[X] He's a teenage boy, you're an attractive big-sister figure. Send him a tasteful photograph of yourself with some playful teasing to break the ice. Take the Fun Misato approach.
Latest update is missing a threadmark.

As for the matter of the other pilot, you feel you should plan your introduction to him. How do you go about it?

[ ] He's a teenage boy, you're an attractive big-sister figure. Send him a tasteful photograph of yourself with some playful teasing to break the ice. Take the Fun Misato approach.

[ ] Send him a formal letter introducing yourself as his CO. You can't give him too many details about NERV, but you can set some expectations. Take the Business Misato approach.

[ ] Have Rei do it instead. It'd be a good way for Rei and him to make friends their own ages. Take the Misato Is Feeling A Bit Lazy approach.
I...don't really like any of these options. Option 1 feels inappropriate, option 2 feels cold, option 3...well, it admits it's being lazy. I like the idea of Rei being involved, though.

Not super familiar with Evangelion, but would a three-way introductiony video call be appropriate for the setting or NERV? (I mean, it's got to be more appropriate than mildly flirting with a teenager.)
[X] Have Rei do it instead. It'd be a good way for Rei and him to make friends their own ages. Take the Misato Is Feeling A Bit Lazy approach.
[X] Have Rei do it instead. It'd be a good way for Rei and him to make friends their own ages. Take the Misato Is Feeling A Bit Lazy approach.
[X] Have Rei do it instead. It'd be a good way for Rei and him to make friends their own ages. Take the Misato Is Feeling A Bit Lazy approach.
[X] Have Rei do it instead. It'd be a good way for Rei and him to make friends their own ages. Take the Misato Is Feeling A Bit Lazy approach.

I would choose the playful one if it didn't sound flirtatious which would make it borderline child grooming.
Yeah, the canon picture thing wasn't too great when it happened, and definitely hasn't aged well when I re-watched the series as an adult. Honestly glad no one in the thread seems super enthusiastic about it! Not the kind of Misato I'd wanna play.

[X] Have Rei do it instead. It'd be a good way for Rei and him to make friends their own ages. Take the Misato Is Feeling A Bit Lazy approach.
[X] Have Rei do it instead. It'd be a good way for Rei and him to make friends their own ages. Take the Misato Is Feeling A Bit Lazy approach.
[X] Have Rei do it instead. It'd be a good way for Rei and him to make friends their own ages. Take the Misato Is Feeling A Bit Lazy approach.

I'd like Misato to also be involved, even if it's just giving Rei some pointers and advice as to how to go about doing this.

We could also start coming up with bullshit legitimate explanations for some of the activities Gendo would find distasteful. "Mahjong teaches you how to be a strategic thinker" and things along those lines.
[X] He's a teenage boy, you're an attractive big-sister figure. Send him a tasteful photograph of yourself with some playful teasing to break the ice. Take the Fun Misato approach.

Not ideal, but with Misato's two approaches towards men, it's better than being a hardass.
Not super familiar with Evangelion, but would a three-way introductiony video call be appropriate for the setting or NERV? (I mean, it's got to be more appropriate than mildly flirting with a teenager.)

Welcome to Misato-Land. She has essentially two ways of managing her relationships with men. One is by being their commanding officer and the other is using flirtation that goes nowhere to distance herself. On the plus side she definitely isn't going to try anything and points Shinji at Rei and Asuka for actual romance.

In Eva proper she could never really decide what she wanted to be to Shinji so she switches between Big Sister, college roommate, flirting, CO, and Mom mode depending on situation and mood. She tried her best but she wasn't in a good place for it either.

For onboarding this situation is weird. Nerv is kind of top secret military stuff and Shinji is very much not in that mindset. I think in person would be much better to help break him in. I think throwing him into the deep end would help him adjust better if only because it means he processed everything while we're around to see.
For onboarding this situation is weird. Nerv is kind of top secret military stuff and Shinji is very much not in that mindset. I think in person would be much better to help break him in. I think throwing him into the deep end would help him adjust better if only because it means he processed everything while we're around to see.
...that sounds like a pretty good idea, yeah. From what I understand, Misato is probably going to help Shinji process it better than his dad would. (And it would probably make a more interesting scene than texting him a photo, writing a letter, or letting Rei handle everything.)

