Renascence: A Homura Quest

Honorifics or Western-style Titles? I've used both before, which is bothersomely inconsistent

  • Japanese Honorifics (-san, -sama, -dono, -chan, -kun, -senpai, etcetera)

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • Western Titles (Mister, Miss, job titles, Lord, Lady, etcetera)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Use whichever works better for a given sentence.

    Votes: 24 66.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
...why won't that text change color...?
Highlight it and click the top-left button on the editor (looks like an underlined T with an X-subscript) - that removes any formatting. You might also try unlinking any hyperlinks before/after.

Should I go back to multiple updates, or continue doing 1 a day?
I'd say whichever you're more comfortable with. :)
Catch up! finally.

[X]...try to save the girl. It's what Madoka would want.
-[X] Time Stop
--[X] Check the area to make sure nothing has changed (specifically, that Sayaka hasn't entered the barrier).
--[X] Ask Kyouko if she has something to keep us connected. If so, she can keep fighting while we get the girl. Otherwise we'll be right back.
--[X] Retrieve girl+staff. Explanations can wait til we're at a safe distance.
--[X] Once at an adequate distance, drop Time Stop (unless Kyouko is fighting) and confer with girl about injuries (heal if feasible) and abilities, to coordinate our attacks.
[X]...try to save the girl. It's what Madoka would want.
-[X] Time Stop
--[X] Check the area to make sure nothing has changed (specifically, that Sayaka hasn't entered the barrier).
--[X] Ask Kyouko if she has something to keep us connected. If so, she can keep fighting while we get the girl. Otherwise we'll be right back.
--[X] Retrieve girl+staff. Explanations can wait til we're at a safe distance.
--[X] Once at an adequate distance, drop Time Stop (unless Kyouko is fighting) and confer with girl about injuries (heal if feasible) and abilities, to coordinate our attacks.

Yay! I made it in time to vote this time!

....Wait, the Witch just tallied the votes... Am I late? NOOOOOOOO-Aachoo!! Damn it.
Votes Locked. No change in plans. Writing.

On a side note, I'll be trying to update twice a night, but only if the decisions being made are relatively minor. Major decisions will have a full day delay, so that players from all Time Zones may vote, and discussion may be had.

I hope this works for everyone.

While I write, have another question: Would you guys like to see a slightly more structured Combat System? You would have a limited amount of time to perform actions during each update (I'd tell you how much Time any given action you propose would take). This would allow you to have more control over the situation (more updates per fight, meaning more chances to make decisions and respond to events) and would also allow you to more carefully control how long you spend in Time Stop, among other things.

I'm going to put up a Poll this time. It will be up for a while, so feel free to talk it over.

If I decide to implement it, it will be in the NEXT fight, not this one.
Votes Locked. No change in plans. Writing.

On a side note, I'll be trying to update twice a night, but only if the decisions being made are relatively minor. Major decisions will have a full day delay, so that players from all Time Zones may vote, and discussion may be had.

I hope this works for everyone.

While I write, have another question: Would you guys like to see a slightly more structured Combat System? You would have a limited amount of time to perform actions during each update (I'd tell you how much Time any given action you propose would take). This would allow you to have more control over the situation (more updates per fight, meaning more chances to make decisions and respond to events) and would also allow you to more carefully control how long you spend in Time Stop, among other things.

I'm going to put up a Poll this time. It will be up for a while, so feel free to talk it over.

If I decide to implement it, it will be in the NEXT fight, not this one.


You cannot remove them once they're up...

Only a moderator can. Found that out the hard way.
...fuck, too late. Well, it automatically expires in 7 days, right?


I'm sorry, I have failed you.. a minute too slow.

Unfortunately, no.

My poll is still up, even though the voting time expired.

After a quick google search, it seems only moderators have the power to remove them, I'd think the best course of action is to PM one of them once you decide to take it down.

I'm sorry, I have failed you.. a minute too slow.

Unfortunately, no.

My poll is still up, even though the voting time expired.

After a quick google search, it seems only moderators have the power to remove them, I'd think the best course of action is to PM one of them once you decide to take it down.
Eh, it's fine.

If all else fails, I can just edit the options to something like "Placeholder" and change them the next time I want to run a poll.

WAIT, I have an omake about Nanoha fighting this thing that's half-done and I think it'll be really interesting!

Also, did I get anything out of that other omake I wrote yesterday?
Cool, I'll give you time to finish.

Yes, yes you did...and I need to put up rewards for a couple of other Omakes.

I'll do that while you finish this one.
Eh, it's fine.

If all else fails, I can just edit the options to something like "Placeholder" and change them the next time I want to run a poll.

Cool, I'll give you time to finish.

Yes, yes you did...and I need to put up rewards for a couple of other Omakes.

I'll do that while you finish this one.

That's the god damned problem.

I'm kinda OCD about this kinda stuff, I don't know about you but...

Can't fucking change the voting options, or the questions either.

Annoying the hell out of me right now.

Unless I'm blind and stupid as hell, which I don't think is the case since I've checked the Edit poll options at least ten times but there doesn't seem to be anything...
That's the god damned problem.

I'm kinda OCD about this kinda stuff, I don't know about you but...

Can't fucking change the voting options, or the questions either.

Annoying the hell out of me right now.

Unless I'm blind and stupid as hell, which I don't think is the case since I've checked the Edit poll options at least ten times but there doesn't seem to be anything...
...nope, you're right.

I can ADD an additional option which says "POLL CLOSED" or something, but...that's just weird. It should at least disappear on its own after 7 days...

Well, I guess I'll just call a Mod when the time comes...
While I write, have another question: Would you guys like to see a slightly more structured Combat System? You would have a limited amount of time to perform actions during each update (I'd tell you how much Time any given action you propose would take). This would allow you to have more control over the situation (more updates per fight, meaning more chances to make decisions and respond to events) and would also allow you to more carefully control how long you spend in Time Stop, among other things.
On the one hand, more structure could end up streamlining the decision-making process ... but on the other, it slows down voting for write-ins, since they would probably need your confirmation on time taken. Unless you either disable write-ins, which is problematic in case someone comes up with something you didn't think of, or you make the system more flexible in order to account for write-ins, in which case structuring makes less sense :/ More thinking required ....

