<Leeroy> I am a sophistmaicated void traveller at this point, fella! I know that it's rude to assume that someone uses Credits like normal folk, so. Space bucks!
Fair enough.
If you mean the Team Fortress 2 Pyro? That is awesome.
If you mean one of the Legion's Pyres? Obviously that is a sequel.
'And in this corner...Thirteen planetoid sized undead life consuming monstrosities...THE! BROTHER! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOONS!'
'And opposing them?'
'The Sultan of Suffering, the Bringer of Burning, the Fountain of Flame, the Purveryor of Plasma...PYRE! ZERO! ZERO! OOOOOOOOOOOOONE!'
Wonder how long it would take that Pyre to burn a whole moons' worth a undead meat.

Answer is likely much sooner than I would think.
I think Leroy just bypassed a boss fight as well.
It's -amazing- how much a high tech armor cutting blade applied logically and having a really big gun can bypass Survival Horror Logic a bit.

'Alright, you need to go through the medical wing, fight off the hordes of mutant babies, acquire the thermite, then make your way to a different part of the medical deck to acquire a shock pad so you can rig the thermite into a bomb. That'll require you getting grav boots, so you can get through the zero-g zone, and then you'll need a keycard to get into the supply r-'
'Cut the barricade open and moved it.'
'...or we can do that, too.'
*stroll in, kill Infector, stroll out with codes*
'Man, can you imagine how many zombies would be in here if we had spent all that time making a bomb?'
'I know, right?!'

(Why, yes, I did used to use the good old Universal Ranged Lockpick in the original Deus Ex, why do you ask?)
((PS: For the uninformed, the alternate name for the Universal Lockpick was the 'Guided Explosive Projectile Launcher', AKA the GEP Gun or Rocket Launcher.'))
(((Seriously, game designer guys, if I'm carrying around a -rocket launcher-, there is no reason a -completely mundane locked wooden door- should stand in my way! (Doom 2016 gets a pass, because it is a loving homage to Doom!Classic, and thus, you WILL find Keycards, dammit.))))
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((PS: For the uninformed, the alternate name for the Universal Lockpick was the 'Guided Explosive Projectile Launcher', AKA the GEP Gun or Rocket Launcher.'))
(((Seriously, game designer guys, if I'm carrying around a -rocket launcher-, there is no reason a -completely mundane locked wooden door- should stand in my way! (Doom 2016 gets a pass, because it is a loving homage to Doom!Classic, and thus, you WILL find Keycards, dammit.))))

I've done that with a D&D Alchemist in a campaign where our rogue was hilariously terrible at dealing with Traps and locks (it got to the point where the DM stopped bothering to lock or trap the doors in dungeons since every door I just blew off the hinges with an Explosive bomb Bolt)

Edit: also removed all element of surprise, but since our rogue was just as bad at his stealth rolls as his trap finding & lockpicking it ended out working better for us anyway
Edit2: actually he was just as unlucky at everything, at least once every session he was KOed.
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It's -amazing- how much a high tech armor cutting blade applied logically and having a really big gun can bypass Survival Horror Logic a bit.

'Alright, you need to go through the medical wing, fight off the hordes of mutant babies, acquire the thermite, then make your way to a different part of the medical deck to acquire a shock pad so you can rig the thermite into a bomb. That'll require you getting grav boots, so you can get through the zero-g zone, and then you'll need a keycard to get into the supply r-'
'Cut the barricade open and moved it.'
'...or we can do that, too.'
*stroll in, kill Infector, stroll out with codes*
'Man, can you imagine how many zombies would be in here if we had spent all that time making a bomb?'
'I know, right?!'

(Why, yes, I did used to use the good old Universal Ranged Lockpick in the original Deus Ex, why do you ask?)
((PS: For the uninformed, the alternate name for the Universal Lockpick was the 'Guided Explosive Projectile Launcher', AKA the GEP Gun or Rocket Launcher.'))
(((Seriously, game designer guys, if I'm carrying around a -rocket launcher-, there is no reason a -completely mundane locked wooden door- should stand in my way! (Doom 2016 gets a pass, because it is a loving homage to Doom!Classic, and thus, you WILL find Keycards, dammit.))))
I agree with all of this.

