Important question for using the positron rifle. How stable is the power supply? One can face power troubles in blizzards, even in countries prepared for it; and Tokyo 3 is really not.
You shout down to Asuka that she's not allowed to put rocks in the snowballs after Shinji lets out a particularly loud yelp. Asuka makes an exasperated gesture but seems to accede.
Why do people do that?

At least it was polite enough not to freeze the wedding and attack while Misato was still blackout drunk in Kaji's apartment.

Wonder if those tears will remain after the angel is defeated? Would sell well as highly effective heat sinks for some quick cash. Maybe used in further weapon development? Improved Environmental suits for the EVA? One day restoring the worlds climate after the damaged caused by 2nd impact? Better AC for the apartment?
Pen2​ supports that last option.

Shinji is straight from a hospital, so he can't use the bazooka. It's obvious. But why Asuka is the only one allowed to fight with the naginata?
She already called dibs, and Gendo doesn't want to argue with her.
Obviously, people deny it because they know it's a pointless thing to do that only causes pain for other people, and people don't like admitting to pointless cruelty.
Are we talking about the same Asuka Langley Soryu?
Of course, if you would ask her, the criteria of "pointless" is a very subjective one.
Qaspiel II: Allegro non molto

-[X] Equip Rei with: SEM Crossbow MM-144
-[X] Equip Shinji with: Positron Rifle
-[X] Equip Asuka with: Double-bladed Naginata

You decide to go with this, prioritizing reach over brute force. You'd prefer your pilots stay as far away from this thing as possible, based on what you know about the Angel's capabilities. So far, the Angel is a slow-moving target, lumbering towards the center of Tokyo-3 without urgency. You wonder whether it can see out of the hundreds of eyes on its arms or whether it's acting on some other sense. The weather seems to be getting worse, with the wind speeds increasing, temperatures dropping at rates that boggle the mind, and visibility continuing to worsen to virtually whiteout conditions.

You deploy the pilots at strategic positions between the Angel and the crater that used to be the Null Zone at the center of Tokyo-3. Apart from the Angel's bulk and nasty cryogenic attributes, neither you nor anyone else on the bridge has a good guess as to how it plans to access the Geofront. Previous Angels used explosives, raw force or infiltration to get inside. The Angels that did not seemed to content themselves with different targets and never made a serious attempt to enter the Geofront. But this one is clearly aiming for the middle of town.

The Evangelions do not report any issues locomoting in this weather, which is a relief, but they can't see very well. Units-00 and -01 weren't exactly tested for winter conditions, though you're pretty sure Unit-02 may have seen some winter weather at some point. The JSSDF is a different story, however. They're restricted to ground forces, as the ongoing squall has been deemed unsafe for aerial operations. The artillery batteries on the hills surrounding the city are manned, but they're probably only going to be a last resort, as the city is barely visible through the snow.

If the Angel is concerned about being suddenly surrounded by three armed skyscraper-sized cyborgs, it doesn't show it. It continues its ambling path towards the center without acknowledging its new opponents. Asuka takes a cautious step towards it. An alarm starts going off.

One of the shelters in the city's northwest is not retracting. The cold has caused the mechanism to malfunction. Ritsuko has some of her team attempt to use Magi to make it happen, but short of dropping the shelter into the artificial lake below by releasing all of the restraints holding in place, it seems that the shelter will have to remain aboveground in harm's way. You ask how many people are in that shelter. Aoba hesitates to give the answer, but you insist. He says it's just south of three thousand people. You swear under your breath and ask that the environs of that shelter be put up on the monitor. The lone skyscraper towers over the district, its faint gray outline fading in and out of existence as snow and ice whip past the camera.

It's time to act.

[ ] Instructions for Rei (write-in)
[ ] Instructions for Shinji (write-in)
[ ] Instructions for Asuka (write-in)
[ ] Instructions for the JSSDF (write-in)
Brainstorming time.

First question, is there anything our artillery and giant combat robots can do for the people in the shelter? Aside from "put them out of their misery and into everyone else's"...
Good news is, the Angel came from the southwest and the shelter is in the northwest. Bad news, if the Angel is intelligent enough to make a hostage play, the Evangelions would have to move fast to intercept it.