@Higure can Chimeraguard get a bonus to murderizing clockwork-themed Witches for that one?

Because that is completely awesome.
She called Kyouko a lackey and got away with it, that's awesome by itself.
Omake: And They Shall Know Fear
OOC: Mind the invisitext.
And They Shall Know Fear

It wasn't anything Nanoha was familiar with fighting. Humongous monsters weren't 100% out of this world. She'd faced a few when she was still learning that yes, magic existed after all. But ones like this, that decided to make their own private dimensions instead of simply forbidding contact with the rest of the world, that was a bit new.
This wasn't my fault, was it? I simply wanted to fulfill my dream!
But it was more than that. It was the simple sense of wrong. More than ever before, the... thing was simply something that her mind was screaming should not exist, should never exist, beating something fundamental about the universe to death until its impossibility was allowed to become reality. Even the city was wrong on some level that went beyond physical. Every building, street, and light was in the correct place, and on the surface it was just a city with a giant monster problem.
Monster? Freak? Unnatural? Why did they call me that for just doing what I always wanted to?
Deeper down... No. It should not exist. Something that resonated on the level of the soul howled at an abomination in its midst, as if every alarm bell in her body was going off at the same time. Danger. They whispered. Wrong. Should not be here. Cannot be allowed.
Shouldn't be that good? Why not? It was a simple wish, that was all! I just wanted to make my own little play!
More than any other threat she'd faced, she knew that this one had to go down. And she would be the one to bring it down. She had no idea what it was, what it was doing, or why it was here, but it was endangering lives, and that was all the reason she needed to stop it.
No-one wanted to do anything but jeer at myself. At least here, I can make my own stories to end the way I wish.
And that was how she found herself levitating above the thing, readying her most powerful attack. The thing had already endangered everyone in the theatre, and she didn't want it doing the same anywhere else for one second longer than necessary.
Wait, what are you- NO! You'll ruin it! You'll ruin everything! And I worked so hard!
A few seconds, a charged up ball of ambient magical energy in front of Raising Heart.
"Starlight Breaker."
Wait, what was-
You wanted to destroy me world? My dreams since I was born? When everything was perfect?
But everything felt so wrong, so very wrong-
You'd hurt me? After everything here!? You wouldn't care about crushing every dream I ever had!?
No... No! She just couldn't let this thing hurt anyone! Vaguely she could hear someone screaming.
You... you almost ruined everything! I can't let that happen, even if you gave me a new actor for the play...
What was going on, why was her head spinning... And what in every deity's name was that forming from her Starlight Breaker!?!?
The show must go on. The show must go on. The show must go on.
A mask, the same as the one on the monster itself began forming. The screaming continued as she felt her body hit the ground, Raising Heart going in another direction. Then she realized the screaming was coming from her.
The new actor is ready. My stage is fixed again. And this time, it will end my way.
She couldn't remember things ever feeling as hopeless or terrifying as they were now. A million ice-cold daggers lashed out at her mind, screaming for her to give in, that it was hopeless. Other parts of her yelled to get up, to fight back, like she'd always done, but her legs were like jelly, refusing to obey the signals sent from her brain as her body scrambled back from Raising Heart and the newly created monster.
Now we start the play anew. And you, my dear, shall be the first villain.
Everything was wrong. Her mind searched for a way out, but could only find another elaborate way to die. Either from the mask-creature that was far too close to Raising Heart, or the towering biped above. She suddenly realized that the sky, still a regular blue, had suddenly become a massive weight upon her shoulders, the ground itself seeming to snarl up at her, the buildings looming viciously at her sides, all calling for her head on a platter as a single thought ran through her mind.
Let us begin.
Help me.

OOC: Sorry Nanoha, there are many things that are good for one's mental health, confidence, and fighting ability.
Creating, channelling, and being exposed face-first to a creature made of accumulated despair and hopelessness in an elderitch location the regular human mind knows is not right is not one of them.

Would be willing to elaborate on what happened to Nanoha's head with the whole feeling "wrongness" tomorrow if anyone's interested.
Last edited:
I'm feeling inspired by the posible crossovers end some music to write this ...
Not truly staring Homura and PMMM stuff is only mentioned, but still taking place there. Primarily Haruhi Suzumyia tough ...

The wonderful normal life ...

The boy, known to most people only as Kyon, sighed tiredly. It seemed, that the universe got more complicated from The Night onwards. At first, he and the others thought that he was successful and that he and Haruhi ended back in their own universe. His family and the members of the SOS brigade, he thought of as friends, were there the morning after, his school still standing.

But then he noticed more and more strange occurrences he didn't think existed before - the most obvious that the city he and Haruhi lived in now was named Mitakihara rather than Nishinomiya. In fact, he himself discovered this only after stumbling over the 'old' name in some history book. It seemed, that the old Nishinomiya was destroyed in a fire during World War Two, and a new city was built under the name Mitakihara. He then remembered, that it was in fact the other way around in his 'previous' world.

He didn't share this with his friends or their perfect copies (he still wasn't sure about it). He preferred to think about the change as an adjustment instead of a rewrite anyway. He had memories about living here and the 'old' world was more like a dream. Whatever Haruhi did, she did well. So he concentrated on preventing other disasters like The Night, taking a more active role. He spoke with his 'gifted' friends about possible solution, and then named himself Haruhi's "Inquisitor" without Her knowing. He told his colleagues that he should have been able to stop Haruhi; that he needed to know more about what she could do and what could attract her attention and interest in this 'new' world. Kyon firmly persisted on the issue of information and pressed his SOS co-members to share what they could. Boy, was he surprised - not.

