Homura has always arrived at the same point in time.
Homura cannot arrive at a different point in time.
The Contract only involves the granting of the Wish and the transfer of the soul into a Soul Gem.
The Contract is only a verbal agreement and is not magically binding.
Merlin is significantly involved in the Akemi Madness.
Homura has always arrived at the same point in time when Looping using her Shield.
Exceptional conditions must occur for Homura to arrive at a different point in time.
The Contract does not only involve the granting of the Wish and the transfer of the soul into a Soul Gem.
The Contract is not only a verbal agreement, but is not magically binding.
Merlin is significantly involved with Akemi Madness.
The repaired Yamato cannot be brought back in time in our inventory without harming her.
Transporting souls doesn't work for reasons. Grief Seeds can travel, but they're altered by the process and can no longer hatch, instead simply shattering if pushed beyond capacity.
Spell descriptions do not always reveal all limitations of a Spell until it is experimented with.
They represent Homura's understanding of the spell, translated into mechanics, not necessarily the full complexity of how the Spell works.
(Basically, complications may arise when attempting to use a Spell, depending on the weapon. If so, relevant information will be added to the description at that time. These complications are generally not actually dangerous to Homura, though.)
You blink for a moment, reconsidering. No, that one is now quite outdated. It has been for several loops. You will one day find whomever has been Wishing for technological progress every loop, and have a word with them for keeping you constantly out of date.
Anyway, seems like we may have found a temporary epic-level tutor in Investigation at least, perhaps in Social Analysis and Combat Analysis as well. Probably worth really pushing that button while we can - Investigation is an especially important skill, for which we didn't really have a way to efficiently train until now.
We also have at least one Mission lined up for us back in Mitakihara, courtesy of the training with Clocksmithing: Attempt to Repair The Akemi Workshop Clocktower. While we know that the DC is 54 or higher, if rolling Clocksmithing+20, Homura will be throwing a +37 at it. We can also possibly slot in more Clocksmithing training before we return, since it's still one of (if not the most) efficient Skills for us to train currently with a +100 from Memories Of Jii-San, and then doubling the results of all training rolls with Clocksmithing from Clocksmithing Prodigy, and having a book as well.
Even by rolling a natural 1 (ignoring critical fail mechanics) gives Homura 151x2=302 Progress, for a guaranteed additional three levels of Clocksmithing from a single training action.
Development and Medical Expertise are both more important for the long term though. I imagine that we'll get some benefits out of repairing the clocktower, beyond just Homura apparently reuniting with her family's cat.
I'm a little unsure of your math here catDreaming. Particularly I'm unsure what you mean by saying Homura will be throwing +37 at the attempts to fix Jii-san's clocktower if she rolls +20. On the surface it sounds like you're saying that if Homura gets a roll of 20 she will get +37 to that roll from various bonuses. But I do not see how the various bonuses Homura gets to mechanics and clocksmithing add up to +37. I do not see any traits that add to clocksmithing rolls.
The second thing I'm unsure of is the math involving Homura's training for Clocksmithing. Memories of Jii-san only gives us +100 to training as it acts as a teacher, so in the event of Homura rolling a 1, we get 101*2=202, not counting any progress negating effects of rolling such a critical fail. Where is the extra +50 coming from? I did not see any traits that give Homura a plus to her clocksmithing rolls specifically outside of Memories, which as said earlier only gives us +100 to rolls. Are you thinking Homura will find another student of clocks to study with for the Study Buddy bonus on top of the teacher's bonus?
Anyway, seems like we may have found a temporary epic-level tutor in Investigation at least, perhaps in Social Analysis and Combat Analysis as well. Probably worth really pushing that button while we can - Investigation is an especially important skill, for which we didn't really have a way to efficiently train until now.
I'm unsure if anyone has brought this up, but I find it highly amusing to consider that in some retellings of Arthurian legend, Merlin is a child of the devil.
I'm a little unsure of your math here catDreaming. Particularly I'm unsure what you mean by saying Homura will be throwing +37 at the attempts to fix Jii-san's clocktower if she rolls +20. On the surface it sounds like you're saying that if Homura gets a roll of 20 she will get +37 to that roll from various bonuses. But I do not see how the various bonuses Homura gets to mechanics and clocksmithing add up to +37. I do not see any traits that add to clocksmithing rolls.
The second thing I'm unsure of is the math involving Homura's training for Clocksmithing. Memories of Jii-san only gives us +100 to training as it acts as a teacher, so in the event of Homura rolling a 1, we get 101*2=202, not counting any progress negating effects of rolling such a critical fail. Where is the extra +50 coming from? I did not see any traits that give Homura a plus to her clocksmithing rolls specifically outside of Memories, which as said earlier only gives us +100 to rolls. Are you thinking Homura will find another student of clocks to study with for the Study Buddy bonus on top of the teacher's bonus?
To be more clear:
Homura currently has Rank 17 in Clocksmithing. Thus, combined with the +20 that the Clocktower itself provides on the attempt when using Clocksmithing she would be rolling with a total +37 on the attempt.
As far as the training, it works out rather simply. Memories of Jii-San function as a teacher offering +100 on training rolls up through Level 30. Using one of our (many) Clocksmithing books gives an additional +50 on training rolls. Finally, (although it appears that @Higure forgot to add it to Homura's sheet amidst everything with writing the new update), Homura unlocked a trait called Clocksmithing Prodigy during the last update that doubles the results of all of her training rolls for Clocksmithing. Thus, (1+100+50)*2=302.
Then, Homura needs 49 more progress to advance to rank 18, leaving 253 still to allocate. Advancing a skill requires five times it's current rank in progress to rank up. 253-18*5=253-90=163 progress remaining to apply at Rank 19, and 163-95=68 progress remaining to apply at Rank 20. Thus, Homura get's three rank ups even if she rolls a 1, ignoring critical failure effects.
To be more clear:
Homura currently has Rank 17 in Clocksmithing. Thus, combined with the +20 that the Clocktower itself provides on the attempt when using Clocksmithing she would be rolling with a total +37 on the attempt.
As far as the training, it works out rather simply. Memories of Jii-San function as a teacher offering +100 on training rolls up through Level 30. Using one of our (many) Clocksmithing books gives an additional +50 on training rolls. Finally, (although it appears that @Higure forgot to add it to Homura's sheet amidst everything with writing the new update), Homura unlocked a trait called Clocksmithing Prodigy during the last update that doubles the results of all of her training rolls for Clocksmithing. Thus, (1+100+50)*2=302.
Then, Homura needs 49 more progress to advance to rank 18, leaving 253 still to allocate. Advancing a skill requires five times it's current rank in progress to rank up. 253-18*5=253-90=163 progress remaining to apply at Rank 19, and 163-95=68 progress remaining to apply at Rank 20. Thus, Homura get's three rank ups even if she rolls a 1, ignoring critical failure effects.
The clock tower does not give a bonus to Clocksmithing. Your previous roll was 23 + 13 (Mech. Expertise) + 10 (Madness of Clocks). Mmm...I should rephrase MoC to also cover Clocksmithing explicitly, though.
The clock tower does not give a bonus to Clocksmithing. Your previous roll was 23 + 13 (Mech. Expertise) + 10 (Madness of Clocks). Mmm...I should rephrase MoC to also cover Clocksmithing explicitly, though.
No worries. I wasn't being terribly clear either; I'd only meant that we would be getting the +20 when rolling Clocksmithing to fix the Clocktower due to using the specialty skill, not that we would be getting a +20 on Clocksmithing from the tower itself.
QM Note: It's done. This one saw a lot of revisions and tweaks, and some segments have been saved for later. Ultimately, I'm fairly pleased with it, though Homura caught me by surprise along the way!
Character sheet will be updated tomorrow. For now, enjoy the update!
Investigate Big Ben with Kallen
"So, why're we out here? Besides the obvious, I mean?" Kyouko asks you, seeming confused, and maybe a tad annoyed by your sight-seeing trip.
"It's one of the most famous clocks in the world. Even if we find nothing else, it will be worth the trip for that alone." You explain to her as you flash the credentials Kallen had provided you--you're fortunate she agreed to serve as your escort for this trip.
Two hundred and ninety-two steps later, you are standing directly behind one of the Elizabeth Tower's Clock Faces, and, to be honest, you expected more exposed gears. You suppose you may not have properly considered that this is a public location.
"You want to see the mechanism, I assume?" Kallen, nearly forgotten beside you, apparently has picked up on your interest.
"Immediately, yes. This is fine craftsmanship, but I must see the clock's heart to truly appreciate it." You explain, frowning slightly at the wall that stands between you and it.