The Angel's tears are painfully cryogenic and materially weird. We know we don't want to get them on the Evangelions. I would be willing to bet that its blood is also dangerous...the blood coming from its self-inflicted stigmata, if nothing else. And that's about all we got.

If we can't figure out some way to help the shelter, we should probably start by shooting it with the crossbow, yeah? Keep a safe distance, conserve rifle ammunition, see what we're dealing with.
[X] Instructions for Rei: Shoot the Angel so we can observe its response.
No time tonight to think too hard about a plan, but here's some potential options:

1) Place Asuka between the Angel and the shelter. Advantage: directly protects the shelter. Disadvantage: might let the Angel know we want to protect it.

2) Probing shots. Artillery, Unit 00 or Unit 01 can engage at range. Advantage: Low risk, possibly reveals the Angel's ranged attack (or lack thereof). Disadvantage: not likely to do much damage. Might also focus the Angel's attention on the shooter, which is both good and bad.

3) Enfilade fire (have Unit 00 and Unit 01 engage simultaneously from the Angel's flanks). Advantage: Good ol' alpha strike. Never goes wrong. Ignore the times it's gone wrong in this very quest. Also surrounds the Angel, which I think is the position we're already in. Disadvantage: Units won't be able to support one another.

4) Just Fucking Go For It (charge Unit 02 in, shoot with Units 00 and 01, let the artillery do its thing). Advantage: AGGRESSION. Disadvantage: AGGRESSION.

5) Ask the artillery to time-on-target for when we might take an AT Field down. Advantage: More damage. Disadvantage: Not likely to work.

These aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. They're not proposed plans, either - I'm spitballing. I'll try to come out with an actual plan sometime tomorrow.
We probably got lucky here that only one shelter malfunctioned, but even then I don't think we should worry too much about it.

These shelters are capable of fully raising and lowering themselves from scraping the heavens, to the top of the roof of the Geofront. That has to take a lot of moving parts placed inside the Geofront's shell to perform that kind of engineering miracle . Which means each shelter probably has a significant basement underground. There should already be plans to cram everyone to the lower levels in case of malfunctions such as this. Frankly, I'm more worried about losing power in the shelters and the people inside risking freezing to death.

Ritsuko has some of her team attempt to use Magi to make it happen, but short of dropping the shelter into the artificial lake below by releasing all of the restraints holding in place, it seems that the shelter will have to remain aboveground in harm's way

This seems like a way to create an Angel sized hole into the Geofront. For the love of all that is holy, please tell me this can only be done from a command from inside the command room?
The JSSDF is a different story, however. They're restricted to ground forces, as the ongoing squall has been deemed unsafe for aerial operations.
Ground forces includes tanks right? I think having Rei and the JSSDF armor take probing shots is probably the best option. There might also be some value to having Shinji charge up a shot, but having Asuka close to melee range is a terrible idea.

Given that we're in the middle of Tokyo-3, the artillery missing means it'll cause collateral damage, so we should be cautious in using that in the middle of the snowstorm.

How close exactly is the Angel to the shelter? Could we send the JSSDF to evacuate or fix the shelter?
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Advantage: AGGRESSION. Disadvantage: AGGRESSION.
Now, this is someone who understands AGGRESSION.

How close exactly is the Angel to the shelter? Could we send the JSSDF to evacuate or fix the shelter?
Hm, good thought. Not sure whether they'd have enough engineers in the field to fix it, though, or where they'd evacuate a few thousand people in the middle of a blizzard, with a giant snow Angel attacking.
Those eyes leaking cryogenic fluid bring to mind those lizards that shoot blood out of their eyes. Should the Angel get closer, the pilots had best be prepared for ranged attacks.

I wouldn't rely on the JSSDF to fix the shelter. No one in this country was prepared for snow, it would probably be an extremely difficult thing to ask of them by ground transport alone.
One of the shelters in the city's northwest is not retracting
We can't have it too easy, can we?
Bad news, if the Angel is intelligent enough to make a hostage play, the Evangelions would have to move fast to intercept it.
I don't think this will be a problem. For it, this is one of the many boxes (i.e. buildings) in the city, nothing special.
I wouldn't rely on the JSSDF to fix the shelter. No one in this country was prepared for snow, it would probably be an extremely difficult thing to ask of them by ground transport alone.
This is the issue with JSSDF. Also, in this shit (I mean "snow") storm, their accuracy will be very low.