[X] Wait until Shinji shows up, and throw him into the deep end under supervision. Take the Sink-Or-Swim Misato approach.
Rei VIII: Dear Shinji Ikari
[X] Have Rei do it instead. It'd be a good way for Rei and him to make friends his own age. Take the Misato Is Feeling A Bit Lazy approach.

Honestly, you have way too much on your plate right now to worry about trying to give this kid an orientation without being able to even specify what he's really being oriented for. If you took the formal route, it'd read like a draft letter, which you doubt would go over well. You think about maybe trying to tease him a little to loosen him up. You don't know what he's like, but if he's anything like his father you imagine he'd be pretty uptight. You really hope he's not like Gendo. You try to think of a few openings with him before dismissing the entire idea as stupid and inappropriate. Gendo is already up your ass about Rei, the last thing you need to do is get him even more wound up by sending his son a flirtatious letter as a joke.

You're basically out of ideas at this point. You've never really known how to deal with members of the opposite sex. You thought you did once, but you were very, very wrong. You have some pretty severe misgivings about handling another teenager on top of Rei, who has proven to be quite a project herself. You're probably not the person who should be handling this at all. But orders are orders, and you'll have to deal with him eventually. For now though, you can stall a little bit. He's a problem for Future Misato to worry about.

You decide to try to kill two birds with one stone by foisting delegating the task of contacting Shinji to Rei. It makes sense to have your pilots get to know each other, and Rei could really use a friend her own age. Plus, it'd be a good way to work on her people skills a bit. She has those, right? You're not sure. She seems slightly…less bad…at it? than when you first met.

Anyway, you let Rei know that you're relying on her to contact Shinji. Rei says she understands and sets to work. Beaming, you decide to do some of the budget paperwork (ugh).

It occurs to you as you reach the halfway point of your work that you've just left Rei completely unsupervised. Well, it's probably fine, right?

You rush out of the room to see what Rei's up to. You find her in her hospital bed with several crumpled pieces of paper on the floor. Rei tells you calmly that she has not finished yet. She's having trouble finding the right things to say. Without asking, you pick up the paper she's working on.


Come to Tokyo-3. We will be waiting for you. I do not think we will require your services, but there are orders for you to come. I can perform my duties fully.

-Rei Ayanami.


You crumple the paper and throw it on the floor with the others. Checking the others, they mostly say something to a similar effect. Rei frowns. She tells you she knows the letters are bad, but this is the best she can do right now. She seems frustrated.

You explain that telling someone they are unneeded is probably not the best approach. Rei starts to protest that NERV doesn't need Shinji. Rei is doing fine. If Rei fails, she can be replaced with ease. Her conviction in her disposability concerns you. Her self-confidence appears worse than you had anticipated. You tell her that even if that were true (which it is not), nobody likes being told bluntly that they are unneeded.

Rei thinks about this for a moment. You try to encourage her to be more welcoming and open to Shinji.

Rei writes this.


Come to Tokyo-3. We will be waiting for you. I am Rei Ayanami. We will be working together. I will see you soon.

-Rei Ayanami.

Better. You tell her it needs a little work, and could stand to be a bit longer, but this is more what you're looking for. You tell her not to worry too much about the exact words and to try to convey a welcoming mood. Rei seems a little confused for a moment, but nods and sets back to work. You go through a few more drafts with her, which are improvements, before returning to your desk. You can't hold her hand the entire time.

You do want to see the finished work before she sends it, though. Just in case. You tell her you'll be back at the end of the day to collect the final product and mail it. Rei nods, staring at the blank piece of paper in front of her.

You finish the budget report (ughhhh) and return to Rei. The room is clean of paper now. You ask to see the letter she came up with. Oh, Rei says. Rei already mailed it. It was more efficient this way. You feel the blood drain from your face. You feel faint. You really hope you haven't made a big mistake.

You should set some activities for Rei to do next week. That will help get your mind off this.

