I have an idea for teleportation. What if instead of hoping for the [Teleportation] keyword to appear in a character's abilities, we use it as a component in a synergy? For example, maybe we could create [Portals]? I assume this synergy will require [Construct Creation] and perhaps [Ally Empowerment] or [Fundamental Force Manipulation].
Now that I think about it, Monarch could probably keep up with Scarlet Maturity through a combination of banishing portals to keep him away and making him hit himself via summoning portals where he punches and having it come out to hit himself in the head.
Known Power Boosters:

his superpower lets him loan metahumans power, when he dies someone* he loaned power to dies in his place and their power is returned to him with intrest. Fast (instant~months, since Quatre Saisons were empowered between the Movement and Issue 2) but high risk. Limits unknown (does SM get weaker the more power he loans out? Does he have a cap on how many outstanding loans he can issue? *Is the person killed the most recent loan recipient or is there some more complex selection mechanism that happened to pick the most recent borrower when Mona killed him?

give a baseline human metahuman powers based on a DNA sample from 1 or more dead metahumans. Fast, reproducible, expensive, reliant on limited** resources, expertise and high tech infrastructure.
Potentially dangerous (if two people get the same sample ontological resonance will kill them both. Not currently a problem, but if multiple groups had access to overlapping sample selectuons without sharing records it could come up.) **Goldnine is renewable in theory but dangerous and difficult to access. Metahuman corpses are sharply limited, and while JU isn't likely to use up a whole body even if we put Multiplex in every hero we make for the rest of the quest, it is a problem you would have to consider if you were working on larger scale distribution.

Ellie channeling Nora said it'd be possible, but would be slow and ineffecient. Ruinously expensive, dependant on expertise and high tech infrastructure. Possibly dangerous: sonething caused the Movement. Maybe it was the giant straw sucking up the Leviathan's psychic juices***. Maybe Nora jiggled the straw during her own research.
***speculative, mostly based on the thought that it would be on brand for Crusade's other big acusation against JU to also be something they (or one of their component factions) did.

Petit Prince's powers are a lot faster than when he first went in to wonderland. Crusade clained other former inmates have displayed similarly increased power (but they also claimed Chatelet is more powerful now, and we know thats increased confidence and a better team dynamic). The Horae guard prioritized captureing Princess at the memorial. Speed, limits, efficacy unkown.

History books are gonna talk about this period as the dawn of an age of psychic discovery and invention, if civilization survives long enough.
She's a 13-equivalent and extremely skilled. I wouldn't put it past her.
You can be as skilled as you want to be with portals but that won't save you from someone who punches and moves at mach speeds since they'll be on top of you before you can make a portal. There's the question of stamina too, and Monarch will tire out long before SM would even if she could keep up with him.
She was put in a GU jar that is wonderland.
Part of Monarch's backstory is that she didn't actually do anything to deserve being sent to Wonderland. Her powers weren't even dangerous originally, it just made her really hard to contain.
Yes, but remember, the other part of it is she came out of wonderland worse that's what Gu is
Yeh Gu is about putting power/poison trapped in same place with the interactions creating a more powerful poison through conflict.

Wonderland is actually pretty mild in that a real gu would only have 1 survivor.

At the cery least I can see monarch just dousing SM woth G9 or throuwing hom above it.
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Side note, LPP's power set is basically that he's a literal Dark Empath, and I wonder if that was intentional on Bitterman's part. (Because TikTok pop psychology always deserves to get dunked on)
Side note, LPP's power set is basically that he's a literal Dark Empath, and I wonder if that was intentional on Bitterman's part. (Because TikTok pop psychology always deserves to get dunked on)
I don't even know that means!

But you're total right! (everyone play Mouthwashing. Don't look up anything about it, accept the context of where this statement is and check it out!)
But you're total right! (everyone play Mouthwashing. Don't look up anything about it, accept the context of where this statement is and check it out!) Now, what if I wrote in the Pony Express gang into an omake taking place in this quest
oh hi Mouthwashing, what you doing here

Now, what if I wrote in the Pony Express gang into an omake taking place in this quest, just for fun, no other reasons :)
You know, with the Demon Flamez coming up I REALLY wish we had Yazmin as our lead not just so she could put out fires but also because she'd probably have a better bonus to the "Your daughter wouldn't want this" roll we're going to have to make for John.
@Bitterman when the time comes where we form teams, and let's say it's five per as you've stated before, would Global stats no longer be in effect to them since they're not the entire JU roster, or will it still apply per full team?
Hmm Remembering How Bitterman noted how everyone would start asking questions once we get a large anount of Strong Heroes. Since thats gonna happen even if we dont focus on A and Class Recruits.

Thats probably when wed have no choice but to reveal Prometheus Granted High Rep and Espionage can probably let us deflect and hide whats really happening.

At the very lead only revealing the Project to trsuted allies like wulong might be needed. To get help forstall questioning.

Still sooner or later well prbably need to reveal the truth though hopefully by that time wed have enough Power to Defend the project.

Its teally a question if Crusade will attack before we need to Rescue Moon River or that will be the Cage Match of them trying to get rid of us for Snooping aroubd tye ladder and get our secrets.
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Wolong already knows about Prometheus.
Telling him about it is what gave him hope that there is a brighter future on the horizon.
And convinced him to subordinate New Dawn to JU.
It is the rest of ND that are unaware.

Also, JU expansion can be handled by actively recruiting Non-Prometheans like Belle in our ranks who do not need any sort of cover story to muddy the waters + Creating B and even C listers rather than only going for A and S Class Metas.
Plus Candidates young enough that they could theoretically have just awakened their powers, like Yara.
Meaning <20 Years Old.

Hilariously Cain's Infamy means that we could give him Powers and as long as they do not cause any physical alterations, everyone will easily believe that he was a Meta all along
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Notably I do think the cover talk has made me firm in the belief that one of our main P13 characters needs to be a Red Huntress build. Specifically because Harper was listed as C to S in terms of ranges and per Ibis how she scaled/to what extent was largely unknown. If we want a build around power that seems very good at hiding itself and sandbagging how strong it looks, it seems hard to do better.

Maybe some of the mental powers/invis focused ones or certain synergies can be downplayed but that probably involves more in depth figuring things out. I think most of the 7+ crew is hard to really downplay just off how their powers work, barring maybe Lightstep at least.

Thinking on it, stuff like ABO could maybe be downplayed just due to how it works while providing easier cover? If we're right on Daggermaw/Hunch being Spidey Senses then it should be fairly easy to downplay that part of a powerset.
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There's definitely potential for some sort of scaling power build, especially if they can also have some sort of counter adaptation ability based on their opponent. My preference would be to combine it with some sort of rapid regeneration. I floated Deadman/Red Huntress before, maybe add in more transformation focused powers (Multiplex) to direct towards making some sort of adaptive power?
Still working that out! We have a few months before it becomes a concern.
I want to imagine that this second team would have their personal HIT score, their REPUTATION and OPERATION scores would be personal of the team too, plus the amount of other members of JU divided by 2 maybe. ESPIONAGE would be a personal score for the team with a modifier thanks to LL, as long as she is the leader of JU/alive.

Also, it would be dope that this second team had a "Black Swan Event" emergency button, if she is not in the team, in order to get her assistance. The Nuclear Option, in short.
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