There were at least five other extraterrestrial agencies active on Earth (at least three from them attracted here by Haruhi obviously) and timetravelers from alternate timelines fighting each other, trying to change the world, so their timeline became 'the main one.' He didn't see the point; his logic was telling him that all timelines must somehow exist some time in the future, if you can come from them to the past - although Mikuru told him that it did matter. To him, this wasn't that weird. That his old friend Sasaki was almost as powerful as Haruhi was as shocking as was the fact that Haruhi and Sasaki knew each other and didn't like each other much. That Sasaki had her own small cohort of Espers was only the cherry on top. Kyon was glad - after he get over his shock - that they told him about it. Not knowing would certainly bite them in their (his) butt in time. He was now firmly resolved that the two should be kept apart no matter what. There were other exotic beings that she should be kept away from, he thought, and she should definitely never learn of the time war Mikuru reluctantly informed them of.

All this was the reason for his own private room in Yuki's building, procured for him by Yuki and Itsuki. His own private office was necessary due his sister's nosiness and Haruhi's habit of dropping in on him at home whenever she felt even slightly bored. He had a brand new computer - Haruhi and the president of computer club would salivate if they knew about it - the browser opened on some discusion about the weird and sensational. A huge pile of documents, mostly recordings from Itsuki's field agents or clippings from tabloids, sat in a bin on his desk, marked "Common." A much smaller pile was on the small table to his left - the emergency bin.

He was currently studying one of them, a recording about a 'wandering shop.' He remembered that Haruhi mentioned stumbling about shop like that, when she spoke about her past. He drummed his fingers on the desk's surface in thought, before he jotted down sarcastic note on the report's cover - 'No need to hasten it's investigation Itsuki, Haruhi has a three year head start on you guys', tossing it into the bin marked "Read." Whatever damage the shop's existence could do was done, and he knew Haruhi well enough that he found it unlikely she would try to revisit such cold case like that. She had her opinion about the shop rock solid now, after all.

He took one of the less important messages - a rumor that the youngest member of the Akemi family, the 'miraculous clockmakers,' had arrived in the city. He read through it and found himself thinking about, if it would be safe to arrange for Haruhi and the girl named Homura to meet. He didn't think that there was anything strange about talents like that - and 'investigating' her seemingly miraculous gifts could make Haruhi busy for time. He sighed again. From what he read so far, she sound a lot like Mikuru and he didn't want her to suffer like the Moe Timetraveler. Still, he jotted a small note on the file for Itsuki to investigate the girl discreetly.

Unexpectedly, his phone rang in cheerful tone. That was odd, because the 'All Became Friends' tone was reserved for Mikuru, and the timetraveler seldom called by herself and never when he was here 'working part-time'. He picked it up and said, "Moshi, moshi, Asahina-chan?"

Her crying startled him. Something truly bad was going on apparently. "Mikuru, please calm down. What's happening?"

"Ueee.. I ... *hic* ...can't contact the future ... *hic* ...they are goneee... all goneeee..." Huh? *Riiiing* The melody for 'Imperial March' playing over Mikuru's sobs informed him, that another member of SOS brigade was seeking his attention.

"Can you hold for the moment Mikuru-chan, please?" ... "So what do you want to speak about, Itsuki?"

"We have here an emergency. Sort of..."

"Hold on. It's about Asahina-chan not being able to contact her timeline?"

"You... are not incorrect. I have had some déjà vu moments in the past four days, so I ..."


"Occurrences, that seemed as if I lived through them again. And I would be glad, if you let me speak first, Kyon."


"Hmpf! As I wanted to say, before your interruption, I consulted them with Yuki, and she told me, that we need to speak immediately. She should knock on your door about -" *knock, knock* "- now. I'm on my way as well and ... ah, so Yuki is right. Here you are Asahina-san..."*click* Kyon turned to his most trusted friend - if you can think about an alien as one - Yuki, who had entered reading some book and sat down on one of three chairs in front of Kyon's desk.

"So they will be here soon, eh?"

"Yes," was her monotone answer, "in five comma ten minutes exactly."


"So, if I understand you correctly, we are now stuck in a timeloop that will end with our world destroyed in one way or other most probably and with Mitakihara in ruins definitely in less than two months? And it's not even Haruhi's fault, at least not directly?" Kyon frowned.

"That's corect," Yuki was still reading her book.

"How long?" Itsuki wanted to know.

"Almost hundred loops by now." Yuki didn't raise her eyes from the book.

"Can you tell us, who is responsible then?"

"Insufficient data... However it's connected with the new Mitakihara High in the high end part of the city. Five loops were prematurely ended after the school was destroyed in one disaster or another. And yes, we tried to investigate the school fifty two times already but without any success, mostly because this is the first time, you became aware about the loops this early. Normally you will find out five days before the end. Something is actively working against any outside agent interfering with the loop, holding even Asahina-san or you unaware until too late," Yuki volunteered some information.

"Did you tried to tell us about the loops before?" Kyon asked. "I mean on your own, without us asking?"

"Once, near the start of the loops. It ended ... badly. You disappeared while you were 'following a solid lead' and Haruhi rewound the time that one time. She also did something my ... superiors ... didn't want to repeat itself. So they told me to observe only." Yuki told them without any hint of emotions. But Kyon could see a flicker of sadness in her eyes anyway.

"So, why tell us now?" Mikuru asked quietly.

"Because ... you are my friends. And I don't want you rush ahead without warning. Also my instructions don't say anything about not telling you, if you asked," Yuki turned the page of the book she was reading.

"So, what now?" Kyon asked rhetorically. "We can't let the loops go on and on. Especially if it's not the direct work of Haruhi." Silent nods of Mikuru and Itsuki told him their thoughts were similar to his. Yuki didn't express her opinion, but also didn't object to it. "But the last thing we need is Haruhi getting wind of something going on. We need to distract her and also have an excuse for us to hang around East Mitakihara High ..." Kyon's eyes fell on the thin Akemi folder. Wasn't there something about her transferring to Mitakihara East? He took it and handed it to Itsuki. "What if we used this as an excuse?"

"Hmm, I can use our contact there and in Tokyo to arrange for us to get more information; we could tell Haruhi about the Akemi girl tomorrow. If I present it right, we should have Haruhi ordering us to investigate very soon." Itsuki leafed through the folder.

"One more thing," Yuki lifted her eyes from her book. "Kyon's survival is a crucial matter in this affair. My superiors have a plan, how to safeguard you, but Kyon, you would not like it." Kyon frowned. He could tell Yuki isn't exactly happy with her orders.