For now, probing shots are a good option. The pointy legs suggest need for balance. Maybe we should cripple one of them, so it has to use one of the arms as a crutch.
How much Evas speed/mobility is reduced in the snow? Do they have any non-visual aiming modes, to countermeasure the opacity of the snow?

Also, perhaps I am paranoid here, but both Asuka and Misato had momentary brain freeze (not sorry) after looking at the Angel. Should we be ready for another mind-screw?
Now, this is someone who understands AGGRESSION.

I've played a lot of Armoured Core VI this week, and right now my response to "big monster" is "fly close, launch missiles, charge it in the back with a laser sword". Live fast, die hard, leave a trail of radioactive wreckage - those are words to explode by :V

Also, perhaps I am paranoid here, but both Asuka and Misato had momentary brain freeze (not sorry) after looking at the Angel. Should we be ready for another mind-screw?

I think either way we're getting to the point where we should start working on actual countermeasures to Angels trying mind-fuckery.

Actual thinking time:
[X] Instructions for Rei: Ensure there's not going to be any collateral fire on the stuck shelter. Shoot the Angel so we can observe its response. Distribute shots around the body.
[X] Instructions for Shinji: Make sure the stuck shelter isn't behind the Angel from his firing angle.
[X] Instructions for Asuka: Be ready to intercept the Angel in melee; if she's not already in an optimal intercept position, find one and put her in it.

Not my best work, but covers a few of the bases - though I am quite firm on GreatWyrmGold's idea of probing shot(s), that's hopefully going to get us a more solid idea of what the Angel can do.
Well here is my idea.

Operation Winter Lance
[X] Instructions for Rei: take position adjacent to Shinji, but close enough to the Angel for visual sight, AT-Field up, take measured shots at its legs, be prepared to move rapidly.
[X] Instructions for Shinji: establish an adequate distance, charge and take a probing shot at the one of the Angels legs, be prepared to reposition rapidly.
[X] Instructions for Asuka: attempt to keep out of the Angels sight and reposition, either behind it or in a probable blind spot.
[X] Instructions for the JSSDF: assemble a convoy (volunteers or otherwise) and move to evacuate the the compromised shelter, all other JSSDF units are to remain on standby pending developments.

So for clarification of my plan, I am classifying Rei as a shield, protecting Shinji, who in turn is sword (naturally with the MK-20) he is the damage dealer here, Asuka is shadow, to position herself into a point where she can do critical damage, also having visual range of the Angel (that can be communicated to the others) will ideally lessen any interference the weather will have with our ranged units.

Also given what we know of the Angel, of which I mean its tears, which freeze on contact with the same temperature of liquid helium I don't want to send her in on a full frontal charge (or have any of our units anywhere near it for that matter) all it would take is one mistake or failed roll and she is potentially down and out.

So my idea here is to draw attention to Rei and Shinji, they will move out of range if and when it advances and keep the Angels attention to the point that Asuka can ideally come up from behind or its blind spot and do some damage (major or otherwise) before moving out of its range to have Rei and Shinji reengage to draw its attention back towards them and repeat, essentially kiting (for those familiar with the term) or at least that is the idea.

Or as a fallback plan have Asuka prioritize cutting through enough of the Angels AT-field that the JSSDF artillery's batteries can be used, naturally given the weather this will involve saturation bombing, so not a idea that I like, but something that we can still fall back on if we need to.
Also, perhaps I am paranoid here, but both Asuka and Misato had momentary brain freeze (not sorry) after looking at the Angel. Should we be ready for another mind-screw?
It's a nice idea. I dunno how to do it. Therapy, maybe?

I've played a lot of Armoured Core VI this week, and right now my response to "big monster" is "fly close, launch missiles, charge it in the back with a laser sword". Live fast, die hard, leave a trail of radioactive wreckage - those are words to explode by :V
Yeah, but these giant robots can't keep reloading checkpoints until they get good. Maybe we should use different tactics in this game.

I think either way we're getting to the point where we should start working on actual countermeasures to Angels trying mind-fuckery.
(nods sagely) Mind abstinence.