She sighs, "Yeah, yeah, come this way. Door's over here." She leads you around a corner and up some stairs, then through a door into the room where the actual mechanism rests.
It's actually shockingly modest in size, but there's no denying it's a true work of art--while your Grandfather could certainly do better, you doubt you could, at the moment. Though, maybe just a small tweak--
A hand grasps your arm tightly as you reach towards the mechanism, as Kallen grapples you and pulls you away, "Yeah, no. I was given strict orders--you can see, but you don't get to touch."
"Fine." You grumble, moving closer while carefully folding your arms to restrain yourself. It's a fine piece of work, but you can't learn terribly much without interacting with it.
You hear a noise from overhead--like something heavy hitting the ground--and turn to Kallen with a frown, "Is there a room above this?"
She nods, "Of course, the Link Room, but no one should be there right now--come on!" She begins to sprint out, but you Stop Time briefly, running up on your own.
Only, the room is empty. There's something strange going on here. You tell Kallen as much, when she catches up, and she agrees, offering to see if Agravain knows anything when you return.
He does not, and you realize you'll need to investigate more thoroughly to find out what's going on here.
Big Ben (91/100) > Kallen (17|1d20) + 15 > Breakthrough! > Big Ben (0/100) > (20|1d100) + 30 > (50/100)
"So, what can I do for you, Akemi-san?" The gentleman before me is an anachronism--his clothing, his speech, and his mannerisms. There's something about him which seems profoundly wrong in the current moment, yet he seems entirely at ease with it.
"I was hired to look into you, Mr. Holmes." You explain, glancing around the room at his possessions--mostly antiques, but clearly in use. Selected in imitation of the fictional detective, perhaps, but perhaps selected by a man far out of his time and place, seeking some shred of comfort.
"You're having fun with this."
"They were excellent books." You explain to your Kyouko as your eyes alight upon a smart phone lying on what you assume to be his desk--not the newest model, but not an old one either.
You blink for a moment, reconsidering. No, that one is now quite outdated. It has been for several loops. You will one day find whomever has been Wishing for technological progress, and have a word with them for keeping you constantly out of date.
"I picked it up on sale--the newest models all seem to want some sort of implant, and are near certainly used as tools for espionage by certain parties unknown. I fortunately was able to find someone with the skills to remove and alter the functionality of that one." Sherlock explains, unbidden, "You're trying your hand at observation--I approve, though you must cultivate the practice of perpetual observation, rather than allowing yourself to fall into the habit of mere sight."
"Seventeen steps." This timeline's Kyouko says from the chair at your right.
Sherlock chuckles, gesturing towards her briefly with his pipe, "18, actually. My old residence does not seem to exist, unfortunately. You've read Sir Doyle's books, then?"
Kyouko blushes at that, turning her gaze aside a bit, "I mean, yeah, who hasn't? Still, not sure you're the real thing. You'd have to be a time traveler--" She pauses for a moment, brow furrowing, then shakes her head, "At minimum, I mean. Sherlock Holmes was fictional, so you'd have to come from another universe too, or something."
"A time traveler, you say?" His eyes glance to you, "Yes, I suppose that is one way to think of it. I am curious who would hire two Night Children to investigate me, however." He takes a long drag from his pipe, but keeps his gaze steadily upon you, as if trying to pick you apart with his eyes.
"Night Children?" You ask, suspecting you know what he means. Next to you, even you can make out Kyouko's flinch. Little hope he hasn't made a deduction from that.
"It's what we called girls like you, back where I came from. If I came from anywhere, at least. Young woman who walked rooftops as shadows in the night, clad in strange clothing and armed to the teeth with anachronistic weapons of war. Law enforcement was strictly forbidden from investigating your kind, with many ominous rumblings every time it was brought up." He frowns heavily, looking you up and down, "I, of course, chose to investigate anyway, and quickly determined that you were a supernatural matter, and quite invested in affairs of import well beyond common crime. It was not until I found myself brought into an investigation that touched upon your affairs, however, that I learned the truth of the matter--that you are mere children, enslaved via contract and put to the work of violence by an unknown party that goes by many names. That you are each a match for a hundred armed men, that you are likely the origin of many myths, and that you only rarely survive to reach your age of majority."
"What the--" Kyouko starts, and you stop her with a hand upon her arm, before she can offend his sensibilities.
He smiles slightly, "Thank you for your consideration for an old man, Akemi-san, but I have heard far worse in my many investigations. I do worry for our youth, though. Indulgence is one thing, but being ill-mannered is a dangerous thing, should one wish to succeed in life." He heaves a sigh, "Regardless, you show all the signs of being Night Children. You carry yourselves too lightly, as if your bodies weigh nothing. You show the habits of soldiers--a tendency to check every door in a room upon entry, for example, and a tension in your bodies not commonly found in children. Furthermore, and most importantly, you both wear the same type of ring, which you both protect with your motions in a way that normal people protect their throats and eyes. Finally, and most importantly of all, you are children at all, claiming to have been hired to investigate me, and showing no signs of deceit--I believe that rather speaks for itself."
You slowly nod, "I suppose it does. We are commonly called Magical Girls in the modern era, and sometimes Puella Magi--an old term popularized in ancient times that has proven useful for linguistic reasons."
His eyebrows rise, "Ah, you're more open about this sort of thing than my last contact of your persuasion. Could I inquire about your employer?"
You grimace, straightening in your seat, "He has a habit of meddling with the minds of those who know too much, so I'm not certain I should explain too thoroughly. I will say that he's not actually the devil, and that the work we do is generally for everyone's good, even if it's his fault it's needed."
He frowns at that, looking profoundly distubed, "Hmm…I see, I believe I have something of an idea, then. I will refrain from asking further, for the moment. Were you sent to determine if I had cottoned onto his machinations?"
You shake your head, "No, just to verify the nature of your existence. I believe we know enough at this point."
"Still can't believe we're helping the little bastard." Kyouko grumbles from beside you, "He doesn't deserve it."
You glance towards her, "We're going to need what he's offering. Besides, he's providing his information in the process."
"Yeah, yeah. I still don't like it. Sorry if this brings trouble down on you, Holmes." She looks to the world's greatest detective briefly before casting her eyes down to her feet.
Sherlock taps the arm of his chair, glancing out the window, "As do I. Nevertheless, this meeting was quite important for us." He pauses, "Sakura-san, could you excuse us for a few moments? There's something very personal I must ask your dear friend."
You begin to belay his request, then hesitate, contemplating all of the things he might have deduced in this meeting.
"It's fine, Ribbons. I know you've got your secrets. Gonna need to talk to you about some of that later, but this is fine--I trust you. I'll wait outside for a bit." Kyouko stands, giving you a steady look. Not happy--quite the opposite--but also not angry. Frustrated, maybe.
You give her a nod, "Thank you."
She returns the motion, and departs.
Holmes turns to you, "Apologies for that, but it is a very private matter, Akemi-san. I had not expected to see a woman such as you walk through my door at any point. May I ask your age?"
"13." You answer, out of habit.
"For how long? You make dear Watson look like a young child that has never seen combat. Your expression when seeing my phone--delayed surprise, as if not realizing the device was badly outdated--was also telling. Then there's the matter of your demeanor with me. Your friend, while clearly experienced in your field, reacts as a young girl her age should. You do not act like a human being. Your expressions are artificial to the trained eye--a way of expressing yourself, not an honest reaction--and the very faint genuine emotions that slip through are all misplaced--I put you ill at ease because I can read you, but your friend's words at her departure seemed to elicit only a hint of exhaustion. It's as if this is routine, to you."
"I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Holmes." You do your best to give him nothing, distancing yourself from your body to suppress involuntary responses.
"Now that's interesting. Regardless, may we please cease the posturing? I enjoy a game of cat and mouse, after a fashion, but we do not have time for such things. There is no guarantee I survive the week, and you may require my expertise." He stands, and walks to the window to close the curtains, presumably to hide the pair of you from prying eyes--or to put you at ease.
He's right, though. He knows already, and you might gain something from his perspective.
"I do not know. Centuries, at least. I try not to think about it." The world seems to lurch at that thought, as a flood of memories--memories of countless Madokas and Kyoukos and Sayakas and Mamis dying in front of you over and over and over and over and over--
A jolt of pain pulls you from your thoughts and, looking up, you see Sherlock standing over you, hand still raised from slapping you. He grimaces, sitting back down, "Apologies, it seemed necessary, as you had taken leave of your senses."
You nod, "Yes, thank you. Therapy is not an option at this interval, you see. Quite dangerous, for our kind. Anyways, yes, I am very old."
