I have a number of thoughts:
One, Eve I cannot believe you suck at fighting games! Then again you have no body. Maybe that's why. Maybe start playing Strategy games then you reflect less gremlin?

Young Leizi really is hot. Older Leizi still is but she wields it Les proactively? Hrrrm. It's like the sexy got traded in for Awesome.

This vaguely makes me feel better about Nova but only vaguely. Leizi had a point. And one I suspect is very important to note:Nova has Empathy problems in a big way, and burning bridges with what amounts to the next gen of your team JUST to throw Rosemary under the bus? Yeah, you're playing that horribly.

…Guardian Wave Scarlet. Huh. Makes me wonder if I should have paid closer attention to the rest of the names.

Rakeem, well, your dad went to the Army, but sheesh! America is land of guns, Rosemary is clearly not that armored, and in general you're doing badly with adapting tactics to powers…
Hey, Balatro's really addictive, huh?

Anyway, my current plan is to write the end of this Fill-In issue all at once, but release it in two parts for pacing. So it will be four parts with a longish third part and a shorter* fourth part that will be released shortly after.

*he said, tempting fate
Hey, look, it gives us time to rack up the Omakes so we can get some good point stockpiles to prevent catastrophic rolls.

Speaking of people who have the ability to prevent catastrophic rolls... with Wolong leading, does that mean that we get his ability on every mission, or will he only save it for New Dawn Missions and the one free summon a turn?
Hey, look, it gives us time to rack up the Omakes so we can get some good point stockpiles to prevent catastrophic rolls.

Speaking of people who have the ability to prevent catastrophic rolls... with Wolong leading, does that mean that we get his ability on every mission, or will he only save it for New Dawn Missions and the one free summon a turn?
You have to choose to specifically bring him, though you can on every mission. Every mission is going to be limited to "five JU members and one ND plus optional Wolong" for plot reasons. However, bringing Wolong will have Consequences as he'll be with you and not tending to the Other Things.
Alright, good to know.

With that in mind...

Train Kept a Rollin' (AP 2, HIT 6, REPUTATION 8, OPERATIONS 9) The R-Train is the main reason goldnine hasn't proliferated unchecked throughout the world. It is also the reason most Behemoths will never get anywhere near Horizon. It is automatic, unfeeling, and uncompromising. It has enough firepower to level nations and the ability to continue on indefinitely. And Nora believed you could talk to it. She better be right. Black Swan's extreme sensitivity to psychic fields should allow you to reason with it. Or, if you'd prefer to do it personally, Nora claimed there was equipment in her lab that could let you do so.
Lady Leizi: The R-Train is unrelenting, unfeeling, and provides a vital service to Horizon and the world writ-large. It's also the single-greatest metahuman-created construct ever created. Popular belief is that it was made by an Algernon-type who used their power unceasingly for a month straight until they hit the Rebound. That person was the "Trackmaster". Anyone experimenting with goldnine will inevitably come into conflict with the R-Train. Better, perhaps, if it is on our side.
(Unlocks Mission Tracking the Trackmaster, Eventual chance of establishing permanent supply of goldnine, eventual chance of alliance with R-Train, Chance of Encountering a Named-Rank Behemoth, Frigg of Drifting Mistletoe)

We've already stated we're doing this next turn. 5 People, 1 ND, Wolong Optional.

My call would be:

-Black Swan
-Valiant Gold
-Doctor Silver
-Menagerie Witch
-Belle Sabreuse
-Gentleman James

Given that psychic sensitivity allows for communication, our two with the connection are the first bet, especially given their sky-high Rep scores. Silver's there for tech support, given he's an engineer, and can explain some of the scientific talk with Ellie. Plus, if we gotta take down a Named Behemoth, we need our two big blasters and our defense guy.

Menagerie Witch is there for Espionage/Operations supplementation, and Belle gets in over Handyman both because he has a bit of Named Behemoth trauma and she has a better Operations score. Gentleman James gets in to help with the Reputation side of things.

Wolong support isn't necessary, but I would want Chihiro on call for the Rep rerolls. If talking to the R-Train counts as "public relations".
You have to choose to specifically bring him, though you can on every mission. Every mission is going to be limited to "five JU members and one ND plus optional Wolong" for plot reasons. However, bringing Wolong will have Consequences as he'll be with you and not tending to the Other Things.
Are the Clusterfucks of MG, RC and DF included there or can we bring everyone we need for thsoe missions?