BTW QM considering Ellie had a Bonus ability would the Submitted Candidates have them too?

I'm kinda curios what Bonus Soraia will give considering how focus she is on the community.
Felt like looking over the mission board again considering we're gonna be forming up teams soon (assuming of course there ain't gonna be significant casualties in Hero Worship)

Making the Rounds (AP 1, HIT 2, REPUTATION 3): The Worker's Mitt is a series of "blue-collar" neighborhoods in Horizon, and the former territory of Justice Unlimited. The strife there is not as bad as in other parts of the city—perfect for a rookie hero on her first patrol. Go show the flag and remind everyone Justice Unlimited is still here.
Lady Leizi: Reports are limited, but there's been some rumors of two Silver Rank Behemoths being sighted in the area. It's nothing our current Justice Unlimited can't handle, and it isn't immediately pressing. However, the bounties would be nice for our coffers as well as being seen taking appropriately heroic actions. Rumors also abound of local vigilante metahumans protecting the area. It might be good to make contact with some.
(Chance of permanent global +1 to REPUTATION, Income +1500, Random event off the events table)
You know, reading this again, I forgot there are vigilante metahumans around. Don't know if Bitterman plans to have them be ripe for recruitment or something else, but I am a bit interested in meeting them should we take this mission.

Pest Control (AP 1, HIT 3, REPUTATION 2): Odd monsters called Behemoths live in the QZ. It's a fact of life in Horizon, but, since the Leviathan stirred, they've been more active than normal. A few have even tried to get into the city proper, which would be very bad. A general call has gone out to anyone willing to help thin their numbers near the border. It might be good training for a newly-revived Justice Unlimited.
Lady Leizi: Again, routine work for us and we will never complain about filling our coffers. More interesting is the potential to scout the QZ for possible routes to retrieve goldnine, as well as the possibility of making contact with the vanguard of the R-Train. It may help us establish a foothold for further contact.
(Income +2000, Chance of +1 to HIT, Intel about current state of QZ, Encounter with Gold-Rank Behemoth, Chance of Encounter with R-Train)
Assuming we're taking this one next Issue, we should probably expect to see this combined with Train Kept a Rollin'. Meaning aside from R-Train negotiations, we're not just gonna be dealing with Gold-Rank Behemoths, but also
(Unlocks Mission Tracking the Trackmaster, Eventual chance of establishing permanent supply of goldnine, eventual chance of alliance with R-Train, Chance of Encountering a Named-Rank Behemoth, Frigg of Drifting Mistletoe)
A Named Behemoth as well, of which iirc is the same one that killed Heavenly Astrologian and snatched Uiara down into goldnine. Of the teams, we'd wanna bring both Mona and Ellie together in this one. Perhaps Doctor Silver as well. Additional support would probably be.....Opale and either Maddie or Lady Leizi. Assuming we're bringing New Dawn, I'd say either Miss Naught or Dreamcatcher depending on his HIT. I don't know if we have to specify bringing Wolong himself considering his Insight description implies its present in every ND mission.

Meet the Rookies (AP 1, REPTATION 4, ESPIONAGE 6. OPERATIONS 5): The public needs to meet the newest members of Justice Unlimited. Surely, a carefully vetted interview will be a harmless way to introduce Black Swan, Menagerie Witch, Handyman, and Châtelet, as well as yourself? What could possibly go wrong?
Lady Leizi: Takanashi Chihiro was Nora's old roommate in college and a current anchor on the Ọsanyìn Centralized News. She is also a fiend for hero culture. She has been salivating at the chance of an exclusive interview with the new interaction of Justice Unlimited. Doing her this favor would put her in our debt, and perhaps let us poach her from OCN.
Following the advent of Crusade, she has been messaging me nearly daily. She's been begging me to let her "strike back". It seems she too feels enraged at the attack on a dead woman's reputation.
I don't have much to say now that this is finished. I just wanna comment about a small detail; when Leizi mentioned she's a "fiend for hero culture", back then I thought it just mean she's a fiend in a journalistic sense, and not actual superfan of heroes in general.