"As I suspected, though the degree boggles the mind. You are insane, I take it?" He asks, as if asking about the weather, as he takes up his pipe again.
You nod, "Often. I have had a rather nice period of lucidity the last few days, but it probably won't last. I've learned to cope."
There's a long pause, "You're searching for a solution, then? Determination, restraint, obsession, insanity--you have a goal, and have not achieved it, so you seek a solution."
You nod, "Yes." There's little else to say.
"Well, I will be happy to consult, but, if I may offer a suggestion?" He takes a card from the table next to him, and offers it to you--his business card, "You should instead study under me for a time. I am certain you are busy, but it seems to me that you will require such expertise often. Obviously, I cannot be persistently available, with my investigations, but I would be happy to bring you along and help you develop your skills in observation and deduction, so that you might find the solution you're looking for."
You feel your eyes widen slightly at that, "Why? You do not take students, as I recall."
His eyebrows rise, "Well, it is the end of the world, is it not? Even I might make an exception, for such a reason."
You stand, looking down at the card, "I will consider your offer, Mr. Holmes, but I must take some time to measure it. Thank you for your time."
He nods solemnly, "I understand, Akemi-san. I really do. Go and rest--we can discuss this further another day."
"So, you wanted to see me?" Agravain asks, lounging before a wall of monitors, which he appears to have turned off when Kallen announced your arrival.
The reports on his desk, however, are telling--engineering diagrams, of some sort. It seems the Round is funding some sort of research, though you can't tell what it is, from here.
You catch him smiling, slightly smug, as he regards you. These were placed specifically to earn your curiosity, it seems.
You wonder why. To mislead you? To attempt to lure you into involvement? To provoke conversation on it?
'I see, it's a distraction.'
"You know you mirror people, right? I thought you were doing it just to manipulate them, but you even think differently depending on who you're with--you use different mannerisms, you almost seem to have different feelings. It wasn't this bad, before, but it's almost like you don't…" She trails off, a feeling of sudden worry reaching you from her. You choose not to press her for now.
Besides, you're not sure what she's talking about.
"A pawn to draw my attention away from something else?" You ask him, calling his trick out for what it is, though it gets you confused looks from Kyouko and Kallen.
Agravain nods, "Yes, although it seems it wasn't sufficient to dissuade you. Very well, what did you want to discuss?"
He gestures, towards one of the chairs in the room--two are already occupied by your companions--but you instead walk up to him, provoking a slight widening of the eye as you meet his gaze.
"What do you love?" You ask, direct and to the point. You can tell that he, like you, likely lacks many secondary interests. He likely has things he loves, things he uses, and things he cares nothing for, with few things outside of those categories.
He blinks at that--a look of shock by his standards, you think--before standing slowly so that he can look down at you. He's passively jockeying for control of the conversation; trying to keep you off balance.
"What do I love, you ask? A dangerous question. Some would think it a threat in the making." That accidental menace you previously heard in his voice has been clearly replaced with something genuine. You've accidentally crossed a line.
That tells you more about him than anything else you've seen so far.
"It was not. That kind of game ends in mutual annihilation." You shake your head, wanting him to avert any misunderstanding, "I simply want to know you better, Agravain--and nothing tells you more about a person than what they love."
He frowns, "An interesting proposition. I would suggest that fear and hatred each tell us as much as love does. Yet, you focus on love." His eyes narrow slightly, as his lips quirk up in an infuriatingly smug expression, "That is your motivator, then. A desire to protect someone, or make them happy."
You nod, annoyed that you have been figured out so easily, but having no reason to deny it, "Yes, it is. You understood that easily. You seem to have some vendetta too, though."
He nods, "That I do. Certain individuals have drawn my ire, and I intend to see them eliminated. Relatable, perhaps?"
You consider it. Is there anyone you'd like to kill? Anyone who you would like to eliminate to protect your friends? Kyubey, maybe. Although, even Kyubey is apathetic and alien, rather than malicious. Removing him as a threat would be enough, if that were possible.
"Not for a long time, but once. I'm only aiming to destroy what I need to destroy now, I think." You clarify, meeting his gaze. His eye flicks downwards, avoiding yours for a moment before refocusing on you.
"Admirable. Fortunately, those I would see dead also need to die, so it works out well. As for what I love," He hesitates briefly, "I have some family members, and others, " His eyes twitch towards Kallen, then back, "I wish to protect, and ideals I would see realized. The King is the best means to both of those ends."
You nod, "That, I can relate to. I lack your confidence in the King's ability to fulfill my wishes, but I'm willing to pursue whatever means are needed to achieve the ending I desire."
His eye widens slightly, for some reason you're unsure of, "I see. Well, I would be willing to assist in some measure, if you are willing to return the favor."
You extend a hand, smiling slightly, "I will take that deal, Agravain. For the ones we love."
He takes your hand, returning the smile with his own.
You can trust him, you think, as long as you're useful to each other. Maybe someday it can be more than that.
The Throne Room is no less imposing today than it was yesterday--no, not the Throne Room, but the King herself. You had hoped that familiarity would breed comfort, but that same presence is unyielding upon you as she approaches you with what you might dare call a friendly smile on her face, "Good, you have returned. We may continue where we left off yesterday." Those emerald eyes almost seem to shine, until everything in the room but the King seems to fade away into inconsequential shadows.
"Yes, your Majesty. What was next?" You ask, iron will holding your focus and composure against the awe that fills you.
She looks over your shoulder, gesturing with her chin for you to look behind you, and you turn to see a girl in her late teens, or perhaps her early twenties.
"Nice to meet you, Akemi-san! You can call me Sir Palamedes, though I'm not sure I'm really deserving of the title. I'll be your chauffeur, of sorts, today."
You tilt your head slightly, turning to regard the King, "Chauffeur?"
She nods, "It's a bit of a trip to Camelot, and that is where certain items that Merlin left for you are currently stored. Sir Palamedes is a Puella Magus specializing in Teleportation Magic, you see."
You nod slowly, weighing the danger, and eventually decide that she can probably do it whether you consent or not, so you shouldn't be risking much by agreeing, "That's fine. What do I need to do?"
"Nothing," says Palamedes with a small smirk. She raises a hand and, seamlessly, the three of you are elsewhere.
It's underground, you think, with walls of smooth, pristine stone. The chamber is dark, so you can see little, but it is cool, and a feeling of safety seems to wash over you. "This is Camelot?" You ask the King.
She nods, smiling slightly as she surveys the room, "Yes, this is what remains of our Capital. When I went to my slumber, leaving our Kingdom to my child, Merlin and I cast the Capital--the city you know as Camelot--deep within the Earth. It is here that I rested for all of these centuries, and where Merlin's secrets remain, among other precious things. Follow me."
She strides across the room, her sword--Excalibur, you assume--casting a light by which you may walk.
Next to you, Palamedes smiles slightly, whispering in your ear, "Sorry, Akemi-san, I know the King's charisma is a bit overwhelming. It takes everyone a while to get used to it--well, the ones that do, at least. Some people just fall all over themselves forever. Though, you know, holding yourself back like that's probably not helping."
You cut a glare at the girl, who just shrugs, "Fine, don't listen to me, but you're not gonna freak the King out--trust me, we've got plenty of weird around here." There's a long pause at that, followed by a snicker from her, which she refuses to clarify.
You pass by a number of rooms--a bedchamber, an armory, and a large room containing a single vertical glass tube that reaches from floor to ceiling, shattered from within--before stopping at what appears to be a study of sorts.
"Here we are, Emrys." The King says, as she glances back at you, "Your Ancestor's study. Some of his legacy was passed Agravain's line, but what is here was set aside for you specifically. Please, peruse it at your leisure, and take what you would like. It is yours, now."
Looking into the room, you can feel a shiver go up your spine, and a powerful feeling of want engulfs you. Like something there is pulling at you--or, perhaps, something within you is reaching for it. Like a black hole, pulling everything in inexorably, eager to devour it and make it its own.
You step into the room, the Arthur and Palamedes remaining outside, your blood boils instantly as you take the step, all resistance eliminated from you.
"So this is what was left for us, then?" The study seems modest, at first glance--a large, hutched desk, a small library laden with books and strange objects, and a corner of the room marked with some sort of magic circle, presumably for research. Yet, you can feel magic emanating from the walls--some kind of enduring Spell effect you'd guess, and the room has a strange feeling to it that's hard to define--like sparkling starlight, blood happily given, and painful, wonderful struggle. "That's weirdly specific, Ribbons. Pretty sure some crazy shit's going on again."
You stand there for a moment, feeling something inside you--something deeper than your boiling blood--open, and you can feel them clearly now, filling this study, and flowing into you.