"What do they plan? What, are they going to give me a killer for bodyguard?" He let out a groan, when he saw irritated flash in Yuki's eyes. "They will, won't they? They plan to reactivate Her?"

"She is an excellent fighter and able to think out of the box," she stressed.

"She is psychotic knifewoman, she is," Kyon shuddered.

"Um, Kyon-kun, Nagato-san? About whom do you speak?" Asahina interrupted them.

"I would also like to now, about what are you two speaking?" Itsuki also wanted to know. Kyon and Yuki exchanged one long look.

After Yuki's slight nod, Kyon sighed, "Sorry for not telling you sooner, but I thought, it was closed matter and we had other things to work after then, like The Night. The thing is ..." and Kyon told them the story about Asakura the psychotic Interface.

"And she should be the one responsible for Kyon's wellbeing?" For first time Kyon saw Itsuki angry, Mikuru frowning disapprovingly.

"I don't like it either, but she is good in her field, which is combat and security. She will be also closely monitored by me and my other ... backup," Yuki stated.

"Pardon me, Nagato-san, if I didn't entirely share your superiors' confidence. I would like to arrange for our own contact in Mitakihara East to monitor her and ensure Kyon's security as well," Itsuki told Yuki in his rare serious voice.

"She was responsible for Kyon in the loop he disappeared. I don't think she will be able to help much," Yuki told him. "I don't have anything against her monitoring Ryouko as well. My other associate should be enough, though."

"I will still tell her what's going on. Well at least, that something potentially world-ending is happening. I don't think she should know about the loops. Nagato-san?" Itsuki firmly stood his ground.

"It... will be better... not to tell her," Yuki turned back to her book, signaling the debate was finished. Kyon groaned silently, ignoring Mikuru petting his arm shyly. The following days were shaping up to be full of terror and life threatening danger. Normal times in life of SOS brigade members...

The END. Betaed by Entropy Judge, thank you...:)

I hope, you like my attempt to enrich your universe Higure.:)

Rewards will be up soon, with the ones for the new Omake.

I will say that this is non-canon though. I like it, but some of the content would require the universe to be Broken, not Fragile.

I admit, I wasn't very interested in the *Mechanics* because I was writing THIS:

Homura had encountered aberrant loops before, but this one was the strangest yet.

She had woken in a hospital bed, as usual. But it hadn't been her usual bed. She had reached for her magic to patch her heart condition, but discovered that her body had no such issue. Instead, she was covered with fairly severe wounds, bandaged, and hooked to an IV.

Before she had a chance to panic and leap out of the bed to investigate, the door to her room opened, and in strolled a stoic-looking Junko Kaname. She was dressed in a dark business suit, white gloves, and wearing yellow shaded glasses.

"Awake already, Homura?"

Homura nodded, not daring to say anything in light of this strange situation.

"Once again, I'm surprised at your resilience. The Witch really did a number on you."


Homura blurted the question without even thinking about it.

"Ah, I'm sorry. NERV prefers biblical terms, but we both know the truth. They're more like Devils than Angels."

Junko smiled, a wry grin that contained subtext Homura was sure she was missing.

"You should rest. If everything goes to plan, we should be getting a new pilot this afternoon. Once she arrives, the testing will be much less stressful on you."

They stared at each other. Homura wondered if she should say something, ask questions, anything. Suddenly, the intercom blared.

"Commander Ikari to the command center!"

"Duty calls," Junko said as she stood. "I hope you'll have time to heal before the next Witch, but we both know that circumstances will not be so kind."

She departed quietly, leaving Homura to wonder what kind of messed up world her power had gotten her into this time.


Of course the other pilot was Madoka. Homura should have known. Her bed had been wheeled into the observation bay overlooking the command center, where she was joined by a medical orderly, a stern looking elderly man with a mustache, and Junko Ikari. The latter stared down at the commotion on the command floor with a stern, disapproving look.

"You're telling me I have to fight... that? An Angel? I don't understand. What are you asking me to do?"

Madoka sounded distressed. The discussion continued.

"Pilot a WHAT?"

"Commander, you can't be serious," Homura said.

Junko's expression did not change, but she tilted her head slightly in Homura's direction. Then she nodded, as if making up her mind, and strode out the door onto the command bridge.

"Madoka. What exactly is the problem?"

"The problem, mom, is that this whole situation is ridiculous. I'm not even in high school yet!"

Junko gazed down upon Madoka remorselessly. Then she spoke.

"Only a tiny handful of individuals have the Potential to pilot an Evangelion. You are one of them. If you do not, we have another pilot, but she is badly injured. We would not gamble with the extinction of humanity so lightly by sending her on the field alone."

"Mother." Madoka's voice had never sounded so cold. "You don't have to convince me. Of course I'll fight. The entire world is at stake. I just need to understand how."

The statement gave Homura the same chills that she got every time Madoka made a wish.

"Simply follow the command team's directions. The unit you pilot can be used intuitively."

With that, Junko turned and strode back into the glassed observation room. She took a seat behind the desk, the mustached man standing beside and behind her as if awaiting her commands.

Homura frowned.

"I'm going out," she said, landing lightly on her feet next to the bed with a magic-assisted hop. The orderly rushed to assist her as she hobbled towards the door to the robot cages. Junko's only response was a raised eyebrow.

Madoka was doing up the screws on an extraordinarily skintight futuristic flight suit as Homura stepped onto the catwalk. She was faced away from the door, tugging on the sleeves of her pink trimmed suit experimentally.

"Kaname-san." Not the best way to greet Madoka, if previous experiences were anything to go by, but it was an extraordinary situation.

"Hello?" Madoka said, turning her head to face Homura's voice. "Who are..."

Homura saw Madoka's grimace as she took in Homura's injuries.

"I'm the other pilot," she said, cutting off Madoka's protest before she got any father than opening her mouth. "My flight suit. Quickly," she said to the orderly.

To the nurse's credit he had obviously prepared to equip Homura despite her injuries. Likely the reason Mrs. Ikari had had her wheeled to the bridge at all. As she was carefully dressed in a purple 'plugsuit', another nurse carefully redressed her wounds and warned her about maximum durations she should remain in the GCL with open wounds like hers. She ignored their nattering in favor of staring down Madoka.

