[X] Talk with Rei about the future
[X] Activity: Arts program
[X] Activity: Combat training
[X] Special Activity: Introduce Rei and Shinji to each other (under your supervision)
[X] Talk with Rei about the future
[X] Synchronization training
[X] Activity: Arts program

[X] Special Activity: Introduce Rei and Shinji to each other (under your supervision)

Art is possibly the closest thing we can get, for Rei, to therapy. Honestly though, Misato should consider joining in. She could paint the beer version of that one soup pan painting!
Azazel I: Der Engel des Krieges
[X] Talk to Rei about the future

The future? Rei seems unusually reticent (even for her) when you bring up the future. You prod her several times before she admits that she's never really thought about the future in much detail. Evangelion pilots can die at any time, you know, so it's never really been something she's ever distracted herself with. There might not be a future for her. Or for you, even.

You stop Rei's monolog about the nature of war because it's really bumming you out. She's made you feel acutely aware of your own mortality, which sucks. You feel doubly depressed because she's even younger than you and she's so…morbid. She seems to have almost no hope for her future at all. She's a child.

You scramble to find a concrete thing that will happen, no matter what, to recover from looking into the Void with Rei. You bring up Shinji's imminent arrival as an attempt to prevent further sanity damage. It's barely perceptible, but Rei's voice sounds less monotone. You feel like her little speech about how Nothing awaited her was something she told herself in her head so much she'd gotten bored of it. It feels like she was reciting something pre-prepared.

She tells you that she does not know what to think about Shinji. She does not know him, and she does not want to assume things about a stranger. It would be…unkind. You try to get her to talk about how she feels about Shinji, rather than what she thinks. Is she curious? Excited? Nervous? Rei considers all these options. She does not know. She'll…have to think about it more. You're not sure what emotion Rei is feeling, but she feels something. You suspect, and this is only women's intuition talking, that she is nervous.

Rei wishes she understood herself better.

[X] Combat training

Now that your ward is able to walk unassisted, the first course of action is to put her back in the machine that injured her in the first place! You think sarcastically to yourself as the techs load Rei into the entry plug for Unit-01. They place the gargantuan purple mech in a room that reminds you unpleasantly of a padded cell you once sojourned in shortly after your rescue off the coast of Antarctica. You shake pff the bad memories and stand by the viewing window.

Ibuki and the other techs babble on about the stages of activation and various numerical values that mean nothing to you. Some of them sound vaguely familiar from the instruction manual you read, but honestly the technical side of things was always Ritsuko's job to translate for you. Nobody seems to be panicking, which you assume is good. Rei hasn't said anything, but you don't think Rei would say anything unless she was literally lit on fire. She seems calm on the internal monitors, which you also hope is good.

Ritsuko and Ibuki determine that the sync ratios are nearly the same between Unit-00 and Unit-01, with a slight dip for Unit-01. No detectable problems found for compatibility. Unit-01 can be piloted by Rei without issue. You sigh in relief.

The next few hours are spent getting Rei back into the swing of the basic offensive tactics. Repetitive and mind-numbing shooting exercises, slashing the Progressive Knife at different angles, stuff like that. After the combat training concludes, Rei seems exhausted. Still, it seems like she's in okay shape.

[X] Arts program

Later in the week you and Rei head back to the arts program for another try. You hope that she understands the point of this exercise better now. Honestly, you've looked into possibly getting therapy for the girl, but the Commander has blocked you at every turn. Rei is already evaluated psychologically by Ritsuko Akagi, no need to bring in a third party. Yeah, sure. Honestly, the more you learn about Ritsuko and Rei's relationship with each other, the more disturbed you feel. The Ritsuko you know is overly logical, a bit haughty, could be a bit more in touch with her feminine side, sure. But she was still caring and kind. Her apparent callous disregard for Rei's well-being bothers you. It makes you feel like you don't know your friend as well as you thought.

This is the closest thing to therapy available for Rei at the moment. You hope it works for her. Today, Rei has decided to forego the paint and has decided to work with a piece of charcoal instead. You ask her to draw how she is feeling. Rei seems to have some issue naming her emotions. You're pretty sure there's a word for that, but you never learned it. You think this will help.