Love, joy, and melancholy. Hope and regret. Ceaseless ambition and a sincere desire to help anyone and everyone. Selfless compassion, and a will to sacrifice for it. Years and years of wonderful and painful emotions, lingering here, flow into you, and the world seems to warp around you.
You can see him vaguely, a man's silhouette, walking from shelf to shelf, pouring over books and casting experimental spells. Toying with the artifacts on the shelves, and creating new ones to join them. Speaking words of courage and kindness to someone unseen, and crying alone in the dark over failures. Looking directly at where you stand, with an expression of pride and compassion that you can feel but not see upon the shadowy outline's face.
You understand it, then, his intention. He knew. He knew what you'd face. He knew about Walpurgisnacht, and knew about Madoka. He knew everything, and couldn't do anything to stop it.
So, instead, he left this for you. Everything he could to give you a chance, and even his blood in your veins, that you might gain strength from it.
A resolve to help you, an ambition to conquer time and fate, and a wish for everyone to finally find a golden ending together, no matter the price.
On the desk, there is a single large tome set out, presumably for you, and you make your way to it, the world around you shrouded in kaleidoscopic light that drowns out the shadows, fleeting ghosts of someone long departed, and the life he lived here, all gathering to you as you begin to read.
Idly, you note that it's entirely in Japanese.
merlin's journal
Hello Homura-san!
I'm sorry I never got to meet you, but time's complicated, and so's your specific situation; going back to this point, and doing everything I could to rig the game for you was the most I could do.
This book contains a collection of spells that you should be able to use easily, in spite of the universe you're in, and your metabiology as a Magical Girl. You'll need to study up and learn the core principles of my school of magic, though, so the other books should help with that!
For your safety, I've locked a lot of the spells in here--they'll appear for you when you've gotten the basic skills you'll need to actually use them without killing yourself or everyone around you. Especially the last one. Please don't try that one until you've mastered everything else you can.
The Magic Items in the room should be useful to you--I've gone ahead and provided a variety of basic focuses and weapons, among other things. I even managed to get a Magic Gun for you, since you like those so much!
Anyway, the other books will help with most of the things I've left behind, so let's get to the important part--my bloodline, and how that's manifested with you. I don't know all the details of how it's developed in the Akemi family during your lifetime, but I was able to get a decent understanding with Divination Magic, until around the time your loops throw everything into chaos--which they needed to, so good job!
When I was younger, I utilized a certain form of Magic that had long-term consequences, turning me into something demonic in nature. It's not as bad as it sounds, but it does mean some of that magic and my inhuman nature has been passed down through the Akemi line.
The full details are explained further in, but to summarize briefly, your variation on my natural abilities allows you to absorb the Emotions of others--both those within them and those they expire. This room is designed to help awaken that ability within you, so that you can learn to harness it intentionally with practice.
I believe this will also allow you to pick up on memories and thoughts attached to those emotions, as well, so you may have perceived some echo of me! If so, I hope I made a good impression!
I've left more notes for you throughout this book and others, but, for now, I want to tell you how amazing you are! Enduring what you've gone through is the kind of thing most people can't even imagine, and growing as a person while going through it even more so! I know you've done things you aren't proud of, and I know you'll have many regrets, but please remember this: Even if you gained strength by running away from something, or by being selfish, strength is strength. It's yours, and you've earned it, and you have every right to be proud of it. Accepting who you've been, and becoming an even better version of yourself, is what you should aim for! Have courage, Homura-chan, and don't give up! I'm not the only one cheering for you!
P.S.: Tell Arturia-san that she's doing a great job, and thank her for me. I've left a massive burden on her shoulders.
You turn to the next page, and find it glimmering faintly, the text not yet willing to reveal itself to you.
You turn back towards your companions, smiling slightly as you bask in the emotions filling the room, "Merlin wants you to know that you're doing a great job, and that you have his thanks for all of your hard work, Arturia-san."
The King smiles slightly at that, "Of course he does. He was always like that. I can't imagine how damaged I might have become, without his support and advice the entire way. I will confess to you that I am worried about what I will do without him, now."
You consider that for a moment, "I can try to help, if you would like. I'm not him, but I feel like we are perhaps the same kind of insane, outside of his apparent lack of interest in Clocks." You frown at that, "Or perhaps that will reveal itself in time. Regardless, he believed in you, and he seems like a very good person. I have people to save and an apocalypse to avoid, but I'd be interested in working with you if May ever arrives."
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you feel confused. The same kind of insane? He seems like a good person? Those things don't matter to you. Only Madoka, and your friends, and their families. The mission is all you've cared about; nothing else.
What about Clocks, though? You care about Clocks. You'd like to be a great Clockmaker like your Grandfather.
The King smiles at your words, unaware of the confusion rising in the back of your mind, "Thank you, Emrys-san. My resources are largely bound here in Britain, but I will send what assistance I can, for Walpurgisnacht. I hope it will be enough."
"Arturia-san, while I appreciate the importance of your work here, Walpurgisnacht is an apocalyptic force, and that's assuming nothing worse appears. Surely you could spare more forces for a single day? Perhaps even make the trip yourself?" You suggest, pressuring her. You need every asset you can gather, and she--like every living person--has a vested interest in the events of Walpurgisnacht.
"Something's wrong, Kyouko. I'm acting strange. Stranger than normal."
There's a long, drawn out pause, at least by the standards of your mind, "Braids, when was the last time you thought about May?"
In that remote space in the back of your mind, you consider her words, even as the larger part of yourself regards the King steadfastly.
"I don't know. Why?" You ask, not understanding why it's relevant.
"Homura, you're old."
"What's your point?" You ask. You know you're old. You've lived far beyond anything a human is supposed to. Over and over and over again, you've lived the same story. It isn't relevant, though.
"You were a 13 year old girl when you started this mission, Homura. You didn't know who you were, or what you wanted, or really anything about yourself. You were caught up in the earliest beginnings of adulthood, struggling on the border of adolescence. Of course your entire world was holding on to what made you happy--to not being alone and scared again."
"I would if I could, Emrys-san, but I cannot leave Great Britain. My Wish renders that impossible, and I would be of little use to you beyond these borders if I did find a way. Likewise, many of my Knights depend upon our homeland as well, and I am not without enemies. I can only send those who may leave this Kingdom without consequence, and, among those, many would be useless to you--as weak as they are, they would be devoured by Walpurgisnacht." Her tone is firm and unyielding, but not cold or furious--her words are simple fact, beyond dispute, "I will send those I can afford to send; to send more would only bring disaster, and to send less would be to betray you, something I will not do."
"I understand." You say, nodding, "As long as you are doing the best you can for us, then I have no complaints." You quirk your head a bit, feeling tension leave you as the negotiation phase of this ends, "Tell me, Arturia-san, could I tempt you into spending some time together? If we will be working together someday, I would like to know you as more than just the King. Perhaps we might get some of the Knights together and have some fun as a group? Bonds are precious and powerful things, after all."
"Kyouko, I just suggested socializing. If you understand what's going on, I would very much like you to explain clearly."
In your mind's eye, you can see a blue velvet curtain, with Kyouko standing just behind it, regarding you steadily, "Young children are selfish, but they eventually learn to put their friends and family first. Teenagers make contact with greater society, and have to struggle to reconcile their own desires and the people they share the world with. Some people stay like they were as children--they only help others out of self-interest, only doing good so they'll be rewarded. Others try to figure out how much they care, clumsily trying to balance an invisible scale."
You can longer recognize the world around you. The King, Palamedes, and everything else have vanished. You wonder if you have fainted.
You're standing on the stage in the Velvet Room, though you do not see Igor here for the moment. In the audience, you can see many, many Homuras. Hundreds of copies of you. Some wear glasses, and some do not. Some have their hair braided, while others wear it down.
At your feet, you can see the Tarot Card from before--The Devil--ripped in half where you left it.
"But you, Homura? You're old. You've loved and lost. You've betrayed people and been betrayed by them. You've killed people and nearly been killed by them. You've seen the best and the worst in people. You've faced your demons, and formed new bonds. Of course you've outgrown who that."
Kyouko walks onto the stage with you, her usual humor gone entirely from her expression. It's still her, behind those eyes, but you realize that she is also old. You've been chatting and snarking together, just like old times, but she's changed since then. The Kyouko you knew--the Kyouko who died for you--had only just regained her desire to help others.
This Kyouko, though, has done nothing else since you heard her voice. Somewhere along the way, she went from letting herself care to naturally saving others. A predator became a hero, and a hero became something more, and you hadn't let yourself see it until now.
