff?

Its one of the easiest. Many other stories have 2 major factions that smash each other into ideological pieces which makes a 3rd party selling stuff an unviable alternative.

Some could possibly work i.e. Naruto where there are 5ish major ninja villages and you could be a peddler.

Generally the more open ended and less ideologically motivated factions in a universe are, the easier it gets.

Or you could go down the 3rd nation route and create a super powerful corporation of sorts that sells to both sides and protects its sovereignty with super weapons. Like an East India Company in the age of sail.
Considering the only serious problem in Mass Effect is a serious case of stupid space!cuttlefish infestation?

And the only reason it's such a big problem is because the Canon ME!Races have a serious case of Stagnant Weaponry...
Considering the only serious problem in Mass Effect is a serious case of stupid space!cuttlefish infestation?

And the only reason it's such a big problem is because the Canon ME!Races have a serious case of Stagnant Weaponry...

To be fair there're a few long-lived races in Mass Effect. The Krogan and Asari. For the rest of the council a few thousand years is a long-ass time. For the Asari it's only been a few generations since they found the citadel.

Or something. Iunno where I was going with this.
Considering the only serious problem in Mass Effect is a serious case of stupid space!cuttlefish infestation?

And the only reason it's such a big problem is because the Canon ME!Races have a serious case of Stagnant Weaponry...

There is no reason weapons need to be easily improvable... Nor that ideas one race might have are guaranteed to occur to others. With that in mind what do you believe they should have done tech wise that they didn't?

Gamma here is showing up with an entirely different tech base (multiple ones in fact) to work with. The locals can hardly be said to have such an advantage. They had access to one tech base, the one they were meant to have.
Your sledgehammer tank description says crew in the back... But the armata tank pic you're using shows the crew popping up from the front hatches