Smoke on the Water (AP 1, ESPIONAGE 4, OPERATIONS 4): The Demon Flamez were a gang of metahumans notable for their lack of concern for collateral damage and their fire-based powers. They were inmates of Wonderland until recently, and word is they've made moves to secure their former territory in the Old Industrial District. Which makes it all the odder that you've received a private communication from one of their members asking for a clandestine meeting.
Lady Leizi: We can thank our renewed control of the Worker's Mitt for the tip I received on the Demon Flamez. Certain elements of the OID are desperate to renew their contract with Justice Unlimited. With Powers keeping a low profile, any chance the Demon Flamez had of being legitimized has gone up in smoke. This has driven their leader, Phlogiston, to abandon the pretense of civility and to rule the OID as his personal fiefdom. Unfortunately, this has attracted the attention of another would-be-monarch: Le Petit Prince.
In the middle of this is Sparksurfer telling every one of my informants that he wants to get himself and his sister, Jorōgumo, out and needs our help.

(Unlocks mission Fire in the Sky, Intel on Le Petit Prince, Chance of new metahuman DNA, +1 to control of OID, Chance of eventually recruiting Sparksurfer and Jorōgumo) [2 Turns Until Expiration]
You know, while I was reading this, my mind started going places like "what if Natasha personally knows either Sparksurfer or Jorōgumo or both and is actually dating one of them secretly, which would make interaction a bit more spicier with Doctor Silver" and then I realized how stupid that is considering they were Wonderland inmates. Anyways, reading this description again made me realize that had we not gone Le Quatro Saison mission, this mission would've been more Power-related and Phologiston would've had perfect justification to send his dudes at us under the veil of heroism. Might've involved more checks other than HIT too.

Definitely bringing Mengarie Witch and Doctor Silver in this. I'd suggest Valiant Gold and Lady Leizi. I'm also saying no to Mona in this one. For potential New Dawn, I'm bringing forward Pallisade.

He's Got a Gun! (AP 2, HIT 7, OPERATIONS 10)
There is currently a high-speed chase ongoing as QUICK GORILLA has gone rogue. He's broken into the Dominion medical research facility where he was born and absconded with two "research subjects" who are also orangutans. Apparently they are quite valuable as Dominion has put out an "all-takers" assignment on Hero for Hire to capture QUICK GORILLA and return the subjects. And, yes, it appears QUICK GORILLA does indeed have a gun. One he knows how to use.
(Chance of alliance with QUICK GORILLA, Chance to expand Madeline's menagerie, Chance of +3000 income, Chance of +2 global REPUTATION) [Requirement: Menagerie Witch must be present on this mission].
Considering it's Dominion pitching this one, we should probably forget about that +3000 income unless QUICK GORILLA robbed a bank or something on the way. Aside from Menagerie Witch, I'd pitch Black Swan and Châtelet. Maaaaybe Valiant Gold if we really want that high OP. Maybe Handyman to fool the GORILLA. Doctor Silver perhaps for additional insurance. If we're bringing ND here, Wolong for that OP check and Gentlemen James for his chain linking powers.

Long Shadows of the Night (AP 2, HIT 5, ESPIONAGE 9, OPERATIONS 4)
Shroud is a serial killer with the ability to fuse with shadows and move along two-dimensional spaces. His preferred MO is to smother his victims and then arrange their bodies in "artful" poses, as if they were still alive. He's announced his next victim will be a member of the Kelso family, of Kelso-Allard Heavy Industries. The entire family has gone into hiding at their villa near the Marajó Várzea, and have hired a number of metahuman bodyguards. Including Crusade. Douglas Kelso, the second son of the family, attended college with Nora and married her other roommate, Sadie. Perhaps he can get you on scene to stop Shroud before he strikes again.
(Chance of metahuman DNA, Chance of intel about Monarch, Chance of weakening Monarch's position, Chance of Income +1000, Chance of eventually sponsorship form Kelso-Allard Heavy Industries) [Must be taken within 3 turns]
Once this mission comes around, I'm definitely interrogating what sort of shadow powers can we expect from Shroud and if he's been powered up as well. Can he pin people's shadows and paralyze them like Shikamaru in Naruto? Can he manipulate shadows and cut people up with them like Pride in FMA? Can those shadows be affected by how much light or darkness is in the area? Can his 2D shadow self be harmed physically by attack the surface that he's on? So many questions.