"You've been sleepwalking, Homura. You've been thinking and fighting, trying different things and trying to optimize your strategies. You've done wonderful and horrible things. You've felt hope and despair both. In spite of that, though, you've been asleep, simply letting yourself follow the script you set for yourself, never recognizing yourself."
A pair of Homuras walk from the back, carrying a large mirror together, and move to set it up in front of you.
"You woke up, Homura. You've been waking up. You befriended Sayaka from the start, breaking your pattern of animosity with her. You thought about your family, and remembered those early years where you studied clocks, and how much you loved them. You told Madoka everything. You made new friends, and started working to improve yourself again. Now, you're halfway across the planet, meeting new people and making new commitments, and the emotions that were left behind for you have woken you up. You're confused and scared, because you don't recognize yourself anymore."
The children heft the mirror up so that you can regard the person in it.
She looks similar to you, a little. She's taller and older, but she's wearing your Regalia. She has your hair color, and her glowing eyes are purple like your own.
That's where the similarities end, you think. You are, ultimately, as much a human as any Magical Girl is. You spend time with your friends, and play games, and just try to protect the people that matter to you. Your fight--your mission--is really just you trying to hold on to the things you care about.
This woman, however, isn't human at all. Her body may resemble one, but her eyes gleam with something other. They remind you of Arturia's eyes, and of that other Madoka's. Devoid of simple humanity, but filled with something beautiful.
That's all you see in this woman's gaze. A wish to fix everything for everyone, and grant them a perfect future, without any hint of fear or apathy to balance it.
You look away, over to Kyouko. She's taller, you notice, than the one you meet every loop. She has been every time you came here, but you never could tell before. She's grown up too, when you weren't looking. Yet, her eyes remain human--different, maybe, than most, but still human at an essential level.
"She's you, Homura. The woman in the mirror is you. The girl outside is you, plus a little influence from what is apparently magical genetic insanity. You need to face her."
You look back into the mirror. Trying to find yourself in the woman, and…slowly, you see glimpses. Those inhuman eyes, for all their intensity, are tired. She's working endlessly for the sake of love, but she's still been suffering the whole way, and it shows. Yes, you've seen those eyes in only two places--in the mirror, and on Hououin Kyouma.
The way she holds herself--proud, almost posing--is not how you hold yourself. No, you've never practiced that kind of showmanship, but you also think she looks very cool. Like Madoka wanted you to be. Like you tried so hard to be, for her.
Tragically, though, it's not any of these things that make you certain. No. It's the Soul Gem on the back of her hand. You, exactly as you always look when transformed. Her body may be different, her posture changed, her intensity monstrous, but your Soul is mounted to her hand, and that's ultimately all there is to it.
You raise your hand, staring at the long, slender fingers, and the shining purple Soul Gem, then glance down at the two thirteen-year-old girls supporting the mirror with resolution in their eyes as they watch you.
"Thank you both. I promise, I won't let you down." They look up at you nervously. Not quite fearful, but almost as if--
You blink, realizing that they can see everything in you that you just did. That same inhuman intensity. It was scary, a moment ago, and it still is for them, you're certain.
You kneel down slightly, and gently pat their heads, the girls' eyes widening in surprise.
"It's okay. I'm going to save everyone. Your help won't go to waste." Exchanging uncertain looks, they turn their gazes back to you, and smile brightly.
"Thank you, Prima-san! We'll do our best!" With those words, the two girls release the mirror--which vanishes--and sprint off into the audience, which soon breaks up, the countless girls departing in droves.
"Prima. The First. So, they've been in here this whole time, then?" You ask Kyouko, locking your eyes upon her as you do your best to will her to explain.
She chuckles, for some reason, "Yeah, I think they're all in here--all the minds of all the versions of us that have been tied together by you. I'm apparently the "Boss" Kyouko. The one with the strongest ego, or the one closest to being who I want to be, or something. Meanwhile, the Homus seem to just cede everything to you--though I think there's a couple of others who have done some more work or something. Not sure on the details. Not sure about anyone else, although I think I heard about a Sayaka running around. Probably has something to do with the whole "Social Link" thing."
You nod slowly, "Will I remember this? It seems familiar, like an old dream."
The redheaded woman shrugs, "It is like a dream. The details will get foggy--for both of us, I'll add--while we're not in here, but the important parts might just stick with you. I think we'll remember what matters, at least."
You nod, pull her briefly into a one-armed hug, and then turn your attention outwards.
"Emrys-san? What's wrong?" Palamedes is leaning over you, shaking you slightly, panic thick in her voice. The King is in the process of kneeling down as well, eyes wide with concern.
You smile, meeting first Palamedes' gaze, then Arturia's, "Sorry, Merlin's study had some spells on it, and they caught up with me. I'm alright, now. What was I saying?"
The two exchange looks, then Palamedes explains, "You were suggesting the Knights should try to spend time together and build bonds, which seemed suspicious. Are you you, Emrys-san?"
Her gaze bores into you for a brief moment, before flicking away suddenly, then back. She's having to be brave, to stare you down like this.
You wonder if it's always been obvious to others, or if your awareness has made it so.
"I am entirely myself, Palamedes." You use no honorific, going on the offensive in an attempt to create a sense of intimacy. Humans and Magical Girls can grow close by dancing around things and simply being around each other, with enough time, but you don't have time. If you want to be close to someone, you have to work for it, and push for it, before the loop ends.
There's no reason to hesitate.
Arturia leans down, takes your hand, and helps you up, "Yes, you do remind me of him--nothing was ever sane. I will confess that I have missed it." She smiles, and you return it with your own. It seems even madness loves company.
Trait Gained: Madness of Love - +20 to all rolls while Akemi Madness is active; +10 to all rolls while Akemi Madness is inactive. Lose 50 Sanity/day while above 400 Sanity. Bloodheat increase from Akemi Madness doubled.
Emrys Tome Acquired. When this option is available in the Turn Menu, you can study the next section of the book--this will allow Homura to gain Traits, Spells, and other benefits by reaching a Threshold.
Emrys Library [Expert | Magical Theory] (0/150)- Now stored in Homura's Shield, this is an Expert Magical Theory Library.
Emrys Arsenal - This collection of one hundred and one Magical Tools must be studied to be used. This will appear as an option in the Turn Menu--hitting Thresholds will grant Homura understanding of, and thus use of, the tools within the Arsenal. As actual objects, rather than conjured ones, these can be broken and lost.
King Arthur (89/100) > (31|1d100) + 36 > Breakthrough! > (0/200) > ((24|1d100) + 16) / 2> (20/200)
[Texts and Emails]
Homura: "Have I ever been human to you, Madoka?"
Madoka: "I think, maybe a long time ago, if I'm understanding what you mean by that, but you've been this amazing since the start of the loop, for sure. You can understand me, when most people can't."
Homura: "You're much more comfortable with this than I am, Madoka."
Madoka: "You're normal, to me--it's most people who are weird!"
Homura: "Never change, Madoka."
[Arcana Magi, Requests, and Akemi Madness]
If you wish to perform an Action as a different Arcana Magi (Kyouko, for now), simply add the following subvote to the action:
-[ ] Arcana - Kyouko
If you wish to Request help from another character(s) for an action, add the following subvote to the action:
-[ ] Request - (Character Names)
If you wish to use Akemi Madness for an action, add the following subvote to the action:
-[ ] Akemi Madness
[Available Characters]
The following characters you can contact for Requests. Keep in mind that Alllies will expect a Favor in return, while Friends will help as long as they have time and are willing. You do not get information on willingness and availability prior to the vote, due to the amount of complexity this would add to the process. Social Links values are listed here--multiply these by 10 to determine the size of the die they will roll when assisting with an Action.
Keep in mind some characters may not be suitable for some Actions--Homura will simply not involve a mundane individual in magical combat, for example, unless there are extraordinary circumstances. If you really feel the need to involve someone in something they normally should not be (like involving Miho Miki in a Witch Hunt, or anything Magical), please include a justification as a subvote, for mine and Homura's consideration.
Madoka Kaname : 10
Sayaka Miki : 5
Kyouko Sakura : 4
Mami Tomoe : 3
Ruki Shironome : 4
Miho Miki : 3
Yuma Chitose : 1
Junko Kaname : 2
Nagisa : 1
Hououin Kyouma : 2
Nanoha Takamachi : 2
Rose : 1
Freya : 1
Akane : 1
Oriko : 3
Kirika : 2
Snow : 2
Clovis Britannia : 2
Kallen Stadtfield: 2
King Arthur: 2
Agravain: 2
Palamedes: 2
[Investigative Actions: 2] Mysteries
[ ] Friends? (705/2000) [Madoka]
"Igor claims there are 14 special friends I need to find. I should try to find more of them…and maybe find out how they're my friends if I don't know them."