Rei nods and begins working. The end result is…well, it's certainly unique. Rei's drawn some stylized human figures in a wide circle around another human figure, standing a good distance apart from the rest. You ask Rei what it means. Rei shrugs. It's how she's feeling. Rei does a few other drawings, mostly of rows and rows of human figures, some of them scribbled out roughly. One of them, in the top right corner, is scribbled out so violently Rei has torn a hole in the paper. You ask Rei more about that. Rei remains silent. No matter what you ask, she refuses to answer any questions about this one. Weird.

You try one last exercise. You ask Rei to draw the future. Rei stares at the page blankly before drawing a black circle in the middle. She refuses to talk about this one either. You're trying to humor her, but Rei's art really unsettles you. You hesitantly ask if Gendo has ever…hurt her. Rei shakes her head. The Commander has never struck her or put his hands on her. Rei's gaze on you is intense. You conclude, with some reluctance, that she's probably being truthful.

The day you're supposed to pick up Shinji, it is pouring down rain. You prepare yourself mentally. You're like 85% sure you're going to mess up your first impression with this kid. For moral support, you decide to take Rei along with you. Rei's not exactly the pinnacle of optimism and encouragement, but it's better than being by yourself.

Your windshield wipers have to work overtime to get to NERV HQ. It's really coming down. You feel like crap. After you arrive, you go to retrieve Rei from her hospital room. You're not quite sure why she hasn't been allowed to go home yet, as she seems mostly well enough to walk. She still has a few bandages, mostly on her arms, but overall you don't think she needs to stay here anymore. She hasn't flinched in pain in front of you in a while. You wonder if she even has a home to go back to. You should look into that.

You have a few hours to kill before you have to pick up Shinji. What will you d


~Der Engel des Krieges~

The Angel has crawled out of the lake. It has two pairs of deer antlers. It is bipedal. It is blue-gray. It has four stalked eyes. It has four arms ending in spearlike claws. It has too many legs hanging uselessly from its segmented body. It has a red core on its belly. It looks like a gigantic mantis shrimp.

The early warning system was not successful. Evacuation is still ongoing, but nearly complete.

Your combat readiness is Good. The Geofront is Fully Intact.

The JSSDF is prepared to assist with the battle. Their combat readiness is Fair. Their attitude towards you is Begrudging.

Evangelion Unit-01 and Rei are standing by, awaiting your orders.


Defend the Geofront. Rei's not the most creative thinker out there, so it's up to you to determine her orders.

Your combat options are:
  • JSSDF Strike: The JSSDF will use artillery, missiles and incendiary bombs to fire on the Angel.
  • N2​ Weapon: The JSSDF will drop a Non-Nuclear super bomb on the Angel.
  • Rifle: Rei will fire her Pallet Rifle at the Angel.
  • Knife: Rei will engage the Angel in close combat with the Progressive Knife.
  • Grapple: Rei will engage the Angel in close combat with her bare hands and try to immobilize the Angel.
  • Retreat: Rei will put distance between Unit-01 and the Angel.

The following plans are available:

[ ] Missionary Position: JSSDF Strike, Rifle, Knife
[ ] Shock and Awe: N2​, Knife, Knife
[ ] Wunderkind: Rifle, Knife, Knife
[ ] Glass Sea: N2​, N2​, N2​
[ ] In-N-Out: Knife, Retreat, JSDF Strike
[ ] Animal Style: Knife, Retreat, N2​
[ ] Wrastlin': Knife, Grapple, JSSDF Strike
[ ] Custom: 3 write-ins comprising of the options above. The QM requests you give this plan a cool name.

You may also give Rei one special instruction:

[ ] Write-in
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Hm. I'm tempted to call in for a barrage, then have Rei move in for the kill (hopefully). Ideally, I'd open up with a N², but maybe that'd be deemed as overkill for an opening move (and possibly not a sustainable strategy, but we're on a budget here).

Something like N² -> JSDF Strike -> Knife, maybe?
[] Wrastlin': Knife, Grapple, JSDF Strike
Let's immobilize it so they can shoot it.

[X] Missionary Position: JSDF Strike, Rifle, Knife
If not, then I would still want to not overly rely on the JSDF while being realistic.
[X] Special instruction: Heavy damage to the core is likely the only way to beat it. Aim there.
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I don't think I like opening our commander-subordinate relationship with Rei by dropping bombs on her while she wrestles with the Angel.

Not sure which option I do want, though.
Not sure which option I do want, though.