"Wait. You're planning to go out? To fight the Angel? Like that?" With each question, Madoka's voice became more hysterical.

"Would you stand by while someone else fought in your stead?" Homura said. "I won't let you fight that monster alone."

With that, Homura swung herself into the pilot tube of the purple machine, relying on her body's muscle memory to guide her through the startup sequences, and leaving a gaping Madoka behind her.


She gripped the controls of her fighting machine tightly. This body had muscle memory for its basic motor functions, and as always decades of practice would make Homura a crack shot with any firearm. But according to the command staff, her 'synch ratio' had dipped several percentage points, making the robot even more difficult to control.

Beside her, Madoka's robot stood, almost nervously. No, definitely nervously. It was visibly fidgeting with the knife holster.

Sighing, Homura flipped open the radio channel.

"Something the matter, Ikari-san?"

The strange last name rolled of her tongue. A legacy of the strangely absent father, or perhaps a maiden name Homura had never bothered to learn? No matter.

"Wrong?" Madoka sounded irritated. "Ayaname-san, I should be the one asking you! How are you going to fight the Angel in your condition? You should just leave it to me!"

"I heal fast," Homura said in a deadpan. "I am not as wounded as my appearance suggests."

Indeed, she had been using a trickle of magic to speed her recovery, more slow regeneration than fast healing. It was why she could walk, pilot, and even fight as she was.

"But you're still hurt! Please, Aya--"

"No." Homura cut her off. "I'm the veteran here. I'll be the one to protect you."

The finality in her voice silenced Madoka's protests for a moment, and that was enough.

"Pilots! The Angel is reactivating!"

This universe had done strange things to familiar people, Homura mused, as Mami Katsuragi gave the opening commands of the fight. Together, Homura and Madoka shambled their Evas over to two buildings containing two skyscraper-sized guns. Homura took a moment to admire the oversized assault rifles, and resolved to steal one for later use.

"Advance sequentially. Suppress the Angel with cover fire while the other moves, and try to get into position for a kill shot," Mami ordered.

As she shouldered the massive weapon with her robot, Homura contemplated her own battle strategy.

There had been cameras everywhere in the base. Her hospital room, the mess, the bathrooms and lockers, even the air vents. She had not been able to find a single place to check her more visible magical abilities, not even in a time stop, as they all required transformation. But the situation no longer allowed discretion. Madoka was fighting.

She reached for her magic, willing herself to transform into a Magical Girl. The familiar weight of her shield settled on her arm, but as she looked around the cockpit and at her reflection, she saw nothing. How strange.

"Your synch ratio just jumped, Ayanami. Whatever you're doing, keep it up."

Experimentally, Homura stopped time for a moment. The screens and cockpit greyed out, faces and viewscreens frozen. Deactivating her ability, she allowed herself a small smile as she moved the robot into a gunman's ready stance.

Over the next three minutes, they peppered the Witch with fire from both guns, first advancing, then retreating as it steadily approached towards them. Of course. Oversized firearms would do nothing against a monster that had tanked an experimental nuclear device with only superficial damage. Just like Walpurgisnacht had. But something came to mind...

"The only way to breach an Absolute Grief Field is with another Absolute Grief Field. Remember that, Homura. You will need to learn to bring out your Eva's Grief Field in any serious fight."

Memories of the Commander's lessons? When had she learned...?

"Katsuragi-san, this isn't working. Requesting permission to switch to melee," she said.

"Granted. One moment, updating the battle plan."

There was a moment of silence as they stowed their massive guns and swapped to combat knives. Madoka replaced her gun in its building-holster, while Homura bound hers to her unit's back with a severed length of cable.

"Ok, pilots. You will have to detatch your umbilical cables to fight effectively at close range. Once you do so, your operational time will be limited to five minutes. Unit 01 will flank around to the east, while Unit 00 runs interference. When Unit 01 is in position, close from both sides and pincer the Angel between you two. It will only be able to defend against one of you in close combat."

"I... I understand, Mami-san."

Seemed Madoka was already unusually familiar with Mami. Something to investigate later.

Homura brought her Eva into a loping gait, a slow charge at the Witch. Behind her, Madoka's unit belatedly detached the umbilical and lurched into motion, ducking behind a building and out of sight.

As Homura closed to 100 meters, nearly touching distance in machines this size, she shifted the knife to the side, intending to slash, and stopped time. Gripping the controls, she brought the machine into the time stop, and...
Something rejected her. She couldn't bring the machine in with her. It wasn't possible.

Change of plans. She unfroze time, belatedly shifting her grip again, and crashed against the angel in a sideways tumble, the knife darting forward in an awkward stab against the black Grief Barrier. Both monsters stumbled backwards, before Homura had to throw herself desperately to the side to avoid twin slashes of the Witch's claws. They reduced the skyscraper behind her to rubble, and impossibly fast it was upon her again. She parried one claw with her knife, using the momentum of the Witch's strike to slide behind a building. Gripping the buildling's corner with her other hand, she swung her Eva around the corner ninety degrees until she skidded along the road in an entirely different direction.

The Witch turned to face her, slowly. So it was the type that moved in bursts, then?


Madoka was almost in position. She just had to hold out through one more strike. She picked her unit up, taking a sprinter's position, and charged once more, this time angling for a stab. Remembering the words of her Commander, she willed her unit to express all its sadness, melancholy, and despair. The knife met the hand of the Witch, and a black wall blossomed in both directions as their Grief Fields grappled. Simultaneously, Madoka appeared behind the witch, and lunged at it with an improvised battle cry.

"Take this!"

It wasn't enough.

Almost casually, the Witch batted away Homura's nascent Grief Field, her knife flying in one direction as her Eva was blown back in another. It span in an astonishing burst of speed, slamming the side of Madoka's unit with a claw and coming away trailing a blood-like fluid. Madoka screamed in pain.

She froze time instinctively. Madoka's scream cut off sharply. Glancing over the frozen readouts, Homura took one deep breath of the GCF, then another. Superficial damage. Feedback. Madoka was fine. She was fine.