If you are going to make a fetch quest in game at least have it make sense why you can't use an alternative.
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And this is why you are the best Commander ever. Sure @Drich provides us with lots of content, and so does @Battleship_Fusou , @Faith, but you provide us with not one, not three, but two amazing stories at the same time.

I also appreciate his much higher actual story content as opposed to tech porn or exposition. @glitchrrr36 is pretty good about that too.

And let me jump on this here Bandwagon and state my favorite part is that you totally overthrow the Status quo and yet allow them to handle the problems in their own weight limit (Example: Protoss & Terran Engineers being bros (Essentially impossible in canon SC), Protoss helping out the Quarians, etc)
Maybe this time, Leroy can stop the absolute idiocy that was the necromorph escape pod singlehandedly taking down the entire armed complement of the USM Valor.
Maybe this time, Leroy can stop the absolute idiocy that was the necromorph escape pod singlehandedly taking down the entire armed complement of the USM Valor.
Look, I'm not disagreeing, but I'm just saying, Kat, that if an entire ship with about 80 armed marines who were -warned in advance- about an infectious bioweapon loose in the system who can't take a single basic Slasher-enemy and keep it off their bridge for longer than about 20 minutes....


<Leeroy> Hey, how come Kerrigan's got a mix-tape with a song track entitled 'They Had It Coming'?
<Raynor> *shrug* Women. One of life's great mysteries.
<Leeroy> Like algeebra.

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I also appreciate his much higher actual story content as opposed to tech porn or exposition. @glitchrrr36 is pretty good about that too.
A lot of my writing style comes from the fact that I start twitching whenever I realize I've just read one or two thousand words of fairly bland filler, which could be summarized in a couple of sentences in a much longer/more eventful chapter. I'm the kind of person who watches a cutscene the first time a play through a campaign then skips it as fast as possible when playing it over again.

And it helps disguise the fact I have no idea what-so-ever what I'm doing seventy percent of the time.
If you are going to make a fetch quest in game at least have it make sense why you can use an alternative.
<Umbrella Corporation Facility Designer> ...doesn't everyone use large crests and cranks to open and lock doors and operate machinery? I mean, what, are you supposed to just use a small keycard or key instead? That's madness! Why, it might mean someone wouldn't have to constantly travel to their private item stash to swap out large emblems! And don't get me started on these people who don't want to use moving statue puzzles, the philistines!
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<Leeroy> Hey, how come Kerrigan's got a mix-tape with a song track entitled 'They Had It Coming'?
<Raynor> *shrug* Women. One of life's great mysteries.
<Leeroy> Like algeebra.


...and my mind instantly went to this song. It's not the right name, but... They had it coming. :D

Plus, I like the thought of a woman whose nickname in another life was the Queen of Blades having that as her theme song.
((PS: For the uninformed, the alternate name for the Universal Lockpick was the 'Guided Explosive Projectile Launcher', AKA the GEP Gun or Rocket Launcher.'))
-Really? I always preferred to use the doorbell. LAMs are so much more common than ammo for the GEP gun or LAWs. Plus ten of them only take one slot in the inventory, while the GEP takes eight and the LAW takes four(or perhaps six and three. It's been a while.)-
-Really? I always preferred to use the doorbell. LAMs are so much more common than ammo for the GEP gun or LAWs. Plus ten of them only take one slot in the inventory, while the GEP takes eight and the LAW takes four(or perhaps six and three. It's been a while.)-
I really like opening doors. :3

From a distance.

With white phosphorus, as an extra special present for those annoying Evil Cloned MiBs. :E
<Pyre-001> *Sniff* He's learned so well!
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(((Seriously, game designer guys, if I'm carrying around a -rocket launcher-, there is no reason a -completely mundane locked wooden door- should stand in my way! (Doom 2016 gets a pass, because it is a loving homage to Doom!Classic, and thus, you WILL find Keycards, dammit.))))
I imagine that it might also be in part that since the builders knew there was a chance of demonic incursion anyway, they may have reinforced the doors beyond what the Universal Door Opener (or whatever name you wish to assign your choice of firearm/explosive) could easily open.
I imagine that it might also be in part that since the builders knew there was a chance of demonic incursion anyway, they may have reinforced the doors beyond what the Universal Door Opener (or whatever name you wish to assign your choice of firearm/explosive) could easily open.

I like calling it the Universal Can Opener.