Well, I know I'd want to vote for Wunderkind, because I'm down for Rei being as awesome as possible, but I also know it's a little much to ask from someone who just rrecovered, got a single battle training session and is dealing with... well, everything, emotionnally speaking. So I figure the plan should aim at making things as easy as possible for her.

And yeah, Wrastlin' sounds like something that would definitely reinforce her self-sacrificial tendencies.
We stand a decent chance of at least immobilising it with an N2 this early on, which might let us overwhelm it with sheer firepower. That might make the JSDF and the UN think they can claim credit for the kill, but we have one wounded pilot and one untrained pilot who may not even be in the area; we can build our reputation up later. I like Macros' plan: an N2 opener, JSDF strike, finish with a knife. Maybe co-ordinate with the JSDF so we have Unit 00 and the JSDF hitting as soon as possible after the N2 detonation. Let's also not do the thing where we hurt the Angel with an N2 bomb and just... let it regenerate.

[X] Custom: N2, JSDF Strike, Knife
(Tentative names, though I'll leave the final naming up to Macros since it's their plan: "Peace! Through! [fire]Power!", "Defeating Angels with the Power of Friendship and also this N2 Bomb I found!", "Variety Opener!")

Editing the write-in:
-[X] Special Instructions Write-In: "Be patient, wait for your chance, and stay safe out there."
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[X] Missionary Position: JSDF Strike, Rifle, Knife
Special instruction: Heavy damage to the core is likely the only way to beat it. Aim there.
[X] Plan "Defeating Angels with the Power of Friendship and also this N² Bomb I found": N², JSDF Strike, Knife
-[X] Special Instructions Write-In: "Be patient, wait for your chance, and stay safe out there."

Changing Vote, SOLD!
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"Defeating Angels with the Power of Friendship and also this N2 Bomb I found!"


[X] Plan "Defeating Angels with the Power of Friendship and also this N² Bomb I found": N², JSDF Strike, Knife
-[X] Special Instructions Write-In: "Be patient, wait for your chance, and stay safe out there."
[X] Plan "Defeating Angels with the Power of Friendship and also this N² Bomb I found": N², JSDF Strike, Knife
-[X] Special Instructions Write-In: "Be patient, wait for your chance, and stay safe out there."

This isn't dropping a N² on Rei, right?
Jesus Christ the art section tho :o

[X] Plan "Defeating Angels with the Power of Friendship and also this N² Bomb I found": N², JSDF Strike, Knife
-[X] Special Instructions Write-In: "Be patient, wait for your chance, and stay safe out there."
Her outlook seems pretty bleak, yeah. I'd suggest giving the poor girl a hug but at this point I doubt it'd help anything :sad:. At least she's communicating!
Azazel II: Largo
[X] Plan "Defeating Angels with the Power of Friendship and also this N² Bomb I found": N², JSSDF Strike, Knife
-[X] Special Instructions Write-In: "Be patient, wait for your chance, and stay safe out there."

You tell Rei to hold her position and to wait patiently until there's a clear opportunity. You also tell her to stay safe. Rei protests that destroying the Angel takes priority over her safety. You tell her it's an order to keep herself alive. Rei assents.

The JSSDF seems incredulous you're going to go with the N2 ​Mine first, but hey, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, right? It takes the JSSDF a bit longer than anyone really wanted to get their shit together to drop this thing. This is an unprecedented scenario, after all. As a result, the Angel is about to walk into the waterfront of Tokyo-3 before the bomb finally drops. There's a tremendous flash of light and all your sensors go dead. The entire Geofront vibrates from the force of the impact.

The JSSDF generals on the bridge with you cheer before turning to you and Gendo, who is sitting behind you. Looks like you won't have to use that oversized toy of yours, after all. He's barely trying to hide the fact he's gloating. Gendo doesn't say anything. Fuyutsuki grimaces and asks the status on the sensors the EMP took out. It's going to be a moment or two.

The video feed returns to reveal the Angel is still standing amid a smoldering crater that once was the vibrant waterfront of Tokyo-3. The waves from the impact have completely inundated the neighborhood. The heavy downpour is making the effects even worse. The generals behind desk swear in such colorful epithets you can see Ibuki's ears turn pink. That said, the attack wasn't totally ineffective. The Angel looks worse for wear. Several of its horrid little legs hanging from its thorax are either broken off and spraying blue blood everywhere, or are bent at clearly unnatural angles. It appears to have been stunned. One of its antlers is snapped off.