Slowly, Homura calmed. Frustration of a different sort grew. What use was her magic if she could only use timestop to calm herself down? Madoka was in danger. Her heart beat loudly in her chest. She was more than this.

Below her, something responded. A faint thump-thump, slightly out of synch with her own. And Homura realized the truth.

Homura's magic was born of a wish. But something else had been born of that wish. It was a creature she had never learned the name of. One she had never once seen, but one that had walked with her every step of the way. Her witch. Her blackened soul.
In this world, she realized, they had built artificial monsters with which to fight their Witches. Much like a soul gem was an artificial container for both the soul of a magical girl and the core of a Witch, the Evangelion was the same core of the Witch expressed outwards.

And that meant that her soul, the source of her magic, must be inside.
The cockpit blossomed with color, even as the world outside remained grey. With her unit's hands, Homura reached for the gun strapped to her back.


"It seems the First has finally unlocked the special abilities of Unit 00. Some sort of teleportation, I suppose?"

"We knew this day would come. Pay attention. The battle isn't over yet."


"Homura, there's something wrong with your battery! It's draining reserves much quicker than expected."

"Understood," she replied.

As Homura's Evangelion flashed to another spot, not a moment later, the battery read full power again.

"Perhaps it's an error in the display?" Mami wondered aloud.


Four minutes thirty seconds. In a knife fight, that was an eternity. Homura danced around the battlefield, throwing bullets, knives, and even the remains of buildings at the Witch, distracting it to give Madoka the time to stoically meet it in a repeated exchange of blows. Madoka's own Grief Field could match the Witch's for a few seconds, but although it grew stronger with each exchange, it wasn't enough to penetrate.

Withdrawing a grief seed from her invisible shield, Homura pressed it to her ring-form soul gem. She still had no guarantee there even were grief seeds in this universe, but her stockpile was massive. Given the resources she could acquire here, it seemed a fair trade.

Tossing a hail of concrete slabs at the frozen angel to allow Madoka to withdraw, she keyed her radio and unfroze time.

"Madoka! The same plan as the first time!"

To her credit, Madoka was adapting to this brutal fighting much better than expected. A testament to her friend's resilience, or something greater?

Homura charged the Witch, progressive knife in hand. It turned and raised a claw to bat her away again, AG-Field billowing, but she angled her strike and her own field so that she was propelled downwards rather than away. Madoka struck at the other side almost-simultaneously, and for one glorious moment both the Witch's hands were occupied. Homura's unit bounced once, and slid underneath the Witch on its back, knife in hand.

"Now Homura!" Mami said. "Strike at the core!"

"The core?" she wondered aloud.

"The Grief Engine! The big glowey red thing!"

Thankfully, Homura was already in motion, her Eva gripping its progressive knife in an upwards stab. The glow of the Grief Engine had made an irresistible and obvious target, even if she hadn't recognized it at the time. It cracked, and the tip of the knife slipped inside.

Then she let the knife go. The world turned grey, and she carefully picked her unit up and walked over to where Madoka's knife lay after Madoka's own brief exchange. She picked it up carefully and walked back to the Witch. Aiming the butt of the knife upwards, she slammed it into the knife already embedded in the core, unfreezing time as she hammered the blow home.


"You BITCH!"

One moment Homura had been walking in through the Neo-Mitikihara Middle School gates. The next, there had been a blur of blue and none other than Sayaka Miki had punched her in the face.

Well, that wouldn't do at all. Homura reached for the invisible feeling on her arm that represented her hidden shield, and stopped time. She skidded to the ground as everyone else stood frozen, then picked herself up, rubbing her cheek. Then she reached into her shield and pulled out her NERV-issued sidearm. She calmly walked behind Sayaka, raised the gun, and leveled it at the side of the blue-haired girl's head. As she dropped the timestop, the gun's hammer gave a loud click, indicating it was ready to fire.

To everyone else, it would appear like she teleported behind Sayaka just after she got hit, the gun appearing loaded and ready to fire, as if by magic.

Sayaka gritted her teeth.

"Go ahead, you psycho soldier girl. You don't give a single shit about us civilians, do you? Stomping around destroying the city. Because of your carelessness, Kyouske is in a coma. So go ahead. Pull that trigger. Prove to everyone how awful you really are."

A split-second later, Homura was gone. Only a single spent shell casing and a new hole in the ground at Sayaka's feet showed that she had ever been there at all.


The moment the apartment door opened, Homura was already in motion. In a single smooth and practiced gesture, she drew her desert eagle from her invisible shield and fired once, twice, three times into the hated creature's body. Head, chest, and hindquarters. The Incubator was annihilated nearly entirely by the high calibre bullets. Behind her, Madoka gasped in shock.

"Pun-pun!" Mami cried. "No!"


"MAGI," Junko Ikari said, "simulate the outcome if Homura Ayanami had not been motivated to protect my daughter before the battle began."

It took the supercomputer a few moments, but soon the results were printed on the screen. A single word reflected onto Junko's yellow glasses in the otherwise completely dark office.


Junko Ikari steepled her hands.

For this, obviously non-Canon, piece, I offer...
  • Metamechanic: Ask the MAGI.
    • You can request an evaluation of the situation by the MAGI. You will receive one answer from each of them, based on current IC knowledge:
      • Melchior: Homura (Murdeface)
      • Balthasar: Moemura
      • Casper: Homura (Akemi Madness)
      • Note that their advice is not guaranteed to be good, depending on the situation, but it may offer insight based on Homura's personal knowledge and experience.
    • Cost: 10 Sanity
  • Unlock Memories of Eva: Homura finally remembers that anime she watched SO many loops ago. Should help make any Angel fights easier. You'll also get a little something extra because of that...

OOC: You know all those CkII Quests with people having Madness Place? Thought this would be an amusing thing. Definitely not canon.
Homura Akemi, Madness Place

While it isn't the most commonly spoken fact, it's very much true that the Akemi family loves clocks, perhaps a bit too much, among other oddities. Most of the time, they're fairly restrained about it, aside from making the greatest clocks in the world, and their odd beliefs of the inner workings of such devices and things related to them, and a flair for the dramatic.