[X] Instructions for Rei: Ensure there's not going to be any collateral fire on the stuck shelter. Shoot the Angel so we can observe its response. Distribute shots around the body.
[X] Instructions for Shinji: Make sure the stuck shelter isn't behind the Angel from his firing angle.
[X] Instructions for Asuka: Be ready to intercept the Angel in melee; if she's not already in an optimal intercept position, find one and put her in it.
It's a nice idea. I dunno how to do it. Therapy, maybe?
Didn't we try this already, but Gendo shot the idea down (because of security)?
Unfortunately, I don't know how to deal with this, except asking Ritsuko for installing some psionic dampeners into A-10 connectors.

Operation Winter Lance
[X] Instructions for Rei: take position adjacent to Shinji, but close enough to the Angel for visual sight, AT-Field up, take measured shots at its legs, be prepared to move rapidly.
[X] Instructions for Shinji: establish an adequate distance, charge and take a probing shot at the one of the Angels legs, be prepared to reposition rapidly.
[X] Instructions for Asuka: attempt to keep out of the Angels sight and reposition, either behind it or in a probable blind spot.
[X] Instructions for the JSSDF: assemble a convoy (volunteers or otherwise) and move to evacuate the the compromised shelter, all other JSSDF units are to remain on standby pending developments.

I do not have great ides myself now, but I don't think JSSDF will be useful in the actual combat, so we may use them to remove one factor (while focusing Evas on the angel). I assume they do have some transport vehicles usable in a difficult terrain.
[X] Instructions for Rei: Ensure there's not going to be any collateral fire on the stuck shelter. Shoot the Angel so we can observe its response. Distribute shots around the body.
[X] Instructions for Shinji: Make sure the stuck shelter isn't behind the Angel from his firing angle.
[X] Instructions for Asuka: Be ready to intercept the Angel in melee; if she's not already in an optimal intercept position, find one and put her in it.
For the love of all that is holy, please tell me this can only be done from a command from inside the command room?
It can be done with Magi access, but in most circumstances that is going to be from the command center, yes. The previous Angel, if you recall, attempted to use its ersatz Magi to drop its ersatz shelters when discovered.

Why does NERV have this feature? Well, what if you needed to do that for some reason? No, I don't know what circumstances would compel that but it's good to be prepared, isn't it?

For the record, the public does not know about this mechanism.

Ground forces includes tanks right?
Yes. I'll say the tanks aren't greatly impaired by the weather, though obviously have to be careful not to get stuck on snowdrifts or crash or something dumb like that.

How close exactly is the Angel to the shelter?
It's about the width of the city away from it and isn't moving terribly fast right now. It is not currently moving towards it.

Could we send the JSSDF to evacuate or fix the shelter?
Fix, no. The weather is bad, they don't have enough engineers, the mechanism is complicated and probably has custom parts, and there's absolutely no way your superiors are going to let the JSSDF fuck around with systems inside NERV.

Evacuate, sure. You can try it if you'd like. Bear in mind you'd have to come up with a place for them to go, a means to quickly move a lot of people, and also consider the fact that most of them are not dressed or equipped for this kind of weather.

I'll allow an evacuation attempt if you want to though.

How much Evas speed/mobility is reduced in the snow? Do they have any non-visual aiming modes, to countermeasure the opacity of the snow?
The Evangelions' mobility is mostly uncompromised by the snow on the ground. As for visibility, thermal imaging is probably not going to help you much as the particles are going to scatter IR radiation pretty severely, plus the Angel's body doesn't really give off much heat/radiation anyway. You might be able to use Magi to help assist aim if there's good confirmation on its location.

I don't suppose we can use an AT field to try and counter the Angel's freezing effects?
Not going to rule on an outcome but you can include this if you want.
Why does NERV have this feature? Well, what if you needed to do that for some reason? No, I don't know what circumstances would compel that but it's good to be prepared, isn't it?
What if NERV was faced with circumstances which require happy and mentally-stable pilots to handle?

As for visibility, thermal imaging is probably not going to help you much as the particles are going to scatter IR radiation pretty severely, plus the Angel's body doesn't really give off much heat/radiation anyway. You might be able to use Magi to help assist aim if there's good confirmation on its location.
Considering how cold the Angel is, it's theoretically possible that we could track it as the object emitting the least thermal radiation. Unfortunately, there's snow blowing everywhere, and it's hot enough to baffle efforts to do that.