"I did experience a strange connection to Nagisa when I met her, and she's apparently "The Death."
"I have a strange memory of Matoko, which led me to her Barrier. She was clearly older--in her late teens, I'd say--and I'd swear I was the same age, in that moment. It's impossible, but the memory remains."
"I encountered Yuma Chitose, and she has appeared among the list of Arcana Magi in the Velvet Room, as the Wheel of Fortune."
[ ] Igor's Contract (Progress 0/1000)
"I don't remember signing any Contract with Igor, but he insists I did."
[ ] False Memories (121/200)
"I have doubled memories of my first meeting with Weiss. I'm sure there are probably others I haven't noticed yet, too. Maybe if I can recognize them, I can figure out more about this strange timeline?"
"I got in touch with Clovis Britannia, apparently a childhood friend as well. His family's background seems to mesh poorly with the rest of history, suggesting he is an artificial addition, rather than someone that's supposed to be in this timeline."
[ ] A Missing Memory (0/1000)
"When I was talking to Igor, there was a memory that I couldn't find. It was something about selfishness? The Devil? What could have happened?"
[ ] Akemi Madness (500/500) (Breakthrough Ready!)
"There's a strange inherited insanity in our family. It's always been a fact of life before, but others seem scared by it. Maybe I should try to find out more? Looking into our family's history should be a good place to start."
"My Father apparently knows something about this. Meeting with him might help me make some headway, too." (You can spend a Social Action with Takeshi Akemi for a Clue)
"Akemi Madness apparently traces to the demonic blood of Merlin, of all things, and involves the absorption of Emotions from those around us, but that leaves many aspects of it unexplained."
[-] Detective Agency (Exhausted)
"Sherlock Holmes was exactly who he appeared to be. I look forward to studying under him in the near future."
[ ] Britannia Family (0/100)
[ ] London
Known Locations
[ ] Buckingham Palace (217/300)
[ ] Big Ben (50/100)
"There was someone hiding inside Big Ben. I couldn't find them, but they may return."
[ ] The Tower of London
[Mission Actions: 1]
[ ] Go Shopping
-[ ] Shopping List
[ ] Go Thieving
-[ ] Thieving List
-[ ] Target Location
[ ] Write-In (Subject to QM Approval, Cannot Overlap with other Action Types.)
[Creative Actions: 1] Applicable available resources will be used automatically.
Special Actions
[ ] Study Emrys' Tome
Craft Actions
[ ] Craft Something (Appropriate Craft Roll Required)
-[ ] Product Type (Clock, Gun, Etcetera)
--[ ] Ambition (1-20; Higher Ambition produces a better product, but sets a higher DC.)
--[ ] Rough Description
-[ ] Special Product
--[ ] Exact Product Description. (Ambition will be decided by QM. Some products may fail automatically.)
Magic Actions
[ ] Spell Development (Development Roll Required)
-[ ] Existing Prototype Name or Spell Description (Broader descriptions are more likely to produce easily developed Spells.)
[ ] Spell Usage
-[ ] Spell(s)
-[ ] Action.
-[ ] Reason for action.
[ ] Attempt to perform a Magical Working. (Magical Theory Roll Required)
-[ ] Working Objective. (Ambition will be decided by QM. Some workings may fail automatically.)
Research Actions
[ ] Research a Theoretical Crafting Product
-[ ] Product Type (Clock, Gun, Etcetera)
--[ ] Ambition (1-20; Higher Ambition produces a better product, but sets a higher DC.)
--[ ] Rough Description.
-[ ] Special Product
--[ ] Exact Product Description.
[ ] Research a Theoretical Spell
-[ ] Spell Purpose
-[ ] Ambition (1-20; Higher Ambition produces a better product, but sets a higher DC.)
[ ] Research a Theoretical Magical Working
-[ ] Working Objective.
Grand Undertakings [ ] The Restoration of the Yamato (255/500) [Ruki]
[Training Actions: 1] Applicable available resources will be used automatically. Students may refuse lessons if they are busy, or don't know you well.
[ ] Train a Skill
-[ ] Skill
-[ ] Investigation with Sherlock
[ ] Train someone else in a Skill.
-[ ] Skill
-[ ] Student
[Sleep Actions: 4]
[ ] Sleep (Gain 20 + Modifiers Sanity)
[ ] Write-In Action of another Type (Cost: 20 Sanity)
"You know you mirror people, right? I thought you were doing it just to manipulate them, but you even think differently depending on who you're with--you use different mannerisms, you almost seem to have different feelings. It wasn't this bad, before, but it's almost like you don't…" She trails off, a feeling of sudden worry reaching you from her. You choose not to press her for now.
Trait Gained: Madness of Love - +20 to all rolls while Akemi Madness is active; +10 to all rolls while Akemi Madness is inactive. Lose 50 Sanity/day while above 400 Sanity. Bloodheat increase from Akemi Madness doubled.
Well, that was packed. Merlin certainly seems like the best great-great-great-great grandfather one could wish for, and Homura's quiet panick at being the one to spontaneously suggest social interaction was something to behold.
I'll try to have a plan's first draft later, but right now, I'm thinking... finishing up investigating Buckingham and the Big Ben, taking up Sherlock on his offer to study Investigation under him, start studying the magical tome? Probably should also do the social breakthrough with Kyouko.
Well, I usually don't say anything in the thread and don't really participate in the voting, as the complexity is a bit much for me and I am generally satisfied with the winning votes anyway.
I'll just say that I enjoy reading the quest/story, and have especially enjoyed this update.
"You've been sleepwalking, Homura. You've been thinking and fighting, trying different things and trying to optimize your strategies. You've done wonderful a0nd horrible things. You've felt hope and despair both. In spite of that, though, you've been asleep, simply letting yourself follow the script you set for yourself, never recognizing yourself."[/COLOR]
[X] Plan "Books, Friends and Madness"
[Investigative Actions: 2]
[ ] Galahad (110/150)
-[ ] with Kyouko
[ ] Big Ben (50/100)
-[ ] with Kallen
-[ ] using Akemi Madness [Social Actions: 1]
[ ] Kyouko (400/400) (Breakthrough Ready!) [Home Actions: 2]
[ ] Study Emrys' Tome
-[ ] using Akemi Madness
[ ] Investigation: Buckingham Palace (217/300)
-[ ] with Kallen [Mission Actions: 1]
[ ] Go Shopping
-[ ] Souvenirs for all our friends in Mitakihara
--[ ] with Kyouko [Creative Actions: 1]
-[ ] Research a Theoretical Spell
--[ ] A more efficient Time Stop
--[ ] Ambition 10 [Training Actions: 1]
[ ] Train a Skill
-[ ] Investigation with Sherlock
--[ ] using Akemi Madness [Sleep Actions: 4]
[ ] Sleep (Gain 20 + Modifiers Sanity)
[ ] Sleep (Gain 20 + Modifiers Sanity)
[ ] Sleep (Gain 20 + Modifiers Sanity)
[ ] Train a Skill
-[ ] Magical Theory [General]
Small thing, @Higure , the countdown to Buckingham Palace is at 217/300 in the Investigative Action category, but at 152/300 in the Home Action one. I assume the second number wasn't updated, and took the liberty of fixing it in my vote. Also added 110/150 for the Galahad investigation.
Anyway, here's the general idea.
- keep hammering Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Galahad and see what falls from the tree once we shake it hard enough.
- doing Kyouko's breakthrough now makes sense, if only because this trip in London is earning us tons of social points with her, on account of doing a lot of things with her. Might as well keep that ball rolling.
- studying Emrys tome also seems like the obvious course of action. I even wonder if we could do it twice (for instance by also using the Research Action on it). Something to keep in mind
- there's no obvious pick for the Mission Action this time around. So I figure we might use the free time for something a bit more light-hearted, and I'm sure the people back home will appreciate it.
- following Higure's reminder, I kind of want to see how it goes if we try to develop a better Time Stop a second time (though this time, I raised ambition from 5 to 10), and see what happens. Alternatives would be to double down on studying the book (if that's even possible) or to try to get Traceless Time Stop (our bonuses now probably give us a decent chance to succeed, especially with Akemi Madness active, and if we fail, it'll probably only be by a few points, and unlikely to trigger something truly bad)
- Studying with Sherlock seems obvious (interestingly, he's not in our contact list, so we only can call him for this specific type of training. Makes sense, he has his own things going on). As a second training option, I kind of want to move forward in Magical Theory. We just got a big book of spells, it seems we're about to dive into a somewhat new kind of magic, thus I could see this skill becoming more and more important as time goes by.