Most of the time, this was all members of the family displayed. Of course, there was always one or two that were a bit... odd about clocks and the Akemi way.

In one universe, Homura Akemi displayed no more than the usual oddities of the family.
In another, well...
The city was in ruins. Buildings levitated into the sky, glowing with otherworldly power around a cackling Witch. The Magical GIrls were ready to fight.

Except one who was on her knees, staring at the massive creature, and slightly drooling.

"Homura-chan? Homura-chan, what's wrong?" The pink-haired Magical girl looked at her friend nervously.

"I... I can't fight it. Just look at it."

Mami frowned at her young pupil. "Don't be like that! Sure, it'll be tough, but we can-"

"A-all those gears... and... turning around and around beautifully, like a..."

Everyone stared. Kyouko groaned. "Not again. Homura, this is a Witch, not your favorite clock."

"B-but it's so..."

Anything else the stunned Akemi was going to say was cut off, mainly by a giant explosion as a skyscraper tumbled down too close to their location and sent them all flying. Alive, but injured.
And then Akemi snapped. She had been attacked. Attacked by an incredibly awe-inspiring piece of clockwork. She, an Akemi, had been attacked by a clockwork Witch.

"Uh.... Homura-chan?"
"Tr-tr-tr-TRAITOR!!!!" With a roar of absolute fury Homura plunged into battle.
How did I let myself get dragged into this? Kyouko wondered despairingly.

It had all started out simple enough. Just another Witch in an abandoned warehouse. Lots of fighting, broken Familiars, explosions, and finally, picking up the Witch's Grief Seed when everything was over.

Of course, then came the problem of what was inside the warehouse. Whoever had last been here had apparently been a mechanist of sorts, seeing the workbench, piles of tools, and even bigger piles of various parts, nuts, bolts, and a dozen other pieces of scrap she had no idea what the names of were.

None of this would have been much of a problem except for the one other thing in the workshop. A large, very well-built, and now partially disassembled Grandfather Clock, which apparently belonged to Homura's Jii-chan. As did several other clocks and watches in the area, This same Homura who, after cursing the name, ancestors, future offspring, and everything related to whoever had done this too the Clock, refused to leave until everything about it was perfect again and it, and every other time-tracking device was back in possession of the family that had created it.

Kyouko originally considered leaving Homura to it, after all , she was hardly someone people went to to get info on clocks, but...

Stupid Homura, stupid red glasses, braids, and cute, big, sobby eyes. She silently thought, dragging another another crate of various important things behind her in her newly appointed job as "Magical Girl pack-mule".

Which, in her mind, was a significant demotion from "Badass Witch Hunter".

Her tormentor, meanwhile, was happily humming to herself from inside the massive clock, an arm occassionally reaching out to grab or put down a tool before going back to work inside where various mechanical sounds could be heard. On Kyouko's approach a grime-covered face emerged.

"Oh, Sakura-san, you're back. I'm almost done, just put that down here." She patted an empty spot next to her. "And I'll finish up in a half-hour or so."

She sighed and put the box in the requested spot. "Yeah, yeah, no problem." A pause at the thought of remaining here with minimal pocky crossed her mind and the nightmares took hold. "Look, I know this is important to you but... We've been here for... a couple hours now? It's late, we both need to eat... and sleep, and you've done all the important parts-"

Homura's pleasant face turned hard and glared at her with enough power to melt titanium. "What. Did. You. Just Say?"

With the atmosphere of the room rapidly approaching below freezing, Kyouko put her hands up in surrender, backing up as a suddenly very upset Homura began marching towards her. "Uh.... you've done all the important parts?"

"NO I HAVE NOT!" The ravenette roared into her face. "You have made the false assumption that there is ANYTHING about this creation that is unimportant! A lesser clockmaker might have agreed, but not an Akemi one! We know that every tiny bolt, screw, and piece has its own role to play, own job to do, and if one thing is out the entire clock is ruined! Now you will sit down and wait patiently, and I will completely this device and you will not complain one bit! Is that understood LACKEY!?!?"

"Y-yes ma'am! Right away ma'am!" For a rare moment, food was rather far away from Kyouko's mind.

Homura wasn't sure how exactly she'd been hurled into the interior of Walpurgis Night. All she knew was that one second she, Mami, Kyouko, and Sayaka were fighting the Witch, and the next, she was hurled into the giant monstrosity to land in a heap unceremoniously.

Now she was inside the massive Witch, surrounded by a variety of familiars that seemed to be grinning inside the Clockwork environmen-

Wait. Clockwork environment.

Yes... that bolt connected this and that, those hinges made sure that worked functionally, and all of those screws over there....

She took out her tool box, grinning from ear to ear, as all the Familiars backed up slowly.

"So many hinges. SO LITTLE TIME!!!"

The entity known as Walpurgis Night wasn't intelligent per say, it was more of a force of nature than anything else, but if it had an emotion right now, it would be satisfaction. One Magical Girl down inside of it, and the other three barely holding on. It would just need a couple more human minutes and-
Wait, OW! OW! OW! What was that, it hurt! Wait, something was wrong inside it-

... Okay, no. No little Magical Girl that is not oka- OW! Wait no, she needed that! AND SHE NEEDED THOSE THINGS TO, STOP TAKING IT ALL OUT OF- AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!

And so the gargantuan Witch died in agony, leaving behind a very impressive Grief Seed, and one Homura Akemi, grinning and still holding her recently-used tools.

OOC: I was bored and thought this would be funny.