Definitely bringing Lady Leizi and Handyman in. Doctor Silver as well. Châtelet with her gravitational barriers. Menagerie Witch for additonal surveillance support. Definitely bring Pallisade here. If possible, I'd really like Arc here (that is, if she's willing). Narrative just calls for her to be here.

Grand Theft Person (AP 2, HIT 9, OPERATIONS 7)
Third Person is a psychic parasite without his own body. He jumps from host to host every time his current body dies, and he's capable of inhabiting regular people as well as metahumans. His name comes from his strange ability to see from a "third-person" perspective around his host. His lack of a permanent identity or body has rendered him the ultimate solipsist—he does not believe the rest of the world is real aside from himself and appears to think this is all one giant game being run for his amusement and the amusement of people with "Sufficient Velocity". He has announced a grand tournament where he will surrender peacefully if someone can outdo him at a number of extremely dangerous tasks and demonstrate that they are a "real sigma".
(Chance of metahuman DNA, Chance of intel about Monarch, Chance of weakening Monarch's position, Chance of Income +1000, +1 to control of the OID) [Must be taken within 3 turns]
Definitely not a Black Swan mission. Which means it's time for our other big-hitter, Valiant Gold, to take center stage in this. And if Crusade is joining in, we should probably expect our other "fellow Valiant" to be here as well. Probably bring Menagerie Witch and Châtelet here. And maaaaybe Handyman and/or Lady Leizi. For ND, any heroes here feels alright. Pallisade for defense and either Gentlemen James or Miss Naught. Even Dreamcatcher if his HIT gacha is lucky.

The Air in the Valley (AP 2, REPUTATION 8, OPERATIONS 6)
Abarimon is a "reverse speedster". He moves at regular speeds, but his body automatically releases a gas that slows down the perceptions of everyone else. He has no control over this power and no way of reversing it once it takes effect. Eventually, his victims all mutate into a reverse-footed creature that is reduced to bestial intelligence. Abarimon is the only person to go into Wonderland willingly, and now that it no longer exists he is moving as little as possible. But he keeps running out of food and having to relocate. Wolong has so far managed to evacuate the populations around him, but the situation is untenable.
(Chance of metahuman DNA, Chance of intel about Monarch, Chance of weakening Monarch's position, Chance of Income +1000, +1 to control of the OID, Encounter with Crusade)
So I'm gonna judge based on stat requirement since ngl I don't know what to do with this one just on description. I'm wondering if his gas affects things through respiration or skin-contact. Considering this is a high REP mission, I'm assuming we're trying to convince Abarimon to maybe relocate. Or maybe this is him going through his character arc of finally learning how to control his powers hence the OP. In any case, definitely bring Black Swan and Châtelet in. Doctor Silver and Valiant Gold maybe. I'd actually suggest Handyman here since I think we could be creative with his shapeshifitng for this mission in particular. Gentlemen James here feels right for ND.