Well, it was. A ghostly translucent green antler immediately appears in the spot where it was snapped off and starts glowing bright enough to make it physically painful to look at. Magi analysis reveals the radiation from the antler is thankfully non-ionizing.

Time for phase two of the plan. Hit it while it's down! Dozens of VTOLs appear from behind a hill and hundreds of artillery batteries take aim at the Angel. Billions of yen worth of artillery is loosed into the skies about Tokyo-3 as the Angel is bathed in a halo of fire. Some of the missiles fail to connect with their target and hit the already devastated waterfront. Oops. One of the generals picks up the phone and starts yelling at the poor bastard responsible for the batteries on the ground to "get his thumb out of his ass and actually aim for fuck's sake". There's a heated back and forth. Apparently the brightness from the antler is even worse on the ground, and pretty much anything that has to be manually aimed is suffering. Great.

The artillery stops. The cloud of smoke and fire slowly dissipates. And then, without warning, an ear-splitting crack sounds four times in quick succession. The Angel has snapped its four claws in quick succession. Several of the VTOLs are literally swept out of the sky by an unseen force. The smoke cloud dissipates immediately.

Aoba informs the bridge that the Angel can punch and snap each of its claws shut so quickly that it creates a shockwave. The effects are identical to inertial cavitation in a liquid, creating little vacuum bubbles that explode with great force. Except in air, somehow. The physics of it by all means don't make much sense.

You watch as the Angel snaps its claws again and blows a hole in the artillery battery on one of the hills. It explodes in a ball of fire that is quickly doused by the rain. The generals are completely baffled by the utter failure of any of the artillery to penetrate the carapace of the Angel. Ritsuko (a bit smugly) explains to the generals that the Angel is protected by an Absolute Terror Field, which is a sort of forcefield. It's not impenetrable, but conventional weapons aren't going to be very effective on it while it's up.

Gendo heads off whatever retort the generals have to say by announcing that they are going to send the Evangelion in, if the generals do not mind. They grumble in annoyance and concede that it is time for Plan C, basically. You tell Rei to move in with the knife.

While the Angel was distracted showing off its fancy claw trick, Rei had been moving into position. The Angel whips around as Rei is approaching and gets tackled by Rei. The Angel makes a weird, mechanical sounding groan and shakes violently as Rei rips open its AT-Field and plunges her Progressive Knife into one of its eye stalks, which explodes into gelatinous blue and purple goop. Ibuki makes a gagging sound. The Angel makes a shriek that sounds uncomfortably human and punches Unit-01 in the stomach with one of its arms. You flinch as Rei audibly grunts in pain over the speakers. Part of Unit-01's armor has been dented, and reddish-orange blood is leaking from a crack in it. The Angel winds up for a second punch and hits Rei in the side with a different arm. Rei actually screams in pain. She smashes her fist into its face wildly and manages to bonk it in another eye, which jiggles disgustingly with the impact.

Rei groans and tells you she's feeling fine.


The JSSDF needs some time to regroup. The evacuation has also been completed. The last of the buildings retracts into the shelter below.

[ ] Knife
[ ] Grapple
[ ] Retreat
[ ] Write-In
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Okay, I feel this went well, all things considered. Now how to seal the deal...

Tempted to follow some Rashemen wisdom and go for the remaining eye. I'm not entirely sure the Angel actually need them to see, but at the very least, it seems to hurt.
We don't have a core yet so I don't think its wise to commit to maim-burn-kill right now. Then again normally Angels don't care about anything that isn't a killing blow.

Depending on how many arms/claws there are and hoe much wind up it needs I'd be in favor of probably either knife or grapple
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Good performance from our pilot, the N2 bomb's done a decent amount of damage, and while the JSDF didn't do much they might learn from the experience. All told, a decent result.

It's hurt, but we're also hurt, and it can heal. I'd like to stay on the field, at the very least. Broad options that come to mind: keep engaging it in direct combat, distract it until the JSDF regroups, or feign a retreat and ambush it if it tries to do anything.
Depending on how many arms/claws there are and hoe much wind up it needs I'd be in favor of probably either knife or grapple

Probably Knife. I'm not sure what we can achieve with Grapple - I guess winning time for the JSDF? - and I'm kinda nervous deciding to have a wrestling match with an Angel that has canonically shown a willingness to self-destruct.