Concerning Akemi Madness usage, I admit I'm not optimizing it, I'm just using it when I feel it makes the most sense. Given its increased potency now, I'd also advise to move back to a 3-action sleep schedule, in order to not dive in too fast. Thing that might be worth slipping in somewhere would be either a social or an investigative action on King Arthur. Anyway, thoughts ?
"You know you mirror people, right? I thought you were doing it just to manipulate them, but you even think differently depending on who you're with--you use different mannerisms, you almost seem to have different feelings. It wasn't this bad, before, but it's almost like you don't…" She trails off, a feeling of sudden worry reaching you from her. You choose not to press her for now.
I must admit, I only slightly see where Kyouko is coming from in this. And mostly in this update and the interactions with Zero and Kyouma. Other than that...not sure I actually see Homura doing much mimicing of people.
She looks over your shoulder, gesturing with her chin for you to look behind you, and you turn to see a girl in her late teens, or perhaps her early twenties.
It'd be really impressive if it was in modern Japanese as well. Especially since I'm unsure when Japan finally stoleborrowed adapted the Chinese' writing system for themselves, but I think it was after Camelot fell.
Hm...some versions of the character has him as a time traveler. And even if he isn't, the ability to see the future is related to time powers. And time has always been related to clocks, at least since the invention of the latter. So...I personally say he has an interest in clocks even if he doesn't actually have any clocks.
Very nice. Very nice. Benefits of base Akemi Madness without having to activate Akemi Madness, and even more added benefit to rolls with it activated. Though I do have to ask, do the other madness traits stack with this one?
I'm partial delving into this sooner rather than later. Merlin would have left many potentially useful spells for us and they're all from outside Kyubey's Magical Girl system which should hopefully mean they're safer to use in terms of grief accumulation. I'd even go so far as to say this is a priority for me, second only to Socialing Sayaka when we return to Mitakihara.
I must admit, I only slightly see where Kyouko is coming from in this. And mostly in this update and the interactions with Zero and Kyouma. Other than that...not sure I actually see Homura doing much mimicing of people.
That's very fair, considering this ended up with less obvious build up than is ideal. I'm gonna try to clarify a bit later as part of the story, but if you're interested in meta commentary, I'll drop a post about it tonight.
Alright. So, for starters, let's look at the new Akemi Madness mechanics. We are currently at 422 Sanity, which means (presuming I am correctly understanding how and when Sanity changes are applied with these new mechanics) we will lose 50 points of Sanity next turn as we are over 400 right now. With your current plan for, we use Akemi Madness for 3 actions, which does nothing in and of itself due to already being at max Bloodheat, and 9 actions without, which gives us -45 to Bloodheat. 100-45=55 Bloodheat, meaning we will be losing another 55 points of Sanity. Combine that with the new Madness of Love -50 when over 400, and we will be losing a minimum of 50+55=105 Sanity this turn, before modifiers are taken into account.
For other Modifiers, we have three Sleep actions that give us +20 Sanity each, and an additional +20 Sanity from that first action. We also get -20 from using a Sleep Action for something other than sleeping, which negates the +20 we get from that first action (+20-20=0). Thus we only have three Sleep Actions where we sleep to actually consider, which brings us +60 Sanity (20+20=40+20=60). That lessens the Madness Sanity loss, bringing it to -45 Sanity (60-105=-45, though it might be more easily understood as 105-60=45 then realizing that this is what comes out of Sanity rather than being put in, thus making it -45).
Not a bad hit, provided other unexpected modifiers do not give us a total of -60 or more to Sanity. 422-45=387 is right in the general area of where I am comfortable for Sanity. Slightly on the lower end of comfortable, but still a good place for me over all.
I'm still waiting for an answer on if the various Madness traits stack with the new Madness of Love. If so, it means a difference of +20 to Mechanical Expertise and Development rolls or +30 to the same thanks to Madness of Clocks for the former and Madness of Creation for the latter. Powerful modifiers when in use indeed.
EDIT: Forgot to drop my endorsement of what is currently the only plan in town. I really do not see anything that's worth editing. I'd prefer a different Mission Action but for the moment, we don't really have any to go on.
That's very fair, considering this ended up with less obvious build up than is ideal. I'm gonna try to clarify a bit later as part of the story, but if you're interested in meta commentary, I'll drop a post about it tonight.
I am interested in a meta commentary. However, if you, the QM, think it would be more impactful to have it revealed via story, I'm willing to wait on it.
I'm still waiting for an answer on if the various Madness traits stack with the new Madness of Love. If so, it means a difference of +20 to Mechanical Expertise and Development rolls or +30 to the same thanks to Madness of Clocks for the former and Madness of Creation for the latter. Powerful modifiers when in use indeed.
I am interested in a meta commentary. However, if you, the QM, think it would be more impactful to have it revealed via story, I'm willing to wait on it.
I'll probably put up a spoilered meta post to discuss some of my thoughts on Homura's character here, for those interested. Things to share I can only imply in the story text.
By the way, I was wondering... Do we have a set return date, or will Homura go back to Japan once she deems her job in London is done? Might have missed a relevant information if it was already precised.
I do not recall a precise return date ever being mentioned. It was always referred to as a trip being "a few days." I had presumed returning home will become a Mission Action we can perform at our relative leisure after the next turn or two, perhaps after another more official and public meeting with Arthur.
Speaking of official meetings and things related to them, I personally want to get more millage out of that dress we went to great lengths to choose and then only used in one scene where it appeared to make no impact.
Speaking of official meetings and things related to them, I personally want to get more millage out of that dress we went to great lengths to choose and then only used in one scene where it appeared to make no impact.
That's kind of the problem running into people that turn out to be kind of inconditional allies and wishing us the very best from the start. We expected to be thrust into the ruthless world of politics, turns out it was a family reunion.
Well, if you want to see the glass half-full, it's possible we avoided the negative repercussions of turning in front of the royal palace in rags.
There's something in here about Karmic Weight and an emotional insanity... tether? Not sure if that's the word for it. Like you get the Karmic Weight by being insane... or vice versa as it might be in Madoka's case? idk.
Apparently Sanity Is For The Weak. Except literally.
Which has always been a mechanic, but now its looking like it means a lot more than just our worldview being pried open = magical shenanigans can happen more easily.
I imagine a Concept/Homucifer End would have us with 0 or negative insanity?
Also damn, so much to do, so little time. Merlin's books, Holmes teacher, literally ever SL available here... @.@
Once again, it's time to update our last known Skill ranks for everyone! Most of our updates this time come from, well Agravain. I'll bring up some interesting things on that topic after the immediate numbers.
"Fine." You grumble, moving closer while carefully folding your arms to restrain yourself. It's a fine piece of work, but you can't learn terribly much without interacting with it.
You hear a noise from overhead--like something heavy hitting the ground--and turn to Kallen with a frown, "Is there a room above this?"
She nods, "Of course, the Link Room, but no one should be there right now--come on!" She begins to sprint out, but you Stop Time briefly, running up on your own.
Someone teleported in maybe? Kallen knows what the Link Room is supposed to be, and based on what we see later, I can understand why having a room dedicated to receiving teleporters would be pretty dang handy.
You catch him smiling, slightly smug, as he regards you. These were placed specifically to earn your curiosity, it seems.
You wonder why. To mislead you? To attempt to lure you into involvement? To provoke conversation on it?
'I see, it's a distraction.'
"You know you mirror people, right? I thought you were doing it just to manipulate them, but you even think differently depending on who you're with--you use different mannerisms, you almost seem to have different feelings. It wasn't this bad, before, but it's almost like you don't…" She trails off, a feeling of sudden worry reaching you from her. You choose not to press her for now.
Besides, you're not sure what she's talking about.
Kyouko's probably onto something here. Our lack of usage of Akemi Madness makes it a bit harder to notice, but Homura does do this a concerning amount. While it is something that most people do on some level or another, swapping masks entirely between people isn't actually that common.
She looks over your shoulder, gesturing with her chin for you to look behind you, and you turn to see a girl in her late teens, or perhaps her early twenties.
"Nice to meet you, Akemi-san! You can call me Sir Palamedes, though I'm not sure I'm really deserving of the title. I'll be your chauffeur, of sorts, today."
Oh hai Kuroko. You've certainly moved up in the world. I guess that Academy City either isn't around, or that something happened to draw you here away from Misaka.
You understand it, then, his intention. He knew. He knew what you'd face. He knew about Walpurgisnacht, and knew about Madoka. He knew everything, and couldn't do anything to stop it.
So, instead, he left this for you. Everything he could to give you a chance, and even his blood in your veins, that you might gain strength from it.