A new trio of heroes calling themselves "Trilogy" have begun to combat Monarch's forces wherever they can. Normally, this would end in disaster, but they're apparently led by Marvelous Shine himself. Marvelous Shine was a metahuman in the early days of Horizon, who was a peer of Novalight and King in his time. He retired and went into reclusion following the Susurration, but now apparently has felt compelled to return after the Movement. He's contacted you saying he has definitive proof that Lethal Anodyne is dealing to Monarch and has requested your help cutting off her supply of stimulants and enhancements. Who are you to say no to a living legend? (Unlocks mission The Towers Two, Chance of intel about Monarch, Chance of weakening Monarch's position, Intel about Lethal Anodyne, Chance of alliance with Trilogy, Chance of eventually recruiting a high-tolerance candidate). [3 Turns Until Expiration].
Don't have much to comment here yet, but considering the ESP, this sounds like an infiltration mission. Which means Lady Leizi and Handyman is coming into the picture, with Mona as the bigstick and Doctor Silver as the sensor.

Wider than a Mile (AP 4, HIT 45, ESPIONAGE 36, REPUTATION 39, OPERATIONS 38)
Just realized we've once again surpassed the stat requirement for this one. Sure we don't have Yara and Homer yet, but man I just had a brief laugh.
Bitterman said it's the latter.
That's problematic in that case, we'll actually have to be conscious of our distance then.
Weren't teams implied to be at least semi permanent cores we can't move around easily?
I'm aware of that. I've mostly just been looking at the sheet to see who's good with what. It's also why most of the time I try to separate BS from VG; I see those two as potential cores of the team. When it comes to team synergy and who goes to which team tho, I'm afraid it's hard for me to comment myself. It is however a big reason why I've been hard-advocating for Song to be a frontliner, so that we have ground to cover.

Bros Night Out! (AP 0): "Bro" is a gender neutral term, Mendicant insists. It can apply to a woman, a clay-man, or a non-binary icon. What it does mean is that Mendicant and Châtelet can finally make friends their age! And Rhys is there too! (Chance of random reward off the rewards table)
You know, looking at this description now. I feel like this was the main hint to us that Rhys and Opale has good potential dynamic.
BTW QM considering Ellie had a Bonus ability would the Submitted Candidates have them too?

I'm kinda curios what Bonus Soraia will give considering how focus she is on the community.
Nah, let me add them. Originally, they were just special things for the first three candidates to get you in your feet.
A Named Behemoth as well, of which iirc is the same one that killed Heavenly Astrologian and snatched Uiara down into goldnine
That was Charybdis, the Maw That Moves. Frigg killed Chatroom.
I'm aware of that. I've mostly just been looking at the sheet to see who's good with what. It's also why most of the time I try to separate BS from VG; I see those two as potential cores of the team. When it comes to team synergy and who goes to which team tho, I'm afraid it's hard for me to comment myself. It is however a big reason why I've been hard-advocating for Song to be a frontliner, so that we have ground to cover.
Ah mea culpa read it differently. One big thing is the question of how much do we want to double on strengths (Leizi/Handyman/etc) vs try to make all rounder squads (Black Swan with someone covering Esp/Ops, etc), plus inherently questions of size and later additions (Jorogumo/Sparksurfer/Yara/Homer/etc)(Assuming ND would stay as a squad).

For example we probably need Leizi with Dr. Silver or Châtelet to give her a consistent defense source, if we make the Whitebeard build we likely want to pair it with Black Swan or Menagerie Witch for flying, and so on. The main "do not team together" is currently probably just Doctor Silver and Black Swan since the powers aren't super needed on her and stacking the psychic weakness is a bit unnecessary.

While Valiant Gold and Black Swan could be the core of two teams, there is also the argument that putting them together works very well because VG covers BS' weaknesses by far the best of our people barring maybe Menagerie Witch. This pair basically hard covers hit and rep, while VG does a lot to cover the Ops deficit and is psychic immune to deal with BS' overwhelming weakness to it.
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Leviathans Blood we have soooooo much stuff to do in the next few turns, dont we?
And we still have to see what the heck happened during "lunch"...
It'd probably be easier to integrate them culturally if we split them up, but we'd lose the benefits of their expirience working together.

@Bitterman Were the New Dawn remenants typically teamed up pre movement or were they mostly on seperate sub teams?