Select one of the following:
Talk to Rei about:

[ ] General well-being
[ ] Mood
[ ] The past
[ ] The present
[ ] The future

[ ] Yourself
[ ] Friends
[ ] Romance

[ ] NERV
[ ] School
[ ] Home
[ ] Tokyo-3
[ ] The World


Congratulations, Rei is now considered well enough to do some basic combat exercises in the Evangelion. Heavy physical activity is still a no-go, though. Unit-00 is still in the shop, unfortunately, but Unit-01 is available. Of course, it will have to undergo activation first...

Select two of the following:

[ ] Combat training
[ ] Synchronization training
[ ] Physical training
[ ] Study
[ ] Arts program
[ ] Go out

Special Activity
You may do one special activity of your choosing each week. It won't raise Rei's stats, but you can use it to bond with her, affect her mood, or solve her problems. Additionally, you can also use this slot to pursue your own projects, if any. This is not controlled by majority vote. The QM will merely choose the most entertaining one.

[ ] Write in
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On the other hand I'm actually glad Rei did it. It sounds like she may have learned an important lesson in empathy. Not easy to learn as a child solider with clones. And Misato learned more about her crippling self esteem issues!
Rei frowns. She tells you she knows the letters are bad, but this is the best she can do right now. She seems frustrated.
Welp. Glad to see my fears were warranted.

[X] Talk with Rei about the future

Shinji showing up, being a friend or at least colleague, feels like a turning point for Rei. Seems like a good time to talk.

[X] Activity: Arts program
[X] Activity: Combat training

One thing we think would be good for Rei, one thing Rei wants to do.

[X] Special Activity: Introduce Rei and Shinji to each other (under your supervision)

Still think something like this would be a good idea. And this time, I'm putting it in a vote immediately instead of trying to think of something more specific.
Talk to Rei about:

[ ] General well-being
[ ] Mood
[ ] The past
[ ] The present
[ ] The future

[ ] Yourself
[ ] Friends
[ X] Romance

[ ] NERV
[ ] School
[ ] Home
[ ] Tokyo-3
[ ] The World


Congratulations, Rei is now considered well enough to do some basic combat exercises in the Evangelion. Heavy physical activity is still a no-go, though. Unit-00 is still in the shop, unfortunately, but Unit-01 is available. Of course, it will have to undergo activation first...

Select two of the following:

[X ] Combat training
[ ] Synchronization training
[ ] Physical training
[ ] Study
[ X] Arts program
[ ] Go out
Special activity: Take Rei to an aquarium. Has she ever been there before?
[X] Talk with Rei about the future
[X] Combat training
[X] Activity: Arts program

[X] Write in: Take Rei to the nearest arcade
[X] Talk with Rei about the future
[X] Activity: Arts program
[X] Synchronization training

[X] Write in: Take Rei to the nearest arcade
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That was perfect, props to Sutekh. Sure, Rei's stumbling a little, but she seems to have demonstrated an improvement - and either didn't hear or didn't care that Misato asked to see the final product, which could be a step towards her developing a rebellious streak.

Torn between Combat and Synchronisation for the activity. Combat training is slightly more dangerous (hello Unit 01, please do not hurt our ward) but she'll eventually be fighting Angels and I want her to be as good at surviving through that as possible. On the other hand, keeping up with Synchronisation training may not carry the same danger, but also may or may not be as useful in the "not dying to an Angel" sense. On the balance of things, though, I'd rather keep doing what we've been doing.

Talking about the future because, as GreatWyrmGold put it, now really is the time, same for the write-in. Arts program chosen because sure, Rei probably won't burn out doing nothing but NERV stuff for a week, but I want to keep doing at least one nice thing with her per week until we have to stop.

[X] Talk with Rei about the future
[X] Synchronization training
[X] Activity: Arts program

[X] Special Activity: Introduce Rei and Shinji to each other (under your supervision)
[X] The past
Why does she insist she's replaceable?

[X] Combat training
[X] Special Activity: Introduce Rei and Shinji to each other (under your supervision)
[] Arts program
World's not going to save itself, but she could also do with a distraction.
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[X] The future
[X] Combat training
[X] Synchronization training
[X] Special Activity: Introduce Rei and Shinji to each other (under your supervision)
[X] Talk with Rei about the future
[X] Activity: Arts program
[X] Activity: Combat training
[X] Special Activity: Introduce Rei and Shinji to each other (under your supervision)