This isn't canon, at least not in this universe, but I really loved it, and the idea that there have been some VERY unstable Akemi's is certainly Canon, so your bonuses are little bigger than usual (they do have drawbacks, too, though):
  • Madness Enhancement (Power of all attacks increases by 10% while Akemi Madness is active. Each use of magic while Akemi Madness is active will cost 1 additional Sanity. No extra cost to attack physically or withdraw items from inventory. Roll will be required to exit Akemi Madness during battle, once it has been activated.)
  • Madness of Clocks (+10 to Mechanical Expertise checks when Akemi Madness is active.)
  • More Sane than Some (Akemi Madness only costs 3 Sanity/minute (rounded up) to maintain, but only increases Wordsmithing by +7)

OOC: Mind the invisitext.
And They Shall Know Fear

It wasn't anything Nanoha was familiar with fighting. Humongous monsters weren't 100% out of this world. She'd faced a few when she was still learning that yes, magic existed after all. But ones like this, that decided to make their own private dimensions instead of simply forbidding contact with the rest of the world, that was a bit new.
This wasn't my fault, was it? I simply wanted to fulfill my dream!
But it was more than that. It was the simple sense of wrong. More than ever before, the... thing was simply something that her mind was screaming should not exist, should never exist, beating something fundamental about the universe to death until its impossibility was allowed to become reality. Even the city was wrong on some level that went beyond physical. Every building, street, and light was in the correct place, and on the surface it was just a city with a giant monster problem.
Monster? Freak? Unnatural? Why did they call me that for just doing what I always wanted to?
Deeper down... No. It should not exist. Something that resonated on the level of the soul howled at an abomination in its midst, as if every alarm bell in her body was going off at the same time. Danger. They whispered. Wrong. Should not be here. Cannot be allowed.
Shouldn't be that good? Why not? It was a simple wish, that was all! I just wanted to make my own little play!
More than any other threat she'd faced, she knew that this one had to go down. And she would be the one to bring it down. She had no idea what it was, what it was doing, or why it was here, but it was endangering lives, and that was all the reason she needed to stop it.
No-one wanted to do anything but jeer at myself. At least here, I can make my own stories to end the way I wish.
And that was how she found herself levitating above the thing, readying her most powerful attack. The thing had already endangered everyone in the theatre, and she didn't want it doing the same anywhere else for one second longer than necessary.
Wait, what are you- NO! You'll ruin it! You'll ruin everything! And I worked so hard!
A few seconds, a charged up ball of ambient magical energy in front of Raising Heart.
"Starlight Breaker."
Wait, what was-
You wanted to destroy me world? My dreams since I was born? When everything was perfect?
But everything felt so wrong, so very wrong-
You'd hurt me? After everything here!? You wouldn't care about crushing every dream I ever had!?
No... No! She just couldn't let this thing hurt anyone! Vaguely she could hear someone screaming.
You... you almost ruined everything! I can't let that happen, even if you gave me a new actor for the play...
What was going on, why was her head spinning... And what in every deity's name was that forming from her Starlight Breaker!?!?
The show must go on. The show must go on. The show must go on.
A mask, the same as the one on the monster itself began forming. The screaming continued as she felt her body hit the ground, Raising Heart going in another direction. Then she realized the screaming was coming from her.
The new actor is ready. My stage is fixed again. And this time, it will end my way.
She couldn't remember things ever feeling as hopeless or terrifying as they were now. A million ice-cold daggers lashed out at her mind, screaming for her to give in, that it was hopeless. Other parts of her yelled to get up, to fight back, like she'd always done, but her legs were like jelly, refusing to obey the signals sent from her brain as her body scrambled back from Raising Heart and the newly created monster.
Now we start the play anew. And you, my dear, shall be the first villain.
Everything was wrong. Her mind searched for a way out, but could only find another elaborate way to die. Either from the mask-creature that was far too close to Raising Heart, or the towering biped above. She suddenly realized that the sky, still a regular blue, had suddenly become a massive weight upon her shoulders, the ground itself seeming to snarl up at her, the buildings looming viciously at her sides, all calling for her head on a platter as a single thought ran through her mind.
Let us begin.
Help me.

OOC: Sorry Nanoha, there are many things that are good for one's mental health, confidence, and fighting ability.
Creating, channelling, and being exposed face-first to a creature made of accumulated despair and hopelessness in an elderitch location the regular human mind knows is not right is not one of them.

Would be willing to elaborate on what happened to Nanoha's head with the whole feeling "wrongness" tomorrow if anyone's interested.

Beautifully done. I won't reveal if it's 100% Canon or not (yet), but you got what Nanoha was experiencing more or less correct. Very nice.

Rewards Incoming, but I need to write the update.

On the one hand, more structure could end up streamlining the decision-making process ... but on the other, it slows down voting for write-ins, since they would probably need your confirmation on time taken. Unless you either disable write-ins, which is problematic in case someone comes up with something you didn't think of, or you make the system more flexible in order to account for write-ins, in which case structuring makes less sense :/ More thinking required ....
It would indeed require me to state times for each Write-in, which could slow things down a little. On the other hand, it might also speed up combat (more updates each night), as the combat updates will be shorter than non-combat ones.
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  • Metamechanic: Ask the MAGI.
    • You can request an evaluation of the situation by the MAGI. You will receive one answer from each of them, based on current IC knowledge:
      • Melchior: Homura (Murdeface)
      • Balthasar: Moemura
      • Casper: Homura (Akemi Madness)
      • Note that their advice is not guaranteed to be good, depending on the situation, but it may offer insight based on Homura's personal knowledge and experience.
    • Cost: 10 Sanity
  • Unlock Memories of Eva: Homura finally remembers that anime she watched SO many loops ago. Should help make any Angel fights easier. You'll also get a little something extra because of that...
Oh damn thats a really hard choice, kinda want the MAGI just because of hilarity.....
I'd go with clocks too but we'll need some long term project to do with it from time to time. Any ideas or do we already have something?
Time Magic is our Sthick and Im sure there is something more into it if its a skill like this, the more obvious thing is the pendulum thingy we like to put in our room.
You honestly can't choose wrong here...Though, the second is more immediately useful.
The second does rather imply that there will be other Angel fights, though - and not necessarily Sachiel again because we looped. And there is that "something else" to ponder.

Divided between Madness Enhancement and Madness of clocks.
On the one hand, +10% Power can be enough to boost an Attack into the range to actually do damage, and the SAN cost isn't too bad, though it will require more management. Good for doing a Low-SAN run ... and it's only if we actually choose to use Madness. On the other, Madness of Clocks isn't just clocks, it's Mechanical Expertise, which includes things like locks and most machinery (and cars). Can be quite useful for a variety of things.

But again, your choice.