After a little bit of discussion on the discord, I've been looking at some potentially interesting Man o' War builds:

Starting off:
Man o' War (8) + Eastwood (2)
Total Potency: 7 (10)
Autonomous Creature Creation, Self-Enhancement, Invulnerability, Enhanced Strength, Construct Creation, Mental Manipulation

This is largely taking the base of Man o' War's power and adding onto it, with Eastwood's emotion draining allowing Man o' War's ACC to make stronger constructs, and potentially taking things in a direction similar to Nox, where specific emotions have an associated weapon or item that can be made more reliably than the random nature of the original power.

Man o' War (8) + Mister Hunch (1) + Multiplex (1)
Total Potency: 7 (10)
Autonomous Creature Creation, Self-Enhancement, Invulnerability, Enhanced Strength, Clairvoyance, Transformation

Multiplex is, I think, just a good fit for Man o' War in general, for either allowing his constructs to change shape or just expanding what can be made beyond weapons. In this case I'm using Hunch as a sort of scanner, reading weapons and items which the power can then replicate and give skill in using, making it potentially very good alongside or against Algernons.

And finally:
Man o' War (8) + Chatroom (4) + Multiplex (1)
Total Potency: 10 (13)
Autonomous Creature Creation, Self-Enhancement, Invulnerability, Enhanced Strength, Clairvoyance, Ally Empowerment, Transformation

So while this can definitely handle frontline work, this is more of a support focused build. Multiplex is used similarly to the previous build, allowing more variety in created objects, but this time Chatroom's power I'd letting them be shared with allies, with the mental aspect in particular granting the skill increase alongside the Construct. Essentially, granting allies the right tool for the current situation and the skill to use it.
We movin'.

"I can't believe you guys!" you say, outraged, "Zixuan, you made out with Marcos sloppy-style! We all heard it!"


"Oh, yeah!"

"Fucking nerd has moves, I'll give him that."

Rakeem says nothing, his expression conflicted.

Yazmin says nothing, her eyes still blazing.

"And we hung out with Cameron—"


"Whatever!" you shout, throwing all four arms up, "We know their first names! Are we seriously going to just ditch Marcos, Camdyn, Bidu, Gaspard, and Soldier X—she said she has no other name, shut the fuck up Eve!"

Also, check out the discord if you have time! Dear god, the build discussions channel is still going.
A lot of builds involving Teleportation seem to think swapping out Memoria for Xtreme is a good idea, which I think is good in you want a combat teleporter but not good if you want long-range stuff. After all, not only is Xtreme's power limited to line-of-sight, it also has a range of about a hundred meters.
The range limit is probably something that can be scaled with potency too.
The line-of-sight limitation would probably only be able to be circumvented with enhances sense though (on top of the increased potency). Do agree that a combat teleporter would be more useful though; long-range would really be most useful for escaping or reaching places that are conventionally blocked off, and that's only useful if it can take the whole team.
Clairvoyance would be better for converting line of sight into ranged teleportation because of its inherent distance element. Senses would be better for combat teleportation because they're detecting their immediate area
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