A resolve to help you, an ambition to conquer time and fate, and a wish for everyone to finally find a golden ending together, no matter the price.
On the desk, there is a single large tome set out, presumably for you, and you make your way to it, the world around you shrouded in kaleidoscopic light that drowns out the shadows, fleeting ghosts of someone long departed, and the life he lived here, all gathering to you as you begin to read.
Merlin left a heck of a lot of stuff for Homura, and we would be horribly remiss to not at least investigate it. It's also a good reason to train Magical Theory, in addition to helping us get closer to being able to work on the Heartmaker Working.
"Something's wrong, Kyouko. I'm acting strange. Stranger than normal."
There's a long, drawn out pause, at least by the standards of your mind, "Braids, when was the last time you thought about May?"
In that remote space in the back of your mind, you consider her words, even as the larger part of yourself regards the King steadfastly.
"I don't know. Why?" You ask, not understanding why it's relevant.
"Homura, you're old."
"You were a 13 year old girl when you started this mission, Homura. You didn't know who you were, or what you wanted, or really anything about yourself. You were caught up in the earliest beginnings of adulthood, struggling on the border of adolescence. Of course your entire world was holding on to what made you happy--to not being alone and scared again."
"But you, Homura? You're old. You've loved and lost. You've betrayed people and been betrayed by them. You've killed people and nearly been killed by them. You've seen the best and the worst in people. You've faced your demons, and formed new bonds. Of course you've outgrown that."
"You've been sleepwalking, Homura. You've been thinking and fighting, trying different things and trying to optimize your strategies. You've done wonderful and horrible things. You've felt hope and despair both. In spite of that, though, you've been asleep, simply letting yourself follow the script you set for yourself, never recognizing yourself."
"You've been sleepwalking, Homura. You've been thinking and fighting, trying different things and trying to optimize your strategies. You've done wonderful a0nd horrible things. You've felt hope and despair both. In spite of that, though, you've been asleep, simply letting yourself follow the script you set for yourself, never recognizing yourself."
The children heft the mirror up so that you can regard the person in it.
She looks similar to you, a little. She's taller and older, but she's wearing your Regalia. She has your hair color, and her glowing eyes are purple like your own.
That's where the similarities end, you think. You are, ultimately, as much a human as any Magical Girl is. You spend time with your friends, and play games, and just try to protect the people that matter to you. Your fight--your mission--is really just you trying to hold on to the things you care about.
This woman, however, isn't human at all. Her body may resemble one, but her eyes gleam with something other. They remind you of Arturia's eyes, and of that other Madoka's. Devoid of simple humanity, but filled with something beautiful.
That's all you see in this woman's gaze. A wish to fix everything for everyone, and grant them a perfect future, without any hint of fear or apathy to balance it.
Kyouko is pointing out things that I think we've been seeing the effects of for most, if not all, of the Quest. And with this revelation, and everything else in Merlin's study we have found:
Trait Gained: Madness of Love - +20 to all rolls while Akemi Madness is active; +10 to all rolls while Akemi Madness is inactive. Lose 50 Sanity/day while above 400 Sanity. Bloodheat increase from Akemi Madness doubled.
Emrys Tome Acquired. When this option is available in the Turn Menu, you can study the next section of the book--this will allow Homura to gain Traits, Spells, and other benefits by reaching a Threshold.
Emrys Library [Expert | Magical Theory] (0/150)- Now stored in Homura's Shield, this is an Expert Magical Theory Library.
Emrys Arsenal - This collection of one hundred and one Magical Tools must be studied to be used. This will appear as an option in the Turn Menu--hitting Thresholds will grant Homura understanding of, and thus use of, the tools within the Arsenal. As actual objects, rather than conjured ones, these can be broken and lost.
Madness Of Love changes a bunch of the math, but it works out simply enough. +10 to all rolls is a notable buff, and +20 to all rolls while Akemi Madness is active is pretty dang strong. The sanity cost of 50/day while at 400+ Sanity? Basically just gives us a guide in terms of spending Sleep actions on other things. The Bloodheat changes work out to +40 Bloodheat per action with Akemi Madness active, -5 per action with it inactive. In addition, I'm assuming this stacks with the other Madness Of traits. Which means that Homura would be getting a +30 to Engineering Checks, and a +30 to Development checks in addition to anything else while Akemi Madness is active. And that adds up real quick.
Emrys Tome is an insane resource for training Magical Theory, and beyond that, it can also unlock Spells/Traits/other benefits by being studied outside of training. I don't know if it can help others, but if nothing else, it's going to be effective up through Skill Rank 75.
Emrys Arsenal is also going to be a very potent resource as we unlock parts of it, though we will want to be cautious to ensure that we don't lose them. And there are one-hundred-and-one of them, so there's depths to plumb.
With all that, while I do like Macros current plan, I'm going to propose an alternative that optimizes a little bit more.
-Investigative Actions: Galahad, Buckingham Palace, and Big Ben are all trees to be shaken. Galahad should be a guaranteed Breakthrough with Investigation 30 and Madness Of Love giving a flat +10 for a total +40. Bringing along Kyouko gives the potential to go further than that, and also continues the Social Link. Big Ben with Kallen is also a guaranteed Breakthrough with Investigation 30, Madness Of Love +10, and Kallen's Investigation 15. Akemi Madness being turned on is still good; If we encounter a person, which seems likely, then it also helps with the first Social Roll.
-Social Actions: Kyouko is ready for a Breakthrough. While Kallen is going to passively accumulate, we did bring along Kyouko. I'm also curious to see what happens if she hits Social Link 5, since that appears to be when Homura gains traits related to the Fifteen Friends.
-Home Actions: Definitely spending one of these on Study Emrys' Tome, and if turns out to be a Magical Theory roll, then at least we'll know. Either way, Madness Of Love gives a +10, so we're going to make some progress at least.
-Mission Actions: No objection to shopping for souvenirs here.
-Creative Actions: More efficient Time Stop Research strikes me as very good. Traceless Time Stop is still a bit far off.
-Training Actions: Training Investigation with Sherlock is probably the best use of our time, maybe rivaled by training Clocksmithing. But with Sherlock doing the training, I'm very confident that Homura will learn swiftly.
-Sleep Actions: With Madness Of Love in play, it's worth noting that staying above 400 Sanity will be kinda tough. With that in mind, let's see how close we can get to 400 without breaking it. Specifically, let's look to get as high as a -22 net Sanity.
422 Initial Sanity
Kyouko Social Action: +5 Sanity from Never Again
First Sleep Action: +20 Sanity, +20 Sanity from Sleep Well And Deeply
Kallen Social Action: -20 Sanity from not Sleeping, +5 Sanity from Never Again
Train Magical Theory: -20 Sanity from not Sleeping
Train Development: -20 Sanity from not Sleeping
422+5+20+20-20+5-20-20=412 Madness Of Love: Above 400 Sanity -> -50 Sanity
362 Sanity
100 Initial Bloodheat
+40 Bloodheat per Action with Akemi Madness, x3 Actions
-5 per Action without Akemi Madness, x8 Actions
100+40*2-5*8=140 Bloodheat
Capped at 100 Bloodheat
362 - 100 = 262 Effective Sanity
[X] Plan: Investigation and Tourism with Friends, plus a Magical Book.
[Investigative Actions: 2]
[ ] Galahad (110/150)
-[ ] with Kyouko
[ ] Big Ben (50/100)
-[ ] with Kallen
-[ ] using Akemi Madness
[Social Actions: 1]
[ ] Kyouko (400/400) (Breakthrough Ready!)
[Home Actions: 2]
[ ] Study Emrys' Tome
-[ ] using Akemi Madness
[ ] Investigation: Buckingham Palace (217/300)
-[ ] with Kallen
[Mission Actions: 1]
[ ] Go Shopping
-[ ] Souvenirs for all our friends in Mitakihara
--[ ] with Kyouko
[Creative Actions: 1]
-[ ] Research a Theoretical Spell
--[ ] A more efficient Time Stop
--[ ] Ambition 10
[Training Actions: 1]
[ ] Train a Skill
-[ ] Investigation with Sherlock
--[ ] using Akemi Madness
[Sleep Actions: 4]
[ ] Sleep (Gain 20 + Modifiers Sanity)
[ ] Social: Kallen
[ ] Train a Skill
-[ ] Magical Theory [General]
[ ] Train a Skill
-[ ] Development
Isn't that a bit much? I understand wanting to play with low sanity and see what happens, but I don't want to dive too quick. Losing 150 sanity overnight simply can't be good for Homura, and might ring alarm bells for those around.
That being said, I have to reread how Bloodheat works.